Sword God

Vol 44 Chapter 86: Tsuten Tenjin Tower

This place is like a dark place, a huge abyss as if there is no border, dark and gloomy, and its breath is permeated with an indescribable dignity and coldness, which makes Chen Zongqing tremble.

Immediately, Chen Zong suddenly found that his powerful cultivation power had disappeared.

It wasn't that they were imprisoned and unusable, but they disappeared, they disappeared completely, they couldn't be found or sensed.

For a while, Chen Zong even bred a sense of panic from the heart. After all, although this situation has been encountered before, it is not so thorough. Either he is trapped in the illusion and cannot be perceived or he is temporarily imprisoned. Unable to mobilize, as it is now, but it gives Chen Zong a complete disappearance, as if Xiuwei was abolished.

The world in the human body is completely gone, and the arrogant supreme sword intention is also lost.

The turmoil of inner breeding dissipated, and Chen Zong regained his calmness.

It is impossible for one's own cultivation to really disappear. There is only one explanation, that is, there is a mystery in this tower. This mystery is too deep and unpredictable. After this tower, your own cultivation will be felt again.

Thinking of this, Chen Zong tried it, but suddenly found that he could not leave the tower.

There is no hint or information at all, leaving Chen Zong for a while without any clue.

For example, what kind of existence does this tower have?

Or how can I get out of here?

The lack of critical information made Chen Zong very passive, and a powerful inner world repair disappeared. He lost his powerful strength to rely on, and his hands were empty. Security is even more insecure, because even the storage artifact is also destroyed. The force was banned and could not be used. In other words, Chen Zong could not take out swords and other things from it.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong stepped forward and staying still in such a place is not a good way. Only move, walk up, look around, maybe there will be something to discover.

The light here is very dim. In the case of losing all the repairs, Chen Zong's visible range has also been greatly affected. It is difficult to see farther away. One hundred meters is almost the limit, so In any case, if any danger is encountered, it is really not easy to respond.

However, you ca n’t really stand still, it ’s meaningless. Only by walking can you know more information and find out how to leave the tower.

As for entering the tower and not regretting it, Chen Zong will not regret it, because when he first entered the tower, he was sober and made a very clear decision. There was no illusion deception or persecution by others. Since it is If you make a choice, you have to bear the consequences.

The ground here is a bit uneven, with high and low fluctuations, which makes Chen Zong feel as if he is walking on the wilderness of the wilderness. What sounds I heard, only my own footsteps kept ringing, and in such a lonely and dark place, the footsteps became clearer and clearer.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's footsteps were followed by his body's shape, his face was shocked, his eyes were slightly enlarged.

Ahead ... what happened?

Chen Zong saw it, what is it?

It was a huge body, a huge body with a length of more than a thousand meters was falling to the ground, as if a small hill-like bulge on the ground, as if sleeping.

Chen Zong did not move, but gazed carefully and tried his best to perceive. In the end, it was certain that the monster was not sleeping, but was dead.

A beast with a body of more than one thousand meters and a beast with a height of more than one hundred meters on the ground seemed to be still intact, and exudes an indescribable power that enveloped the beast.

When Chen Zong stepped closer again, he strengthened his feelings of the residual power, and he was so suffocated.

However, Chen Zong still walked forward again in the face of this overbearing might, closer to the monster body, and observed it more carefully.

Judging from the residual power, this monster should be a holy level monster before his death.

As for the level of the small sacred realm or the level of the large sacred realm, Chen Zong is not good at judging himself. After all, he is now cultivated as a non-existent and his perception ability is greatly weakened. It can be judged that this is the sacred beast is already the limit.

Facing this powerful residual power, Chen Zong took some time to take a closer look around the beast and then affirmed that the beast was killed.

Because under the beast's abdomen, Chen Zong saw several huge wounds, each of which was more than ten meters long, with deep bones and a blackness, dried blood.

Judging by the shape of the wound, it was torn by claws. It was the kind of very large claws, very huge claws. This discovery could not help but cause Chen Zonglian to sweat down.

If Xiu Wei is still alive and his strength is still there, then encountering such a beast, it is not impossible to fight, or even to win, but now, Xiu Wei can't feel it, even a sharp sword in his hand No, once you encounter such a beast, you are likely to die.

Even if they are just like themselves, these holy beasts will lose a strong cultivation power when they enter here, but their huge body alone is enough to crush many.

In many cases, the size difference is a kind of suppression.

For example, two people, one hundred pounds and five hundred pounds, and both have the same strength and are ordinary people. So can you say that the one with five hundred pounds is weaker than one hundred pounds?

It is still unknown whether a person of a hundred pounds collides with a person of 500 pounds. But if a person of 500 pounds collides with a person of 100 pounds, he will be directly hit under that weight. Flying up and vomiting blood.

What's more, compared with this monster, my body is not a gap between one hundred and five hundred pounds, but a gap of more than a thousand times. It is just that one claw of such a monster falls down, and depending on the weight, Enough to carry yourself.

Thinking of this, Chen Zong's face became more solemn.

However, Chen Zong still did not have the slightest timidity. When he came, he went on, looking for clues and seeing if he could find useful information for himself.

On the other hand, although I have lost one's self-cultivation, I am not without resistance. At least a thousand swordsmanships still exist.

Withdrawing from the coercive range of the beast's body, Chen Zong felt relaxed for a while.

Looking around, it was still dim, like an abyss, and no other sounds could be heard, like a dead place.

After a while, Chen Zong saw a sword, but it was a pity that it was a big sword, a nine-meter-long sword that was exactly the weapon of the giants.

This heavy sword is extremely heavy, and it is nine meters long. It is several times taller than Chen Zong's own height. Such a weapon cannot be picked up by itself. Even if it is repaired, the weight is not much, but The length and width are completely inappropriate.

give up!

After a while, Chen Zong saw another corpse, the body of a giant, his head was gone, and the entire huge body was kneeling on the ground, looking very scary.




Chen Zong marched all the way, all he saw were corpses, giant corpses, and giant corpses. These giants were different, some looked like tigers, some looked like galloping horses, and some looked like goshawks. However, no matter what kind of monster, its body is very large, and the residual breath is very amazing, at least at the level of the sub-holy level, and some are holy levels.


Up to now, Chen Zong has seen at least hundreds of sub-holy giants and giant corpses, and about 10% of them are holy corpses.

Chen Zong couldn't help remembering the pictures he had seen before. Many giants and birds and beasts tore tortured and killed, until the tower appeared, and then moths rushed into the tower.

So are the corpses here giants and birds and beasts?

Presumably, it is possible.

So how did they die?

Fighting to death?

From the hundreds of corpses that he currently sees, by examining their wounds, Chen Zong can conclude that fighting broke out among them, and then kill other people or beasts or be killed.

Sword injuries, bites, scratches, etc.

The earth is boundless and the darkness is endless. Every interval, Chen Zong sees a corpse, either a giant or a bird or a beast.

Chen Zong picked up a bone and did not know what bone was broken by the beast. The length of more than one meter seemed straight, flat, and the break was a bit sharp. It fell into Chen Zong's hands, which could be used as Sword to use.

Of course, because it is not a sword, it is not sharp, so it is not sharp. Fortunately, the fracture at the end is sharp. In addition, it has been tested by Chen Zong. This broken bone is very hard. Than their own mind Tianjian ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but always better than empty-handed.

With this bone sword in hand, when one's sword skill can also be exerted, when there is any danger, there will be no resistance to counterattack.

As a sword repair, you can show the true nature of sword repair when you hold it.

The sword repair without a sword is mostly like a toothless tiger. Although it is still not weak, it is not enough.

A huge figure is standing in front of a larger stone. This is a giant, and it is also a fifteen-meter-tall giant. I guess it should be a strong man at the level of the great sacred realm. No scars can be seen on the giant's body, but already Died, the cause of death is unknown.

Chen Zong's eyes crossed the giant's body and landed on the giant stone. There were sword marks on it. It should be the words carved by the giant sword in the giant's hand.

The text that Chen Zong does not know, but there is a feeling that seems to have been seen, and finally thought of the characters of the gods and demons, those texts on the boulder are somewhat close to the characters of the gods and demons, so Chen Zong relied on the characters of the gods and demons. To grasp.

"Is the name of this tower the Tongtian God Tower ..."

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