Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 100: Shinto border

The war in theater 15 is over.

All the demon barbarians died in battle, the human race won, and the war zone 15 was restored.

There will be as many as 20 savage wars and tens of thousands of savage warriors in this battle. In addition, there are also rare dragons and twins who have twins. The demon's deity's deity was also impacted. He was directly traumatized, his combat power fell, and he wanted to recover as before. I don't know how much it would cost.

The human race also suffered losses, but compared to the loss of the demons, it was nothing.

Theater One!

Theater Nine!

Theater 23!

Today is the 15th theater!

In total, four theaters were recovered, because Chen Zong was recovered, great credit, and an amazing record. Unfortunately, Chen Zong had to leave.

This is also the protection of Chen Zong by the Taoists in Arrowfield of the Northern Front.

Because Chen Zong is still too weak, he still needs to continue to grow. At least he must have a level of combat power on the northern front to really have some self-protection power, and that's just it.

With the perfect cultivation of Yuan Ming Realm and the perfect cultivation of Dacheng Divine Realm, Chen Zong left the northern front.

This trip was a breakthrough, and the combat power increased greatly. The strongest combat power can fight against weaker magical powers. It can be said that Chen Zong's harvest was very amazing.

Appearing outside the Arrow field, Chen Zong immediately announced the news with the Nine Heavens and contacted Yu Nianxin.

However, there was no response. Perhaps Yu Nianxin is still in retreat, which seems to be longer than the previous years.

Then, you should return to the heaven of mind first, and you should retreat well. This time, the gains are great.

After taking out the Void Array, Chen Zong directly injected power and opened it.

This method can allow you to return to the Mind Temple in the shortest possible time, avoiding being risked by the evil spirits and rushing out to deal with yourself.

When the array was opened and the light flowed, Chen Zong's body was directly covered, and the next breath disappeared.

Under the power of the large array, Chen Zong's figure traveled through time and space at an astonishing degree, extremely fast and fast, crossed the northern void, entered the central void, and then went to the black and white realm to enter the mind and heaven palace.

It was only a few short breaths, and Chen Zong appeared in the heart of heaven.

The first thing to return to Tiangong is to meet Master.

"Yuanming Realm is complete, Dacheng Divine Realm is complete, it's good." Yixin Daozun felt Chen Zong's behavior, and nodded with a smile on his face.

In fact, he already knew what Chen Zong did on the northern front. Naturally, someone told him what was happening there.

Dedicated Heart is very happy, very excited, and very proud.

This is his own disciple.

very impressive.

I look forward to reviving with all my heart, looking forward to the day when Chen Zong really grows up.

Road respect!

Still dominate the realm!

Although the one-hearted Taoist deity is the top Taoist deity, and his talents are extremely outstanding and indescribable, it is really too difficult and difficult to break through to the dominion.

Dedicated to the highest level of Taoism, it has been many years.

This is also helpless. Dominating the realm is too difficult to achieve.

However, Yixin Daozun saw hope in Chen Zong's body, and maybe one day his disciple would achieve the dominion earlier than himself.

"Now, your cultivation has reached the level of Yuanming Realm. Although it has not yet accumulated to the extreme, it is only a matter of time." Between the turning of the mind and mind, he said again, "Soon, I will Both the practice of Qi and the practice of physical cultivation will be promoted to the extreme of the Yuan Ming Realm and the Dacheng Divine Realm. At that time, they will be able to impact the Divine Realm. "

Chen Zong'an listened quietly to Master's words.

"There are fivefolds to the miraculous realm, from the royal road to the master."

"However, the divine realm is actually divided into two parts." The tone of single-mindedness became dignified: "the divine realm and the realm."

"The so-called divine realm, also known as the triple divine realm, is a comprehensive term for the royal realm, the Yuan Ming realm, and the divine realm. It is the power to control the avenue. "

Seeing cultivation and control are two concepts.

Of course, Chen Zong is still unable to fully understand it. Only then can he truly understand it.

In fact, Chen Zong's memory of the master of the Dongting Sword was obtained by Chen Zong. However, Chen Zong did not say such a thing, but quietly listened to the words of Master.

"Now, you are already dual in the divine realm, not far from the third."

"The divine realm is threefold, and each has its own mystery."

"The Yu Dao Jing is the power to initially understand the application of the avenue. The Yuan Ning Realm is to condense the Yuan Shen. When the Yuan Shen is there, it will not truly die, and it will be able to use the Yuan Shen to comprehend and control the stronger avenue."

"Supernatural power is mastery of destiny."

"For magical power, destiny magical power is vital."

"There are two ways to master the destiny." Yixinzun said, saying a word, staring at Chen Zong: "First, you will awaken the destiny by yourself, but you will not know what kind of destiny can be awakened or controlled."

"Second, choose one of the supernatural powers you have mastered and become the destiny supernatural powers."

"Generally speaking, practitioners choose the second one because that is controllable."

Indeed, the first method, to awaken the destiny powers on your own, is like gambling.

It is possible to awaken a very powerful destiny power and have amazing combat power at one stroke, but in most cases the destiny power awakened is not so satisfactory.

After all, it was a magical power that evolved based on some of its own characteristics. Although it would fit itself as much as possible, it was not absolute and had a lot of luck.

Generally speaking, the practitioners who choose to awaken the destiny are those who do not have much or powerful magical powers themselves. Generally, they have a fight and have some ingredients to obtain more powerful destinyal magics than their mastery. Oops, the awakening destiny is not much worse than those masters.

However, those geniuses, etc., will choose the second one, using one of the various supernatural powers they have as their destiny supernatural powers.

Once the supernatural power becomes the destiny supernatural power, it will become different, become more powerful, perform more quickly, have the same power, and consume less power. This is where all the advantages lie.

But unfortunately, there is only one kind of destiny supernatural power controlled by each supernatural power, almost all of them.

Otherwise, how terrible it would be if you could master multiple destinies.

"You will soon be able to impact the magical powers, then it is time to choose the magical powers you want to be transformed into destinyal magic powers." Yixin Daozun said: "Only by mastering the destiny magical powers can you truly enter the magical powers realm. Evolution is destiny ... "

This is the difference between Yuan Ming Realm and Divine Realm.

Of course, there is also a big difference in the power that it holds. It is a leap and a qualitative change.

Otherwise, the Divine Realm will not be as powerful as Yuan Ming Realm.

If there was no sword world, Chen Zong would not be able to cross this gap and reach the level of combat power of the supernatural powers. From this point, we can see how amazing the sword world is.

If you have one heart, you are reminding Chen Zong that it is time to make preparations. It may not be so easy to break through the magical realm, but the choice of destiny magical power should be done as early as possible, so as not to hesitate when you break through.

Once hesitant, it will have a bad impact on the breakthrough.

Once you don't choose well, you will inevitably regret it afterwards.

Feelings of regret, especially this kind of regret against yourself, can sometimes be fatal.

Therefore, the choice of destiny supernatural power is very important.

Of course, if you intend to awaken your destiny, you don't have so many worries.

This information is contained in the memory of the owner of the Dongting Sword. After listening to the words of the heart, Chen Zong's impression is even more profound.

"Thank you, Master."

After leaving, Chen Zong returned to his palace and began to retreat.

During the retreat, Chen Zong first recalled all the experiences of the northern front. Every action, every battle, and the killing of each sword became extremely clear and reappeared, giving Chen Zong a feeling of re-experience. .

And Chen Zong, it was like going through it again, but like an outsider standing on a high level overlooking, this feeling of mastering everything inside and outside is very beautiful, and so, it can be seen better Your own weaknesses.

Time passed slowly. When Chen Zong woke up, he had already experienced all the experiences of this trip, and it took half a month.

This recollection made Chen Zong feel that his realm was further consolidated, and the foundation seemed to be further consolidated.

Then, Chen Zong pulled out his sword, practiced some swordsmanship, and then thought about it.

"Life is supernatural." Chen Zong groaned.

In fact, the magical powers that he has mastered are not small, part of them are the magical powers in the memory of the master of the Dongting sword, and part of them are the magical powers obtained in the mind of heaven.

Once it is a destiny, it means breaking its maggots and having unlimited promotion possibilities.

Therefore, the choice of destiny supernatural powers is sometimes not as strong as possible, but according to the actual situation.

For example, some magical powers have less direct lethality, but they have other magical powers.

It is precisely because of this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ that the choice of the destiny supernatural power must be more cautious, otherwise, if there is not so much consideration, just choose the most powerful one, why not worry about it so much.

"Senior, what suggestions do you have?" Chen Zong couldn't help but said, this is asking about the magic heart.

"My suggestion is ..." After being asked by Chen Zong, the demon heart immediately meditated. The choice of destiny and supernatural powers should not be neglected in the slightest. It must be cautious and very thoughtful.

As Chen Zong's guardian deity, naturally, he must consider it in such an all-round way and consider it for Chen Zong.

Chen Zong did not urge the demon heart, he was also thinking, there are not many magical things that can be chosen, although there are not many, but he must make a clear choice from them.

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