Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 94: 1 sword invincible (below)

(Older, older Jian has forgotten recently)

Sword Master Kill!

On the battlefield, killing is the theme, such as eternity.

Chen Zong explained what is called a sword in hand, pointed by the sword, and invincible.




The pressure on the Terran side has been eased a lot, but the pressure on the Demon side has increased sharply. They finally figured out why the war zone 1 was completely captured by the human race. It is rumored that all the same people in the war zone 1 died. Do not stay.

When they got the news, the first reaction was disbelief. Although the second reaction was believed, they didn't think it was really caused by a human race.

Now they have to believe.

This is simply a monster, a killing god, a sword in hand, and the brave is unstoppable.

Perhaps a twelve-star warrior brave can resist, but there is only one twelve-star warrior on the 9th theater, and there is also one on the human race side. They are fighting fiercely, and there is no extra power at all. Go against Chen Zong.

Maybe it can be said that the demon barbarian can dispatch a chop squad and enter various theaters to reinforce. Although the theory is so, it is actually not the case.

The training of the cutting team is not easy. This is one of the two reasons. The second is that the cutting team is not easily dispatched. Once it is dispatched, it is a loss. Usually, it is in a dormant state to reduce consumption. There are other reasons.

All in all, the training of the chopping squad is very difficult and consumes a lot of resources. After the success of the training, it is terrible, but some consumables have been removed from the original, like a killing machine that will wear down continuously.

Otherwise, with all the slashing squads, the savages can indeed capture many war zones.

Of course, the barbarian has a hole card, and the human race has a hole card, otherwise how can the barbarian be blocked here for many years.

Chen Zong, who has no opponent, killed countless swords and was not relentless.

The demons are aliens. They are aliens who are speculative about human races. They are brutal invaders who have killed countless human race practitioners. Chen Zong will not and cannot have a slight sympathy for such hostile races.


Killing with a sword, proving the mystery of the sword, that kind of carefree, unparalleled.


The demon war will finally be unable to carry it, and immediately withdraw from the order to withdraw, otherwise according to this situation, it will eventually be defeated and even killed.

That tribe is so terrible.

As everyone knows, the first approach to Theater 1 was the same: retreat.

But at that time, Chen Zong was not strong enough, at least not as strong as it is now, so the Yaoman tribe successfully retreated.

But this time, it's completely different.



The demon barbarians retreat, and the human race naturally will not give up on this, and will start hunting directly.

Chen Zong took the lead, holding his sword freely and slaughtering countlessly.

One after another the corpses of the savage tribes fell, just as the twelve-star combat gens Yuan Yuanjing glanced over, their eyes were extremely sharp, and they were surprised. Large, it is not obvious. On the contrary, it is very subtle. It does not use a little more force, nor does it use a little less, but the right kill.

This shows that even in this high killing, Chen Zong still maintains amazing control.

"It's terrible."

It is not difficult to control one's own strength, no more, no more, no less, many savvy practitioners can do it, and he can do the same.

However, in this kind of battlefield, in the face of fierce fighting and torture, you can still control it in a short period of time, and the control will decrease in a time.

Especially the constant fierce fighting and killing.

However, Chen Zong can still control to such a degree, the control is amazing, and the stability is also extremely amazing.

In contrast, although they are all 12-star combat power, they have to admit that they are not as good as each other.

If the two sides fight each other, they will lose themselves.

The twelve-star warrior of Yuanming Realm couldn't help thinking about it.

The demon barbarians kept retreating, and the human races kept hunting.

Under normal circumstances, the Terrans should stop chasing and returning after a period of pursuit, but this time it was unexpected, and they continued to chase as if they were crazy.

"Damn, it's all that human race."

"Must kill him."

"He has the power of Divine Realm."

A dry war will retreat while talking, staring at Chen Zong full of fierce murderous power. It is precisely because of Chen Zong, the evil barbarians will be in a disadvantage and have to retreat, and now they are being chased by crazy.

They wanted to kill Chen Zong directly, but the information also showed that this human race Tianjiao had a hole card on his body, which was a power that could kill the monster warlord.

At present, there is not enough information to determine whether that card still exists, and how strong is that card?

Is it possible to kill low-level monsters?

Or can you kill high-level monsters?

Not sure.

"I don't believe it, he hasn't run out of cards." The savages are even more afraid of death.

Shem, like a python walking through the void, rushed directly to Chen Zong with a flexible and violent attitude, fast, and very abrupt.

"Be careful!" The Terran Divine Realm was suddenly shocked. Under the circumstances that this retreat was pursued, the demon warfare would actually make such a move, which was unexpected.

Just moments later, the demon war will be approached immediately, with a fierce blow, as if the snake is out of the hole and fiercely fierce, and it is like the thunderous lightning fast.

With just one hit, Chen Zong will be destroyed.

As the crisis approached, a dark shadow flashed, like a demon, holding a long dark knife and chopping it out of the air.

The black sword light traverses the sky, and it will directly kill the sudden and insane monster war, killing two swords.

"Seniors, kill them all." Chen Zong said to Moxin.

Now that the magic heart has been shot, let's kill all the demon brutal wars and lay the winner.

The magic heart nodded, his body flickered, and it turned into a black ghost-like flying past, and soon, the sword was cut out.

I saw that among the monster warriors, a dark demon shadow flickered again and again, each time they flickered a knife, or chopped, or cut, or stabbed, and each knife took away a life. life.

Just blinking, the mighty warlords with powerful combat power were all killed.

The Yaoman tribe was completely defeated.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, with the opportunity of the chaos to be completely chaotic, the pursuit of the human race is more intense.

There is no doubt that the battle ended with the defeat of the savages. Not only that, all the savages were slaughtered. From beginning to end, Chen Zong did not cast the sword world because there was no need.

Theater Nine is restored!

Chen Zong has a great reputation.

But this time, Chen Zong received a lot of rewards.

Leaving the 9th theater, Chen Zong went to the 23rd theater. This is a dangerous theater that is as dangerous as the 9th theater.

The arrival of Chen Zong was greatly welcomed by the human race practitioners. After all, Theater 1 and Theater 9 have been restored, and they have an inseparable relationship with Chen Zong. Therefore, the arrival of Chen Zong means that the 23rd The theater of war will soon be restored.

This is a great victory.

Contrary to the joy and excitement of the human race, it was the panic and panic of the barbarians in the theater on the 23rd.

First, theater 1 and then theater 9 were all restored because of the arrogance of the human race. The demons were all killed and suffered heavy losses. Now it is their turn.

Don't believe it for the first time, and doubt for the second time?

In the theater on the 23rd, after Chen Zong's arrival, the generals of the human race discussed it, and immediately assembled the team into an army, advancing to the Yaoman theater with a thunderous degree.

Start war and attack directly.

As in the Ninth Theater, the Barbarians in the Twenty-three Theater must of course face up. It is impossible to evacuate directly because of the surprises they have not seen with their own eyes. Even if they leave, waiting for them is punishment.

That's a stain, so it's better to die in battle than to die.

The end result was that all the demons in the theater on the 23rd were also killed. Many of them were killed under Chen Zong's sword.

Those savage warlords died under the sword of the demon heart.

Theater 23 was also restored.

All in all, it is Chen Zong's credit.

When this news was reported again, the battlefield was almost boiling.

The third Tao of the Mind-Heart Tiangong Wushuang Excalibur Chen Zong!

This title, ringing in all directions, in the entire Arrow field, almost everyone knows, even if it is another star field.

The Terrans know, and the Barbarians naturally know.

The human race is of course joy, and the appearance of such arrogance is truly amazing.

On the other hand, the demon barbarians are jealous.


"In the domain of Thai King, first there is Hengtian Zhanjun, and then the war demon is born. Today, there is the Northern Sky Sirius and then the Wushen Divine Sword in Arrow's domain. It is really a great honor for our people." .

"Northern Sirius is as famous as Hengtian Zhanjun. This pair of magic swords will not be inferior to that war devil."

"That's not necessarily true. The War Monster's record so far is not comparable to the Warriors Sword."

"That's because once the war demon appeared, he stayed in the domain of Thai King and never left."

Originally, it was joy and excitement, but the result turned into a discussion, discussing who is better than that War Demon and Wushuang Sword.

Of course, who is better at Wushuang Sword and War Devil, but there is no conclusion, which cannot be discussed, because one is in the Arrow field, and the other is in the field of Thai King.

Unless the two meet each other and can only know ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, no matter what, it will not prevent Chen Zong from becoming the most famous person in the Arrow field, at this stage.

"Beware of the monster cubs jumping over the wall."

"Yes, in order to get rid of the top arrogance of our human race, the savage cubs will use various methods."

"Wushuang Divine Sword is the treasure of our people. The potential is endless. In the future, we can even give our people another powerful master.

At the same time, the plan formulated by the demon barbarians finally reached the final step and was completed. It was time to take action to eradicate the top arrogance of that race.

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