Sword God

Vol 39 Chapter 1: 10,000m crack

Thirty-three days of mind!

This is the supreme skill of the Mind Heaven Palace, which is the orthodox heritage of the Mind Heaven Palace. It has been countless years. It is inscrutable and has great potential. If you choose it as your destiny, you will master more than your own limits. Other magical powers will also be faster.

According to the demon heart, in the history of the mind and heart palace, someone once chose the mind and heart thirty-three heavens as the destiny supernatural power and succeeded. Finally, thirty-three heart palaces were minted, and each of the heart palaces solidified a magical power and cannot be changed. .

After being cured, the magical power will be greatly improved and become a special level between the magical power and the destinyal magic power. It can be regarded as a pseudo-naturalistic power, which means that its power exceeds the original level, but the consumption is more low.

This is undoubtedly terrible.

Therefore, Chen Zong took the mind of the thirty-three days as one of the choices of destiny.

Second, one mind.

Yixinjue is the inheritance of Yixingong. It is an inscrutable technique created based on the mind-thirty-three days. It is essentially different from the mind-thirty-three times.

Although its existence is much shorter than the mind-thirty-three days, its amazing potential and power cannot be denied.

Of course, compared to the full-three minds in the 33rd heaven, one mind is only fourfold, which is not enough. The complete mind should be fivefold. This is theoretical.

If the destiny is based on one mind, then when Chen Zong exerts one mind, the consumption of mind power will be reduced a lot, and the power will be increased accordingly.

This will become Chen Zong's second destiny.

Third, the sword world!

After the strongest Kendo master in the Middle Ages, and the first master in the Middle Ages, Hidden Moon, the master of the wind, merged all the masterpieces and essences of what he learned.

There is no doubt that the sword world is by far the most inscrutable Kendo magical power that Chen Zong knows, with infinite potential.

Regarding potential and so on, Chen Zong feels that the sword world will not be inferior to one mind or thirty-three talents.

Finally, this is the mysterious method of sword field split-kill style.

In contrast, the sword domain split style is the most secondary choice.

But there is no doubt that the power of Sword Domain split-type is also very strong. Once it becomes a destiny, its power will become more terrible, and it will not exhaust its own strength when it is cast.

Less consumption, more power.

Chen Zong was caught in a difficult choice.

Once the destiny's choice is determined, it cannot be changed.

Of course, it is true that there are opportunities to change your choices many times before you hit the Divine Realm, however, it is not desirable.

Once it is decided, it is decided, it needs to be firm, otherwise, multiple changes will only become more and more unsteady, and even in the end, self-doubt.

For ordinary people, it is normal to think over and over again, but for powerful practitioners, overthrowing is not necessarily a good thing, especially when facing a breakthrough, it will only increase the risk of their own breakthrough.

Now that you have started to make your own choices, let's choose until you are finalized.

Time passes slowly.

Chen Zong is still thinking, his mind is turning madly, and he is constantly making various analyses.

"I am repairing a sword. I put aside all modifications. Sword is a killer. Kendo is the main battle. To kill. The sword world is the most powerful destiny for me." Flashing past, all over the body, the sword gas surged endlessly.

The thirty-three minds and one mind of the mind are indeed infinite potentials. Once they become destiny supernatural powers, their power will be very amazing, but the sword world is not worse than them, and Chen Zong is a sword repair.

The sword world is more suitable for sword repair.

When the Sword World becomes a destiny, its activation is only instantaneous and very rapid. Its power will increase and its consumption will decrease.

Selected, no longer changed.

Of course, the more powerful the supernatural power itself is, the stronger it will be after the evolution of the destiny supernatural power, but it is also more difficult to evolve.

Give and return are always proportional.

When you want something better, you often have to work harder.

Once the evolution of the natal magical power fails, the consequences are very serious, it is damaged, it is difficult to break through to the magical realm for life, and the magical power collapses directly.

Therefore, choosing a destiny is not only related to your own strength and potential, but also to your own life and death.

The sword world is undoubtedly the most superb magical power. If the sword world is the destiny of the magical power, Chen Zong cannot imagine it.

However, in Chen Zong's view, since there is such a top-level inheritance of the sword world, it will be ignored, and it is obviously not desirable to choose some supernatural powers.

To do, do the best, do the strongest.

Yu Nianxin should still practice in retreat now, and the destiny supernatural power has also been selected. Next, naturally, it is a full-fledged cultivation, promotion of cultivation, both the practice of qi training and the cultivation of physical training to the extreme, and then impact the divine power Destiny magic evolved, and combat power surged.

Chen Zong was not in a hurry to achieve success. Every improvement is based on his own hard work, and the foundation will be more stable.

Although there is an urgent hope to have a stronger force, nowadays, there is no danger. It should be based on solid foundations and breakthroughs can be achieved.


In each galaxy, there are two and three town boundary cities, and in each town boundary city, there is a tall building.

It was very abrupt, and the ninth heaven that had always been calm at this moment was shaken together, and a little light rose from the top, disappeared into the void, and disappeared.

This scene was very abrupt and extremely fast, which made people caught off guard, but when they came back to investigate, they found nothing.

The immense expanse of darkness, darkness and depth, are eternal scrolls. I don't know how many years have existed, and it is impossible to count.

This is a void zone between the star field and the star field. It is vast and boundless, no wind and no waves. A huge void dragon and snake with a length of more than 100,000 meters is slowly winding a large and long strong body. The idle posture, roaming in the void, seems to be full and drink, and treats the void as its own back garden.

Void dragons and snakes over 100,000 meters are very scary. Only Dao Zun level can fight a battle. Below Dao Zun level, all are ants, and even the ordinary Dao Zun may not be its opponent.

Suddenly, the Nether Dragon Snake seemed to be keenly aware of something. In the huge eyes, those lazy looks disappeared in an instant, replaced by vigilance, extremely vigilant.

As a beast of the void, he is born extraordinary, and has continued to grow and grow through battles. It is not comparable to greenhouse flowers at all, but every half of the wind blowing the grass will cause their alertness.

Under the gaze of the huge void dragon and snake's huge eyes, a little bit of star-like light gathered from all directions, suddenly burst out, and suddenly a layer of ripples, like a stone falling into the calm water surface , Layers of ripples away.

Immediately afterwards, as if a buzzing sound rang, I saw a stream of light, and it seemed to be cut like a cloth from the depth of the void, and a huge 10,000-meter-long scratch appeared directly in the void.

The Nether Dragon and Snake's eyes suddenly condensed and condensed, staring at the 10,000-meter-long crack. For its huge body, the 10,000-meter-long crack is nothing, but the Nether Dragon and Snake felt an amazing threat. , Directly circling around the body, the head of the dragon and snake was raised, making an attackable and defensive posture.

In the next breath, I saw a ray of light that spewed out of the scratches. The ray was very strange, it seemed to be dazzling to the extreme, and it seemed to be soft to the extreme, as if it did not belong to this side of the void, and then, there seemed to be a pair The big hand clasped the two sides of the scratch at the other end of the scratch, and then suddenly made a force to tear the scratch to the left and right sides.

The large ray of light suddenly sprayed out from the torn gap, as if it turned into a torrent, surging and turbulent. The light seemed soft, but it contained a terrible and extreme power. Once The eruption can destroy everything just like that, it is extremely thrilling.

Seeing that intense rays of light constantly sprayed out like a torrent, the eyes of the Nether Dragon and Snake appeared a little excited, and the instinctual feeling that the rays are good for themselves, or the power contained in the rays, has for themselves The benefits will give you an unspeakable promotion.

But again, it felt a great danger from it, as if approaching, it would die.

This sense of danger makes the Nether Dragon and Snake dare not approach the slightest, but the Nether Dragon and Snake is very intelligent and has not retreated from it. Instead, it moves away from it and chooses to wait and see. It depends on what it is ?

If it is finally determined, it will be in your favor, and I will not let it go.

The fissure of ten thousand meters was constantly torn apart, getting bigger and bigger, from one meter to ten meters to one hundred meters, and finally the widest part expanded to a range of one kilometer before stopping.

From the 10,000-meter-long-1,000-meter-wide crack, the mysterious and mysterious light, like the flood of a breakwater, is like a backflow of the sea, pouring out frantically, and spreading continuously, spreading all The shroud, like the turbulence, turned into waves, as if the tide was sweeping in all directions.

Ten thousand meters!

20,000 meters!

30,000 meters!

The intense light is constantly spreading out, it seems to bring this side to complete coverage in nothingness.

40,000 meters!

Fifty thousand meters!

The range covered by the strong light is constantly rising and spreading, and the light is as strong as the waves.

The expectations and greed in the Nether Dragon and Snake's eyes almost turned out into a substantially ordinary jet ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but the only reason left to stop its actions.

60,000 meters!

70,000 meters!

80,000 meters!

90,000 meters!

100,000 meters!


Million meters!

When the intense light burst out from the 10,000-meter crack, covering a million-meter square, it stopped spreading, and the light gradually stopped bursting from the crack.

From a distance, it is a fissure with a length of 10,000 meters and a width of a thousand meters, like a giant with a strange shape, standing on a sea of ​​light with a radius of one million meters. The light is like a tide, surging, surging, Rolling up a heavy wave, but never rushing out of the range of one million meters, seems to be contained by an invisible force.

After observing for a long time, no other movement was found. The Nether Dragon Snake finally couldn't hold it, because its instinct told it that the power contained in this million-meter Guanghai is very beneficial to it. Entering it, it will Get great benefits.

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