Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 85: Beheading (on)

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When one person joins the army and resists thousands, the demon barbarians retreat in horror, like a myth.

You know, Chen Zong is only at the level of Yuan Ming Realm, which is equivalent to the brave level of the demon barbarians. It sounds too incredible.

"This is the reason for the retreat of the barbarians?" The Terran reinforcements who finally arrived, listening to these reasons, were stunned, obviously they did not believe it, after all, they had not seen it with their own eyes.

This sounds ridiculous.

The savages are not weak chickens, not straws that can be harvested casually. Under the same level of combat power, although it can be easily killed, it is in a situation of unexpected surprise and a hole card.

In the description, Chen Zong did not accidentally kill one or two, but dozens of them, and even the 12-star combat power was killed, killing the barbarian party directly, and finally broke out. A terrible hole card, killing two monster barbarians in a row, just like a straw that crushed a camel, called the barbarians timid and had to retreat.

The reinforcements arrived after the retreat of the barbarians.

But the war is over.

Because the reinforcements did not see the battle with their own eyes, the first reaction to this description was disbelief, but everyone said the same thing, and they couldn't believe it.

In this battle, Chen Zong got a lot of military skills, which can be exchanged, but Chen Zong did not exchange, because what he wants to exchange requires a lot of military skills, that is enough to make his practice and cultivation practice. Treasure for a big breakthrough.

Yuan Ming Realm is complete!

Once cultivated to reach the level of Yuanming Realm, the combat power will be further strengthened. Moreover, the mysteries of Kendo of the Heart and the Avenue of the World can continue to enlighten and master the stronger Avenue power. Amplify again.

All in all, by then, the combat power will increase a lot in a short period of time.

Repair it!


Formation method!

Chen Zong continued to study, and gradually improved under the heart and mind, and the cultivation efficiency was extremely amazing.

The practitioners who have seen Chen Zongyi would like to get to know Chen Zong. As for drawing Chen Zong to his own team, that kind of thought is just an idea, and he is afraid of it.

When one person joins the army, the savages have to retreat. Do they still need to join their clan?

The clan will only become a drag.

As for the reinforcements, because they have n’t seen Chen Zong, and they have heard such incredible things, they are very curious. I would like to see Chen Zong and see what it looks like. If anything, Also ask for advice.

But unfortunately, Chen Zong closed his door and thanked him, and he was all gone.

There is nothing good to see. Compared to his own cultivation, such trivial matters are always disliked by Chen Zong.

Killing many demons and repelling demons is a very good experience and sharpening for Chen Zong. It is also the first time in the battle of life and death to exhibit a stronger sword world that incorporates **** and formation. The effect is amazing.

Chen Zong also gained a lot of experience from this, especially in the use of matrix methods.

The three-door sword formations have all been cultivated to Dacheng. The power is very good, and the power of the sword world has been enhanced a lot, but if it can make the sword formation more powerful, wouldn't it be better.

"Heaven and earth evil, together they are Sunday."

"Can Xiaotianzhen Sword Formation and Xiaodi Sword Formation be merged into a more powerful sword formation?"

Chen Zong continued to enlighten himself, and deduced from ten different directions with one mind and ten moods.

The heavens and the earth are turned into the heavens and the heavens.

The theory is feasible to merge the two sword arrays into a new and more powerful sword array.

With each breath, the sparks and rays of wisdom flashed in Chen Zong's mind, flashing endlessly, and numerous inspirations flashed.




Deduction again!

Simulate again!

So repeatedly.

The deduction effect under the heart and soul is very amazing, and it is dozens of times more efficient than usual.

With a deep and solid formation as the basis, coupled with his extraordinary understanding and the amazing efficiency of his heart and soul, Chen Zong's enlightenment effect is very amazing.

After several times, finally, realized a hint of mystery, opened the door.

Getting started, then, it will be easier to continue enlightenment along this point.

"Similar to Xiaotianzhen Sword Formation and Xiaodisha Sword Formation, Xiaozhou Tianjian Sword Formation is also divided into three." Chen Zong secretly thought: "However, each heavy Xiaotiantian Sword Formation requires thirty-six sword lights, Dacheng Xiao Zhou Tian Jian array just needs 108 sword lights. "

Of course, this is Chen Zong's deduction, but now I have started, but it has not been deduced to the extreme.

The Xiao Zhoutian Sword Formation constructed by 108 sword lights is definitely more formidable than the Xiaotianjian Sword Formation and the Xiaodisha Sword Formation.

Now, Chen Zong is to improve Xiao Zhoutian Sword Formation and master it thoroughly.

On the side of the demon barbarians, the atmosphere was dignified. When I recalled the terrible methods of the people, the demon barbarians were frightened after being angry.

The savages have invaded the void for many years. Although they have not been able to break the human front line blockade, they have invaded more, but they also have good intelligence.

Soon, the identity of Chen Zong and so on were all known by the demons in the No. 1 station area.

"Slay order!"

"The third way of mind heaven!"

After learning about Chen Zong's identity, a demon barbarian was shocked and angry.

The surprise is that the other party's identity is very high, the strength is very strong, and it is very scary. The angry one is that the other party has been issued a slay order, but is still alive and stronger.

It is naturally impossible to conceal such major events, report them directly, and spread them to the headquarters of the Barbarians at the fastest speed.

"Chen Zong, the third son of Xinyi Tiangong, is titled Wushuang Excalibur. His talent is suspected to be better than that of Luo Beichuan, the first son." In the headquarters of the demon barbarians in Arrow, there are general-level demon barbarians gathered, including one The monster general said quickly, his eyes flashing with a dangerous light.

"The first Luo Beichuan of the Mind Heaven Palace has brought us a lot of trouble. If this third talent is better than Luo Beichuan, if it grows up, I am afraid it will pose a greater threat."

"Right now, get rid of him."

"That's right, he must not be allowed to grow up."

"So, implement the decapitation plan."

The monster general is very efficient. In a few words, he directly set a plan to eliminate Chen Zong as soon as possible, or it will be more difficult to remove it when he really grows up.

For example, the northern wolf Sirius Luo Beichuan, it is almost impossible for the barbarian to remove it, unless they are willing to pay a great price.

But to pay a great price to get rid of Luo Beichuan, such a loss, hurt the muscles, might as well not do it.

Soon, one figure appeared, a total of seven, each of which exudes an astonishing evil spirit. The evil spirit is condensed around the body and rises as if it were about to live.

It's terrifying, and at first glance, it feels creepy.

After a while, when these seven figures were assembled, they immediately acted and hurried away to the first theater of the medium theater.

"Beheading Squad." When the Barbarians in Theater 1 saw the seven bodies entangled with figures that were almost substantive, they were shocked.

These nine savage braves turned out to be well-known beheading squads, not just famous, but fierce and prominent.

Even those monster wars will be in front of them, can not help but burst out, not the gap in strength, but the fierce name of the beheading squad is too amazing.

The Beheading Squad was created after a period of time when the barbarian invaded the void of the human race. It selects the most suitable talents from various barbarian races, conducts hell-like training, and fully stimulates its full potential. After countless killings, master the most direct, weirdest and most terrible killing means.

The purpose of the Beheading Squad was to kill the generals or commanders of the human race, and to make the people lose their heads. Then they slowly evolved, specifically targeting the pride of some people, especially those with talent and potential.

However, the training of beheading squads is not easy, and the less resources are used, the more difficult it is to cultivate. Moreover, although the success rate is high with each dispatch, however, the loss is also great. Once the assassination is completed, it is often It's hard to get out.

In this way, the decapitation squad will become less and less precious, and the opportunity for dispatch will be less and less. Not the very top-ranking Terran arrogant, it will never dispatch a decapitation squad.

You know, every member of the beheading team has made huge sacrifices.

What level are they at? When they successfully become a member of the Beheading Squad, their potential is fully stimulated to reach their extreme level at this level. The price is that they cannot go further in life.

To put it simply, if it is a warrior-level beheading squad, then the members of the beheading squad have all reached the ultimate level of being able to be at the warrior level, and generally can reach the top eleven star level, or even twelve stars. .

As the price of forcibly stimulating potential, it can no longer break through to the brave level, and it is impossible for life.

The same ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After the brave-level demon barbarian forcibly stimulates their potential, they can't break through to the general level in their lifetime.

But, at the same level, they are the most terrifying.

The top eleven-star power of a decapitated squad and the top eleven-star power of a non-decapitated squad are duel and death. Of the dead, most of them are non-beheaded squads.

Because every member of the Beheading Squad must have undergone hell-like training before they can provoke their potential.

Every beheading squad is equipped with at least a 12-star combat level member as the captain.

"We are the first team to behead the brave." One of the seven figures filled with substantive spirits said, and his voice was cold and cold: "Now, start the war immediately."

"Beheading the first team!" A savage war will suddenly change his look, terrified.

Beheading the first team, that is a legendary team, so far thousands of years, successfully beheaded more than a dozen very top human race Tianjiao, and has no damage at all, the success rate is 100%, no injuries, every member With twelve-star combat power, this first team became a legend among the beheading teams.

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