Sword God

Vol 39 Chapter 23: Wu Daoyuan

The trial area is vast, and the testers in the four test camps in the southeast and northwest will not be in contact for a short time. After all, they are far away from each other. To touch each other, you must cross half of the trials. Land means entering the inner ring of the trial land.

Inner ring, that must be the third step in Vientiane's true skill to qualify for entry.

I didn't have enough strength and didn't dare to be too far away from his own camp.

As night fell, the vast majority of testers returned to the camp.

The volley of Duan Duan returned to the camp after killing some juvenile demon monsters, but did not find Chen Zong, subpoenaed, and received no response.

Because the inside and outside of the camp were isolated and the information could not be connected, Duan Lingkong could not help but worry.

At night's trial place, the fiendish monster will be more violent, which means that it is more dangerous.

Chen Zong did not return to the camp, but stayed on the trial ground.

"The sword world ... open!" Chen Zong looked dignified, his eyes glared at him, the invisible sword gas fluctuations spread instantly, covering all around.

Twenty meters!

Twenty meters of the circle are covered by Chen Zong's sword world. As night falls, ten ferocious monsters surrounding Chen Zong appear wildly, their eyes burst out with amazing scarlet, terrible evil, rolling, and violent shock, Violence is extremely fierce.

宗 Chen Zong was constantly shocked by these crazy breaths, and felt only a slight numbness in his body. If not, his spiritual will was extremely strong, and he was afraid that he would be disturbed by such breaths and be greatly affected.

The threat posed by ten growing monsters is undoubtedly great.

The sword world under the extreme combat power opens. This is also the first time Chen Zong opened the sword world in the trial land.

A few swords of light followed, a total of dozens.

宗 Chen Zong's strength is still too weak, and he has recovered very little. Although he can gather more Jianguang under his full strength, it will exhaust all his strength.

Ten swords of light are just right.

Each Jianguang has Chen Zong's extreme combat power.

He drove ten swords and killed ten growing monsters at once, and launched a fierce life-and-death fight with ten enemies.

Under the control of Chen Zong, under the control of Chen Zong, first he used basic swordsmanship to fight. Slowly, Chen Zong tried to incorporate the nine true swords into it.

Jiuzhong True Sword, to Chen Zong, this is a very advanced sword, but it is also a very simple sword.

Xun said its depth, because the mystery contained in it is amazing, one is better than the other, and its simplicity is because the mystery contained in it is pure, sharp and sharp.

From the sword strokes, it is simple and direct, it is a kind of condensed.

俨 Chen Zong took these ten growing monsters as sword sharpening stones, sharpening his sword world and using the sword light to cast the nine true swords.

After a fierce battle, Chen Zong finally successfully exhibited ten strokes of nine swords, the first sword of nine heavy swords. This is the least difficult sword, but its power is stronger than the basic strokes. less.


Fierce battle!

Crazy battles!

Xuan Jianguang flashed, as if the meteor broke through the sky, filled with amazing sharpness, and immediately killed the fiendish demon.

Ten fierce monsters died, and one hundred trial points started.

In this case, the number of trial points accumulated by Chen Zongjiu's Nine Heavens Circle has exceeded five hundred.

Take out a large amount of elixir to take, refine the impurities in it with the magic fire, and then run Vientiane True Gong second to absorb and refine it to restore its own strength.

凶 In the trial place at night, the fiendish monster is more active and more dangerous. You must maintain your strength to a certain level, and it is best to keep it above 80% to deal with all crises.

Restore, fight, and kill!

When he was tired, Chen Zong took time to rest.

One heart and two minds, so that Chen Zong can better distribute his energy, when he is hungry, he can take Jingtan and Qingshuidan directly.

One night, Chen Zong went through many life-and-death battles, killed many fiendish monsters, and used the sword of the world of swords to cast the Nine Heavy True Swords, which also fully demonstrated the power of the second sword.

Trial points also exceeded a thousand points.

"Finally more than a thousand points." Chen Zong secretly rejoiced, but, still has no plans to go back, can continue to hunt and get more trial points, a thousand points of trial points, just redeemed Vientiane true power third Chen Zong also needs to collect 100 transfers to Duan Lingkong. In addition, he also needs to try out points to redeem some elixir.

After all, although there is still a lot of elixir, every time you want to restore strength, you must take a large amount to recover. Usually, it is okay. If you encounter any crisis, it will become a kind of constraint and it is very fatal.

Therefore, it is necessary to exchange some elixir under the laws of the universe.

However, those elixirs are not cheap, and they need at least 100 trial points.

In short, in the place of trials, the more trial points are, the better, the better, the better the arrangements, and the greater the benefits, which are related to strength and all aspects of survival.

When Chen Zong's trial points accumulated to 1,300, a figure moved along the ground like a streamer, approaching quickly.

The figure's breath was restrained, but it was also discovered by Chen Zong. Turning around, his eyes burst out with a striking coldness, staring like a sword out of the sheath, locking it directly, pressing his right hand on the hilt, the power quietly penetrated, At any time, she can scabbard and cut out a sword with a sharp edge.

"Do not shoot." The caller immediately said, "I am not malicious."

His voice dropped, his figure appeared, and he was a human race.

But in Dongying, there are many people, most of them from the third sequence of void, and a few from the second sequence of void. This person, Chen Zong did not have any impression.

"Hi Xiongtai, my name is Wu Daoyuan. It comes from a second sequence of vacant human races." The comer was a young man with a square face, giving him a strong sense of atmosphere. He was carrying a sword and was tall. Strong, shoulders wide, seems to be able to carry mountains, arms are a little longer than ordinary people, eyes sharp and restrained.

At first glance, Chen Zong felt that this person was extraordinary.

"What's your enlightenment?" Chen Zong asked, with a tone of indifference.

Although the other person is also a human race, there are always differences between different vanity races. Even if they are the same in appearance, they belong to different people.

What's more, the difference between the second sequence of voids and the third sequence of voids.

"The day before yesterday, Brother Chen fought the Moro of that demon tribe. It really shocked me." Wu Daoyuan laughed, without revealing his inner surprise at all, and exposed it completely, giving people a kind of unwilling flattery. But the feeling of just right praise is very natural: "To be honest, I dare not imagine that scene, even in less than a month

In Kasama, someone, there is a human race from the third sequence of void, who can beat the demons in the frontal battle, which makes me as a human being feel the same and very excited. "

I have to say that Wu Daoyuan's way of telling the truth, coupled with his sincere expression, really makes people feel comfortable from the heart, and Chen Zong is no exception.

"Exceeded the prize." Chen Zong smiled slightly, and responded with no worries.

"The Devil, the Celestial, the Giant, and the Ancient Beasts are born with extraordinary bloodlines and possess unique and powerful talents that our human race does not have." Wu Daoyuan continued to say: "If the Devil and Celestial beings are born with the Dark Avenue and The power of the Guangdao Avenue can also be used to grasp and master one avenue, and the power of the two avenues can also be superimposed to become a force with both avenue powers. The devil's natural physique is more than our human race. Strong, the spirit of the heavenly people is inherently stronger than ours. "

Chen Zong listened carefully. Chen Zong had already seen it before when he fought with that Moraine. Moraine combined the power of the Avenue of Darkness and the Avenue of Fire into a combination of darkness and flame. The power of the road is extremely strong, and in absolute power, it can completely suppress itself.

If you hadn't already defeated with your superb swordsmanship, there is still a chance to fight back.

I didn't expect that it was the unique talent of the Devil. No, it should be said that there are other talents who have the same talent. Only one is born to master the Avenue of Darkness and the other is born to master the Avenue of Light.

I was born this way, and achieved the magical world, it was as simple as eating and drinking, amazing.

"Although the giant clan does not have a natural avenue for understanding, it has unparalleled physical strength, unparalleled strength, and is terrible. It is not inferior to the natural avenue. In addition, the acquired understanding has a stronger avenue."

"Ancient beasts do not have the power to master the avenue, but they are inherently stronger than the demons and celestial races, but they are not as good as the giants." Wu Daoyuan said slightly, and said again: "But the ancient beasts have The blood of ancient beasts can be transformed into ancient orcs, their combat power has increased greatly, and they have different abilities ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ it is terrible. "

Listening to Wu Daoyuan's words, Chen Zong finally knew the dominance of the four first sequences of void life.

No matter what kind, the human race does not have.

"Can the first sequence of voids have our people?" Chen Zong asked, as his heart moved.

"As far as I know, no." Wu Daoyuan's tone was solemn: "Our people are mainly concentrated in the third and second sequences of void."

Chen Zong's expression was astonishing, no doubt, in a priori, the human race is inferior to those of the first sequence of void life races, but fortunately, there is a second sequence of void human races, if all are the third sequence In the void, the gap is even greater.

"What's the difference between the third sequence of void people and the second sequence of void people?" Chen Zong was curious.

"Our people, by nature, don't have any special talents, or most people don't have any special talents. Only a very small number of people can have some special talents." Wu Daoyuan laughed. The comparison between the second sequence of void human races and the third sequence of void human races lies in their talent and potential. "

"In the second sequence, the practice of the Nether Terrans will be relatively easy, and the promotion will be easier, and the foundation will often be more vigorous." Wu Daoyuan continued, immediately smiling: "But this is not absolute, at least in my opinion Come, Brother Chen, your talents and foundation will not be inferior to the second sequence of emptiness, and even more than the second sequence of emptiness. "

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