Sword God

Vol 39 Chapter 7: 1 / 10,000

Tianjiao set foot in Guanghai.

Wonderful feeling, spontaneous, Chen Zong felt as if there was a supreme power, a little bit across the body, the feeling can not be described in words, it is wonderful.

Everyone feels the same.

From the outside, all Tianjiao's bodies seemed to be swallowed up.

Within Gwanghae, what other people do n’t know, because they ca n’t get in, only Yuan Ming Realm and only Yuan Ming Realm Tianjiao who got a quota are eligible to enter, and other people will be directly excluded.

If you have to forcibly enter, you will die.

The strength of the Nether Dragon and Snake was daunting even to dominate the realm, because it was no longer the original Nether Dragon and Snake.

"The third sequence of vanity Tianjiao, remember, there are only a maximum of ten places. Do your best to compete for that ray of opportunity." The voice of the Nether Dragon and Snake sounded again, but it was directly transmitted to each Tianjiao. In the ear, there is a kind of supreme charm, straight into the soul, as if imprinted.

"Ten places!"

"There are only ten places!"

In a hurry, the expressions of Tianjiao changed greatly and they were extremely shocked.

They have already been selected and stand out from the competition. They are the winners. Now, there are only ten places.

Thousands of people, ten places, the probability is at most one percent, how surprisingly low.

You know, these thousands of people come from various places in the void. Although they dare not say that they represent the void, they also represent the majority.

In this way, there are only ten places amazing. This is amazing.

What kind of chance is it?

So demanding!

"Don't be surprised, maybe, there are less than ten in the end." The Nether Dragon and Snake seemed to see through the surprise and shock of the crowd, and said again, and the words uttered them again.

Less than ten!

Is the difficulty of this test very high?

"Testing, start now." As soon as the voice of the Nether Dragon and Snake fell, everyone found that the others around him had disappeared, and the light quickly changed.

Others, Chen Zong did not know, but his surroundings turned into a plain, a barren plain, which was a wasteland.

The wasteland is thousands of meters away, and farther, there is a wave of light and mist that can't be seen clearly.

"What test?" Chen Zong's brow frowned slightly, and the abnormality became abrupt, and an invisible force passed by. In an instant, covering all directions, Chen Zong was also among them.

Immediately after, Chen Zong felt some changes, as if his strength had been affected and suppressed.

Draw the sword straight and pierce. If the sword is punctured like a streamer, it will not leave a sword mark.

"What's going on?" Chen Zong frowned.

Although this sword does not use its full strength, it is only a basic sword trick, but it is based on its own cultivation for strength and sword skills. The power of such a sword is very good. Can withstand, once hit the sword, immortal will also be badly hit.

But now, what's going on, the power of this sword, which occurred in Chen Zong's keen perception, has greatly decreased, many times.

Sword again and cut it out, one sword after another, and the sword light surrounds him. Each of Chen Zong's swords is adjusting his strength and comparing his powers, and finally comes to a conclusion that makes himself extremely frightening.

One millionth!

All his own power was suppressed, to the extent of the original one-thousandth.

Ten thousand times the gap!

There is a gap of 10,000 times. How can it be so terrible? It is so terrible.

What exactly is going on?

Chen Zong is no stranger to suppressing power. This will be the case in some forbidden places in the void, but his suppression is definitely not so amazing.

Ten thousand times!

One millionth!

No more and no less, it's scary, and the suppression is all-round.

The sword area of ​​the heart is released, and the range is compressed from 20,000 meters to two meters. The sword world is opened and compressed from 20,000 meters to two meters.

What can the two-meter Heart Sword Realm do?

Almost nothing can be done. The power of refining the sword and refining the sword is greatly weakened. The smashing style of the sword domain is absolutely useless.

The two-meter sword world is almost abolished, because the two-meter range is too small, and the sword light can't condense much, nor can it be arranged into a sword array.

In other words, Chen Zong's two hole cards were immediately invalidated.

Suddenly, Chen Zong thought of the demon heart, and found that even the demon heart was imprisoned by an invisible force, unable to be contacted, and completely isolated.

The third hole card also expired.

Chen Zong could not help exhaling a long breath.

It can be said that in this case, his own strength is limited to a low-end level, and the most important thing is the means.

Between thoughts, from the light and mist, a huge figure stepped out. When he saw that figure, Chen Zong's eyes and pupils suddenly enlarged, and they contracted like a needle in an instant. The breath came, making Chen Zong's body unconscious and his hairs upright.

That figure is a red-brown monster, like a huge shoe walking upright, up to six meters, a pair of large chews full of amazing power, a thick tail barb, the color becomes darker toward the end That hook is black, but at the tip of the hook, it is dark green, as if glowing.

This is a monster, but compared to a monster with an ugly appearance compared to this upright giant scorpion, Chen Zong has also seen it, but no one will bring such a strong impact to himself, that is not a visual impact, but a kind of The impact from the depth of the body is like the feeling of encountering natural enemies, and it will be scary and creepy to hit from the bottom of the heart.

Chen Zong couldn't understand why this feeling happened.

To say, I have encountered many powerful enemies.

What kind of void demons, demons, demons, etc. each has its own characteristics, but none of them will make you feel such a thrill from your bones.

The eyes of that giant giant shoe glowed with **** red light, covered with madness, and sent out a weird growl, mad shock came, a pair of big chews suddenly swung, smashed hard, like a sledgehammer , Can smash Chen Zong.

The strong wind screamed, the breath was extremely violent, and Chen Zong was immediately impressed greatly. He felt suffocation in an instant. The shadow fell and the strong force pressed him, as if he would break his body in an instant.

This attack, Chen Zong did not dare to take it because Chen Zong felt great threat.

Stepping, there was no backward dodge, but stepped forward, approaching the monster.

Chen Zong has experienced countless battles in his life so far. The combat experience is extremely rich, and he will naturally make the most accurate response in an instant.

The monster's size is much larger than its own. If you step back, it is not so easy to avoid the opponent's attack. Even the opponent can take advantage of this opportunity to launch a combo and directly put himself in a downwind or danger.

However, before stepping on one step, the distance will be shortened in an instant. Depending on the body shape, the opponent's attack distance becomes shorter. Obviously it is not good for it, but it is good for Chen Zong.

While bullying himself, Chen Zong's sword came out of the sheath, and the sword light looked like a lingering moon, with an astonishing sharp cut out, and the sword gas was violent.

The double cheat shot down, but because of the distance, it could not release the real power, nor did it hit Chen Zong, but the monster's response was unexpectedly fast. The tail flickered in an instant, as if it were a lightning bolt, which broke instantly. The air shot came, and the dark green light at the end shone, and a strange smell was diffused into the nostrils.

The smell of that scent made Chen Zong feel dizzy for a moment, and in a moment of horror in his heart, he quickly closed everything, picked his sword, shifted his direction, and cut to the scorpion tail.

Collision, a sound of golden iron and iron sympathy swelled away, as if chopped on the extremely hard metal, a violent force poured down, called the sword in Chen Zong's hand trembled, the sword body shocked, and the scorpion Also bounced slightly.

Chen Zong's combat experience is extremely rich. His arm is armed with a sword, and while falling under this impact, he draws an arc, like the bamboo in the wind, and explodes again. A sword is killed. A sword Su raised a few more points and cut directly at the monster's body.

This sword was inescapable, and it was extremely severely beheaded on the monster's body, but it made a dull sound again, as if it was struck on a solid **** iron, and the instantaneous shock force came directly to the The sword body burst open and bounced, the sword body trembled, and even the wrist with Chen Zong was shaken and numb.

"How could it be!" Chen Zong was horrified. This level of hardness was really terrible. It was amazing and couldn't be broken. It just left a very pale white mark.

You must know that Jian Yuan Gong's power characteristics in the early days are amazing, and he can split all hard defenses. This has been verified many times by himself, even if the level is higher than himself, he will be split.

But now it has failed.


This is the first time Chen Zong has encountered this situation.

Although terrified ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong has not lost his fighting spirit because of this.

The body flickered, the footsteps shifted, and it turned into a light of sword light, avoided from the monster's attack, and cut directly over the side, leaving a pale white mark.

Chen Zong began to make various temptations.

Although this monster's size is huge, it is not slow at all and very flexible. However, Chen Zong is more flexible. In addition, he has a deep and profound mystery and controls everything around him. All monster attacks During the capture, this way, Chen Zong was able to avoid constantly and not be hit.

The sword is chopped, stabbed, and sharpened. Its shape is extremely flexible. It surrounds the monster, like a civet and a bird. A sword keeps falling on the monster's body, but each sword only leaves a pale white. It's just a trace.

Chen Zong is testing the weakness of this monster. It is impossible for him to have no weakness throughout his body.

As long as the weakness is found, then a targeted attack can be carried out to kill it faster.

Because it is still in the test, Chen Zong has not erupted into extreme combat power, but only pushes the conventional combat power to the extreme. This is the case, and these combat powers are also the 12-star super powers of Yuanming Realm. Level, not to be underestimated.

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