Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 86: Beheading (below)

"Are the barbarians aggressive again?"

When the Terrans detect the situation, they are immediately surprised.

How long has it been since the demons have just been repelled and it is less than a month away, so soon they have been reorganized and launched an attack again.

Have they found a way to restrain Chen Zong?

You know, in the battle one month ago, the Barbarian tribe was killed by Chen Zong as many as thousands, of which the top eleven stars were as high as twenty-five, and there was a twelve star power. heavy.

Did the barbarians get reinforcements again?

This is unlikely, even if the monsters are fighting races, they cannot be reinforced twice in a short period of time.

What's more, even if it is reinforcements, it is always necessary to restrain Chen Zong first, otherwise there will be more casualties.

Anyway, since the demon barbarians are aggressive again, the human race ... can only fight.

When the reinforcements have arrived, there is no fear.

The team assembled and advanced.

In the void, every inch is permeated and filled with unparalleled Xiao killing.

Chen Zong also went out of the retreat. For nearly a month's retreat, Xiu Wei had no breakthrough, but his mastery of the sword array was improved a lot because of blood killing.

The monster barbarians attacked again, no matter what the purpose, Chen Zong would not escape.



As it happens, you can also use the life of the savages to try your own gains this month.

The two armies met and killed.

Killing sound concussion, killing traverse, killing the sky.

To the human race, the barbarians are invaders who attempt to plunder the void and are the enemy of life and death. For the barbarians, the human race is an obstacle that prevents them from moving forward, and must also be eradicated.

"Looks like you haven't hurt you last time." A divine spirit stared away, sneering.

Over the years, the human race has mastered the language of the savages, and the savages have also mastered the language of the savages.

So do n’t come to say the language of the human race or the language of the demon barbarians, who have been here for a long time and can understand.

"This time, it's your death." The demon war retorted in anger.

"Then try who died." The Terran Divine Realm has no fear.

"Kill!" The barbaric war, headed by, will roar.

"Kill!" The savage brave men roared, their voices were neat and unanimous, and their sounds were astonishing and mighty, as if they were rolling up heavy waves, mixed with amazing murderous power and evil spirit.

They thought of the war a month ago, and it was a shame to be killed by a human race and had to retreat.

For the fierce goblins, they did not feel very afraid, but felt shame, anger, and anger from the heart.

This month, the savage brave men adjusted and energetically eagerly waited for the attack again. Finally, they finally arrived.

This time, the human race must be killed, the army cannot be defeated, and the No. 1 theater of war is completely occupied.

The murder under anger, as if it were pouring oil on the fire, became stronger and more amazing, but the human race side did not have the slightest fear.

Because the reinforcements have arrived, in terms of quantity comparison, the human race will not be inferior to the demons, and in the comparison of combat strength, the human race will not be weaker than the demons, and will not start the war as soon as the last time, and soon Suppressed by the demon barbarians, falling into the downwind is at a disadvantage.

At that time, if Chen Zong's amazing combat power and methods broke out, I'm afraid that the human race will be defeated before the reinforcements arrive. Where is there now?

Chen Zong is still alone and has not joined any clan.

As a soldier, he is like a team, even more powerful.

Many of those who reinforced the army saw Chen Zong for the first time, knowing that Chen Zong made a great deal of power last time. Although many people confirmed that he would not fake, it was hard to accept from the heart.

Because it sounds a bit too illusory.

How could a level of combat power at the level of Yuanming be so powerful, it is incredible and unbelievable.

"Is it true? I will know soon." Many reinforcements thought so, because the barbarian launched an attack. Once it was shot, it was true or not, and it quickly became apparent.

In the battle a month ago, Chen Zong showed the means of several people and killed many demons. This time, he was also followed by many powerful demons.

This tribe, not only is the third way of the Mind Heaven Palace, has amazing talents and potential, but has also been issued a murder order by the demon barbarian.

No matter which point, it means that the other party must die, and the other party must not be allowed to continue to live.

Chen Zong did not cast the sword world directly, but just broke out of extreme combat power to kill the enemy.

The top eleven-star combat power is still terrible. Except for the same level of combat power, the weaker combat power is difficult to block Chen Zong's sword.

Kill with one sword!

Or three swords to kill!

The only difference is whether the time of death is early or late.

"kill him."

"Kill kill!"

The savages are like madness, rushing to death without fear of death, directly burning the power of the totem, and erupting a more powerful attacking power. Even if they die, they must drag Chen Zong into the water and die.

Like a moth fluttering a fire, knowing that it will die, it still kills without hesitation, in order to kill the other party. This kind of belief is extremely shocking and daunting.

The Terran side responded quickly, and a clan appeared immediately, one after another, blocking these fierce and scary mob-like monsters to ease Chen Zong's pressure.

Chen Zong must not be allowed to die here, otherwise, it would be a great loss.

The sharp sword came out of the sheath, and the sword light traversed the void, like tearing the dark primal **** thunder, and directly killing one after another the savage clan who did not fear death.

Of course, the attack power of the barbarian who burns the power of the totem has doubled, and it is becoming more and more terrible, but he cannot hit himself, and everything is equal to zero.

It's very simple. No matter how powerful you are, you can't hit the target. What's the difference from zero?

Gaoming's swordsmanship and body skills have made Chen Zongli invincible.

One by one, the barbarian savagely burned the power of the totem, shouting some slogans like enthusiastic believers, and continued to be culled from all directions. Some were intercepted by the human race team, but the human race team also began to suffer casualties. After all, the barbarians burned the power of the totem.

However, even those savages who rushed to Chen Zong, even if they burned the power of totems, their combat power would not exceed the level of eleven stars, which could not bring Chen Zong a real death threat.

Jianguang flashed, and instantly cut out like a ring of stars, passing in all directions, resisting all the barbarian who came and killed, and counter-kill.

Another wave of fierce and fearless savages arrived, and Chen Zong once again issued a sword. Suddenly, a strong palpitation permeated from the bottom of his heart, causing Chen Zong's look to change slightly, and his pupils contracted like needles.

If Jianguang explodes like a ring of stars, killing most of the approaching savages, but two savages blocked Jianguang's attack. In a flash, their speed increased more than ten times, and the speed approached. It was amazing. Just like the flood that opened, it burst out and turned into a substantial **** torrent, which came first.

The terrible strength of these two evils caused Chen Zong's expression to change at once, as if originating from Jiuyou Hell. It turned out that Chen Zong was cold all over the body, and the film felt a tingling sensation, must be To the extent that it affects Chen Zong's normal operations, even the operation of a force is also affected.

It's scary!

Under the shock of this amazing and terrible evil spirit, even Chen Zong couldn't bear it completely. If he was replaced by other practitioners with the same combat power, he would not be able to move directly, even the practitioners with 12-star combat power could not. Fully bear.

The unbearable result is very serious, and it is very likely to be killed directly.

Just moments later, Chen Zong was caught in a crisis of life and death.

These two barbarians are members of the Beheading Squad mixed with other barbarians, and they have 12-star combat power, and because they have undergone hell-style training, their killing skills and so on are better than the same level of twelve. Star powerhouse is even more terrible.

What stunned Chen Zong even is that he did not perceive in advance how brilliant the other's hiding means was.

At this moment, it is too late to open the sword world.

The sword world is powerful, but when it is opened, it takes a little time. The speed of the opponent is too fast and too fast, and its actions are very abrupt and unexpected.

But in addition to the sword world, Chen Zong has other means.

Da Zhoutian Sword World!

For a while, Jixin's heartless sword turned into a ray of sword light. In an instant, he surrounded Chen Zong's body and turned into a ball of sword light, wrapping Chen Zong firmly.

Two terrible attacks were also killed instantly. These two attacks did not have the slightest reservation, and went all out to try and kill Chen Zong.

Chen Zong also saw the horrors of these two attacks. Da Zhoutian Sword Realm was hit directly. In a flash, the next breath was directly broken down. There was an astonishing power of destruction.

Moreover, after breaking the defense of Da Zhoutian Sword Realm, he still carried terrible power and continued to kill.

This is the first time Chen Zong has encountered an attack that quickly broke the Da Zhoutian Sword Realm, at the level of Yuan Ming Realm.

That power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is condensed to the extreme. It instantly erupts, penetrates, and the lethality surges. It is very scary. There is an extreme that seems to abandon everything and just kill the enemy with one shot.



There is no slightest reservation, no room for redemption.

When the Da Zhoutian Sword Realm was crushed, in addition to the two attacks that killed instantly, there were also four amazing incomparable evil spirits that erupted in an instant. The savings have been a long time ago, and they are even scarier than those two evil spirits.

Chen Zong also felt that, all around, it seemed that there was a layer of banning force that seemed to be silent, and what seemed to be banned.

There were two extreme attacks, followed by four extreme attacks. In an instant, they were killed one after another.

Too sudden, too fast.

The thirteen deities of the human race reacted immediately in an instant. One of them quickly shot and pushed out a palm directly. The palm print was shocking and directly bombarded Chen Zong.

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