Sword God

Vol 41 Chapter 6: The King of Hunting Gods (3)

After hunting the twelve hundred-hundred gods and splitting the refinement to absorb the essence of the gods, the trough stopped.

"Before, I found the whereabouts of the King of the Gods here." Po Gu's tone was a little excited, and his words made Chen Zong's four faces look calm, feeling for no reason, the air seemed to contain With a completely different breath.

Of course, that could be a psychological effect.

The next step is to find and find the king of the gods. I just hope that they are not hunted in advance, but this possibility is very small, because the king of the gods is very powerful and not easy to hunt.

Perhaps everyone was very lucky. It didn't take long before they really found the trace. Chen Zong also saw the so-called king of gods, which was unexpected.

At the superpolar level, the Baizhang **** is the weakest, then the two hundred zhang gods are stronger, and then the three hundred zhang gods are stronger. Based on this, it is inferred that the size of the king of the gods is more than 300 zhang It is not too much to reach four hundred feet or even five hundred feet.

This is indeed the case. The kings of the gods in the rumors indeed have amazingly large bodies.

Of course, the king of gods has rarely appeared from ancient times to the present. Now, the king of gods that Chen Zong and others have seen with their own eyes are not so big. On the contrary, they are very small, or even smaller than them. On some.

The king of the gods is a human figure wearing a golden armor, sitting on the back of a beast that looks like a tiger and is more aggressive with a half-gold armor.

The tiger wearing a half-gold armor is about a dozen feet in size, and the figure of the hand-held gold spear sitting on its back wearing a gold armor is estimated to be ten feet high.

The height of ten feet is equal to the height of the body of the gods in the small polar realm.

However, the moment I saw this figure, whether it was Bo Gu, Chen Zong, or others, there was a feeling of being directly impacted.

Very strong!

Very strong, the atmosphere is vague and horrible, just like the undercurrent hidden in the depths of the sea. It does not show the mountains and dew, but condenses the power of terror. Once it erupts, it is bound to destroy everything.

Why are you so sure that your opponent is the king of the gods you are looking for?

Because it feels!

You don't need to prove it, you can know it just by feeling.

King of gods!

For no reason, the hearts of everyone were excited, this is the king of the gods, and they will complete a feat, hunt the king of the gods.

"I'm headed, and the four of you are helping." Pogu took a deep breath, then spit out his voice, fell into the ears of the four, and was dull and sullen.

Chen Zong and the other four nodded immediately.

On the way before, when hunting the three hundred feet of gods, in addition to obtaining the essence of their gods, it is also for cooperation and cooperation with each other. After all, hunting the king of gods is not a trivial matter. If you are not familiar with each other, you cannot cooperate thoroughly.

Once a little careless, a little flaw appears, which will most likely lead to failure.

However, everyone is not an ordinary person. After hunting and killing the twelve and three hundred gods, they now understand their fighting styles and so on.

Immediately, when the palm of the valley was flipped, four breaths appeared on the palm, and the breath was pale golden. It looked like a spirit snake swimming on its palm. The next breath, I saw four pale golden breaths. He shot out and fired at four people, including Chen Zong.

"This is the essence of the **** ’s secret treasure Tianquan, which I obtained by coincidence. Everyone, whether it ’s the power of the **** ’s power or the body of the **** is about to disintegrate, as long as it is absorbed, it can be recovered instantly. Said dignifiedly, this is what he prepared for hunting the king of the gods.

The four of them were shocked.

In addition to the **** phase soldiers and **** phase armors, there is one more precious and rare thing in the territory of the **** phase, which is the **** treasure.

The treasures of the gods are a collective name, and they can have many kinds.

The essence of Tianquan is so effective that it is no less than the second life.

Although killed, it wo n’t really die. It ’s just a loss of the essence of the gods and being unable to enter the secret state of the gods for more than a year. However, being killed means that the hunting fails. If you want to hunt again, you must wait until you enter again. Only can.

So with the essence of Tianquan, even if it is the moment of being killed, it can be used to survive and recover to the heyday, and continue to fight, which is undoubtedly very amazing.

"Thank you." The four expressed their feelings for the trough.

With the essence of this **** ’s secret treasure, Tianquan is here. To hunt down the king of this god, there is no doubt that one more insurance has been added, which has greatly improved the success rate.

Of course, after all, if the power gap is too large, no amount of Tianquan essence is useless. After all, the great power gap is crushing, killing once and killing twice and killing three times, there is not much difference, but It's an extra shot twice or three times.

"Are you ready?" Pogu's eyes stared away from him, locking the **** of the gods, and his voice became deeper and lower.

Immediately, the trough of power broke out, reaching the extreme in an instant, and the man and the gun merged into one black meteor, carrying violent and unparalleled power, and shot out with destructive pull and decay, an indescribable power. The breath is diffuse, beyond imagination, far better than before.


As soon as the trough shot, it was not a temptation, but it was a peerless study.

The strength of the king of gods is certainly not weak. It is certain that the **** of more than three hundred feet is a god, but how many gods of more than three hundred feet is unknown.

In general, all you have to do is try it out before you break it out.

But what if the King of the Gods is so strong?

That temptation might be too late to erupt, and it will be killed directly by the King of the Gods.

Therefore, instead of taking a tentative approach at the beginning, it exploded directly and exhibited the most outrageous blow. If such a blow could not help the king of the gods, the so-called hunting becomes a A joke, a luxury.

The trough broke out in an instant, and Chen Zong and four others also broke out.

The third major was boxing. The right arm doubled and exploded suddenly, bursting with overwhelming power, as if it could break the sky. It is a top-level super-polar Arctic Wushu, vaguely That punch with a trace of the mystery of the avenue of extinction, it seems that it has entered the threshold of extinction, and only one step can truly reach the level of avenue extinction.

The fifth seat practiced a pair of knives. The knives were long and narrow, and they burst into a flash. The knives were intertwined with light and dense, like a needle and a wire.

That knife net seemed like a spring breeze, but it was dense and flexible, slow and fast, silent and light, like a willow leaf swinging, like a floating feather approaching the king of the gods.

Boom boom!

The sixth seat of Tian Qi's main subject is not body law, but leg law, but

His stature is also derived from his legs. His legs blasted out in an instant. The strong legs were intertwined and overlapped, one after another, like a continuous wave of violent waves. The leg strength is condensed with terrible power, destroying the mountains and destroying the mountains, blasting towards the king of the gods.

Chen Zong's sword was cut out, his sword exploded, and it turned into a shadow of mountains and rivers. A majestic and overbearing power also permeated, and the repressive force fell first on the king of the gods.

Five people, Bo Gu and Chen Zong are exhibiting the real avenue extinction, all of which are star-level, even the lowest level avenue extinction has amazing power that the Olympic Academy cannot match.

The third punch, however, reached the threshold of Dadao's extinction, surpassing Aowu, but did not reach the level of Datong's extinction completely.

As for the fifth and sixth seats, both are Ouwu, the top superpolar Ouwu.

There is no doubt that the power of five people burst out in an instant, and the horror was extreme. It was the power of destroying mountains and destroying mountains, and directly blasted to the king of the gods.

The power of the sword of Zhenshanhe fell on the king of the gods, and the power of repression suddenly made the body of the king of the gods slightly, but in a moment, the tiger-shaped gods under the throne of the gods It was a roar, the roar was shaking, and an amazing power broke out. The stone shook the sky and directly shattered the power of Chen Zongzhen.

The trough of the Valley of the High School was like a meteor sinking. A shot was also killed, but when the king of the gods raised the golden spear in his hand, he turned around in a trick, seemingly slow, but it seemed to weigh more than 10,000 yuan, and suddenly smashed. The fall, like a thunderstorm, destroys everything.

With a bang, the void seemed to be smashed under that shot.


The tyrannical forces collided with each other and exploded directly. The terrible aftershocks instantly hit all directions, crushing everything and turning into powder.

The trough directly flew out, and the violent shaking of the **** phase Tianjia on his body seemed to be broken, but it was still supported.

The attacks of others fell on the body of the king of the gods, and Chen Zong's sword was also directly killed on the body of the king of the gods. Immediately, he felt that his sword seemed to be extremely hard. Something is blocked.

An overwhelming counter-shock force rebounded, and Chen Zong's whole person flew out.


Chen Zong's expression was extremely shocked. Zhenshanhe was so arrogant. After beating the other side, he was broken. Looking at the other side, he didn't seem to be injured.

No, under the keen sense of Chen Zong, the king of the gods was injured, but it was very light.

However, being injured means that everyone is joining forces, and there is still hope to be killed. Otherwise, if none are injured, it means that everyone joining forces ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will not be able to fight the king of gods.

Chen Zong's sword did hurt the Lord of the Gods, and other people's attacks fell on him, which also caused some minor damage, slightly weakening the power of the King of Gods, but this weakened , But it is trivial.

If it was changed to the Three Hundred Zhang Zhangshen, facing a full-scale joint blow from the crowd, even if there was no direct death, it would be almost on the verge of death.

But the king of the gods was so arrogant that the injuries sustained were too minor, less than one percent.

However, everyone saw a little hope, the hope of hunting.


The trough erupted again and was shot in one shot.

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