Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 81: Second Coming Front

The northern void, outside the Arrow field, was dark, no starlight, no gravel, and no human trace.

A moment later, a little light suddenly appeared, diffused at an amazing speed, spreading like a scorching sun in all directions, turning into a ray of light, quickly impacting and spreading, and quickly sketching like a luminous brush, covering all directions Within meters.

The dense light crisscrosses, and finally draws the outline of a formation method. The light strikes from the formation method, making the formation method from the plane to the three-dimensional, as if embedded in the void.

At the center of the formation method, there is a masterpiece of light, and a figure emerges as if out of nothing.

In the next breath, the light was restrained and quickly faded. Together with the light of the formation, it quickly disappeared, and eventually disappeared, leaving only that figure standing in the void.

That's Chen Zong!

After a war with Master Yizong, Yizongdao gave Chen Zong some pointers. Chen Zong came here again after more than ten days of retreat.

Northern Void ... Northern Front!

According to Master ’s suggestion, Chen Zong needs a lot of fighting and real life and death torture, instead of just fighting with his Master who has limited strength. Such a fight is just for pointing. The pointing is over. Only In the real tear of life and death, we can better ourselves.

There are a lot of places to be torn by life and death. The northern front is undoubtedly suitable, so Chen Zong came.

This is Chen Zong's second visit to the northern front.

For the first time, when Chen Zong came, he was at the level of imperial realm, only in the mild battle zone. Now, Chen Zong is Yuan Ming Realm or Yuan Ming Realm. , You can go to the middle of the war zone, as long as you do not encounter the supernatural powers, there is basically no danger.

Of course, even if he encounters a powerful supernatural power, Chen Zong will not die. The dead will only be supernatural powers, because there is a demon in his heart.

Chen Zong also remembers that when he was on the northern front, he killed a savage dragon barbarian prince Tianjiao, and was later possessed by the demon, killing a large number of savage barbarians, directly or indirectly, causing a lot of The mild recovery of the theater of war was a staggering record.

At that time, it seemed that the savages issued a slay order. The slain order directed at them represented the determination of the savages to kill themselves.

At that time, when he left, he was also chased and killed by a Yuanyuan Realm strongman.

However, the power of the demons is mainly concentrated in the northern front, and it can not be related to other places in the void at all. Therefore, after the death of Chen Zong from the northern front, the slay order will have no effect on Chen Zong.

After all, usually, Chen Zong either stays in the heart of heaven or roams around, there is no one fixed, do not know the whereabouts.

Now re-entering the northern front, if it is known by the demon barbarian, then the slay order will deliberately take effect.

But this time, Chen Zong was not afraid.

Unless, the barbarian mobilizes a powerful Dao Zun level strong man, or a powerful Dao Zun level in the human race secretly shot.

The probability is very low.

There is an essential gap between Taoist level and below.

As his body flashed, while thinking, Chen Zong turned into a sword light, and flew towards Arrow Starfield.

Today's speed is two times faster than when I first came to Arrow Field.

This time, Chen Zong will naturally not go to a mild theater. There is no challenge. A moderate theater is the right place to go. As for a serious theater, it is a theater of the level of magical powers. The dishes are no different.

It may be possible to protect or even kill the enemy by virtue of the power of the spirit and spirit, but it will lose the meaning of sharpening itself.

Compared to mild theaters, the number of moderate theaters is smaller. Chen Zong has studied the corresponding data. The first, the nineth, and the twenty-three theaters belong to the middle theaters. Dangerous war zone, as it is more dangerous, is because of the large number of demons, and because of the location, it is easier to get reinforcements.

Chen Zong went straight to No. 1 medium war zone without much hesitation and thinking.

The No. 1 medium theater, ranked No. 1, is also the most dangerous in the medium theater.


Moderate Battle Zone One.

A huge battlefield stood still in the air. Within the battlefield, the thirteen figures with powerful breath fluctuations belonged to different directions, forming a semicircular sitting.

These thirteen figures are the thirteen supernatural powers guarding the middle war zone No. 1.

"The reinforcements of the savage cubs will be here soon. What about our reinforcements?" A powerful vocal supernatural power shouted.

Reinforcement has always been a human issue.

After all, the demons belong to the fighting race and are born with great power. Once they reach adulthood, they can at least reach the level of warrior, that is, the level of the royal state of the human race. This is very amazing.

If you work harder, it is not very difficult to reach the level of the brave, that is, the level of the human underworld.

As for the general level of the level of magical powers, it is relatively difficult, but as long as you work hard and have certain talents, you can still achieve it.

Only to the general level equivalent to Dao Zun level, the monster barbarians began to encounter a huge bottleneck, or else they will not be contained by the human race in the three star domains of the northern front, after many years, they can no longer occupy Star field.

After all, high-end combat power is still very important. At a critical moment, it is the decisive combat power.

The barbarian side is not without high-end combat power, but the price to enter this void is not small.

However, the difficulty of the monsters below the rank of general is getting lower and lower, after all, one of the star domains has been completely occupied and continuously transformed by the monsters, which is suitable for the breeding of the monsters.

This has made it easier for the barbarians to get reinforcements, especially in recent years, the barbarians have significantly more reinforcements than in the past. The direct result is the fall of some war zones and the barbarians are completely occupied.

Now, in the first theater of war, a medium-scale battle has just erupted, and the two sides of the battle are naturally demons and human races.

As a result of the fighting, each side had its own injuries and injuries, which were almost evenly matched, so it came to an end.

However, the spies on the human side detected that the reinforcements of the barbarians were rushing in. Once the reinforcements arrived, the barbarians started a large-scale war directly. As a result, War Zone 1 was occupied and completely occupied by the demons.

Now, the thirteen supernatural generals in Station No. 1 have held an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures.



Where can I find reinforcements?

Other theaters are obviously impossible because there are enemies.

Well, only from the fort.

The barbarians have reinforcements, and of course, the Terrans also have reinforcements. For example, those who have lost the theater can be assigned to a certain theater to reinforce them.

"Our reinforcements have already departed and should arrive in the shortest time possible." As a supernatural power in the middle position is an old man, but the strongest in the first theater of war, with a combat power of up to three Level.

Of the other twelve magical powers, four are two-star power and eight are one-star power.

Taken together, it is undoubtedly a very strong combat force, but the same, the barbarian warriors in the first theater will not be weak, either in quantity or quality.

Just when the Thirteen Divine Generals held a meeting, a practitioner at the level of the Yuanming Realm knocked on the door.

"What's the matter?" The magical powers seemed unhappy.

It has already been explained, there is no major matter, do not disturb the meeting.

"Generals, there is a person who claims to be the true biography of the Heart of Heaven," said Yuan Mingjing immediately.

"Heart of the Heavenly Palace is here, it's here when it's here, why not." The divine power was even more unpleasant.

The Mind Heaven Palace is indeed very strong. It is the first holy place in the void, but its true transmission adds up to thousands. Although precious, it is not so high as to need to disturb their emergency meetings.

Make a big deal!

"What's the name of that true story?" One of the divine realms asked.

"Chen Zong." Yuan Mingjing replied with cold sweat, still uncomfortable under the inadvertent breath of the thirteen magical realms.

"Chen Zong!" Thirteen magical realms heard the name for a moment, and seemed familiar.

After all, although the northern front is located in the far north of the void, it is not isolated from the world, and important information from other places in the void will also come here and be known by them.

"The name is familiar, I seem to have heard it a while ago." A supernatural state rubbed his chin and thought about it, but recently there have been many wars, which left him wondering for a while.

"Heart of Heaven ... Chen Zong ... Yuan Ming Jing ..."

Those who can come to the mid-war zone, at least at the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, can hardly come here, even if they can.

Combining the three messages, the thirteen magical powers changed greatly.

"Third way!"

The exclamation sounded one after another.

If it ’s just the true transmission of Xinyi Tiangong, it ’s nothing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But if the third way of Xinyi Tiangong arrives, the meaning is completely different.

In particular, the strength of this third way is not weak. It is rumored that its combat power is at the top of the level of Yuanming Realm. Not long ago, it seemed to have resolved a huge crisis and saved a medium-sized world.

"All of you, we have reinforced and the reinforcements are already on the way. We will be here at full speed. So this meeting is temporarily over. Let us invite the third Taoist from the Temple of Heaven and Earth to see the third Taoist style. The old man with star power laughed.

"Since it's all here, let's meet."

"It's not both hands and legs, what's different," someone mumbled.

Anyway, the invitation was sent.

Third way!

That is the honor of Taoism, that is the Holy Land Taoism, and it talks about the status in the Holy Land, but it is higher than most eidolon elders, second only to Taoism.

Even outside of the Holy Land, they have an extraordinary status. At least, these divine realms cannot treat each other in the same manner as their elders treat their juniors, but look down on them.

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