Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 87: Extraordinary strain

(Crying with envy, watching each other's big brothers go out, playing Monkey Kaisen, Liu Dao can only stay at home to watch the children, come to the monthly pass, comfort Liu Liu's careful liver)

The palm print was emptied, crushed everything, as if to take this opportunity to destroy Chen Zong.

Could this person be a traitor to the human race, already secretly relying on the demon barbarians?

This is not the case. Although this palm is bombarded with Chen Zong, it is not to kill Chen Zong, but to wrap up Chen Zong, protect Chen Zong, and resist the brutal and extreme attacks from all sides.

However, when the palmprint rushed into the distance of Chen Zong kilometers, it was a little meal, the next breath, the palmprint quickly shrank, but only ten meters, and disappeared.

Actually, being unable to approach Chen Zong and failing to protect Chen Zong, this scene suddenly called a sudden change in the "color" of a humanoid supernatural power.

First two attacks, then four attacks, each of which was extremely extreme, as if killed from Jiuyou Hell. It was terrible, and Chen Zong estimated it was impossible to stop it.

And now, the power of the Divine Realm has also been melted away.

"He's dead."

"Under the magical powers, even his hole cards won't work."

The savage war will laugh and laugh.

The Terran Divine Realm is utterly white.


The savages have been invading for many years, and they are also progressing. The magical powers are a powerful and strange totem power developed by the savages. Once deployed, they can limit the powers of the sacred powers within a certain range.

Within that range, the power of the Divine Realm cannot be exerted, the highest level is just the Yuan Ming Realm.

Of course, this supernatural power is indistinguishable from each other, and the demons are also affected.

It is not easy to make the supernatural powers. In addition, the "sex" nature of the enemy and me is not used. Therefore, the monsters are rarely used. It is now suitable to use them.

Because they have studied it, Chen Zong holds a hole card with magical powers. As long as he can't show his hole card, he can kill it.

Behead the squad, if you do n’t do it, it ’s a lore, and you must kill it.

Otherwise, there is no need to deliberately dispatch the beheading squad, or the first legendary squad of the brave class.

From another point of view, the savages dispatched a brave-level legendary beheading team to deal with Chen Zong, which is considered to attach great importance to Chen Zong.

First, the extreme lurking, even Chen Zong's super strong perception was not found, then the sudden outbreak of extreme attacks, and the cooperation of supernatural powers, directly formed the trend of lore.

Chen Zong ... can you just wait to die?

of course not.

"Sword World ... Open!"

Although the Da Zhoutian Sword Realm was broken, it also resisted for a moment and gave Chen Zong a little time.

This time is enough, enough to open the sword world.

The world of swords opened, and invisible and insane power erupted in an instant, sweeping away, covering all directions, without being affected by the supernatural powers.

However, the decapitated squadrons all have twelve-star combat power and will not be suppressed by the power of the sword world at all.

The purpose of Chen Zong to open the sword world is not to suppress them.

As the world of swords was opened, swords of light were forming in an instant.

Thirty-six swords of light immediately laid the small bipolar fixed-air sword array first, and surrounded Chen Zong. It was not that Chen Zong did not lay a stronger sword array, but that the opponent's attack had already been reached. Only enough to lay the first small bipolar fixed empty sword array.

Although it is only the first one, it also has amazing defensive capabilities, which directly blocked the two extreme attacks. Immediately, another four attacks were killed, and they all fell into the first small bipolar fixed air sword array. At the end of the day, the sword array trembled, and each sword light was trembling unceasingly, as if to collapse.

That extreme attack is terrible.

However, several extreme attacks have not completely broken the sword array.

After all, it was arranged by thirty-six top eleven star-level Jianguangs in a high-sword array.

It's too late, very abrupt, and one of the most powerful evil spirits broke out. It was more than twice as powerful as the previous six evil spirits. It was amazing. Through the sword array, Chen Zong was unconsciously numb.

Accompanied by that terrible evil, it is a dark light, carrying the ultimate hegemony and violent and destruction, destroying the deadly death.


It is extremely fast, which is several times faster than the previous six attacks. The power contained in it is more than double.

It was the captain of the beheading squad.

He has always been hidden and lurking. It was originally to see if he needed to take a shot. If not, that would be the best, but now it seems that this human race is really difficult to deal with.

However, the reason why he has not shot at all is to prevent accidents and lay a fatal blow.

Now is the time for his shot.

This attack was extremely forceful and directly broke the first small bipolar fixed air sword array. At the same time, the other six beheading team members also shot again, releasing a terrible one to kill.

Seven extreme attacks came from all directions.

Chen Zong was once again in crisis.

This time the lore was even more terrifying than before.

"The gods borrow the law!"


Without half a moment's hesitation, Chen Zong had already urged the gods to borrow the law, used the power of the magic heart, and then displayed the martial arts to fully control this powerful force.

When he died, a ten-meter-high figure shrouded Chen Zong, with a sword in his hand, to resist Bafang.

Of course, if the magical heart is really shot, the magical powers can't affect him at all, because the magical heart is the Taoist level, not the magical powers.

It's just that it hasn't really come to that critical moment, yet it's not time for the magic heart to shoot.

The magical shadow of the martial arts is extremely powerful, reaching the 12-star level completely, and it is not an ordinary 12-star level.

Suddenly, seven attacks came to the spot, and they were directly bombarded on Shenwu Xuying.

Shenwu Xuying is very strong, but it is still difficult to support the extreme attack of seven twelve-star combat power, and it was crushed in an instant.

The purpose of Chen Zong's use of Shenwu is not really to fight against the seven twelve-star warriors. He just needs to block the moment and get some time for himself.

The crushed Jianguang reunited in an instant, and laid a small bipolar fixed empty sword array to protect Chen Zong firmly. Not only that, but more Jianguang gathered and immediately laid the second Small bipolar fixed empty sword array.

The second small bipolar fixed empty sword array immediately increased Chen Zong's defense strength again, more than doubled the first heavy.

Immediately, another 72 sword lights were formed, forming a complete small bipolar fixed-air sword array.

One hundred and forty-four sword lights!

The complete small bipolar fixed air sword formation is completely formed. Unless it is the power of the magical realm, at the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, such defense is indestructible.

A series of extreme attacks landed on the small bipolar fixed-air sword array, but they could no longer be broken. This level of defense increased several times compared to the first heavy.

Immediately after that, thirty-six sword lights appeared, and immediately formed a small tianjian sword array, enclosing one of them, which is one of the seven figures that attacked Chen Zong. The whole body was filled with an extremely stupefying spirit, condensed like a substance Yes, it's like smoke billowing.

Jianguang continually emerged, and directly laid out seven small heavenly sword arrays, besieging seven twelve-star-powered savage warriors.

The whole body is surrounded by a small bipolar fixed-air sword array to defend itself, and it is necessary to "operate" to control the seven small heavenly sword arrays. The method shown by Chen Zong is even more amazing.

Chen Zong was cracked by the two killings. Now, Chen Zong has completely reversed the situation.

All this happened, but in a very short time, at the beginning, when Chen Zong fell into a lore, the human race was scared, and the demon barbarians were happy.

But now the other way around, the human race is happy, and the demon barbara is panic.

Why can't even this kind of lore kill this human race?

So, how else can we get rid of this human race?

The seven beheading team members were surrounded by evil spirits, but were surrounded by the sword array and attacked by the sword array. They were extremely powerful, and after hell-style training, they were also inspired to potential and directly resisted Sword array offense.

However, it is not so easy to break the sword array.

In order to strengthen the power, Chen Zong condensed more sword lights, combined with the original seven small Tianshen sword arrays, and directly transformed into seven small ground evil sword arrays, with greater power.


The Xiaodi Shajian array became more arrogant and more difficult to fight, and its power was more than double that of the Xiaotianjian sword array.

Of course, this also consumes Chen Zong's own power.


The seven beheading squadron members burned in an instant, and the intense savageness on their bodies seemed to be ignited and turned into seven flames. The flames burned, extremely strong, extremely strong, and seemed to burn everything to ashes.

It was the burning of the power of totems, and these seven were desperate.

The significance of their existence is to kill the top arrogance of the human race. In the past thousands of years, they dispatched a dozen times, each time successfully completing the task, and the team was not damaged.

But this time, the task seemed to be difficult to complete. The opponent was too difficult to deal with. The kind of emergency ability was very amazing. It was only seen for thousands of years. Even if they had undergone hell-style training, they couldn't do better. .

How to do?


Naturally not possible ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The beheading team is not dispatched, once dispatched, the task must be completed.

In short, the beheading squad is dispatched to either complete the task or to annihilate the entire army. It is best to complete the task. The next best thing is to complete the task even if the entire army is annihilated.

Under the totem power's burning, when the beheading team members immediately burst into the Xeon strike, they were all selected from the powerful tribes, forcing the potential of overdraft, the totem's power burning attack, at least increased Twice, this is also the price, and the price of life can no longer be improved.

Extreme attack, the power of the burning totem, at the cost of the loss of life, let the seven members of the beheading team burst into the Xeon blow, and immediately broke the small ground sword array out of a hole, immediately caught the fleeting Opportunity flew out of that rift.

Immediately afterwards, six burning flames burst out and rushed towards one of them, the captain of the beheading squad. Kendo Mastery

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