Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 90: Tianjing Ling


When all the savage wars had died, the Terrans slaughtered the last savages.


Kill it all!

When the last savage brave burned the power of the totem, attempting to pull a back with his life, but couldn't do it, he was in the sword, his face was unwilling, angry, desperate, and finally died.

Terran victory!

This victory came so surprisingly, so unexpectedly, because before that, they had never thought about it and did not dare to think about it, as long as they could hold it.

Everyone did not forget that Chen Zong was the biggest hero, because of the arrival of Chen Zong, and because of the strength of Chen Zong, this victory was laid. The damage of the human race was still expected.

Then, naturally, I took the opportunity to rush into the tribe of the barbarian tribe, destroy the destruction, and take away.

The resources of the savages are also very rich. Some are from the savages themselves, and some are plundering them. Today, they are all owned by them.

Then, a part of the team and the strong were left behind to guard it, and the others returned to the battlefield quickly to report the good news and so on.

Chen Zong also returned to the battlefield.

Although this battle was extremely dangerous, he was caught in a decisive battle for two consecutive times, but it also let Chen Zong's potential explode.

Now, when returning to the battlefield, you can retreat again, and the potential of stability and excitement may be further improved, not to mention breakthrough, at least you can go further.

In addition, it is military exploits. This time, Chen Zong has obtained a lot of military exploits, which may be useful.

The Terran got the news quickly and dealt with it very quickly. They immediately sent the strong to come and check the details to make a conclusion.

After all, regaining a war zone is a big credit, and rewards must be given.

In addition, the savages got news and were furious.

The first team of the brave class was dispatched. It is a legendary team that has performed more than ten very dangerous lore missions in thousands of years. The success rate is 100%, and it does not damage itself.

But this time, the entire army was lost, and the mission had not been completed. All the people in the theater No. 1 were also killed. The theater No. 1 was occupied by the human race. This loss was even greater.

You should know that the first theater of war is very important, because once it is lost, it is not a good thing for the demons, but a good thing for the human race.


A savage demon general from Arrow's domain gathered again to start an emergency meeting.

"The theater of war must be recaptured," a general exclaimed.

"The first battle zone must be recaptured, but more importantly, the third way of that mind Tiangong must be removed." The other general had a gloomy face, his killer flickered, and his murderous energy was pervasive.

When it comes to the third way of the Mind Heaven Palace, each general's complexion has changed, and his body exudes terrible murder and anger.

It is because of this son that the party of the barbarians suffered heavy losses.

No killing will not work.

The monster generals started discussions to discuss how to eliminate Chen Zong, but unfortunately, the legendary cutting team failed, and it was much more difficult to kill Chen Zong next time.

In a short period of time, no good results could be negotiated.


Chen Zong has a lot of military achievements, but when he wants to exchange, he still has them, and his military achievements are not enough.

After all, what you want to redeem is what you can improve yourself, and what you want to improve is to practice qi and practice. Only in this way can you ensure extreme combat power, or else it is only one of them. If the breakthrough is made, it will affect the performance of Supreme Master Wu, and it will have a great impact on its own extreme combat power, and then affect the sword world.

"Looks like, you have to get more battle merit." Chen Zong secretly thought, leaving the No. 1 theater of war, went to other moderate theaters, and continued hunting the barbarian tribe to obtain the battle, when enough, redeem and upgrade Qi and physical training.

After all, Theater 1 has already been captured, and in a short period of time, I don't want to gain any military achievements.

However, something happened before Chen Zong left.

A strong man as a messenger arrived here from the Battlefield.

One of the purposes of this messenger is naturally to verify the authenticity of the reported information, and the second is to bring rewards.

Chen Zong was called.

The one who comes is an acquaintance.

Great Dark Warlord!

This is the power of the Eternal Battle Fortress. Among the northern fronts, it is the power behind the Beitong Sirius Luo Beichuan in Shentong. Compared with Luo Beichuan, it will not be much different.

Of course, he is not the way of the eternal battlefield. The reason for this is not clear to Chen Zong.

"You are really surprised." This is the first sentence that Dahei Tian Zhanjun saw Chen Zong. After all, when he saw Chen Zong the last time, Chen Zong was only at the level of imperial state.

But Chen Zong at that time was already shocking.

I just didn't expect that Chen Zong's promotion would be so amazing, and it would be so terrible.

"Last time, thanks to my predecessors." Chen Zong thanked.

"My brother and you, please don't call me a senior." Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun laughed. If someone who is familiar with his character saw it, he would be surprised, because he rarely saw Da Hei Tian Zhan. Jun's good-speaking look: "If you don't mind, you can also call me a brother."

The eternal battlefield and the Mind Heaven Palace always have a harmonious relationship, which can be regarded as an ally. In terms of relationship, it is better than the flames of the Mountain of Magnificence and better than the Ziyuan Hall of the Giant.

In this way, it is normal for the disciples on both sides to be called brothers and sisters.

"Brother Daheitian," Chen Zong called it.

"This time, because of your relationship, we recaptured Battlefield No. 1 and also destroyed the entire army of the legendary slashing team of the brave brave class, and made great contributions." Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun laughed.

At that time, although the demon barbarian had a slay order, but had not had time to dispatch the cutting team, Chen Zong had left the northern front.

"Originally intended to reward you with some combat merit, and under the arguing of your brother, you replaced this." Dahei Tian Zhanjun took out a piece of azure round token and handed it to Chen Zong.

Chen Zong took it. This token seems to be cast from sapphire and started with oil, as if it was carefully carved by the master, very delicate, just like a beautiful work of art.

"This is Tianjing Ling." Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun said directly, explaining: "Crushing Tianjing Ling, you will enter the Tianjing secret realm."

"What's the effect?" Chen Zong asked, since it was the master who fought for himself, it must be unusual.

"Very suitable for you." Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun laughed, but did not intend to explain: "You will know when you go in."

Since Daheitian Zhanjun didn't say anything, and Chen Zong didn't ask much, but the big brother fought for himself and Daheitian Zhanjun said that he was suitable for himself, it must have really played a role in himself.

"Cultivate well, and look forward to when you step into the Divine Realm, maybe one day, we can fight side by side." Finally, Daheitian Zhanjun said.

Da Hei Tian Zhan Jun doesn't have much time, so it is impossible to stay for a long time. After leaving, Chen Zong took out that day's order and thought for a few minutes.

Demon Heart didn't know Tianjing Ling, because Demon Sovereign had fallen when the Barbarian invaded.

As for this day's Jingling, the magic heart did not know what it was.

Well, just crush it and see.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong adjusted his interest rate to make everything reach his peak, and then took out Tianjing to crush it.

Tian Jing made the broken moment into a little bit of azure light spread quickly, wrapping Chen Zong's body directly, as if rendering it into a layer of azure color.

Immediately, the light became a masterpiece, shimmered for a moment, and then shrank sharply. Chen Zong's figure disappeared instantly.


"Here is the Secret Realm of Tianjing?" Chen Zong landed, quickly swept around, surprised.

This is a strange place, or space.

The azure color is the main color, and there is a faint light cyan breath permeating like a seaweed in the water. Even under the feet, it is azure color, as if the sky and the earth are integrated, regardless of each other.

It seems that it is very wide and wide, but it seems small, and you can see the end at a glance.

When Chen Zong observed carefully, in the distance, the pale blue scent was diffused and converged quickly, and all the figures appeared, which were beasts, and all-round cyan beasts.

The azure beasts have large and small bodies, with different shapes, but the breath is not weak, all of them reach the level of the Yuan Ming Realm. When the eyes are opened, they stare directly at Chen Zong.

Suddenly, Chen Zong felt that he was tight all over, and a lot of pressure directly hit him.

The next breath, a brutal beast exploded fiercely.

Although it is not clear what the situation is, Chen Zong is not afraid, draws his sword, and chops.

The fierce battle began, and Chen Zong's sword was extremely sharp and invincible, even if it was only conventional combat power, killing these azure beasts is like killing chickens. After all, these beasts are not strong, just equivalent to one star in Yuanming Realm Level of combat power.

After the killing, the beasts did not bleed or leave any corpses. They were directly diffused into a breath, but there was a azure breath diffused into Chen Zong's body. With all keen perception, Chen Zong felt As soon as the breath entered the body, it quickly diffused and merged into its own body, very pure and without attributes.

Kill kill!

Constantly beheading, Chen Zong also carefully studied and worked the exercises, immediately refining those breaths into the body into cultivation.

Chen Zong suddenly came to know ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The essence of this day is really a secret place used to promote cultivation.

After understanding this, Chen Zong was instantly excited.

You can fight, you can improve yourself, why not?

Sure enough, what the big brother fought for himself was indeed very useful to him, and Chen Zong was secretly grateful.

Although I haven't really met yet, this brother really takes good care of himself. I can see him in the future and we must thank him very much.

Tianjing Beasts constantly appeared, and they continued to be attacked and killed. They were beheaded and killed by Chen Zong, and turned into the purest strands of Tianjing Power. Qi cultivation and practice cultivation.

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