Sword God

Vol 41 Chapter 7: The King of Hunting Gods (4)

The body of the gods does not need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe, but at this moment, five people like Chen Zong have a feeling of almost suffocation.


The strength of the Lord of the Gods is too overbearing. Even if five people burst out in full force, they can only deal with it. It is completely downwind. There is a feeling of oppression. The pressure is too strong.

The King of the Gods not only has amazing defensive ability, but its attack power is extremely terrible. Moreover, because of the relationship of mounts, its moving speed is also very amazing. The action is like wind, making it difficult for everyone to besiege.

You can attack and retreat, and the king of the gods is extremely difficult. The power of its golden spear can be called terror.

"Kill the mount first," Pogu Ning whispered.

Only by killing the mount first can we curb the powerful maneuverability of the King of the Gods and its speed.

The four knew this, and immediately turned to attack, killing the tiger-shaped gods.


The tiger-shaped **** mount suddenly roared, and seemed to understand that he had been targeted. He was furious and suddenly fluttered. The tiger's claws were cold and fierce, tearing everything.

The king of the gods on the tiger-shaped gods mount is also shot in the air, as fast as a golden shooting star, the gun is extremely sharp, pierces everything, and kills it outright.

Valley trough's strength is the most arrogant, even if one-on-one is not the opponent of the King of the gods, but to deal with it, it can still be done.

Coupled with Chen Zong and four others to help each other, although all of them fell into the wind for a while, the close cooperation between them still resisted the attack of the King of the Gods and was not killed.

However, the consumption of power is amazing. This kind of combat is high-intensity and the load is obvious.

Five people looked cold and solemn.

No one can die. Once they die, the co-operation trend will be broken, and then they will be killed by the king of gods.

Tianqi's legs carried an extremely violent momentum and directly bombarded the tiger-shaped gods. This could kick the mountain's legs and bombard the gods, but it was difficult to cause much damage. On the contrary, the force of the counter-shock let Tian Qi's legs shook and his body flew out.

The tiger claws smashed into the air, tearing the sky and grasping the body of the gods of Tianqi. The sharp claws were condensed with gold light, terrible. Once caught, the body of the gods of Tianqi was not defeated. Will definitely be hit hard.

Tianqi couldn't help showing a horror, saying that from time to time, an overbearing sword light suddenly slashed from the side, carrying the same power as Wan Zhongshan, and struck directly on the golden light's shining tiger claws.

The sound of gold and iron clamor was extremely harsh, and the tiger claw was also deflected away by that sword. Taking this opportunity, Tianqi's legs moved together, using the leg method to perform body movements, dodging quickly, and dangerous. Dodge the blow with tiger claws.

Among the five, only one sword user was Chen Zong of the seventh seat.

The mount of the king of the gods is attacked again and again and again. Although each damage is slight, it will continue to accumulate, making its power gradually weaken. However, the king of the gods will draw on its own. The external gods breath complements their own consumption. This is not comparable to other gods.

In this way, even if it is lightly injured and weakened, it can absorb the external atmosphere of God in a short time to supplement its own consumption.

Of course, everyone can also do this, and there are seven absolute martial tokens, which absorb the external divine breath refining speed even twice, even if it is not, it can not be compared with the king of the gods.

Really want to fight to consume, but still can not fight the king of the gods.

The powerful strength, amazing defense, super fast speed, and extraordinary recovery ability have created the terrible strength of the King of the Gods, which is almost flawless.

If there are no flaws, then create a flaw and kill its mount first. Maybe a flaw will appear, weakening the power of this king of gods.

Divine Wind Bacha!

Chen Zongyi sword was chopped on the tiger-shaped **** phase mount, the sword light was broken, and the whole person was also bounced. At the same time, Chen Zong's body turned back in the air, as elegant and smart as flying swallows, Is a sword to reach, turned into a sharp electric light.

Stunning wind to kill light!

A sharp sword penetrates and pierces everything.

The two swords in succession caused some damage to the tiger-shaped gods mounts, weakening the mounts a little.

Today's situation is the trough of the valley and the king of the gods, to make every effort to resist, while the other four shot against the mount, trying to kill it.

Sword armor power!


Chen Zong is another sword slain on the tiger-shaped gods mount. The sword of the avenue is unparalleled, and the power of the sword is increased. The power is increased by 30%, which makes the power of this sword. More and more terrible.

The body of the tiger-shaped **** phase mount was split open immediately, leaving a clear sword mark, and the breath of each **** phase quickly dissipated. The strength of the tiger-shaped **** phase mount decreased significantly, even with speed, it also decreased. a bit.

"Okay!" Everyone suddenly rejoiced.

The tiger-shaped gods mount was furious, the tiger's claws broke, and they killed Chen Zong.

The king of the gods also shot with him, carrying a powerful force, and smashed it fiercely, making Chen Zong feel like the sky was falling apart.

Sword armor power!


Can not escape, Chen Zong can only burst out the strongest force, one sword split, the mountains and rivers sword surrounding, condensed on the Tianhe sword, and even the strength contained in the Tianhe sword was also excited.

The power of terror was as heavy as a mountain, and it fell directly, smashing Chen Zong's sword, and Chen Zong also realized how horrible the power of the king of the gods was.

His own full-strength sword was unstoppable, and it was directly crushed. The terrible force hit it, crushing it, causing Chen Zong to fly upside down, and the Ming Lan sword armor on his body rippled wildly One after the other, the Blu-ray masterpiece seems to be a stormy sea, and it feels almost like it cannot be crushed.

I ca n’t feel the pain, but Chen Zong still felt that his **** body was damaged. Ming Lan Sword Armor only resisted most of the power, but still a small amount of attack power fell on his god. It hurts the body and weakens itself.


Constantly absorbing the breath of the gods around him, with the help of Qiwuwu tokens, Chen Zong's absorption speed doubled, and the consumed power quickly recovered, but Chen Zong did not wait for recovery and killed again with a sword.

The alliance cannot be stopped, otherwise, they will be killed.

The next strike of the king of the gods was blocked by the trough of the valley, which was much stronger than Chen Zong, and could barely resist the long gun of the king of the gods.


Seizing the opportunity, Chen Zong attacked the tiger-shaped mount with another sword, causing him to suffer again.

The battle was fierce, and within a few kilometers of the circle, it was shattered by bombardment, like a piece of ruin, still being bombarded.

Heavenly God

The body is thin and almost dissipates. It seems that as long as a slightly larger wind blows through, it will dissipate like the fire of a residual candle in the wind and disappear directly into nothing.

The essence of Tianquan!

Suddenly, Tianqi absorbed the essence of that Tianquan, and the body of the gods was consolidated at an amazing speed, and the power of the gods was completely restored to its full state.

Tianqi was the first to use the essence of Tianquan.

Because if he does n’t use it, he will die. Once he is dead, there are only four people left, and his strength is weaker. Maybe he will be killed by the king of the gods one by one, which will cause the hunt to fail.

Before long, the fifth seat had to consume the power of the essence of Tianquan, so that the body of the gods and the power of the gods were completely restored.

The third most powerful punch went directly to the tiger-shaped **** mount, and Chen Zong also came with a sword.

Seizing the opportunity, the trough of the valley also burst into a shot, as if burning, and the power of a **** was ignited, and an unparalleled shot broke out in a direct consumption manner.

Under one shot, the tiger-shaped gods mount was bombarded almost instantly, but the body of the gods of the valley was also shot by the gods of the gods, and most of them were broken and almost collapsed.

The essence of Tianquan!

The essence of that Tianquan was consumed immediately. At the moment, the body of the divine aspect of the trough was quickly solidified, and the power of the divine aspect was completely restored.


The greatly reduced strength of the tiger-shaped **** phase mount is a good opportunity to kill it.

Finally, under the team of five people, the tiger-shaped **** phase mount was directly crushed, however, the essence of the **** phase left behind by it was directly submerged into the body of the king of **** phase.

With a roar, I saw a tiger pattern appearing on the golden armor of the king of the gods, and the life of the king of the gods seemed to grow a bit.

It seems that it happened.

Everyone's involuntary look froze.

The original purpose of killing the tiger-shaped **** phase mount was to curb the king of the **** phase, but it seems that it is not, the breath of the king of the **** phase is even more arrogant.

However, this is the end of the matter, and you can only continue to fight. If you cannot kill it this time, you will need to hunt at least a few more masters next time.

Anyway, this time, we must do everything to kill it, otherwise everything will be wasted, and the essence of Tianquan that was previously consumed is also wasted.

You should know that the secret treasure of the gods like the essence of Tianquan is very rare and rare, making it rare. The trough was also luckily encountered and obtained.

Of course, in order to get the essence of this Tianquan, it can be considered a lifetime.

During the fierce battle, everyone found that after the King of the Gods absorbed the essence of the God of the Tiger-shaped God Mount ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the breath is indeed a little stronger and its power is even more tyrannical, but its movement speed is indeed Much lower than when there were mounts.

It was not wrong to kill the mount before.


There is still hope to kill it.

One shot was broken, Jin Mang penetrated everything, and at the moment, the third phase of the **** phase, Tianjia, was broken, and the body of the **** phase was also penetrated. Amazing power broke out. The third seat's hands suddenly caught the golden spear and broke out Make every effort to seize it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the other four also burst into the Xeon strike, banging on the body of the king of the gods.

Four attacks landed on him, immediately causing some damage.

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