Sword God

Vol 39 Chapter 21: Sword 6

(Oh my heart, this high fever can't go down)

The sword gas surged, the sword rushed into the sky.

"It turned out that practicing Vientiane is the second most important thing." Many people felt that Chen Zong's breath was arrogant and awakened.

Moro narrowed his eyes, the darker and deeper the darkness, condensing incomparable murderous power, because he thought of the point that the other party can exchange so quickly and practice Vientiane's true power second, which has something to do with him.

As soon as I died, I would give 54 points to the opponent directly, otherwise, it would not be so easy.

When I think of it, the anger can't be stopped. The breath of the whole body is thin and turbulent, and the black mist is diffused, and the lines on the body are halo. Spread out.

There was a roar, the ground shook, countless grass fragments shattered, and a dark shadow was like a devil, instantly touching the ground, bursting into an astonishing degree, like a dark streamer rushing towards Chen Zong.

One punch!

The devil's right arm was raised, his five fingers clenched, as if squeezing a burst of crackling sound like a void, a ray of black light flowing in the five fingers, with the clenched fist, covering the fist surface, as if wearing With a fistful fist, carrying the power of horror, he blasted directly towards Chen Zong.

The eyes were dark like an abyss, devouring everything, and his face was a murderous interweaving, turning into a trance.

Just moments later, Moro punched Chen Zong with a punch, and the power was dark, as if to crush, drown, and devour Chen Zong.

This fist is extremely fierce, containing dark, fierce and other weird negative forces, which must erode Chen Zong's spiritual will, and the power in it is to ate Chen Zong's flesh like a beast.

Too strong!

Too fierce!

A kind of crushing, called Chen Zongda from the heart, an irresistible feeling.

Lingwu Supreme!

The strength of Qi training and the power of refining converge in one instant.

My heart is burning!

A heavy halo of ethereal flames shrouded over him.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed with brilliance, and the sword intended to burst out in an instant. Between the vastness of the sword, his right hand was already pressed against the scabbard of the sword on his waist and stepped out, as if stepping on a mountain. Suddenly burst of extreme force, rising from the soles of the feet, through the thigh waist, straight through the shoulders, and then along the arms like the water of the sea into the sword body.

Come out!

The third sword of Kokonoe sword!


The people watching the battle all around felt that there was a dazzling ray of light in front of them, with an incomparable sharpness and sharpness, and it spewed out instantly, like the beginning of the world, and it was like a bamboo shoot.

The extremely shining Jianguang and the fist engulfed by darkness were in immediate contact, immediately colliding, bursting into an incomparable breath, bombarding in all directions, the shock wave was terrible, shattering all around.

But I saw that the sword light was walking like a dragon and snake, immediately against the edge of the fist, against the arm of Moro 烨, and cut directly to Moro 向 's body.

In this scene, the people who watched the war were shocked, especially the people of the four major races. They were well aware of the capabilities of the other party, and a third sequence of low-level life in the void could even threaten Moro.

You must know that the gap in the void sequence brings about the gap in life itself. The gap between the life of the first sequence of voids and the life of the third sequence of voids is obvious. It is an innate gap, which is almost an essential gap. .

Even if it is only one thousandth of the same strength, but the devil's talent is higher and stronger, its foundation is more amazing, the same level of combat power, for the lower life, is directly crushing nature, where would it be Was threatened.

Moruo has not underestimated Chen Zong this time. Last time, he was negligently killed.

When Chen Zong's sword smashed into the air, Moro flickered and immediately avoided, and the other hand directly bombarded and killed him, like a dark magic mountain pushing sideways, carrying extreme violent power, To smash Chen Zong's body.

The fourth sword of Kokonoe sword!

More bright and dazzling Jianguang killed in an instant.

With the strength of Vientiane's real strength first after unblocking, showing the third sword will consume a lot of power. Casting the fourth sword will directly consume 50% of the strength, but now Vientiane's real strength is unsealed in the second. Strength has increased tenfold directly, and recovery has also been increased a lot. It is no difficulty to cast the third and fourth swords, just as easily as the first and second swords.

In addition, with the strength of one thousandth, the third and fourth swords exhibited are many times stronger than before. Each sword will bring a great threat to the Moro 烨, and dare not underestimate. Cents.

Of course, the gap in the void sequence leads to the gap in the level of life, but there are still a few of the most top Tianjiao who can cross this gap.


Jianguang shot through the air to cut directly the heavy dark demon mountain, and cut it to Moro with a faster and more amazing degree.

The magic pattern on the body shone, and there was a ray of light. Moro's figure instantly turned into a shadow, and flew back directly, avoiding the sword.


The endless dark breath spewed out, a bunch of strands gathered together, soared into the sky, and then, the endless dry heat also permeated, and the dark breath that enveloped the early Moro's body turned into a dark flame that was burning.

Darkness and fiery breath burst in an instant, interweaving and superimposing, converging into one.

Chen Zong's eyes contracted suddenly like a needle, shocked.

Well, there are two kinds of power, two kinds of avenue power.

One is the avenue power of the dark genus, and the other is the avenue power of the genus of flames. These two forces have been successfully superimposed and condensed into one. The power of a avenue is more doubled and more terrifying.

In Chen Zong's practice system, it is clear that it is very difficult to superimpose them between the avenues. At least, in his void, Chen Zong has never heard anyone who can superimpose different avenues, He said that no one but himself understood multiple avenues.

However, if you want to superimpose the power of World Avenue and Kendo of Heart, it is difficult to do so.

It can only be one if it is at the level of the Divine Realm.

It's just that he took the risk by himself. He practiced qi and refining, and made breakthroughs, so he mastered the sword of the heart and the avenue of the world.

Chen Zong can be sure that this demon tribe is indeed a superposition of the power of the two avenues, which has greatly increased its power and also has the characteristics of the power of the two avenues.

Is this the special talent of the Devil Race?

Is this what makes the first sequence of void life extraordinary?

The superposition of darkness and the power of the Avenue of Fire makes Moro's strength even stronger.

"Morocco pulled out all his strength."

"Extremely outraged."

"It's a shame to deal with a low-level life.

Devil ridiculed one after another.

Under the gap in the void sequence, even if they saw it with their own eyes, they would still look down on the lower life they thought from their bones. Therefore, when they saw that Moro was using all their strength, they laughed at him.

"Lower life, let me use all my strength." Morayu also heard the ridicule of the clan, even more angry, the dark flame was burning fiercely, it seemed to burn everything to ashes, he rushed to Chen Zong Roaring and furious to the extreme: "I will kill you into **** and die a thousand times and ten thousand times."

The roar fell, and Moro burst into full force, and again punched out, but compared with the previous one, the punch was more fierce, several times, like a burning black meteorite, carrying a fiery The incomparable flame power and the dark power that perished all came directly to death.

Chen Zong looks extremely dignified and has a great sense of crisis. As if this punch will make himself fall into the darkness and be burned by the flames of darkness, whether it is spiritual will or flesh and blood, it will be burned.

"This lower life is dead."

The Devil Races smiled.

With a punch under Moro's full strength, that lower life could not be stopped at all.

"To block Brother Chen." Duan Lingkong was extremely nervous and clenched his fists.

The other Tianjiao who came from the same void were also nervous and terrified. The power of that punch would cause them to die, and they could not resist the slightest, even if they were intentional, they could not help.


The strength rushed, the sword was violent, and the surrounding was endless, and Chen Zong's eyes became sharper.


Suddenly, a sword was shot across the air, dazzling. If the starlight was vast, a sword came out, it would disperse the surrounding darkness, carrying the mighty power of thunder, and smashing it in a vacuum.

The fifth sword of Nine True Swords!

When Chen Zong practiced Vientiane's true power second, the third and fourth swords of Jiuzhen True Sword were easily mastered. With the enthusiasm of one mind and two minds, it was more efficient. grasp.

It directly consumes 10% of the power and casts this sword, the power is even more overbearing.

The collision, Jian Guang shattered in an instant, and the horror power carried by that punch was also split over half, but still a small half continued to bombard.

Chop Chop!

Under the envelope of the sword area of ​​the heart, between the sword light raging, the remaining power was completely defeated.

Moruo banged a punch again. What he inherited was the boxing technique of Jiuzhong Baquan, and he mastered the fourth punch.

Under the superimposition of the two powers of the Avenue of Darkness and the Avenue of Flames, the power of the fourth punch of Jiuba Baquan became extremely scary.

Chen Zong showed his sword skills to the extreme. The nine-fold true swords were alternately cast, and the light or heavy changes were uncertain. The swords and swords were intertwined and the swords and lights were interlaced. In the case of absolute power gaps, for a time, the high swordsmanship did not fall Downwind, and the breath of the body is condensing silently.

The more grotesque Moro hit, the more angry ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the more angry, the power of that boxing seemed to be more violent, but in this case, the rules of his shots became a little more chaotic.

"The sixth sword ... dead!"

When the sword energy accumulated to the extreme, Chen Zong's body was a little pause, and next breath, all power burst directly.

A sword breaking through the sky is like a stream of sky, like a sky breaking through clouds.

With a sword coming out, the sky is shining brightly, so intense that almost everyone can't help but close their eyes and can't look directly. Only a few people can see it, but they must also narrow their eyes.

Because the sword is too dazzling.

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