Sword God

Vol 39 Chapter 5: Quota

Inside the starry sky, within a million meters of light, the body of the Nether Dragon and Snake is even larger, exceeding 300,000 meters in length. It is astonishing, and its breath has become even more terrifying and even more amazing.

The millions of meters of Guanghai also changed greatly, sweeping down from top to bottom, and finally shrinking in the uppermost sky, forming a huge semi-circular buckle, heavy waves, repeated cycles, from the outside, can not be seen The sight inside.

"I don't know how many people in this third sequence of void can pass the test?" The huge body of the Nether Dragon and Snake, hovering over the sky and overlooking, said secretly.


The flash of time is half a year later.

Chen Zong exited, Jade flawless exited, Xia Yingfei exited, and the true stories of Yuanming Realm of the Mind Heaven Palace went out one by one. Each half of the retreat has more or less improved, which is when the spirit is up.

All Yuanming Realms are all gathered together in the largest palace in the Mind Heaven Palace. In addition to these Yuanming Realities, many Taoists have also come here.

"The opportunity for the world has arrived, but not everyone is qualified to take part in the test." His Holiness the Great Stands at the very top of the Mind Palace, overlooking all directions. He is the head of the Mind Palace and the top of the Mind Palace. One of the Taoists, one who is extremely capable, is rumored to be juxtaposed with one mind.

The other four house lords are located on the left and right sides.

Other Dao Zun are also distributed around. Such a large lineup is surprising. Except for the third Dao Ceremony last time, there are not so many Dao Zun at the Temple of Mind.

The House of Mind is the first house of the House of Mind, and the earliest house is also the most orthodox house. All major events will be performed here.

A word from His Holiness the Lord fell, and the breathing of the Ganyuan Ningjing Zhenzhu suddenly became sharp.

The chance!

During the retreat for six months, he returned from the northern front and other places especially for the sake of Taoism.

How can I miss this opportunity.

But everyone was excited, but they also heard the words of His Holiness, not everyone was qualified to participate.

Of course, everyone can understand.

Whenever an opportunity arises, there are only a few who can finally get the chance. This is the case for the chance, which is normal.

"This opportunity is not exclusive to our heavenly palace, but is aimed at the entire emptiness of the Yuanming Realm." As soon as the second sentence of His Holiness the Great Heart Elephant came out, the faces of everyone changed greatly.

Aiming at the whole Netherworld Realm!

The entire void, how vast it is, how many practitioners in Yuan Ming Realm?

It's really not counted, it's definitely a lot.

Even if some of them are excluded, there are still a lot of them, and there are also a lot of geniuses, which means that the competitiveness is very big, very big, very big, and that will be the whole seat. Void genius.

The four holy places, many star-level forces, and even some galaxy-level and even Sanxiu Tianjiao and so on.

Hundreds of races!

Some frown, because the pressure is very high, it is very likely that they can't compete, and some people are excited because they can compete with more geniuses.

There are many kinds of life and different personalities.

"For many reasons, the number of places to participate in the test is limited, and each of the four sacred places has received ten places. In other words, there are only ten people in our heart ’s true story of the Thousand Yuan Underworld." They were shocked.

Although not all of the Yuan Ming Realms present were less than a thousand, there were also more than 700, and it was cruel to choose ten out of more than 700.

"The third way, Chen Zong, does not need to be selected, and directly obtains a place. The remaining nine places will be competed by you." His Holiness said again.

Chen Zong was slightly surprised that he was unable to compete and was awarded a place directly.

But in retrospect, this is also normal. After all, when it comes to combat power, when you are fully open, when you can kill the strong one-star divine power, it is not impossible to compete with the two-star divine power. Among them, there is indeed Tianjiao, which is very powerful, but it cannot reach the level of magical powers.

It can be said that Chen Zong and them already belong to two levels.

The third Taoist lord, on the northern front, made a great deal of power. His cultivation also reached the level of Yuanming Realm. In any case, Chen Zong's combat power belonged to the top of Yuanming Realm. Ten of the places were directly awarded one. Others People have no opinion.

With one place left and nine places left, competition is fiercer.

The most direct way is to fight.

In one-on-one battles, the winner is promoted to the loser and eliminated without any luck.

The third true biography of Yixin Palace has flawless eruptions. A pair of iron fists are extremely violent, and a pair of slender beautiful legs are also full of incomparable violent power. Those who confronted her were destroyed by that extreme offensive and destroyed. Defeated.

Chen Zong found that the three-star sister Yu's flawless combat power, although she still did not reach the twelve-star superstar level, was very close. The normal top eleven-star star was no longer her opponent.

However, in addition to the flawless jade, Chen Zong also unexpectedly discovered that someone's combat power exceeded the level of eleven stars and truly reached twelve stars. That means conventional combat power, and there is no secret combat power. .

This man, who has been lingering on the northern front for many years, is called Meng Yuan. It is within this half year that he finally broke through the limit of combat power and stepped into the ultrapolar level.

Fighting, fighting, fighting, constant fighting, one after another, the winner is promoted to the loser and eliminated without any pause.

Jade is flawless, and her luck is very good. She did not encounter Meng Yuan.

Mongolia has its own super-strength combat power, which is like a broken bamboo. It defeats its opponents one after another and continues to advance.

The twelve-star combat power is difficult to achieve. From ancient times to today, there are countless days of pride, but there are very few that can reach the twelve-star level.

Although Xinyi Tiangong is the first sacred place, there are very few of the true disciples in the palace who can possess 12-star combat power.

For example, at the level of imperial realm, there are only two at present. Of course, it is not excluded that there are other disciples who have not fully grown up. In the future, there are also some hopes to break the limit and advance to the super polar combat power.

The level of Yuan Ming Realm is currently two, one is Chen Zong and the other is Meng Yuan. As for the flawless jade, there is still a bit of hope for impact, but the success rate is uncertain.

As for the other Tianjiao, of course, there are also a few people who have hope, but only hope.

Superpolar combat power, which is a kind of sublimation, is not only achieved by talents, but also by the combination of many factors.

For example, in the northern theater, the fighting is extremely fierce, and life and death are constantly torn. However, only in a few theaters, there are strong 12-star combat power. Most of the theaters do not exist, and it is clear that the ultra-polar combat power is rare.

One battle after another was extremely fierce, and some of them made Chen Zong feel very exciting.

You know, Chen Zong's current level of combat power is not on a level with them, and it can make him feel wonderful and extraordinary.

When the last battle was over, the dust settled. Nine places were selected, and Chen Zong, who had already been granted a place, was already in the dozens.

The ten are seven men and three women, namely Chen Zong, Meng Yuan, Yu Wucai, Liu Liyang, Zhou Huang, Sun Fengqiu, Luo Yunruo, Zhang Zhenzhong, Xu Xing, and Xu Chen.

Chen Zong and Meng Yuan have conventional combat powers at the super-polar level, while the remaining eight are top 11 star powers.

This lineup is also quite amazing.

"Ten places have been selected, and you have half a month to prepare well and adjust yourself to the best condition." His Holiness said, "After half a month, start on time, can you still have questions?"

"Honor, dare to ask where we are going after half a month?" Meng Yuan asked immediately.

"There is no need to worry, you will know by then." Lord Daxinxiang smiled after looking at Meng Yuan.

In this case, His Holiness is impressed because he is the true biography of the Heart of Mind. His talent is not the best, but he works very hard and is far better than others.

In order to sharpen oneself, I have been on the northern front for a hundred years. By fighting the life and death of demons and barbarians, I can stimulate my own potential and sharpen myself madly.

Originally, according to his talent, it was difficult to break through to the ultra-polar realm. After all, he did not reach it when he was in the dominion. Although the ultra-polar realm didn't fully look at the talent, if he did n’t have enough talent, Will become a luxury.

I didn't expect that Meng Yuan could break the trance and reach the super-altitude combat power, which made people impressed. Because of this, His Holiness ’s attitude towards him was relatively kind.

"Retreat now, so that you can practice." His Holiness said finally, turning, as if disappearing.

Everyone left and got the places, of course, they were very happy. Those who didn't get the places will inevitably feel very disappointed. This is something that can't be avoided.

Opportunities are always prepared for a few people, and only a few people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are eligible to enjoy them.

In the final analysis, we still need to improve ourselves as much as possible to become stronger before we are qualified to fight for opportunities.

Otherwise, when the opportunity comes, but missed because of lack of strength, it will make people barefoot and heartache.

"Chen Daozi, please fight with me." Meng Yuan stopped Chen Zong, his eyes flickered sharply, and his tone was full of amazing warfare.

In order to improve himself, he fought fiercely, put himself on the edge of life and death, and promoted again and again. On the northern front, he had heard of Chen Zong ’s famous name, but he never had a chance. Today, Chen Zong is in front of him. right here.


The other people who were about to leave stopped short, and were very interested, looking forward to this battle.

"You are not my opponent." Chen Zong shook his head slightly, instead of looking down on Meng Yuan, but before Meng Yuan shot, Chen Zong roughly inferred that his combat strength was indeed very good, but compared with himself, he still Insufficient, even if the sword world is not used.

Once the sword world is used, it is directly destroyed.

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