Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 82: 1 person into the army (on)

Thirteen Divine Generals of the Terran War Fortress in Theater 1 met Chen Zong as expected.

As one of them said, two eyes, two ears, one nose, one mouth, one head, one body, two arms, two legs, it's that simple and normal.

Of course, as long as it is normal people look like this.

From the appearance alone, there is nothing unusual, but temperament can be felt.

Facing the thirteen divine realms, or even deliberately sending out some imposing divine realms, Chen Zong's look has not changed in the slightest. The clouds are light and gentle, as if he were facing thirteen practitioners of the same level. .

This indifference is enough for everyone to look up and truly look down, instead of treating Chen Zong as a junior who is lower than others.

This is both capable and qualified.

"The savage cubs' reinforcements will arrive soon. Once they arrive, they will launch an offensive. At that time, if our reinforcements have not arrived, the situation will be very unfavorable to us." The old man of magical powers headed by this said, All other magical powers know that they are talking to Chen Zong.

Because they look down on Chen Zong.

On the other hand, although Chen Zong is considered flat, what cannot be changed is that Chen Zong's cultivation is only a fact of the Yuan Ming Realm level. Once the reinforcements of the barbarians arrive and launch an offensive, the first theater will become very dangerous, even if it is human. The arrival of reinforcements is equally dangerous.

Here, it is more dangerous than other moderate theaters of war, and there is a possibility of death at any time.

Therefore, the magical powers meant that Chen Zong was allowed to go to other medium-sized theaters, not a very dangerous place such as theater one.

The third element of the Mind Heaven Palace has amazing talents and potential. At present, it has not really grown up, at least to the level of the magical powers, Yuan Ming Realm, is still too weak.

Of course, they didn't say it very directly, because they didn't know what Chen Zong's temperament was, and if they said it too directly, they would make the other party feel angry, so they would hate them, which is not a good thing.

Chen Zong naturally received the good intentions of the other party, but did not intend to leave, but said that he had a life-saving hole card, and that's all.

Since Chen Zong was unwilling to leave, of course, the magical powers could not force him to leave, and they did not worry too much. After all, Chen Zongnai was the third way of the heavenly palace of the mind, and definitely had a life-saving card.

However, the news of Chen Zong's arrival was also intentionally blocked.

Otherwise, if it is known by the savages, who knows if the savages will do anything extreme.

For one thing, Chen Zong was ordered to kill by the demon barbarian before.

Second, Chen Zong is the third element of the Tianyi Temple of Heaven. The potential is astonishing. If he grows up, he will be a character like a northern wolf, and how terrible the losses caused by the northern wolf to the barbarians have already been The savages see it as a thorn in their eyes, but they will try their best to kill it with every chance.

Chen Zong was assigned a room as a resting place.

The atmosphere in Battle Zone 1 was very killing, making people feel depressed, like an invisible sword suspended above their heads, which could fall at any time.

All the practitioners of the Terran War Fortress mobilized and patrolled around to prevent any invasion of the barbarians.

Like Chen Zong's mild war zone, the ethnic warriors in the medium war zone also exist as a team.

In the area of ​​the North and South Boundary Lines of Theater One, a black cloud appeared, like a dark cloud and a black torrent roaring against the dyke.

"Enemy attack!"

"A barbarian army is coming."

The Terran clan in charge of the patrol immediately changed their look and immediately summoned.

The arrival of the army of the monster barbarians means that the reinforcements of the barbarians have arrived, but the reinforcements of the human race have not yet arrived, and the situation is very unfavorable to the human race.

Thirteen supernatural powers look very ugly.

"What to do?" One of the gods asked.

The lack of Terran reinforcements is a deadly problem.

"Face up." The old man with magical powers headed by said without hesitation, looking decisively.

Even if it is in a weak position, even if the reinforcements have not arrived yet, they cannot retreat. As soon as they retreat, Theater 1 is directly occupied.

If you don't retreat, although there is a danger of death, it may also support some time for the reinforcements to arrive. As long as the human reinforcements arrive, they can better resist the invasion of the demons.

To this day, the reason why the Terrans can contain the demons in the northern front is because they have the determination and courage to fight hard.

Strong faith!


Human races have never feared death, as long as they die well.

Thirteen Divine Powers are headed by a team of troops assembled to start advancing forward, at least to resist the demon barbarian and to resist.

Chen Zong, also among the Terran Army, did not join any clan because there was no need for that.

From a distance, the super-knowledge makes Chen Zong feel a chaotic and fierce atmosphere, which continues to permeate, like a raging turbulent sweep, swallowing everything and destroying everything.

This momentum is trembling.

In the face of this overwhelming momentum, Chen Zong did not feel the slightest fear. On the contrary, he only felt that his blood was speeding up, his body was full of strength, and a war was intended to condense and burst out.

The sword was trembling slightly in the sheath, and it was about to come out of the sheath to kill the powerful enemy.

In his bones, Chen Zong has a militant factor.

Terran practitioners have also mobilized their strengths, operating every part of the body, releasing a wave of tyrannical breath, turning into an amazing wave, constantly rushing forward, and confronting the momentum of the demons.

However, in terms of quantity, the human race side is obviously not as good as the monster barbarian side who has been reinforced. The momentum of the confrontation has only been suppressed for three breaths and it has come back.


The army of the savages savagely killed, and the faces of each savage savage warrior were covered with gauntlets, and their eyes shot out a horrific cold, as if a brutal beast chosen by humans.


The demons are approaching, even if they are at a disadvantage, the human race cannot show weakness.


Suddenly, the cultivators of human races shot one after another, bursting into force and killing them directly.

Thirteen supernatural powers have also shot up against the barbarian war generals.

Fighting broke out and war started.

War will not start easily, whether it is a human race or a monster barbarian, because the damage of each war is very large.

However, not being turned on easily does not mean not being turned on.

As now, the barbarian reinforcements arrive first and are on the strong side. Naturally, they must seize this opportunity and immediately launch an attack to defeat and even destroy the human race, occupying the first theater of war completely, and then proceeding to other theaters to capture more. The war zone, in the end, completely occupied the Arrow field, and then advanced to other star fields.

Compared to the human race practitioners, the fighting methods of the monster barbarians are relatively straightforward, relying on their own natural strength and speed and the power of the totem.

Although not as diverse as the practitioners, it is undeniable that the lethality of the monsters is terrible, and they have an advantage in head-to-head confrontation.

As soon as he made contact, the human side directly resisted the first wave of charge of the demon barbarians.

Because the Terran teams are arranged into battle lines, a stronger power bursts out to resist the shock of the demon barbarians.

However, this resistance is not infinite, it will increase the consumption of power, can block once or twice and three times, it is difficult to block four times.


Even if it is dead, you have to kill a few more savages.

Having said that, the savages are not ants, and they can be killed casually. The savages' individual strengths are very terrible. They also master the desperate means of burning vitality. Even if they die, they often have to pull one back. , Very cruel and terrible.

Chen Zong has no clan, so there will not be a battle line to resist the charge of the barbarians. This wave of charges is the charge that the barbarians continue to accumulate momentum, and it is also the most aggressive wave of charge.

Rao is so, and still can't help Chen Zong.

Chen Zong isn't stupid. Although he is war-fighting, it doesn't mean losing his mind and resisting such an amazing charge. Although there is no team, he is more free and flexible.

The power of unloading was used by Chen Zong to the extreme. His physical performance, small range of movement, and the scourge of Jianguang led the first brutal charge of the barbarians to seem to crush Chen Zong. However, it did not really affect Chen Zong. Case.

Instead, taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Zong killed with a sword and killed several brave brave warriors.

In the high-level cultivation of Yuan Ming Realm, Chen Zong's conventional combat power reached ten-star level.

The ten-star combat power is already one of the strong.

Eleven-star combat power is not much. As for twelve-star combat power, it is very small. At least in a dangerous theater such as theater 1, there is only one human side and only one demon side. .

The two sides have fought many times, evenly matched, no one can help each other, of course, it is also because the two sides did not fight to the extreme, did not use the final hole card relationship.

Twelve-star combat power, too little too little, is very rare.

With a sword in his hand, Chen Zong wields his sword, killing the demon barbarians like a stubborn moon.

There are also monster barbarians constantly killing, trying to kill Chen Zong.

But unfortunately, Chen Zong's combat power is arrogant and his sword skills are amazing. As a result of the attack of the demon brave, he is beheaded and killed by Chen Zong, even if they form a siege, Chen Zong is not afraid of this. Surrounded.

On the contrary, dying under Chen Zongjian directly transformed into military merit, which resulted in Chen Zong's military merit increasing continuously.

Kill kill kill kill kill!

One sword in hand ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ invincible.

War has never been this way, without any mercy, and without hesitation, only killing is the enemy.

However, Chen Zong's killing soon encountered obstacles. A powerful demon brave stared at Chen Zong and rushed over.

The ten-star warrior brave brave immediately brought a lot of pressure to Chen Zong.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong burst into extreme combat power.

Lingwu Supreme!

My heart is burning!


Under the extreme combat power, Chen Zong directly surpassed the ten-star level and soared to the level of the eleven-star level, which made the savage brave man with the top ten-star combat power startle.

However, it was too late for him to react. The sword light was gorgeous and dazzling, as if it had penetrated everything, and he directly killed.


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