Sword God

Vol 39 Chapter 12: inherited

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When Chen Zong arrived at the trial camp center, there were more than a dozen races he saw along the way. Under the communication with Jiuzhong Tianhuan, Chen Zong also knew the names and origins of these races.

But among the most noticeable, or threatening, only four races.

The color of the skin is dark, and the eyes and pupils are completely black with a ray of black lines. The race that exudes the dark and sinking atmosphere, called the Devil Race, is the first sequence of life in the void.

The fair complexion exudes a halo, a handsome and unusual appearance, and a race with a bright and vast body, which is a Celestial race, also from the first sequence of voids.

The five-meter-tall body is as strong as an iron tower race, named the Giant Race, which is also the first sequence of life in the void.

The seemingly human race has the characteristics of a beast, a fierce and breathless race called the ancient orc, which is also the first sequence of void life.

The other races came from the second sequence of voids and the third sequence of voids.

The first sequence of huts inhabited by the four major races in the void is located on the first ring in the camp, closest to the center.

The second sequence of huts inhabited by the void races is located in the second ring of the camp.

The chalets in which the third-sequence race resides are located on the third ring of the camp, which is the outermost ring.

Chen Zong also saw eight other people who came from the same void as himself and gathered together. After all, this was a strange place, and only when they were familiar with each other.

"Lower life, go away." A deep voice sounded, and then, only saw a demon wave and waved a human race away.

The human race seemed to have lost weight. Under that push, it flew out several meters directly, sitting on the ground with one buttock, almost rolling, and very embarrassed.

Only momentarily, the human race got up, flushed with anger, and rushed towards the demons. The demons did not have the slightest fear, but showed a playful smile, their eyes grew darker.

"Don't be impulsive." The Terran companion rushed out, grabbing him, and said.

"Oh, this low-level life is a bit courageous." Another Devil laughed teasingly. Their language was not the language of the human race. Chen Zong didn't understand, but when Zongzhong Tianhuan was slightly hot, Chen Zong immediately understood What are they talking about.

In the end, the human race was dragged away, but the demon race shrugged and did not intend to catch up. His eyes swept away, focusing on the life of the second and third sequences of void, Especially when seeing the third sequence of void life, it is full of disdain.

Lower life!

What an abusive title.

Generally regarded as low-level life, is a kind of ants without wisdom, or the like, without intelligence, without strong power.

However, the human race is a wise life, but it is called a lower life by the demons. This is a great insult. When Chen Zong and others frowned.

But no one shot.

When it first arrived, many things were unclear.

Two of them are unable to use their own power, but the Demon Clan gives a very dangerous feeling. Even if it is shot, it may not be its opponent. It may be humiliated by itself. Instead, wait and see. more information.

The third is the insulted people, who are not from the same void as themselves and others, and have a lower sense of identity.

The people of the four major sequences of the Void Race are standing in front of the inheritance monument, the closest, to accept the inheritance.

There are two monuments.

One is a monument of Gongfa inheritance, and the other is a monument of martial arts inheritance.

Nine people, such as Chen Zong, stood together and stood with other people from other voids to observe the heritage monument. However, to accept the heritage, they must be close to the heritage monument and only be in contact with the heritage monument. They could only wait in line.

Accepting the inheritance is not complicated, and the speed is very fast. After a short time, the four first-order void races have all accepted and left, and it is the turn of the second-order void race to accept the inheritance. After that, it is the third-order void race. Accept inheritance.

According to Chen Zong's observations, among the crowd, there were four lifes of the first sequence of voids, 13 lifes of the second sequence of voids, and more than 60 lifes of the third sequence of voids.

Among them, the number of lives from the first sequence of voids was the largest, ranging from as few as eighty to as many as nearly a hundred.

Life from the second sequence of voids is next, ranging from as few as three to as many as nearly fifty.

The third series of voids has the least life, ranging from seven or eight, to as many as a dozen. The voids where they and others are located, totaling nine. Among the third series of voids, there are not many or many intermediate levels.

Adding this up, there are a lot of people in the whole camp, there are more than a thousand and nearly two thousand.

The number is nearly two thousand, which is actually not much, but the problem is that these lives come from different voids, and they are the best among those voids.

Take Nine people such as Chen Zong as an example. Nine people have been selected in the void, and the nine who passed the test are the best. The other void conditions should be similar.

Although because of the first arrival, there is no relationship in which a force cannot be used because of the adaptation to the laws of the universe, but everyone also naturally breathes a breath, which is the habit of cultivating and fighting, which is constantly accumulated. Weakened countless times and still exists.

This breath, so that others can feel, generally make a judgment to determine whether the other party is provoking.

The people in this camp basically arrived here at the same time, and no one seized the opportunity.

It ’s just that the life from the first sequence of voids is familiar to them, because in the void where they were, some people entered the universe long and long ago, and more than one batch, one batch after another , Closely linked, know more about the mysteries of the universe, there is no third sequence of void life for the first time stepped into here.

Information is very important. The disparity in information brings about the innate gap, which is the advantage.

But for the first time in everything, at the beginning, when the first life of the first sequence of voids stepped into the universe, they also experienced a daze, which is a necessary journey.

The team moved in rotation, and finally it was Chen Zong and nine others. The nine stood in line in front of the first inheritance monument and pressed their palms on it. It felt strange, as if they were going to get trapped, but they would not really get trapped. .

When he passed away, the heritage monument seemed to tremble, and a humming sound was heard. Chen Zong only felt his own soul, as if dragged by an irresistible force, and instantly entered a deep mystery, boundless and magnificent.

A ray of light emerged in all directions, as if all homes were brightly lit. There was an indescribable magnificence that brought a full shock.

The light-like lights floated, as if they were drawn in some way, and they gathered from all directions, rushed directly to Chen Zong, and submerged into Chen Zong's body. Chen Zong discovered that those light-like lights were literally words. , Never seen text.

It is a word belonging to the universe, a manifestation of the laws of the universe, and carries some of the mysteries of the laws of the universe.

In just a few short breaths, more than a hundred divine texts were submerged into Chen Zong's body, and Chen Zong felt a force of repulsion. The next breath, the spirit returned to his body.

In my mind, there is an extra exercise.

Chen Zong immediately headed for another inheritance monument. This is the monument of martial arts. The inheritance is naturally martial arts.

As before before the Gongfa Inheritance Monument, Chen Zong stretched out his hand and pressed it on the Martial Arts Inheritance Monument. The feeling of being dragged out again appeared.

Still a mysterious and deep void, vast and boundless, boundless, at a glance, never bottom.

At the next breath, a little light illuminates, like lights after lights, but these lights are not the same as in the Gongfa Inheritance Stele. They are not one color, but multiple colors. Its number is not so much, they add up, but only a dozen.

The lights swirled and circled, not submerged in Chen Zong's body.

Chen Zong's eyes were condensed, he was introverted, and he immediately looked away. He saw the lights one after another, and saw that there were different mysteries in the lights.

Knives, swords, punches, palms, fingers, etc.

What it represents should be different types of martial arts, such as swordsmanship, swordsmanship, boxing, palming, fingering, etc., and choose according to individual needs.

Chen Zong didn't hesitate and chose the light with the mystery of the sword.

At that moment, the other lights were extinguished in an instant, and the mysterious lights representing the sword's mysterious light burst out in an instant. The light shone and covered Chen Zong completely. Into Chen Zong's body, condensed into various sword patterns.

Before long, Chen Zong was also excluded and returned to his body.

This is the welfare of the void life that entered the universe for the first time. You can get one exercise and one martial art for free.

Only by practicing this method can we adapt ourselves to the environment of the universe and the laws of the universe, and then we can re-mobilize our strength and restore our strength.

And Nawuology is also a means to adapt to the laws of the universe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is an application.

Both exercises and martial arts are indispensable.

"Brother Chen, the exercises I got are called Vientiane true exercises. What are the exercises you get?" Duan Lingkong asked casually.

"Vientiane really works." Chen Zong answered slightly surprised.

"I'm also a real success in Vientiane." Others said one after another.

This discovery suddenly surprised everyone, but it turned out to be the same name, is it the same method?

The sound of argument from not far away also called Chen Zong and others to know that not only did they get real Vientiane power, but the inheritance of other people's skills was all Vientiane true power.

The four races from the first sequence of the void, also heard the exclaiming and talking of the crowd, or ignored or looked disdainfully, they seem to already know something.

"Is it the Vientiane True Gong that everyone gets?" Chen Zong couldn't help thinking about it. "If it is true, this Vientiane True Gong is too amazing."

For a while, Chen Zong couldn't wait to understand the mystery.

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