Sword God

Vol 39 Chapter 6: Gathering of Void Sky Pride

"Since the opportunity has come, everyone, do your best to fight for it."

"set off!"

"It's a chance, I'm here."

Among the four sacred places and many star-level forces, Tianjiao, who got a quota one by one, set off to start.

However, the four holy places all have Void Moves, and at this important moment, they are not used. Therefore, the Tianjiao and Dao Zun of the four holy places have arrived first, and the other forces without Void Move , You can only rush to the fastest speed in the sky.

Longer distances have already started directly after the selection of places, and short distances are set off after a period of pause.

On the edge of a star field, the light of the formation flickers, and it quickly builds up, eventually turning into a large array, slowly rotating, extremely mysterious, the next breath, all the figures appear in it.

This is the team of Xinyi Tiangong, headed by Daxinxiang and Yixindao, followed by three Taoists, and the others are ten Yuanming real stories.

Five Taoist escorts, two of them are top Taoist priests.

Immediately, he saw a wave of His Holiness the Great Heart Elephant, a Void Flying Boat appeared in the Void, and everyone logged into the Flying Boat and started immediately.

This is a rare super-order void ship.

The vast majority of Taoist class powerhouses can only have top-level Void Vessels. Only a few top-level Taoists can qualify for Super Void Vessels.

The speed of the super-empty flying boat is astonishing. It doesn't need to start the shuttle of the void. It doesn't take long to enter the void zone.

"Look, this is the place related to the chance of the world." The Great Heart Elephant Lord pointed to the front while controlling the Void Flying Boat, and said to everyone.

Everyone looked and could see that in front of them, far away, there was a strong light shining, just like the dazzling sun hanging in the sky.

"What's that?" Tianjiao secretly guessed while staring.

As Feizhou kept approaching, the vast expanse of light filled the eyes of all the people, even more surprised.


Completely close!

The flying boat stopped in the void, and everyone came down from the flying boat, and their eyes were attracted directly.

Million meters of Guanghai, at this moment, has formed a closed semicircle, like a glowing giant bowl full of waves buckled on the nothingness belt, extremely impactful.

"This breath ..." Feeling the breath of the huge light, Chen Zong's expression moved slightly, and a strange desire appeared in his heart. The desire to enter and the power seemed to be a kind of supreme deliciousness. .

Not only Chen Zong has this feeling, other people also have this feeling.

But everyone restrained their inner urges very well and did not rush directly.

The vastness of the emptiness has countless temptations. Most of the temptations are just temptations. They are like beautiful mushrooms, but they actually contain toxins.

The next step is to wait, because there are other people who participated in the test did not arrive. The test will only start after waiting for everyone to arrive.

The Mind of Heaven is not the first to arrive. Prior to this, other astral forces have arrived first. After all, they have a long way to go and they have not moved in the sky. They must start as soon as possible.

The people from Juyuan Ziji Hall and Wanyan Shenyanshan arrived ten places each.

The giant Yuan Ziji Temple camp, the third son Yuan Chongshan is also among them.

Yuan Chongshan's eyes swept across, condensed on Chen Zong's body, as if to see Chen Zong through, with a bit of fierce fighting in his eyes.

The first confrontation was a direct confrontation. It was at the third ceremony of Chen Zong. At that time, he suppressed his own strength and ended up in a tie. However, Yuan Chongshan felt that it was because he had limited his cultivation. Due to the relationship between them, some means could not truly exert their due powers, so from the bottom of his heart, he believed that his strength was better than Chen Zong at the same level.

The second confrontation was an indirect confrontation, which was within the Tianhong world.

At that time, he knew that Chen Zong's hidden means was so arrogant and so terrible. He was as proud as he was as confident as he was, and had to admit that he was not Chen Zong's opponent.

After all, he couldn't beat His Highness, but his Highness was not Chen Zong's opponent, and the gap was obvious.

Although Yuan Chongshan was shocked and uncomfortable, he was not discouraged because of it. After he went back, he worked hard and practiced harder.

His cultivation is not to promote cultivation to break through the realm, but to continuously sharpen it in other aspects to enhance the means and combat power under the same level of cultivation.

It's just that at his level, without breaking through the realm, everything is almost elevated to the extreme. It is very difficult and almost impossible to go further.

Constant hardship, but it is difficult to enter, the feeling is like a torment.

When the news of the opportunity of the world came, Yuan Chongshan's heart had more desire. Under the strong desire, it seemed to break some kind of imagination. Finally, Yuan Chongshan broke through and the cultivation was still a Dacheng deity A full level, but it has reached the extreme, and the breakthrough of the giant Yuan Pa body, let his extreme combat power, and further improve.

Today, Yuan Chongshan has full confidence to compete and even defeat Chen Zong.

Maybe, now is a great opportunity.

Therefore, Yuan Chongshan's gaze at Chen Zong was full of war.

Chen Zong just looked at Yuan Chongshan and didn't care much.

To be honest, Yuan Chongshan's strength is indeed very strong, and his talent is unquestionable. If you don't master the sword world, you will have to fight against Yuan Chongshan at the same level. The outcome is really hard to say. Even if you can win, It's hard to win.

But once the world of swords is opened, even if it is a one-star or even a two-star magical power, you can defeat and kill yourself. Yuan Chongshan is even more powerful.

It sounds like it is relying on the sword world, but that was the opportunity that Chen Zong got, and it was also Chen Zong's painstaking efforts to practice it. It belongs to his own strength, not with the help of external forces, that is his own strength. .

Continue to wait. In the process of waiting, naturally you cannot waste time, but practice.

The inability to impact the magical realm means that the improvement of cultivation can be slowed down, focusing on other aspects.

Such as magical power and so on.

Chen Zong is working hard, other people will naturally not relax.

On the same day, Meng Yuan invited Chen Zong to fight, but Chen Zong refused, but Meng Yuan did not give up on it. After repeated demands, Chen Zong eventually fought with Meng Yuan.

In that battle, Chen Zong defeated Meng Yuan without using the sword world, and Meng Yuan was convinced.

Then, it was the third-class sister Jade flawless.

Every day, Jade Flawless invites Chen Zong to fight, explodes with all his might, and furiously fights to sharpen himself, intending to hit the limit, letting his own combat power go further and break through to the extreme level.

However, that's too difficult. Jade's flawless combat power still hasn't broken through.

Some time later, the people of the Eternal Battlefield also arrived.

The eternal battlefield is the furthest from here, and for the sake of the northern front, it is not easy to come here, you need to make a lot of arrangements to rest assured.

However, there are only three deities from the Eternal War Fortress, and the others are ten Tianjiao who have been assigned places.

Chen Zong just ended his cultivation, and his gaze swept away. When he passed the Eternal War Fortress, there was just a gaze.

At that moment, when he saw Chen Zong, he was surprised, surprised, and immediately turned into war. Instinctively, Chen Zong felt that look, and seemed to have a little familiar feeling. It was as if the master of this look was I know the same.

However, the man wore a black and peculiar mask that looked like a ghost, completely covering his face, revealing only a pair of bland eyes containing the unruly and tame world.

Chen Zong's thinking turned sharp, but he couldn't remember, who was this person?

It seems that there is no such look in the eyes of the people he knows.

The other party didn't speak, just looked at Chen Zong, his eyes were filled with a war of intent, which was different from the feeling brought by Yuan Chongshan.

Immediately, the war intentions in that gaze had converged, and the peace was restored. They also turned their attention to the huge Gwanghae hemisphere.

When Chen Zong's thoughts turned, he also let go of his inner curiosity.

If you can't think of it, forget it. If you can know it, you will always know it.

Vastness and vastness, many forces, four holy places, star-level forces, there are hundreds of them, although the number of places is not as good as the four holy places, but they add up a lot.

In addition, there are some galaxy-level Tianjiao, plus some scattered repair Tianjiao, the number is even greater.

When everyone arrived, he looked at it at a glance, and Chen Zong made a rough count, at least over a thousand.

In other words, there will be more than a thousand Tianjiao to participate in the test, competing for the so-called world chance.

Speaking of which, more than a thousand people are actually very few, compared to the void.

After all, the void is so big and the power is so much, there are so many Tianjiao at the level of Yuanming Realm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ One thousand people, not even one ten thousandth.

But there is no way. There are restrictions on the number of places and the number of places that can be allocated by various forces is very limited. You must first compete internally. After you have won the place, you are eligible to participate in the test of opportunity. That chance.

I saw a huge skull appearing over the huge Guanghai hemisphere. It was a dragon-like snake-like head, so huge that it looked like a hill.

Nether Dragon Snake!

It is the Nether Beast Nether Dragon Serpent, but it is no longer the original Nether Dragon Serpent.

"Are people all here?" The Nether Dragon and Snake suddenly began to speak the language of the human race. For a moment, Chen Zong and other Tianjiao were all shocked.

The beasts of the void actually uttered words. What a shocking thing, the Taoists did not tell everyone, otherwise they would not be so shocked.

"Emissaries are all here," responded a dominating powerhouse.

"Very good. In this case, the test begins, and all the participants participate in the test. All come in."

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