Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 99: Bai Guang Dao Zun



Fierce battle!

The battle of life and death between the power of the monster general and the deities transformed by the human race falling into Dao Zun, that is a Dao-level battle, there is no way to intervene.

This battle was fiercely indescribable. The remaining waves continued to spread and the range continued to increase. From the original tens of thousands of meters, the spread was 100,000 meters. The spread continued, and everyone had to continue to retreat. The farther the better, lest it be affected.

Chen Zong also receded, but his eyes stared at the war.

This level of war is rare to see. For yourself, although the level is too high, it does not prevent you from seeing something from it to enhance your own accumulation.

Whether it's the power of the demon general or the spirit of the demon, its combat skills are well-refined and better than itself.

Chen Zong was doing his best to observe. Chen Zong used all his heart and soul to observe and record.

Each blade of the magic heart seems so simple and unremarkable, but every blade is continually refined and condensed with indescribable power, which is a kind of avenue, an extreme avenue mystery.

In the same way, the power of the monster general is divided, and each hit is also tried and tested, reducing complexity to simplicity, pointing directly at the road.

This is the collision of high-end combat power, the collision of the avenues of hardened roads.

Void, shattered like cracks, there are countless fine cracks, the cracks spread out, flooding in all directions, sweeping everything, as if countless mouths opened, to swallow everything.

The more the battle, the stronger the magical heart's strength, and the one-star level of Dao Zun is continuously improved, thus gradually suppressing the opponent.

Dao-level battles can be divided into victory and defeat, but life and death are not so easy, even if there is a gap in combat power, it is not so easy.

For example, it is not easy to kill one star with two-star Dao Zun combat power. It is very difficult. So easy.

Cut it out with a knife, this time, the power of the monster general was split directly.

After all, he is not a complete monster general, but only the strength of the monster general, and his combat power, only reaching a two-star level.

In the face of the magic heart that has been upgraded to a three-star level, he has lost his advantage.

Following this, under the sword, the power of the monster general was continuously cut back, and the opponent's combat power was once again improved to reach the four-star level.

Four-star vs. two-star, that is a positive repression.


The power of the monster general is going crazy, unexpectedly, completely unexpectedly, they underestimated the arrogance of this human race.

Who would have expected that there was a four-star-strength Dao Zun-level strong guard who carried him around.

How amazing it is.

Any of the Taoist strongmen is the backbone of a human race, and may serve as a guard to protect an important person, but it will not last long.

Originally, they speculated that the card should be the combat power of the Divine Realm. At best, it is the ultimate combat power of the Divine Realm.

Road respect!

The four-star Dao Zun level is indescribable.

This time, the operation will fail.

Two-star vs. four-star, even if it shows a stronger hole card, it is not its opponent.

go away!


Without hesitation, after the strength of the monster general greeted a dark blade of light, he quickly retreated and opened the door.

You must leave here. If you are killed, the monster general will not be dead, but it will also be severely damaged. I don't know how many years it will take to recover.

You must know that a monster general who can exert his strength and achieve two-star combat power has a high combat power of three levels.

The two-star combat general is hard to intercept when he wants to leave.

The demon heart did not catch up, but he saw his left hand brushing across the blade, as if there was a flash of light passing by.

The sword light was condensed to the extreme, and turned into a substantive sword blade, cut directly into the void, and killed the demon general who was walking away from the power.

Can't dodge, cut directly!

The monster brutal force screamed uncontrollably, seeming to be greatly traumatized, but was not killed directly, but the escape rate was a little faster.

"I was hit by this knife, and I was half dead if I didn't die," Mo Xin secretly said, returning to Chen Zong's body.

He is the deity of Chen Zong, and his duty is to protect Chen Zongxiu, not to chase the enemy, otherwise if he leaves, who knows if there will be other accidents, causing Chen Zong to be in danger.

He can't chase, it doesn't mean he can't take a shot. The one-shot kill, although he didn't kill the other party, also made the other party half dead, absolutely uncomfortable.

"Everyone is here, just leave like this, don't let my tribe do the landlord friendship, does it seem that our tribe is too ignorant of politeness." A light voice seemed to have a slight smile, but suddenly it seemed The sound that doesn't seem abrupt is as if coming from all directions, as if coming from nothing, like a breeze passing by.

The voice was not slick, the wind was light, the smile was very polite, and it was like entertaining a strange friend who came from afar.

Accompanied by the sound that seemed polite, immediately, a light shone. At the beginning, the light was subtle, soft like a shimmer, but it became fierce in the next breath.

As if starburst, it burned and exploded in an instant and turned into a scorching sun. It filled all directions and radiated everything. With that intense light, it was incomparable, like a storm like a meteorite.



The power of the demon general was only swallowed, and he was swallowed directly, completely swallowed up by that intense light, but it disappeared in a flash.

He was first struck by the devil's heart, but was severely damaged before he died. He unfortunately encountered the human race respect that came to him, and was directly killed in one blow.

Immediately, a flash of light appeared in front of Chen Zong. It was a figure shrouded in white shimmering light, looking a little fuzzy.

"It is an honor for our people to have such a arrogance like you." This respect gazed at Chen Zong, with a smile in his tone, and said to Chen Zong with a smile, his tone was full of appreciation. It is indeed his heartfelt words: "But there is one point, I have to tell you, now, you want to leave the northern front as soon as possible."

Chen Zong slightly hesitated to leave the northern front himself?

Why is this?

"Your talents, even above your master, have been completely followed by the barbarians. This time, the barbarians have suffered even greater losses and will never give up." The Taoist Master, who was permeated with light throughout this week, explained why : "If you continue to stay on the northern front, the barbarians will definitely do something to you again, and no one knows what the next means will be."

"Even the Lord of the Savage may be dispatched in person." This sentence is full of seriousness, there is a warning and indescribable Xiao killing.

Demon Lord!

It is the equivalent of a demon barbarian who is dominated by the human race. There are not many of them, and they rarely take any shots.

However, if the monster group really considers Chen Zong as a great threat, they will use various means to eliminate it.

For example, this time, the power of the monster general came down.

What about next time?

Was the monster general coming directly to shoot?

If it fails, will the demon master also shoot?

Although the human race can protect Chen Zong at all times, but no one dares to say that there is no negligence, if Zong Zong creates a chance, Chen Zong is likely to be killed.

This is also the decision made by the human Taoist deities after some discussions to allow Chen Zong to leave the northern front.

The savages are contained on the northern front. It is difficult and difficult for them to sneak across the northern front into the void.

Even if it can be done, those generals and monster masters can't do it. Only some scattered generals or brave or even warrior can do it, and the lower the level, the higher the probability.

If Chen Zong left the northern front, no matter where he was, the Yaoman tribe would have to deal with him a hundred times or even a thousand times, or even ten thousand times, or even hopeless.

After all, according to this situation, at least the warrior-level monsters have hope to deal with Chen Zong, but Chen Zong has a hole card. Therefore, only the powerful monster barbarian can deal with Chen Zong.

It is a pity that the monster general is truly incapable of leaving the northern front at all. When he moves, there is bound to be a human race to stop and intercept.

Ten thousand steps back, even if there is really a monster general who is lucky enough to cross the northern front into the void, it is extremely difficult to deal with Chen Zong, the vastness of the void, who knows where Chen Zong will go.

In a word, Chen Zong must leave the northern front as soon as possible. Only in this way can he ensure his own security and not be removed by the savages.

In a few words, this deity explained the situation clearly, except that only Chen Zong could hear it, or in other words, only Chen Zong and the magic heart and this deity could hear it, and others could not hear it. , Are all isolated.

Chen Zong also understands that he is really dangerous here. At the same time, it will bring more anxiety to the northern frontiers. They must always pay attention to their safety.

Then just leave.

Fortunately, www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the purpose I came to has been achieved, then, is the cultivation of peace of mind, and strive to promote cultivation to the extreme of the Yuan Ming Realm and Dacheng Divine Realm, and then, to the next level .

"Excuse me, senior?" Chen Zong finally bowed.

"My name is Bai Guang, and I look forward to the day when you can fight with us." Bai Guang Dao Zun finally smiled, and the next breath, in the eyes of Chen Zong and everyone, turned into a white light and disappeared instantly.

Looking forward to the day when Chen Zong can fight alongside Dao Zun, this is an affirmation of Chen Zong.

Not all Tianjiao can break through to Taoist level, that's just a few of them, most Tianjiao will be trapped at the extreme level of supernatural power.

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