Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 89: Kill god


"I killed you a monkey."


Under the leadership of the Thirteen Divine Generals, the Terran clan continuously pursued, pushed forward, and killed continuously, killing the demonic side.

In addition to the rage of those savage wars, there is another inexplicable fear.

Slashing the squad, it can be seen that the legendary first-ever Squad of the Brave Class was overwhelmed, and the whole army was overwhelmed, but the mission was not completed and the target was successfully killed.

This time the human race ca n’t kill Tianjiao, next time?

Is there any chance?

Is it necessary for the human race to have a Tianlang-like Tianjiao?

A North American Sirius brought great trouble to the barbarians, blocking the footsteps of the barbarians, and the next one is afraid that it will bring more terrible consequences.

"Stop it all!"

"Stop all."

"The battle is dead."

The monster warlord seemed to have figured it out, hesitated, roaring and roaring.


At first, the retreat was ordered to retreat. It was in a situation of very low morale. Now it has gradually eased.

After all, the barbarians belonged to the fighting race originally. They were born fierce warriors. They were very fierce, but they had the advantage of obeying orders, which was a spirit and instinct in their bones.

As soon as they stopped and turned to face the war, when they knew that their own side was weak, the demon barbarians had a kind of desolation and a kind of brutality. This decisiveness and horror gradually let their depressed morale gradually wipe out, but they began desperately.

The desperate savages became very scary. The burst of combat power was astonishing. It was like a battle of trapped beasts. They suddenly blocked the offensive of the human race.

In particular, some savages were forced to the extreme and directly burned the power of the totem, causing even more terrible attacks, and directly ending up with Terran practitioners.

Seeing victory in sight, who would like to exchange their lives with the barbarians.

Naturally, under this kind of desperate counterattack by the demon barbarians, the offensive of the human race was directly contained.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, the barbarian side is already in a disadvantaged position. Even if it is a counterattack, it is only a stubborn resistance, which delays some time of destruction. In this case, of course, it is necessary to steadily fight and consume the barbarian As long as their power is exhausted, whether it will be kill or capture at that time is not the final decision of the human race.

The fierce battle is endless, and the savages are gradually surrounded, like a trapped beast.

Chen Zong came here, and recovered strength by more than 70%, nearly 80%, but Chen Zong did not stop, continued to restore strength, and strive to return to fullness.

While recovering strength, while killing them, and casting the sword world, there was no explosion of extreme combat power. Instead, they took a stable approach and slowly hunted down the demon barbarians.

Even if it is a regular combat force, Chen Zong also has a ten-star level. With the highest swordsmanship, it is also possible to kill ten-star monster warriors.

Chen Zong was in the crowd, but his figure was very eye-catching, as if it were a burning sun, which directly attracted the attention of a group of demons.

No way, Chen Zong is too strong, causing too much damage to the demon barbarians and attracting hatred.

The attitude of the demons towards Chen Zong is very hateful, and there is a kind of fear.

"kill him."

After all, there are still fierce savages. Both left and right are dead. Before they die, they have to kill a few more human races. However, even if they kill one hundred human races, they are not as good as this human race.

Killing him, even if he lost the first battle zone, the gain was more than the loss.

Suddenly, one by one, the savages rushed to Chen Zong, burning the power of the totem, and not afraid of death.

However, Chen Zongyi sword in hand, but will continue to kill the approaching demon barbarians, and many human race teams, will not sit idly by.


The savage side is very fierce, like a gorgeous sunset.

This tragic, moving, but not half-hearted sympathy, half-hearted.

Because the barbarians are the enemy of the race, in order to invade the void, I do n’t know how many human races have been killed, and there have been many times. Clean.

The situation is just the other way round.

The so-called tragedy is actually what you feel. Human races don't think so. At best, it is the dying struggle and the final battle of beasts.

With the demon barbarians so desperately, the human clan can hardly hold on for a while. After all, they are unwilling to exchange their lives with the barbarians, and the pressure on Chen Zong has also increased.

Once hit, it still hurts a bit, and may even be seriously injured.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's strength was completely restored, and the battle was just fierce, but Chen Zong, who used only conventional combat power, took many elixirs and continued to refine, and the recovery degree exceeded consumption.

Extreme combat power ... explosive!

Sword World ... Open!

The 15,000-kilometer sword world once again covered all sides, both human and demonic.

The human race was not repressed. This was led by Chen Zong, while the demon barbarian was directly suppressed. Without the top eleven-star combat power, in the sword world, there is not much fighting power.

However, under the circumstances of the desperate efforts of the burning totem, the demon barbarian can still break away from the suppression of the sword world in an instant, but it is only to get rid of the suppression of the sword world, and it is ten times more difficult to fight against the killing of the practitioners.


The Terran clan is very happy. It only feels that the degree of killing the barbarian has increased more than ten times, and it has become easy. Many barbarian people are waiting for them to kill.

Chen Zong directly gathered 108 sword lights, and immediately set up a new sword array.

Xiao Zhou Tian Jian Zhen!

This small Zhoutian Sword Formation is the fusion of Xiaotianzhen Sword Formation and Xiaodisha Sword Formation. It is the result of Chen Zong's retreat after nearly a month of retreat. Now, for the first time, he has demonstrated its power.

One hundred and eight sword lights swept away, not only surpassing the power of Xiaotianyi Sword Formation and Xiaodisha Sword Formation, but also the special power of both, that is, the impact of the interference of blood and spiritual will, and its impact The intensity is also a little stronger.


It's almost like a harvester. Where the sword light passes, the demon barbarians are constantly harvested like wheat, and all die.

A corpse of a monster barbarian ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ falls like dumplings.

In this scene, the human race was shocked, and the demons were shocked.

"too terrifying."

"It's almost like killing gods."

But in a short time, all the monsters in the sword world were killed.

Chen Zong folded the sword world, moved quickly, appeared elsewhere, opened the sword world again, and covered again.

Xiao Zhou Tian Jian Zhen!

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