Sword God

Vol 39 Chapter 11: Cosmic void


It was a long-lost feeling that made Chen Zong feel very novel.

"That's Qingshui Dan and Jingdan Dan." A voice that couldn't distinguish gender suddenly sounded, it seemed to be directly introduced into Chen Zong's ears, and it seemed to sound directly in his mind, making Chen Zong slightly surprised.

"Who?" Chen Zong's eyes swept across like cold electricity, pressing his right hand on the hilt, his body slightly lowered, his feet slightly apart, and his sword could be slashed, but there was only one person in the whole cabin.

"I'm on your hands," the voice said again.

"My hands?" Chen Zong was surprised, and quickly looked at his hands, empty, nothing.

Suddenly, there was a shock at the left wrist, and a circle of light emerged between the flashes of nine colors.

"Is it ..." Staring at the ring on his left wrist, Chen Zong's eyes enlarged.

Nine heavy ring!

Only before he spoke, it was a nine-day sky ring on his left wrist.

It's almost impossible to describe the kind of shock in my heart.

It has been a long time since I got the Nine Heavenly Ring, but Chen Zong has always used the Nine Heavenly Ring as a storage and communication artifact, although the Nine Heavenly Ring also records personal information about the Nine Heavenly God's disciples, etc. However, apart from the beginning, Chen Zong didn't care.

Because I have never heard of Jiu Tiantian's disciples, what's the benefit, except for the nine-day exchange.

However, everything redeemed from the Ninetimes Temple is not unique, and other places are also expected to obtain it. Furthermore, Chen Zong has the memory of the sword master of the East Court, and is backed by the heavenly palace of the mind. Any magical power he wants can be obtained. You do n’t need to work hard to get nine days to redeem. That ’s a waste of time for Chen Zong.

Unexpectedly, the Nine Heavenly Rings actually spoke.

After getting the Nine Dragon Circle for so long, Chen Zong always thought it was a dead thing.

"You can call me nine days." Jiu Zhongtianhuan's voice sounded again in Chen Zong's mind: "From now on, I will be one with you and share the same."

Taking a few deep breaths, Chen Zongfang calmed down the fluctuating mood and calmed down: "Nine days, where is this place?"

"The universe!" The answer from Jiuzhong Tianhuan surprised Chen Zong, and the following words gradually enlarged Chen Zong's eyes and pupils, and then quickly contracted, as if shrinking to the point of a needle, his face was full of horror He looked as if he had heard some incredible news.

The impact at that moment was subversive. It directly overturned all of its previous cognitions.

This taste is absolutely uncomfortable.

It's as if you thought that one day, and suddenly one day, you were told that this was not the case, but that there were other real situations, etc. The subversive shock could even make people lose their minds or even go crazy.

Without an extremely tenacious will, it would be difficult to bear that shock.

Chen Zong also finally came to understand why Master did not tell himself and others what the so-called chance of the world is.

In the void, only the dominating realm and a few top Taoists are eligible to know, because, if they can withstand, even if they are shocked, they can adjust in a short period of time, and Tao will not collapse because of this.

Chen Zong and others have passed the test and obtained the chance of the world. Of course, they are also qualified to know that in this case, if they cannot bear the impact that affects Daoxin, it is also their own problem.

Fortunately, although Chen Zong felt subversive shock, he was not affected by Daoxin, but he could not calm down for a while.

Taking a deep breath, sitting still on the wooden bed, Chen Zong pulled out his sword, took out a soft white cloth, and slowly wiped the sword body.

There was no dust on the blade, but Chen Zong had it.

With the wipe, Chen Zong's mind gradually calmed down, and he accepted this subversive impact.

Chen Zhongzong also sorted out what Jiuzhong Tianhuan said.



Chen Zong has always considered it to be a concept. Until now, he didn't know it. Not so. Void and universe are two concepts.

In short, the universe is more vast and higher-level than the void, because the universe contains countless voids, but the countless voids are not built into the universe, but only part of it.

Chen Zong understands this very well. For example, in the void where he is, there are countless worlds and stars, which is part of the void.

The second point is the void sequence.

There are many voids in the universe. It is unclear how many voids there are, because old voids collapse and collapse, and new voids will appear.

But no matter how much void there is, it is divided into three levels: the first sequence, the second sequence, and the third sequence.

The first sequence of voids is the most advanced void, the second sequence is the second, and is also called the middle void, and the third sequence is the most common, which is lower.

The division of the void sequence is closely related to the regular hierarchy of the void itself.

The universe contains rules, the void contains rules, and there is a big difference between rules and rules. That is a qualitative gap, which is different from day to day.

It can also be said that a rule is a higher level of rules.

The rules of the first sequence of voids are the most complete, closer to the laws of the universe, the second sequence of voids is second, and the third sequence of voids is again.

In this way, life born in different sequences of the void is naturally nourished by different levels of rules, and its talents and potentials will also be different, which is a general trend.

Similarly, the higher the sequence of life in the void, the easier it is to enter the universe, because there are more opportunities.

The void that Chen Zong belongs to belongs to the third sequence of voids, which is one of the affiliated voids of the powerful force Nine Heavenly Forces in the universe, but because of the distance and other reasons, plus the rules of the void itself are not strong enough to be arranged. Numerous Nine Heavenly Celestial Towers in that void absorbed many years before they accumulated enough power.

This kind of absorption is the absorption without damaging the basic conditions of the void, and the speed is naturally very slow. It has accumulated for countless years before it has accumulated enough. Only then has the connection between the void and the nineth heaven of the universe been opened, and the sequence channel has been opened to let nine The order of the gods made Yi come.

If it is the Ninefolds in the void of the second sequence, its absorption speed is ten times that of the third sequence, and the first sequence is ten times that of the second sequence.

This means that the time during which the second sequence and even the first sequence of void contact the universe is much longer than the third sequence.

Here is the scope of the Ninetimes Tenjin, the real scope of the Ninetimes Tenji, not the high-rises of the Ninetimes Tenji in the void. There is a fundamental difference between the two.

Because of this, Chen Zong has been exposed to the laws of the universe.

The practice of practicing Qi for strength and refining for strength, as well as powers such as divine mind and the sword of the heart and the avenue of the world, is also very intuitive, because it is not suitable.

All the powers of Chen Zong were learned and cultivated in the original void, and it was the void rule of that party, not the law of the universe.

The laws of the universe are much better than the rules of the void, which is a qualitative gap. In this case, all the power of Chen Zong cannot be used.

However, my own actions are not restricted in the slightest, and the basic swordsmanship can also be performed and possess a certain power, because the more basic things are, the more they will not be restricted, no matter where they are, this is common. , Whether it is the void or the universe.

"Nine days, how can I adapt to the laws of the universe?" Chen Zong's thoughts turned, capturing the main points.

The most important thing now is to adapt to the laws of the universe so that our strength can be mobilized and strength restored.

"Cultivate the exercises and martial arts in the universe, transform your own strength, and adapt to the laws of the universe." The Nine Heavy Circle quickly answered.

Chen Zong frowned. What he said was very simple, but where did he get the cosmic exercises and martial arts?

"Every life that has just entered the universe will receive a gift." Jiuzhong Tianhuan seemed to know what Chen Zong thought: "Go out and see."

Chen Zong immediately got up, glanced, landed on the door of the cabin, opened it, and a breeze came.

Taking a step forward, Chen Zong walked out of the cabin. There was a grass field under his feet, which was very tough. With his two feet on it, he could clearly feel the force of a rebound. He seemed to want to kick his own feet and fly the bullet like Yes, every step must be more cautious, or even if it is not bounced off, it will affect the balance.

In the eyes, the sky was dim, covered with dark clouds, and there was a faint tinge of blood.

Around, there were many cabins that looked similar to the cabins behind him.

"Nine days, is this a camp?" Chen Zong swept over, asking after grasping some outlines.

"Yes, this is the trial camp for Jiuzhong Tianmao." The answer from Jiuzhong Tianhuan turned Chen Zong's thinking and extended it to associate more.

"Trial Camp Center ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yu Gong and Martial Arts Inheritance Monument, where you can spread to Cosmic Gong Fa and Martial Arts." Jiuzhong Tianhuan reminded.

After hearing this, Chen Zong looked at the direction, and after distinguishing it, he quickly set off to walk towards the so-called center of the camp. The place where his cabin was located was regarded as the edge of the camp. When he went all the way, Chen Zong also looked When it comes to other people, of course, not the companion who came with him, but from other void life.

These lives are not necessarily the same. Some seem to be similar to themselves, and they seem to be human, but others are similar to humans, but the characteristics are different. For example, the skin is darker and the surface seems to have a strange pattern, as if containing Some kind of mystery, but the eyes are pure black, without the slightest white eye, the breath on the body is diffused, bringing a sense of darkness and sinking, which makes Chen Zong feel an indescribable threat.

There are also abnormal white skin, as if permeated with a layer of halo. The appearance is handsome and abnormal. The pupils of the eyes contain a ray of golden light, and the breath is bright and pure.

There are also amazing heights, directly more than five meters, muscles entangled in the body, cast like steel, as if full of terrible strength.

In addition, there are races that look like human races, but are not human races. They have more or less beastly characteristics, and the breath is extremely fierce.

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