Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 98: Admiral

Burning, it is extremely bright, it is the fierceness of the fire of life, and it is the last elegy of life.

With full of tragic and unmatched faith, the power of this Dragon Barbarian burst out, and its power, even above the limit, soared a little more and became more arrogant.

However, all resistance was directly broken and crushed under the three-meter-long dark silver blade.

It is irresistible, like a meteorite breaking the city wall, destroying it.

In the next breath, the dark silver blade penetrated and pierced the blood-stained golden mang armor as easily as the sharp blade pierced into the tofu. No matter how powerful the blood-stained gold-mand armor was, it could not resist the slightest, faint There seemed to be a scream.

The blood-stained golden mantle was formed by a dragon barbara. It looks like a warframe, but it is still life. It is broken, as if it is directly penetrated into the body, and it also feels pain and injury.

The next moment, the body of the Dragon Barbarian was also penetrated. The terrible sword spirit raged in his body, madly struck and strangled.

Coming directly to death!


In the world of swords under the extreme combat power, the one-hundred swords exerted by one sword are too powerful and completely unstoppable. Such powers, even the one-star combat power of magical powers, cannot be resisted, and they will die when hit. Even if it is a two-star combat power of magical powers, we must fully cope with it.


The dragon and the two males died.

In this scene, a savage war is going to crack his teeth.

It was not only the dragons and the twins who died, but also the demons in the fifteenth theater.

That human race Tianjiao is really terrible, and it is terrible to let out the lethality of the level of the magical powers, and he is only just Yuan Ming Realm.

This Tianjiao seems to be more terrible than the Northern Wolf.

If you grow up to the level of the northern wolf Sirius, I don't know how much loss it will bring to the demon barbarians.

Suddenly, when the human race was overjoyed, the monster barbarians panicked. The dragon barbarians who were penetrated by the dark silver sword blade did not smash because of it. Instead, a heavy light shone on their bodies.

The sky seemed to fall like a light. The light was overbearing, magnificent, and incomparable.

As soon as he appeared, he had the horror of suppressing all directions and crushing everything.

Clicking and clicking, the sounds followed, very weird and terrible.

Alive, the Dragon Barbara actually survived, moving their hands and feet, stretching their limbs, and making continuous sounds of bones and bones, as if the strings of a big bow were tense, and every sound was shaking in all directions, Rolling like a sulking thunder.

Chen Zong's heart jumped unconsciously, only feeling an unpleasantness pervading.

Immediately, the eyes of the Dragon Barbarian burst a strong spirit, as if substantive, as if two peerless sword lights pierced the sky, staring at him, causing Chen Zongqing to feel scalp and stiff.

Too strong!

That breath of mighty power is really too overbearing, I don't know how many times the original Dragon Barbarian.

Ten times?

More than that.

A hundred times?

It seems to be more than that.

It is impossible to describe the gap, even if Chen Zong's perception is extremely acute, it is also impossible to distinguish the gap. The gap is like the gap between a small bug and a dragon, which is an essential gap.

The mighty and violent breath permeated, each one seemed to be full of amazing power, as if it could tear everything, crush everything, crush everything, and turn into vacuum and nothingness.

"Human race, you really can be called the arrogant arrogance of the ancient times, and even the dragon barbarians can't deal with you by all means." The dragon barbarians spoke, his voice was low and hoarse, with a kind of wonder The taste of that is admiring Chen Zong, but his eyes are getting darker and deeper, permeating a danger: "But unfortunately, you are human, so you are going to die."

When the word "death" blurted out, the terrible momentum suddenly exploded from the body of the dragon barbarians, rolling like a wave of shock, sweeping away, crushing everything.

That momentum was too strong and too strong, and all the sword lights around it shattered in an instant and turned into countless broken rays and spattered away. Under that terrible power, it was impossible to control.

When Chen Zong wanted to reunite it, the entire sword world shuddered and collapsed instantly.

Can't hold it!

Even the sword world can't hold it, that power is really too strong and too strong.


In front of that power, his sword world was crushed as if it were an ant.

That power has multiplied countless times.

With the moment when the sword world collapsed, a terror force rushed to Chen Zong from all directions, causing Chen Zong's body to be impacted and unable to escape. The next breath would be in this terror force. Next, the gray fly went out.




The territories of the human race were shocked, their teeth were cracked, and Chen Zong could not die.

The monster war generals are excited.

No one expected that such a flip would occur.

The Dragon Barbarian was dead, but it didn't seem to be dead, because his body was used and applied by the powerful demon barbarian as a load.

Chen Zong faces death.

At this time, the demon heart had to appear.

Because this force is far beyond the limit that Chen Zong can bear, and it is countless times. In front of him, Chen Zong is too weak to resist the slightest.

The dark figure appeared like a demon, with a black sword in hand, and the monstrous demon power swept away, like an endless sword, directly from the horror of invasion from all directions Torn and shattered, Chen Zong could not be hurt.

"You finally appeared." The eyes of the Dragon Barbarians were extremely dark, like an abyss, but with indescribable fury, staring at the dark figure: "This time, kill all of you."

"It's just a clone of a monster general." Demon Heart said in front of people, his voice was low, but the mighty power was astonishing, as if **** roared.

The truth is straightforward.

Long Man Shuangxiong was really dead and was killed by Chen Zong. Now, his body is occupied, occupied by the consciousness and power of a monster general, and he becomes the clone of the monster general.

This is the method of the demon barbarians. It is the last resort to use the dragon barbarians to challenge Chen Zong. If the challenge fails, this step is taken. At this step, the dragon barbarians will die.

Enter the power and consciousness of the monster general, take control of his body, transform into a clone, and kill Chen Zong.

Hide the sky and cross the sea!

The monitoring of the human race has been deceived, and therefore, it has to pay a great price.

If it succeeds, it is the life of the Dragon Man and the consciousness of that general, which must be repaired for many years, but in order to kill Chen Zong, the top human race, it is all worth it.

If it fails, the loss is even greater.

But this time, only success is allowed, and failure is not allowed. If it is possible, the demon barbarian would rather dispatch several big futures to encircle Chen Zong, even if it pays some price.

Because they feel threatened, once Chen Zong really grows up, the threat will definitely be better than many Taoist powerhouses.

But unfortunately, the generals of the demon barbarians are also limited and cannot be easily left, and the human races also pay attention to the generals of the barbarians at all times. As soon as they act, the deities of the human races will also respond. The shortest time.

It is very thrilling to pay the life of a rare one-two twin dragon barbarians to carry out this concealment operation. Fortunately, no human race has appeared.

Now, as long as this human race Tianjiao is killed, it is complete.

Now is the most critical moment.

His own power exploded, and the Taoist respect of the human race already knew and rushed in as fast as possible, but it took some time, and he only needed to kill the other party within this period of time.

nothing left!

The mighty force poured out violently, as if the sea was falling.

This is the power of the transcendental power, the power of the demon barbarian, and the power equivalent to humanity.

Open without reservation, we must lay the victory in one fell swoop.

With a bang, the punch was broken, and that punch was violent to the extreme, unreasonable and unreasonable, and destroyed, as long as everything in front of it was crushed and turned into powder and nothingness.

This blow appeared, and the breath of breath spread with it, impacting in all directions, no matter the human race or the barbarian race, they all felt extremely depressed, as if they were going to be crushed. You have to stop fighting, you have to show your full strength, and retreat frantically, otherwise, if you are affected, you may be killed.

The strength of the general level is so terrible. Every move is as powerful as the mighty, unmatched, and violent without casting. Without the strength at that level, it is hard to resist.

Chen Zong also quickly retreated, turned into a sword light, and evacuated.

The level of such a battle is too high-end, far better than the level you can handle.

Everything to the magic heart.

In the face of this terrible blow, the magic heart's look did not change at all, but a tyrannical breath permeated with it.

It's not a magical power, it's not the level of magical power that everyone guesses about, it's a Taoist power.

This battle is a Dao-level battle. It is a battle between the demon heart with the Dao-level fighting power and the power of the demon barbarian general ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The magic sword is in hand, and it is absolutely empty.

The dark blade of light splits the sky and cuts directly at the violent punch of the Dragon Barbarian.

Collisions, violent collisions, exploded only in a flash, the horrible aftermath swept across all directions, and the void of tens of thousands of meters was directly transformed into an extinct region. The next one who entered the Taoist level would only be caught in the moment. Destroyed directly into nothingness.

The gap between the triple state of God and the Taoist level is so powerful, so obvious, so amazing, and so despairing.

With this single blow, the void of tens of thousands of meters seems to be shaken into nothingness, and all existence and non-existence seem to be reduced to powder. This scene brought Chen Zong an unparalleled impact.

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