Sword God

Vol 39 Chapter 24: Trail Alliance

Wu Daoyuan came from the second sequence of voids. In the void he was in, many years ago, someone entered the universe and entered the nineth heaven, and after many years, some people returned to the original void, leaving some information. Of course, this information was As a secret, only a few people are qualified to know.

Wu Daoyuan's extraordinary background and talent are high, and he can naturally know those secrets. First, he explained to Chen Zong the power of the four major races, and talked about various things, so that Chen Zong had a clearer understanding of these. know.

In the end, Wu Daoyuan said that he wanted to find Chen Zong.

"The four major races, such as the Demon Race, have already formed the corresponding group prototypes on the second day after entering the trial camp. They are Demon League, Celestial Alliance, Giant Alliance, and Ancient Beast Alliance. They are constantly being improved. The competitiveness of our races, I also plan to form an alliance to combine the second sequence of void and the third sequence of void, so that we can compete against the alliance of the four major races. "Wu Daoyuan said positively:" Otherwise, if we continue to do so, we Without solidarity, it is a piece of loose sand. When the four major alliances are completely completed, we will start to attack other races. At that time, we will be reduced to fish on the cutting board and let it be slaughtered. "

"I think Brother Chen's sword is amazing. Its strength is good enough to fight against the demons, but also against the heavens and giants, and the ancient beasts. It is indeed the luck of my people." Wu Daoyuan looked extremely sincere and deeply respected Chen Zong: "Please also ask Brother Chen to join me in co-founding an alliance belonging to our tribe, to compete against other races in this trial land."

Chen Zong groaned slightly.

Chen Zong didn't think about establishing an alliance or anything, but Wu Daoyuan's words are not unreasonable. Weak meat and strong food are the same everywhere.

Being alone is often an illusion, unless everything is invincible.

But even if it is invincible, it is impossible to be alone all the time, how lonely it will be.

Born as a person, and when necessary, do my part for humanity.

"Brother Wu, since you have this ambition, I should support it." Chen Zongzheng responded: "However, I am not good at forming and managing alliances and can only do my best."

"Okay, thank you Brother Chen Dayi." Wu Daoyuan said immediately: "As far as I know, our ancestors have an alliance in the Ninth Heaven Temple, called Daomeng. I hope that after we pass the trial, we will be eligible to join Daomeng. Become one of them, so I plan to name our alliance as a small league, brother Chen, what do you think? "

"Is it a small league?" Chen Zong nodded a little, and nodded: "Just as Brother Wu said."

The name of Xiaodaomeng is also good. There is no reason to object. Furthermore, this was created by Wu Daoyuan. His name is normal.

"So, I will be the leader of the small alliance, brother Chen is one of the vice-owners, how?" Wu Daoyuan asked again.

Chen Zong nodded. There was no objection. Anyway, he would not manage the small alliance, and deal with things, and it had nothing to do with himself.

What I can use is the sword, the sword in my hand, and my strength.

"Well, I'm going to contact other people now and set up this small alliance as soon as possible." Wu Daoyuan solemnly said: "Brother Chen, the demons will not give up, they will definitely try to deal with you again, be careful, according to me All I know is that more than one Devil has achieved the third Vientiane true power. If necessary, please send me a message. I will come to reinforcements as soon as I receive the message. "

Speaking, they linked the Nine Heavenly Circles with Chen Zong, so that they could communicate with each other.

Wu Daoyuan left, and Chen Zong's strength was fully restored, and he continued to hunt the growing monster.

Kill kill!

Hunting frantically.

With the combination of swordsmanship and sword world, Chen Zong's efficiency in hunting fiendish monsters is extremely amazing.

When the night was about to fall, Chen Zong's trial points had passed 2,000 points and reached more than 2,200 points. Compared to the previous time, this was like a huge sum.

Chen Zong also does not intend to stay in the ferocious wasteland, and should return to the camp to use this trial point.

The purpose of earning trial points is to use up and strengthen yourself. If not, why are you so desperate to put yourself at risk?

Many people returned from the wasteland, and Chen Zong was among them.

When encountering the Demon Clan, Chen Zong was very vigilant to prevent the Demon Clan from violently firing. However, the Demon Clan did not know why and did not take action. They just stared at Chen Zong for a few moments with dark and deep eyes. Waiting.

Because every demon race has exchanged at least the second Vientiane true power and practiced it, and now a small part of them successfully mastered the third Vientiane true power, plus the racial talent, once you start, you are crushing yourself Press even spike.

"Vientiane is the third most important thing!" Chen Zong exhaled a scorching breath, her eyes brightened.

Entering the camp, Chen Zong found Duan volley.

Duan Lingkong returned to the camp some time earlier than Chen Zong, but he did not get much trial points.

Apart from that, Chen Zong directly transferred two hundred trial points to Duan Lingkong.

"More, Brother Chen." Duan Lingkong was surprised.

"Most of them you save first, or exchange for elixir." Chen Zong laughed.

"I wouldn't thank me." Duan Lingkong laughed. With these trial points, he could not only redeem the second Vientiane True Gong immediately, but also one elixir, which is very useful when necessary.

Of course, you can also save it first, and keep accumulating it until you reach a thousand exchanges for the third Vientiane true power.


Duan Lingkong first exchanged the second Vientiane True Gong, and then Chen Zong exchanged the third Vientiane True Gong.

"Brother Chen, have you already ..." Duan Lingkong was suddenly surprised.

Chen Zong nodded, Duan Lingkong was even more shocked.

They immediately returned to the cabin.

While taking a bath, Chen Zong realized the third important Vientiane true power.

With one mind and two minds, it is more efficient to enlighten.

In half a night, Chen Zong successfully enlightened him and practiced.

This kind of cultivation is to transform your original strength, so it is very fast. It does not look like cultivation from scratch, and it takes more time.

At dawn, Chen Zong practiced the third Vientiane. He felt the continuous power in his body, continuously hunted down the fiendish demon, and realized the fatigue that he had not slept overnight. Qishen has reached its peak.

One percent!

His strength has recovered to 1%. The theoretical nine-star level combat power, but it is definitely stronger than the ordinary nine-star combat power.

If it is restored to one tenth, it should be able to reach the level of ordinary eleven-star combat power.

However, then the fourth Vientiane True Gong that requires 10,000 trial points can be redeemed.

10,000 trial points, think about it a lot.

"Let's take a look at Jiuzhong True Sword now," Chen Zong secretly said.

Open with one heart and three minds, and fully enlighten.

After recovering 1%, the mind is opened normally, and the concentration of mind and heart has been reached, and the recovery of mental strength can fully keep up with the consumption.

But after an hour, Chen Zong completely mastered the seventh sword, immediately consumed the trial points, and exchanged some elixir.

Return to Zhendan!

When you take it, you will recover 10% of your strength immediately, and continue to recover 20% of your strength in a short time, a total of 30%.

Jin Huan Dan!

This is an elixir for healing. As long as it is not fatal, taking it can quickly relieve and cure it.

Both Guizhen and Jinhuandan needed one hundred trial points, and Chen Zong directly consumed one thousand trial points and redeemed five each.

Consuming the trial points was almost empty, Chen Zong left the camp and stepped into the fiendish wasteland again.

Restoring 1% of strength, the fifth and sixth swords have become a breeze, the seventh sword is not so difficult, and the power of each sword has been greatly enhanced.


Push all the way!


Growing body!

Chen Zong didn't need to cast the fifth and sixth swords, or even just wield the sword.

However, Chen Zong had already lost sight of the trial points of the growing monster, and went straight to the inner ring.

The fiendish wasteland is divided into the outer ring, the middle ring, the inner ring, the center and the core, and the corresponding ones are the juvenile, growth, mature evolution and complete body of the soldier-level vicious monster.

Of course, it is possible to encounter growing monsters in the outer ring, mature monsters in the central ring, and evolutionary monsters in the inner ring, but the probability is very low, at least Chen Zong has not Encountered.

Entering the inner ring means that there may be trials from the other three trial camps.

Then, there will be greater competition, because the number of young monsters is the largest, the growth is the second, the number of mature monsters is reduced, and the number of complete monsters is even less.

Although the evil demon here will regenerate, there is a time. The more powerful the evil demon, the longer the regeneration time, which means that in a short period of time, resources are limited.

When Chen Zong stepped into the inner ring, he did not immediately find the mature monster, but he searched for a while before he appeared.

Iron Claw Demon!

The film of the mature iron claw demon is darker and looks rougher, and its body size reaches five meters. The violent atmosphere is filled with fierce ferocity, with strong oppression, impacting the whole body.

The iron claw demon also appeared in Chen Zong, and rushed directly. The huge iron claw swept to the sky, and directly tore the void into the sky. The cold attacked him. Chen Zong affirmed that this claw is an ordinary nine-star battle. The force is difficult to resist, and once caught, it will be torn directly.

However, Chen Zong is not an ordinary nine-star combat power. ~ Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The body flashes, the afterimage is torn under the iron claws, a dazzling sword, dazzling the sky, directly Killed.

The fifth sword of Nine True Swords!

Nine heavy swords are divided into nine swords. One sword is stronger than the other.

The sixth sword with a strength of one hundred percent is extremely powerful and terrible. Chen Zong feels that he can fully use his strength.

However, this sword did not kill the iron claw demon. The mature iron claw demon is much stronger than the growing iron claw demon, both in strength and in combat skills.

If the juvenile demon is likened to a small fart, then the growing body is like a juvenile, and the mature body is a young.

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