Sword God

Vol 41 Chapter 8: Chen Zong's lore

(I went out to eat with my parents in the evening, but now I ’m back, updated)

Five-on-one, crazy siege, but the king of the gods, with a spear and an armor, blocked the siege of the people and kept on fighting.

Its spear is extremely heavy and amazingly powerful. If it is hit, it will not be damaged directly. This is still the case with the **** phase armor, if there is no **** phase armor, even if it is the fourth stage The body of the gods can't carry it, and it is very likely to be broken by a shot.

However, the advantage of killing the mount first is also highlighted. At least the speed of the king of the gods is significantly curbed, and it will not be as difficult as before to hit it.

Chen Zongshi exhibited the world swordsmanship in a perfect state, one sword after another, looking for opportunities, and constantly slashing on the body of the king of the gods.

The power of the king of the gods is arrogant, especially after the essence of the gods is combined, it is even more amazing, it is more amazing, the shooting speed is also very fast, and the defense is very terrible, but the loss of the mount makes its speed and One of the weaknesses is the obvious decline in flexibility.

The second weakness is martial arts skills.

The Lord of the Gods does not have any martial arts skills. A long gun in his hand is simply waving by a terrible force. There is no spearheading skill at all, yes, it is also very rough.

If it can master the superb martial arts, the fighting power of the King of the Gods can at least be improved several times. At that time, the five people joined forces, not only could not help it, and even be killed.

Weaknesses must be addressed.

Bo Gu's gun skills are superb, Chen Zong's sword skills are brilliant, and the other three's martial arts accomplishments are also good.

Rao is so. In addition to Chen Zong, the other four people have also used the essence of Tianquan. Otherwise, they have already been killed.

"Dead!" The wave valley erupted again and was suddenly shot out of the air. The avenue must release its terrible power and directly bombard the king of the gods.

This seems to be a move that hurts the enemy one thousand and self-damaged 800. The king of the gods was directly repelled more than ten meters, while the body of the gods in the trough was thinner and seemed to be an overdraft.

Taking this opportunity, the crowd broke out and bombarded the King of the Gods again.

I saw the body of the gods in the valley, once again condensed into substance, and his breath returned to its peak.

The essence of Tianquan!

The essence of the second Tianquan.

It's the last one.

Fortunately, under the siege of the King of the Gods, the body of the Gods of the Lord of the Gods was also significantly damaged, and their strength decreased significantly.

However, even if the strength declines, the strength of the king of the gods is still very terrible. One-on-one, no one is its opponent, you still have to join forces.

Bogu also took the opportunity to send a message to the crowd, stating that his essence of Tianquan had been used up. In other words, he could no longer perform the trick before that, unless he was sure to kill the king of the gods.

Resisting the attacks of the people, the King of the Gods also seems to understand that the trough of the valley is the strongest, and it poses the greatest threat to itself. It must be removed first.

The golden spear burst into the air and blasted directly to the trough of the valley. Under one shot, the trough of the trough was immediately blown away, and the body of the gods dimmed for a few minutes.

The second shot turned abruptly, carrying terrible strength, slamming Chen Zong fiercely, too fast, extremely fierce, so that Chen Zong could not dodge, and was hit directly, but Chen Zong also blocked with the Tianhe sword, the entire person Smashed flying.

When the body of the gods was shaken, the power of the gods also dissipated a little, and the power weakened again.


The five were desperately fighting the King of the Gods of God, and they were really desperate, as if the life was desperate only once, and there was a resolute decision to die.

World swordsmanship is constantly being performed, and one mind is constantly running. Chen Zong is aware of the mystery of the world swordsmanship while observing the attack of the king of the gods, and so on. Everything is clear to his heart. Because of this, Chen Zong can persist until now. Did not consume that essence of Tianquan.

World swordsman town mountains and rivers!

Chen Zong seized the opportunity once again, and exhibited the mastery of the avenue. His power was overwhelming. He slashed out with a single sword and smashed everything directly on the body of the king of the gods, again causing damage.

The King of the Gods also suddenly shot back, stabbed Chen Zong fiercely, and was so powerful that he directly hit Chen Zong's body. Ming Lan's sword armor was hit directly, with numerous ripples on it, like a raging lanyard. The assault rolled away, impacting in all directions, the entire sword armor seemed to be broken, making an overwhelming sound.

The terrible power, partly through the Ming Lan sword armor, directly bombarded the body of Chen Zong's gods, so that Chen Zong gave birth to a feeling that the body of gods seemed to be penetrated and broken.

There are also cracks on Ming Lan's sword armor, as if they would break apart at any time. Before being attacked again and again, the body of the gods was constantly damaged, and the power of the gods was constantly weakened, resulting in The strength is also weakening, and even the attack power is also decreasing, and the damage caused to the king of the gods is naturally decreasing.

However, Chen Zong has not consumed the essence of Tianquan, but restored it with his own ability and the assistance of Qizhewu token. However, this time, he has to consume the essence of Tianquan.

When he died, Chen Zong felt that as the essence of the spring was digested in his body that day, a pure and majestic force spread, like a flood and a storm, just in a very short time. Within a short period of time, it spread to every part of the body, and even partly poured into the Ming Lan sword armor, forming a cycle.

Chen Zong felt that the body of the gods was also condensed to the extreme of the current stage in a short period of time. The power of the gods filled the body of the gods, as if the tide was surging, with the sword of Ming Lan The cracks on them have disappeared.


Complete recovery, which can not help but shock Chen Zong. The secret treasure of the gods is truly extraordinary. Just the essence of the Tianquan has completely restored the body of the gods and the power of the gods. Just returned to the heyday.

It is really a good treasure. If you can have more, you can face the king of the gods alone.

Of course, the secret treasures of the gods such as the essence of Tianquan are too rare. At least so far, Chen Zong has only been given it once because of hunting the king of gods and being given by Pogu.

If not, Chen Zong has not encountered any kind of mysterious treasures.

No, it should be said that before the essence of Tianquan, Chen Zong also encountered the secret treasure of the gods, that is, the seven absolute weapons token, but relatively speaking, although the seven absolute weapons token is very good, but compared with the essence of Tianquan, it still exists. Gap.

Subconsciously, Chen Zong took a deep breath, and after consuming the essence of Tianquan to recover himself, Chen Zong also had a new understanding, that is, the enlightenment of the way of the world.

I have been constantly enlightening the world map. Although I have not fully comprehended it, I have been deeply impressed. I have performed the world swordsmanship again and again, and I have performed the avenue to learn the towns and mountains from time to time. Under the pressure of the king of the gods, he has integrated Get up and make a breakthrough.

The sword qi erupted, and the mountain and river virtual shadows suddenly appeared. Compared with before, it was much clearer. Not only that, the power of that repression also increased sharply, at least doubled.

World swordsman town mountains and rivers!

Under the endless mountain and river sword spirit, Chen Zongyi sword erupted, the sword light was vast, surrounded by mountains and rivers, surrounded by virtual shadows. The overlapping powers were endless. They were directly cut off and suppressed everything.

The king of gods was suppressed in an instant.


The repressive power of this sword has doubled.

If the previous repressive power was nothing to the king of gods, then this time the repressive power really played a role in the king of gods.

Taking this opportunity, everyone also blasted out, directly attacking the body of the king of the gods.

Chen Zong's sword light surrounded by mountains and rivers also fell off, which also carried the power of the sword armor and the power of the Tianhe sword, which greatly increased the power of the sword.

The click sounded suddenly, and the extremely hard armor of the King of the Gods was smashed by Chen Zongyi sword, and a crack appeared.

"Good opportunity!" Pogu's eyes were like a dragon, and she made an instant decision without hesitation. Once again, she broke out and overwhelmedly consumed her power to release the most powerful blow.

This shot was the one shot, the one of Dadao's unique skill, and it also caused the King of the God of God several times to do quite a lot of damage.

However, the previous shot was blocked by the armor of the king of the gods, and the damage was limited. However, this time, it was killed by Chen Zongyi's sword. In an instant, he directly hit the **** of the gods. The king's **** body.

The spear broke through, drove straight into it, and suddenly pierced the body of the King of God.


Chen Zong broke out twice and was cut out again.


Showcasing time and time again and again, after enlightenment again and again, Zhenshanhe's unique skills have also been deduced by Chen Zong to a new height, surpassing the lower-grade star, reaching the middle-grade star, the power doubled.

It is precisely because of this that it is possible to suppress the king of the gods for a moment, and, in conjunction with the power of the sword armor and the power of the Tianhe sword, cut the armor of the king of the gods' amazing defense.

This sword was cut into the place where the armor was cut and struck directly on the body of the king of the gods.

First, the lethal shot by the trough of the valley directly caused the king of the gods to suffer. The power of the gods was quickly lost, and the strength was significantly reduced. Facing the sword of Chen Zong, the king of the gods could not be avoided at all.

Cut into, the terrible power, suddenly cut into the body of the King of God, causing more severe and powerful destruction.

The armor also shattered even more.

The other three also seized the opportunity and shot in an instant, bombarding the shattered armor and directly hitting the king of the gods.

The body of the king of the gods is also very strong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but without the defense of the armor, the strength is limited, the body of the gods is destroyed more completely, the faster the power of the gods flows, the strength decreases The more powerful.



One by one, as if roaring, pouring out a force, without any reservation, bombarded the body of the king of the gods.

For the third time, the star-studded township of Zhongpin Star Shows the mountains and rivers, and once again smashed into the body of the king of the gods, and immediately broke it apart.


The body of the king of the gods also dissipated, leaving behind a golden body of the gods with a length of about one foot, just like a dragon, exuding amazing breath fluctuations.

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