Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 95: Dragon Man

When the Terran side was proud of Chen Zong, and was happy that Lien Chan and Lien Jie continued to recover the war zone, a bad news suddenly burst out.

The thirteenth medium war zone fell.

This is the counterattack of the demon barbarians. Soon, the news cleared up. On the demon barbarians side, there were two dragon barbarians, which are the pride of the two dragon barbarians, each with a 12-star combat power. Next, the human race team in the mid-thirteenth theater was defeated. In cooperation with the army of the demons, all the human practitioners in the thirteen theater were killed.


The thirteenth theater fell.

Although the three war zones were recovered, and only one war zone was occupied. In contrast, the Terran side won, but when the news came out, how could it make people unhappy.

The savage clan not only did not hide anything, but advertised it, fearing that the clan would not know it.

The Dragon Man and the Two Heroes even released news. The next target was the 15th theater, and even named the surname and Chen Zong.

Suddenly everyone understood that the true goal of Longman Shuangxiong was Chen Zong.

Soon, all kinds of information about the dragon and the two males were explored as quickly as possible and sent to Chen Zong.

It comes from the Tyro Starfield, which is a starfield that has been completely occupied by the barbarians.

Prior to this, the two Dragon Barbarians had no other record. In short, for Arrow, they were like recruits.

In addition, the Dragon Man Twins were born as twins, which means twins.

It is worth mentioning that there are no females or females, but only males.

All the savages are male.

So how did the monsters breed their offspring?

Related to their totems, the Barbarian tribe were born from their totem mother tree.

One twins have a low probability, but they also exist, just like human twins. No, for Yaoman tribe, one twin is more precious than human twins.

"One twins, two dragons." Chen Zong could not help but said secretly, his eyes flashed.

This dragon and two heroes are here to deal with themselves, and the 13th theater is just a kind of foil that is used to promote the strength and record of the dragon and two heroes.

"Dammit." Chen Zong whispered, his voice was full of astonishing killings, extremely powerful.

The dragons and the two males all have 12-star combat power, but even if their combat power reaches the brave level, Chen Zong also has the confidence to confront and even kill them.

The power of the sword world is so strong.

At the fastest rate, Chen Zong went to the 15th theater.

The 15th theater area has already received the news, and reinforcements have arrived in the shortest time. Similarly, there are reinforcements from the barbarian side.

The war has not yet begun, but in the void, there is a hint of depression and depression, as if the rain in Foshan is full of wind and depression, as if the rainstorm is pouring down.

Everyone feels depressed, and even every breath, they can smell the murderous mix of cold and blazing.

Long Man and Double Heroes arrived and Chen Zong arrived.

The war begins!

The army of the monster barbarians assembled, immediately dispatched, and pushed forward with an amazing degree. The clan of the human race assembled into an army and began to advance.

The momentum is soaring!

Twenty demon battles will be at the forefront, exuding amazing momentum.

There would not be so many demon wars in the 15th theater, but because of a decisive battle, they were reinforced and expanded to as many as 20.

There are also many human races. There are twenty-one supernatural powers, one more than the monsters. Of course, the combat power is similar. Because of the fierce and terrible spirits of the humans, twenty-one human spirits want It is not easy to defeat twenty monster warlords.

Behind the savage warlords, there are two figures, the most striking, because they are different from other savages.

Dragon Barbarians!

That is the king race among the demon barbarians: the dragon barbarians.

The Dragon Barbarians have noble blood, strong natural combat power, and amazing potential. Compared with other Barbarians, they have various advantages, but they also have a clear disadvantage: they are scarce.

If the number of Dragon Barbarians is scarce, the human front is estimated to have been breached.

After all, every Dragon Barbarian can cultivate to the level of extreme combat power, which is incomparable to the human race.

Coupled with their talents, they are also very terrifying in the polar realm. The polar realm of the human race fights one-on-one, and it is likely that they will lose or even die.

However, the number of dragon barbarians is scarce, and they are royal families. Naturally, they will not easily take shots. For example, in a dynasty, the soldiers who fought on the battlefield are generals, not emperors. Only at critical moments, the emperor will take charge of driving .

It would be too low-level if the emperor were to fight in a normal battle.

Now is the crucial moment. After all, the damage of the barbarian is not small. Of course, such a damage is not very damaging to the barbarian. It is just that the prestige has been greatly damaged, and the morale is greatly damaged. It has also been hit, which is even more disadvantageous.

Therefore, first killing the human race practitioners in the 13th theater zone, occupying the 13th theater zone completely, is their means of counterattack and the horn of counterattack, which is used to inspire the morale of the demons in other theaters.

Of course, it is tantamount to pointing out Chen Zong in general.

Now, Chen Zong is here.

At first glance, the savages are in a dark place. The original army plus the reinforcements doubled, and there were directly tens of thousands.

Hundreds of thousands of savage brave men, when calculated, are equal to tens of thousands of Yuan Ming Realm, which is very amazing.

Of course, the Terran side also has tens of thousands of Yuan Hades practitioners.

It can be said that most of the Yuan Ning Realm in the void is concentrated here, leaving only a small part.

The looks of the dragon and the two males are exactly the same, and no difference is seen at all.

Different demons, even if they are the same tribe, look similar, but in fact there are differences in nuances, such as height, such as body type, such as eyes, and so on.

But these two Dragon Barbarians are really exactly the same, as if they are looking in the mirror.

The glances of Long Man and Shuang Xiong swept away, Jin Chancan's, staring at Chen Zong's body, as if to see Chen Zong through.

"Human race, I hope you don't let us down." The Dragon Man race on the left said spookily.

"I have already said such a thing to me, it's already gone." Chen Zong responded in a nonchalant way.

"Human race, you are very arrogant, I hope you will be so arrogant afterwards." The Dragon Barbarian on the right also smiled grimly.


Needless to say, there is no need, because in such a large-scale war, people cannot kill people with their mouths, only strength can do it.

It's meaningless to say more.

The savage army immediately charged, and the Terran clan also charged.

This is a battle of invasion, a battle of defense, and a decisive battle.

The Dragon Man and the Two Heroes ignored the other races and rushed directly to Chen Zong. The original purpose was Chen Zong.

Kill Chen Zong!

This is the mission, or longing, of the Dragon Man and Twin Heroes. This is their first battle since their debut. The previous 13th battle zone does not count, because they are not opponents.

I hope Tianjiao, a very famous people, can let them fight to the fullest.

One left and one right, the two dragon valiant warriors had amazing degrees, as if lightning flashed across the sky and besieged.

Amazing killings and pressures also swept through it, as if to swallow Chen Zong, and there is a kind of overbearing and violent, wanting to destroy Chen Zong.

But Chen Zong was fearless, pulling his sword out of the sheath. When the sword was out of the sheath, the arrogant breath seemed to be awake, constantly strengthened, sharp and shocking, and finally beheaded.

A sword swept away!


This is a sword light, but the left and right Dragon Barbarians are included, killing them with two swords.

However, the two Dragon Barbarians did not have the slightest intention of dodging, and they still came with a high charge, and they saw that they waved their hands and smashed the sword light directly.

The body of the monster barbarian is inherently powerful, and the dragon barbarian is a masterpiece. It not only has a strong power over the elephant barbarian, but also has a fierce power over the hawk barbarian. High skills of the barbarians.

The savages can't be compared with the dragons, simply speaking, the savages are more like castrated versions of the savages.

These two Dragon Barbarians have a twelve-star combat power, and their physique is extremely powerful. With the sword cut by Chen Zong, it is not enough to pose any threat to them.

Of course, that sword was only the sword qi attached to Chen Zong's scabbard, not a real attack.


The savage dragons approached Chen Zong quickly. From the left and right, they shot and attacked all together. They attacked with extreme force and broke through. The twelve-star power was extremely powerful, which directly brought obvious threats to Chen Zong .

These two Dragon Barbarians are obviously not ordinary twelve-star combat power, giving Chen Zong the impression that it will not be inferior to His Highness.

Together, it's not as simple as one plus one, but it's stronger and the pressure is increasing.

Chen Zong was also reluctant to be hit by those two attacks.

A roll of body shape, turned into a swipe of sword light, flew past, then turned back and cut out.

Chen Zong confronted the dragon and the barbarians with one enemy and two, and immediately began a fierce battle in the extreme state. In other places, the battle between the human race and the demon barbarians also began directly.

This is a decisive battle. There is no retreat.

Because of the relationship that Chen Zong was dragged down by the Dragon Man and Two Heroes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, the human race could not achieve the amazing record like the previous three theaters, but fell into a protracted battle.

Chen Zong did not rush to show the sword world, but first looked at the means of the dragon and two heroes, which was also a kind of sharpening for himself.

In addition, the Dragon Man Shuangxiong directed such a decisive battle directly at himself, and he is not sure of any means, so let ’s test it first.

Even if it has the meaning of temptation, the battle between the two sides is also very terrible. After all, it is a twelve-star-level battle. The aftermath of each strike oscillates and impacts in all directions, as if it can break everything. If the star power is approaching, it may be killed directly, let alone a lower level of power.

Suddenly, the bodies of the two dragons were staggered, like lightning twists and turns. Between the staggering, a powerful attack broke out, and the bombardment came, making Chen Zong creepy.

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