Sword God

Vol 39 Chapter 22: Crazy hunt

(Xiao Liudao has a fever of more than 40 degrees. He ran to the doctor and tossed for several hours. Now it has finally dropped to 38. Finally, he feels relieved. Otherwise, it ’s too bad. Not much to say. The second is more. I'm really sorry, everyone)

He is like chasing eternal aurora, breaking through darkness and blazing, everything will disappear under the sword.

With a horrified face, Moro was so terrified that the sword was so bright that he could raise a kind of inevitable. He could only wait to be cut in half and die by death.




The heart trembled, his face changed greatly, and his horror was abnormal. All the power immediately erupted. The magic lines on his body flickered endlessly, and a burst of darkness swept the body, as if engulfed by darkness.

The dazzling, dazzling, stunning Jianguang killed, and cut into the darkness, and screamed loudly, full of panic and anger.

Immediately, I saw a dark light retreating from the lightning speed in the darkness, rushing into the camp, blood splattered along the way.

The narrow-eyed man immediately discovered that Moro's chest had a sword mark on his chest, a terrible sword mark, as if to cut the body diagonally into two sections, and blood was pouring out madly.

When I was stunned, I was stunned and shocked.

In the first sequence of voids, the Demon Clan was wounded by the lower life from the third sequence of voids, and the injuries were so severe that they had to flee and escape into the camp to heal.

It's incredible!

The slayers were shocked, but their faces were iron blue. The skin was originally dark and looked darker.


What a shame!

Chen Zong had some regrets for failing to kill Moro with a single sword, but he was also very surprised. Duan Lingkong's self-detonation contribution was indispensable last time. In addition, the other party didn't pay much attention to himself. Only then did he succeed.

And this time, the other party has paid enough attention to themselves, and it has burst into full force, even if it broke out with the Nine True Sword and the Sixth Sword, it cannot be killed, it is just a cut.

Stinging and dying are two concepts.

A sword stabbed Moro, Chen Zong's body was astonishing, the sword was rising up against the sky, the sword was irritating, and his eyes were dazzling and extremely sharp, making people dare not to look at them.

It seems that I have an amazing power of self-confidence.

Immediately after turning, Chen Zong turned into a sword light, and rushed into the trial land.

Only in the first battle, in absolute strength, he was in a disadvantage, he could not compare with Moro, but he was able to compete with it, relying on his superb sword skill, this point, Moro could not match ratio.

It was by virtue of the superb swordsmanship that he could sustain his undefeated, and he sharpened himself with the pressure brought by himself, finally mastered only the sixth sword of the Nine Heavy True Sword that he had realized, and was ready to kill.

It was because of the outbreak of this sword that Moro was chopped and wounded, but he could not be killed.

Sure enough, the last time I could kill each other, the luck component was still great.

Since he was unable to kill the other party, and the other party hid in the camp, of course, Chen Zong could not chase him away, nor could he stand stupidly and pose prominently.

This battle, especially the outbreak of the Sixth Sword, consumed a lot of his own power, and the remaining less than 30%. If there are more demons, there is no need to be strong. About the same level as Moro, he is not an opponent. It is likely to be killed.

For this reason, Chen Zongfang

He turned without hesitation and immediately entered the trial land.

Maybe returning to the camp is a good choice. You can restore your strength with peace of mind, and then leave the camp after you fully recover. There is no guarantee that the Devil will not react and make other responses, such as blocking the outside and waiting for yourself. Throw in the net.

I entered directly into the land of trial, but did the opposite, which should be beyond the expectation of the Devil.

Of course, there is also great danger in doing this. First, Chen Zong's power is less than 30%, and second, if the Demon Race pursues it, it is also possible to catch up with Chen Zong.

No matter what you choose, there are always pros and cons. Don't worry, just follow your heart.

As he walked away, Chen Zong took out the elixir and continued to take it. In the state of mind and heart, he quickly operated the second most important thing in Vientiane, continuously refining the power of elixir and restoring his strength.

"Brother Chen is really too strong." Duan Lingkong was secretly excited, and immediately rushed into the trial.

眸 The eyes under the mask of the war demon are radiant and focused, and they will almost become substantive, their body shape will turn into a black light, and they will quickly rush into the trial.

"The sword of low life is very good." Tianjiao of a heavenly human race said stubbornly.

"It is indeed good." Tianjiao, another Tianren tribe, smiled slightly, but when he said it was good, he didn't care about the tone, it was just a superficial compliment, just like an adult praised a child.

Among the puppet crowd, a humanoid from the second sequence of voids, his eyes twinkling, staring at the direction of Chen Zong's departure, thoughtfully.

"Moroccan is too embarrassing."

"Damn it."

"One waste, was injured by a lower life like this, it has completely lost the face of our demons."

Qi Yigan's demon races were angry, but they did not chase Chen Zong, because it would be even more embarrassing, especially when there were other races, such as the Celestial Giant Giant Ancient Beast and so on.

Because a tribe was chopped and wounded, he chased and killed a lower life. They said that they all felt dull.

Uh ...

After Vientiane's true power came second, all of Chen Zong's power was restored by one thousandth. One heart and one mind can continuously open up one heart and two moods, and the recovery speed can keep up with the consumption speed.

Chen Zong also found that the superiority of the thirty-three minds and one mind is easier to adapt to the laws of the universe.

Such as other magical powers, etc., the impact is very obvious, Chen Zong did not cast, because the display can not exert much power, consume power in vain, it is better to use the nine true swords, that is, a sword under the law of the universe law.

Entering the trial land, Chen Zong continued to take the elixir, refining and restoring strength.

When Chen entered the periphery of the trial land, Chen Zong had restored his strength to 50%. At this time, 50% was not comparable to the previous 50%.

The fiendish demon who gnawed the juvenile body found Chen Zong and immediately made a strange noise, and quickly approached to kill.

With a flash of sword light, Chen Zong swept across like a thousand miles without leaving the line. The infantile fiendish figure was as if he had been immobilized. When Chen Zong's figure went away, Blood spurted, and the juvenile's fierce demon's neck was cut off and his head rolled off.

The fierce demon monster now has no threat to Chen Zong.

When Chen Zong arrived in Central, the trial site, his strength also recovered by about 70%, but Chen Zong did not wait for the full recovery of the force, because it was not necessary, he could fight with all his heart, and run the Vientiane True Gong secondly. Force to restore strength, not at all

I need to waste time.

Although it is less than a month now and there is still a long time to survive a year of trial, Chen Zong has felt the urgency.

Comes from the pressure of Tianjiao of other races, even the pressure of the Devil race.

If it is slowly ascending, maybe it will be suppressed at some point and it will be difficult to develop.

I must take advantage of the fact that most Tianjiao are still in their infancy, improve themselves as soon as possible and restore more strength, so that they can take charge of their destiny and not be threatened randomly.

A soldier-level fierce demon who grows up, one is equal to ten trial points, which is many times more than the juvenile.

With Chen Zong's current level of strength, one-to-one is not a problem at all. He also has superb swordsmanship. He constantly kills. During the killing, Chen Zong also pays great attention to the consumption and recovery of strength.

What a chance!

When Chen Zong killed the fifth growing monster in a sharp manner, his strength suddenly recovered to 10%.

Sure enough, Yixinjue's help was very great. Before it was unsealed, Yixinjue still opened up the two-hearted mood, and when it was impossible for him to refine the alchemy to restore strength in such a battle.

The benefits are obvious, the disadvantages are also obvious, and the consumption of elixir has increased.

Fortunately, there are a lot of elixir stocks in Chen Zong's Nine Heavy Circles, but according to this consumption rate, it is estimated that it will be completely consumed within one month of support.

Chen Zong didn't hesitate for half a minute, eat what you should eat, and consume what you consume. Isn't this the effect of these elixir?

I carry them, not as a collection, and make the best use of things, that is the essence.

用 Use them at the right time, and give the best effect they deserve, which is their correct destination.

For a while, Ming Wu came to mind, and Chen Zong was associated with it, as if there was another kind of Ming Wu on the sword.

The nature of the sword

"My current strength is fully restored. Under extreme combat power, I can easily kill the growing-up monsters. One, two, one, and three have no problem at all ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong will be the sixth growing-up monster. After the demon killed, his eyes were brilliant and his thinking turned sharply: "So, when more growth monsters can be hunted. "

As soon as Fangcai, Chen Zong are all fierce monsters looking for orders, so they are more cautious. Now, there is no need to be so careful.

Directly found three grown-up fiendish monsters, Chen Zong made a sound to attract them, and sword and hunted.

Wu Lingwu Supreme!

Heartburn is burning!

The power of the sword body in the beginning!

Extreme combat power broke out!


宗 Chen Zong does not intend to waste time, hunt the fiendish monsters at the fastest speed in the shortest time, and obtain trial points.

One hundred trial points will be exchanged for Duan Lingkong to exchange Vientiane true power. In addition, if you can do your best, you will also need to add a stamp of death to Duan Lingkong, then you need one thousand trial points.

This is a kindness.

However, the 100 trial points required for Vientiane True Merit will be collected first, and then a thousand trial points will be collected to redeem Vientiane True Merit for the third, to restore more strength, and then you can hunt for more. Strong fiends, such as mature fiends, get more trial points.

成长 Hunting and killing the growing monsters, each has only 10 points of trial points, 100 points of trial points, it is easy to make up, because you only need to kill ten.

After a short while, Chen Zong made up a hundred trial points, but did not leave immediately, but continued to hunt.

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