Sword God

Vol 39 Chapter 13: Cruel Trial

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No matter where it is, the void, or the universe, for the practitioner, strength is the first and it is very important.

After getting the Gongfa and the martial arts inheritance, even the four first-ranked empty races returned to their wooden houses one after another, and began to enlighten themselves.

The opportunity to come here, even in the first sequence of voids, is not so easy to obtain, and of course it should be cherished.

In the cabin, Chen Zong participated in realizing Vientiane true power.

Because of the change from rules to rules, the relationship that has not yet been adapted, the thirty-three minds of the mind and Yixinjue have also been affected, making Chen Zong unable to use multiple thoughts to enlighten, and the efficiency has dropped a lot.

"Please note that the purpose of the trial camp is trials." The voice of Jiuzhong Tianhuan sounded in Chen Zong's mind: "Since you entered this camp, trials have begun."

"Trial!" Chen Zong temporarily let go of Vientiane's real enlightenment, the instinctual feeling, which meant something extraordinary.

"Yes, this is the trial camp for Jiuzhong Tianmao. It is the first stop of Tianjiao from the void of all parties, and it is the place where Niantiantianjiao adapts to the laws of the universe." Jiuzhong Tianhuan continued, his voice It is not high or low, there is no half-point ups and downs, as if there is no half-point feelings: "Every newcomer has a trial period of one year."

Chen Zongjing listened and felt that this information was very important and must be clearly understood.

"Only by passing the trial will you be eligible to enter the Nine Dragons. If you fail the trial and are still alive, you will be blocked from this memory and sent back to the original void, losing this opportunity."

Chen Zongwen said that he looked dignified, and the consequences seemed to be serious.

"If you pass the trial and enter the Jiuzhong Tianzhu, you will also get a second chance to enter the Jiuzhong Tianzhu trial camp for the void that can come from." Jiuzhong Tianhuan continued, with its explanation, Chen Zong also understood its meaning.

This time, a total of nine people passed the test and got the chance to be tested, and as long as half of the nine people can pass the test, then the void in which they came from will continue to exist. After a period of time, there will be a second test. After passing the test, you can participate in the trial of the Nine Dragons and reach this trial camp.

Conversely, if less than half of the people pass the trial, they will be judged by the level of the trial.

The worst thing is to lose the opportunity, Gwanghae disappears, the rift is closed, and you have to wait for many years to rebuild your strength before you can open the opportunity to be tested again.

Because to obtain its qualification through trials, to maintain that Gwanghae and the Rift, the power of Jiuzhong Tianmao must be used, and that value must be proven before Jiuzhong Tianmao is willing to consume those forces.

It's simple.

There are nine people in your own vanity. Under normal circumstances, at least five people must pass the trial.

"The final trial evaluations of different void sequences are also different. If your third sequence is void, you only need to get a first-class evaluation."

Chen Zong heard a brow slightly.

First-class evaluation?

This may sound like a difficult task.

But Chen Zong has a feeling that it is not a simple matter, and there may be more difficulties behind it.

"The trial is divided into multiple levels of evaluation. The lowest first level is to master the third Vientiane true power during the trial period. The second evaluation is to master the fourth Vientiane true power. The third evaluation is Master the Fifth Vientiane True Gong. "

"After one year, the higher the trial level, the more attention you will receive and the more rewards you will receive."

"All in all, in this year, when you do your best and continue to strive for a higher trial level, that will be of great benefit to you." The tone of Jiuzhong Tianhuan was suddenly full of encouragement.

Chen Zong pondered carefully. The information brought by Jiuzhong Tianhuan was not a lot, but the content was very rich. The more he thought about it, the more surprised he became.

"There is one more thing. On the trial ground, the camp is not the only one, but there are four, one in the southeast and the northwest, and the one in your camp is the east camp."

Chen Zong was suddenly shocked that there were actually three such camps.

"Remember, there are lives in some camps that come earlier than you. There is a competitive relationship between the four camps, even between the same camps."

"On the trial ground, inside the camp, killing is prohibited, and outside the camp, there is no restriction."

Every sentence of the Nine Heavens Ring is not in vain, and has its purpose. As to whether you can understand the meaning, it depends on your personal understanding.

But those who can come here are not comparable in general, and their understanding is not bad.

"Furthermore, the Trial Land, also known as the Fiendish Wasteland. Outside the camp, there are fiendish monsters running rampant, killing the fiendish monsters, you can get trial points, and trial points can be exchanged in the campsite.

"Killing other trialers on the trial ground can plunder the opponent's half of the trial points."

This sentence immediately made Chen Zong's heart startled. This seemed to encourage killing.

Killing other testers on the trial land can plunder the trial points of the opponent. It really looks like an encouragement, and behind it is also very cruel.

It is the top arrogance of each void that can come here. It would be a pity if it died.

"Everyone has three marks of death. After death outside the camp, they will be reborn inside the camp. The death marks will be used up. If they are killed again, they will truly die."

"Death mark, can be redeemed with trial points."

"Mark of death." Chen Zong whispered again, and saw three overlapping skull marks looming on the back of his right hand, containing an indescribable mystery.

Great job!

This nine-day nature is indeed a big deal.

Taking a deep breath, and then slowly spit it out, Chen Zong has sorted out all this information.

"Nine days, tell me about the fiendish demon." Chen Zong asked.

"The evil demon, also known as the cosmic demon, is an evil race born in the universe. It has relatively low wisdom, advocating destruction and destruction, and will eat all flesh and blood. I do n’t know how many voids are captured and swallowed up by it. "The tone of the Nine Heavy Circles seems to carry an indescribable dignity:" The fiendish demon is the natural enemy of all living things in the void of the universe. "

"Ferocious monsters are divided into high and low grades. Ferocious monsters in the ferocious wasteland are soldier-level cosmic monsters. According to your level of cultivation, when corresponding to the Yuan Ming Realm, each level of the monsters is divided into juveniles, The growth body, mature body, evolution body, and complete body, if it is a class-level cosmic monster, it corresponds to a magical realm. "

"Bing-level fiendish monsters have very low intelligence. They are more instinctual. The higher the level of fiendish monsters, the higher the wisdom."

"You can get trial points for killing soldier-level infantile fiendish monsters. The higher the fiendish monster level, the more trial points you will get after killing."

"If you have any questions, you can ask me, and I can tell you what I can tell you." After that, the voice of Jiuzhong Tianhuan went silent.

Suddenly a grunt sounded, which came from his stomach. The feeling of hunger became more apparent.

Chen Zong couldn't help picking up the lean Dandan in the black wooden box and taking it directly. When he was stunned, his mouth was full of pliability, and a strong fragrance permeated it. The aroma of cereals and meat was full of flavor.

A grain of Dandan immediately made Chen Zong feel that hunger disappeared quickly, and there was a full feeling.

Take another pill of Qingshui Dan and take it, it melts in the mouth, it is as sweet and refreshing as ice spring water, it is very delicious, and the thirst that has just risen will be eliminated at once.

Chen Zong inspected it and found that there were 29 capsules of Jingdan Dan and Qingshui Dan.

It can be maintained for 30 days according to the amount of one fine Dan and one Qingshui Dan per day.

However, the trial period is one year. Even if it only survives, the pure water dandelion and refined meat dandan alone are not enough to consume, not to mention, even the lowest trial evaluation requires mastering the third Vientiane true power.

The first Vientiane true power is given away. The next second, third, and fourth to fifth, all require trial points to redeem.

This is to a certain extent, urging everyone to go out and fight the fiendish demon.

The trial rules here are indeed perfect, and there are no holes to drill.

All escapes and chances are non-existent, and only efforts can be made, otherwise, they can only wait for failure, be sent back to the blocked memory, and lose this opportunity.

So, start to enlighten.

Vientiane really works!

The inheritance of Gongfa from the inheritance monument is only the first priority. According to the introduction, if you practice the first priority, you can adapt one-tenth of your strength to the laws of the universe.

If it is trained to the second weight, it is one thousandth.

The third level is one percent.

As for full adaptation, you need to practice the fourth.

However, the second, third, fourth, etc. all require trial points before they can be redeemed.

In addition, other elixir and the like also need trial points to redeem.

All in all, trial points are crucial.

The way to redeem is very simple, that is, in the camp, you can pass the Nine Sky Ring ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong operates through the Nine Sky Ring and found the trial points needed to redeem the second weight of Vientiane True Power It is 100 points, while the third is ten times more and requires a thousand points. As for the fourth, it requires 10,000 trial points. The fifth is the number of trial points that are amazing, which is 100,000. .


That's an astronomical figure. I don't know how many fiendish monsters to be killed before they can accumulate.

As for the conversion of Jingtan and Qingshuidan, there are not many. Only one trial point is needed for one grain, which is the most basic guarantee for survival.

Chen Zong looked at the death mark again. The first death mark required a thousand points to be redeemed, and the second one increased tenfold.

One thousand trial points may not sound like much, but they are consumables. Here, the danger comes not only from the fiendish demon, but also from other Tianjiao in the camp.

If you want to do good work, you must first sharpen it!

After exploring all the information he could know, Chen Zong began to enlighten Vientiane's true strengths first, and strived to cultivate them in the shortest possible time, successfully cultivate them, and restore some strength.

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