Sword God

Vol 39 Chapter 4: Chance

That piece of starry void, that one million meters of Guanghai, and the two hundred and ten thousand meters of uttering void dragon and snake.

The Lord has come!

Dominated by Flame Mountain, Dominated by Ziyuan Hall of Giant Yuan, Dominated by Eternal Battle Fortress, Dominated by Xinyi Temple, Dominated by Sanshou ...

The Lord came, and that area was suddenly isolated. No one knew what the Lord was talking to the Nether Dragon and Snake.

However, the eternal warlord dominates the realm to fight the void dragon and snake in the end, but can't help each other.

The masters left, leaving with their respective Taoists, and the Nether Dragon Snake dormant in the sea of ​​millions of meters of light, seemingly waiting for something.


There are three figures in Xinyi Temple and Yixin Temple.

With one heart, respect for jade, flawless jade, Xia Yingfei.

"Where is the little master, haven't you come yet?" Xia Yingfei asked.

"I have informed him, it should be coming soon." Yixindao smiled slightly, but he was absent-minded, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Jade flawless was muttering on one side, Master is so anxious to call himself back, what exactly is to do?

It seems that we can only know when the little master comes over. It is really a sudden death.

"I'll call him." Jade had a quick temper, and felt that Master had something to tell himself and others, but because Chen Zong hadn't arrived yet and needed to wait, he couldn't sit still.

When Jade's flawless voice fell, just as he was about to rush out of the palace of one heart, a figure flew along from outside, and it was Chen Zong.

"Little brother, you're here." Yu Wuji appeared next to Chen Zong, and fell on Chen Zong's shoulder with a single palm, making an astonishing drum-like sound, full of energy.

However, now Chen Zong, Lu Xiuwei is no worse than jade, and his combat power is even more than that. This palm doesn't feel much.

"Let the Master and the two sisters wait for a long time." Chen Zong smiled with respect to him.

"It doesn't hurt." Yixin Dao came back to God and smiled slightly: "This emergency call you to come, there is a chance, a chance that can be called the world."


"Gaming opportunity!"

The three Chen Zong heard the words and looked startled.

The word opportunity is well understood. They have not known how many times they have encountered since they embarked on the cultivation path, so an opportunity is not a big deal.

However, it is extraordinary to add the word "Gasei" in front of the opportunity, and to say it from the top Taoist deities such as Yixin Taoist.

Everything is relative.

A heavenly artifact is of great value to the imperial realm, and a spirit artifact is of great value to the imperial realm, but it is nothing to the Taoist powerhouse.

By the same token, a chance that is very good for Yuan Ming Realm is nothing to Taoist respect.

Now, Yixin Taoism uses the word “worldly” to describe this opportunity, which shows that such an opportunity, even the Xinxin Taoism, is extremely exciting.

So what kind of opportunity is it? Can the top Taoist monks at this level be called worldly?

The hearts of the three Chen Zong could not help but jump wildly, looking forward to it.

"You don't need to know about this opportunity for the time being, because knowing in advance will not benefit you in half, but it will have a huge disadvantage." Yixin Daozong said in earnest.

Yixin Daozun rarely spoke to his disciples with such a look and tone. Naturally, the three of them paid great attention to them, and one after another discouraged them from continuing to explore.

Although they are not clear, they also know that there are some secrets that can not be explored without investigation, or the consequences will not be tolerated by themselves.

Because some secrets must have sufficient realm and strength to be qualified to bear them.

The mystery behind this so-called world opportunity, I am afraid, is the same.

"It's not easy to get that chance. It must pass the test. Only by passing the test can you be qualified to know the secret behind it." His eyes narrowed slightly, and he remembered those mysteries again, the whole person's The mind was agitated and silent.

The three did not speak, but waited quietly.

"At this opportunity, only the level of Yuanming Realm is eligible to participate, all of which are lower than Yuanming Realm and higher than Yuan Ming Realm." For a while, the dedication came back to God and said again.

The three of them were shocked.

Only Yuanming Realm is eligible to participate?

Anything below Yuan Mingjing or above Yuan Mingjing will not work. What kind of chance is that?

What happened?

The three of them looked at Yixin Daozun eagerly, hoping that Yixin Daozun could reveal more information.

"Well, you don't need to know too much right now." The trio's look made Yixindaozun mournfully laugh, but shook his head and said, "Now you practice well and improve yourself as much as possible, but remember, don't Shocking magical powers, when the time comes, the teacher will naturally inform you. "

The three could only obey Master's words obediently, leaving one after another.

In the heart of the palace, the heart of the Taoist monk fell into meditation again, and his eyes were a little stunned.

There is no way, but for anyone who knows these mysteries, none of them is not so serious. What ’s more serious is that they are always in a state of mental turmoil, and their minds are violently fluctuating. Light and aloof.

Because of that opportunity, even the strong who dominates the realm want to get it. Unfortunately, for various reasons, only the Yuan Ming Realm can.

I can see it, but I ca n’t touch it. That feeling is the most tormenting.

Fortunately, every top Taoist deity has an extremely tough mind and will, which has been subjected to countless impacts and refining and tempering, and will not be easily affected by external shocks and influences.

Even if it is impacted and affected, it can adjust itself. The difference is only in the length of time.

It is for this reason that those who dominate the realm and the Taoist class are eligible to know these mysteries in advance, but not below the Taoist class. That is almost subversive. The direct impact is too strong. Not much can be resisted below.

Once you can't carry it, you may suspect yourself to doubt everything, and eventually go crazy.

Moreover, it is unclear who can carry it, who can't carry it, and without real experience, no one dares to say 100%.

It is at this point that we first blocked the secrets and did not let the Dao level below know, even the general Dao level was not qualified to know, only those who truly reached the top Dao level had this qualification.

Only after you pass the test can you be qualified to know, because passing the test is not the time to let the world know.

"Nine heavy heavens, the void universe ..." whispered, the voice was heard only by himself, and the eyes of the respected heart suddenly burst into an incomparable brilliance.

Although only Yuanming Realm is qualified to be tested, others are not completely without opportunities.

It's just not that easy.

But as long as there is a chance, it is worth looking forward to.


"Gai Shiji, what kind of Gai Shiji, I really want to know right away." Jade flawless tone of impatience.

"Sister Don't worry, Master Shi will tell us when it's time to know." Xia Yingfei's temperament is relatively mild, or because of her confused nature from time to time, she is often in a peaceful state and chronic.

"Although I also want to know, but the sister is not in a hurry." Chen Zong smiled slightly. "All we have to do now is to do our best to improve our strength, but it can't impact the divine realm. "

"Hum, you talk a lot." Yu Wuzheng lost a glance to Chen Zong, but her figure was so hot that she could have a sense of style.

Looking at the back of Yu Wufei's rapid departure, Chen Zong smiled, and then looked at Xia Yingfei: "Sister Four, I'm going to retreat again, see you later."

"Okay, little master, come on." Xia Yingfei shouted with fists.

In addition to the three Chen Zongs, other Yuan Ming Realms in the Mind Heaven Palace have also been summoned by the corresponding Taoists to warn and encourage them. Of course, they also mentioned the opportunity of the world.

It ’s just that they ca n’t know the mystery behind it. Of course, not all Taoists know that mystery. In the whole mind Tiangong, there is nothing in Tiangong that counts. Apart from dominating the realm, there is only one mind Taoist and other Two top Taoists are entitled to know their secrets.

But no matter what, it can be called a chance of the world by Taoist powerhouses. After all, it is very amazing and extremely amazing. The true legends of Yuan Ming Realm are all stunned, and they have closed their doors and cultivated wildly.

So far, it is not known when the test will begin or what it will be.

However, in general, practitioners should respect strength, so good students who cultivate to improve their own strength will definitely not be wrong, and there will be no harm.

As for the other aspects, no one knows, but can only act by chance.

Sometimes chance depends on luck.

For example, the test in the chance is related to the front, but the people who have entered it do not practice the front. What should we do?

I can only miss the chance of cold mixing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is the helpless thing.

Even if you know the content of the test in advance, it is impossible to practice the front. After all, from the beginning to the front of the front, it will take a lot of time and energy.

So there is no need to bother about it, or to explore what the test is about, because there is no need at all, as long as you improve your strength.

This is exactly what is happening in the Heavenly Palace of Mind, and it is also true in the Eternal Battle Fortress, the Flame Mountain of Magnificence, the Ziyuan Hall of the Giant Yuan and even other star-level forces.

The true story of the Holy Land, the secret story of the star-level forces, one by one suffocated, and they closed their doors one after another, hoping to get the chance.

I do n’t know if I can pass the test, but the opportunity is in front of me, and it ’s approaching. I ’ll try it anyway. Maybe I can get it?

What will happen to the unknown, no one is sure, full of uncertainty. Because of this, it will make people look forward to more, and it will lead to countless possibilities.

On the northern front, the war against the demons was also adjusted to a certain extent, but such adjustments were subtle and it was difficult for the demons to feel anything in a short time.

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