Sword God

Vol 44 Chapter 87: Can be god

What does the text of the giants, close to the text of the demon, mean?

In addition, in front of the giant characters, Chen Zong interpreted them in the form of gods and demons. He could understand a few percent and read out the meaning contained in them.

Tsutenkaku Tower!

This tower, which was invaded by countless giants and giant beasts, is called the Tower of Tenjin.

That is to say, at this moment, I am in this tower of heaven, and the words on it are not long, and some of them are incomprehensible to Chen Zong, so I can not get much information.

Tower of Heaven ... can be a god!

The short message read out was called Chen Zong's eyes widened and his pupils contracted and diffused. His face was shocked and unbelievable.

Can be a god!

This deity is better than deity, but it is not the gods of the demon world. It should be the incomparable aspirations mentioned in the main mouth of Mo Jianshan and has not paid a great price for it. It has been planned for millions of years. Become ... True God!

Chen Zong is so guessing, true god.

That should be a level above the Holy Order, a higher level, a more powerful level.

If one's speculation is true, then the weight of this true God is probably many times better than he thought.

Not only was the owner of Mo Jianshan paying the price of Mo Jianshan, or even planning for a million years to chase the path of the true god, even Chen Zong also saw the death and death of many giants and beasts, and continued to kill Below, the Tongtian God Tower appeared, and as a result, they also dared to die like a moth fluttering into the Tongtian God Tower.

Why rush in?

Just because you want to be a true god.

The attraction of the true God is so huge and so amazing.

For a moment, Chen Zong's mood was excited.

Can be a god!

Your translation should be error-free, so the information it contains is true.

Fragments of time and space, based on their own discussions with Thunder Swordmaster over this period of time, are defined as the time and space of the past being broken for unknown reasons, leaving fragments in existence in this unknowable place.

The two people discussed the speculations again and again, and finally believed that the existence of the unknowable place was actually for the service of those spatiotemporal fragments, so that the spatiotemporal fragments existed here, otherwise the spatiotemporal fragments would lose their power and eventually disappear.

For example, in the outer universe, the interstellar universe, and the inner universe, I have never heard of any spatio-temporal debris. You must know that in the outer universe, Mount Taihao is a holy place, one of the top holy places, and such a powerful holy place. The record of space-time fragments shows that there should be no space-time fragments in the outer universe.

The inner universe is composed of the ancient Xuan world and the demon world. Chen Zong does not know much about the ancient Xuan world. However, with that limited understanding, he has never heard of the fragments of space and time. Know the place.

Suddenly, Chen Zong thought for a moment that the pupils of the eyes did not consciously expand in an instant, and contracted in an instant.

The core universe!

This universe is divided into outer, interstitial, inner, and final cores. The core universe is the most mysterious. Chen Zong has not seen any data that records core universe information. Only one mention is the concept of the core universe.

Therefore, there is always controversy about the existence of the core universe. Some practitioners believe that the core universe is

Existing, the place that dominates the core of the universe is the center where it truly controls all the movements and laws of the universe.

But there are also practitioners who believe that the core universe does not exist. Perhaps the universe has a core, but that is only the center that governs the laws of the operation of the universe, not the core universe, but the core of the universe.

The core universe and the core of the universe are different in the order of their names, and their meanings are also different.

The core universe, which can represent a world, such as the ancient mysterious world of the inner universe, has the birth and development of life, and the evolution and progress of civilization, and the core of the universe is just a core, a center, It is not the existence of the world, but the existence of the central origin. It is a mass, and no life is born.

So let's think that the core universe exists, what kind of existence is it anyway?

Why are so many Holy Powers entering?

Well, why do you want to enter it? Chen Zong also has a vague understanding. After all, after practicing to the extreme, he loses further possibilities and can only travel and seek breakthroughs. The so-called core universe will no doubt be a good one place.

But the strongmen who have gone to the core universe have never returned and never appeared again. Only some classics have recorded all kinds of information about them, and nothing more.

"Unknown place, shouldn't it have something to do with the core universe?" Chen Zong's mind jumped out of such a thought.

The more I think about my brain, the more information I will have, and eventually it will become more and more chaotic. After all, here, Chen Zong's cultivation disappeared, and everything else was affected, and his thinking ability was affected as well. Think of many at the same time.

There was a feeling of pain in the forehead, as if something had been stuck in it. Chen Zong had to stop his association and speculation.

All in all, this unknowable place is so mysterious that it deserves to be called the unknowable place.

The unknowable place is mysterious, and the core universe is also mysterious. If there is any relationship between the two, Chen Zong is not expected to be surprised.

But now, there is still insufficient information, coupled with the loss of cultivation power, and the thinking ability has also been greatly affected, so that he cannot make more in-depth inferences and can only stop here temporarily.

But one thing is known, this tower is called Tongtianshen Tower, and the purpose of entering this tower should be related to Chengshen.

In addition, Chen Zong could not know more information.

Retracting his eyes, Chen Zong moved forward with his bone sword, and then met two people, two people who were fighting fiercely. No, it should be exactly one person and one demon.

Chen Zong was surprised, he found the demon again.

The gods and fiends on both sides of the fierce battle also lost a powerful **** and magic power, and even their arrogant **** and spirit bodies were greatly weakened together, but the gods were inherently stronger than others, even if weakened. , The retained power and so on are much stronger than people.

The weapon used by this demon is a war spear, which looks very fierce. Between shots, although there is no powerful demon power to drive, but with superb martial arts, each spear can still erupt. Out of amazing power.

Chen Zong immediately judged that this demon is a demon in the vein of the gods of God, and also a demon of the Thunder God system.

The gods of the thunder system have the power of thunder gods

A very powerful force, extremely violent, but within the Tower of Heaven, all the extraordinary has disappeared and returned to ordinary, so there is no thunder power on the war spear, but the superb martial arts is also When the demon strong shot, each spear had a power of lightning and thunder.

When the practitioners are overbearing to a certain extent, and mastery of martial arts reaches a high level, even if they do not incorporate extraordinary powers, relying solely on martial arts accomplishments, they can explode with incredible power, causing terrible damage.

As for the people who fought fiercely with this sword, the sword light was not dazzling at all, but there was a soft and illusive feeling, as if the clouds were foggy, and there was a cloud of light flowing between them. The changes are volatile and difficult to cope with, but Chen Zong also felt a trace of inexplicable sharpness from the volatile light of Jian Jian, as if he could kill all the sharpness.

This person is the Izumo Swordmaster.

"That's thirty-three styles of ever-changing cloud and fog killing gods." Chen Zong stopped and stared away, secretly amazed.

Although there is no blessing for cultivation, but so, it can further highlight the mystery of swordplay itself.

The ever-changing fantasy cloud and mist killing God thirty-three!

Many martial arts names are related to their own mysteries. This sword art is called by such a name, which also shows the mystery and fits well.

This is also an intangible recognition, which comes from the recognition of the Tao of Heaven, the will of the world, and the will of the universe.

If the name is not true, then its martial arts will also be affected.

For example, if you are obviously a strong martial art, but you want to choose a weak name, it seems to play a deceptive role. It may be a bit of a benefit. You can catch the opponent off guard during the first confrontation, but the disadvantages are actually more serious. Big.

Name, that is a kind of logo, the more powerful it becomes, it will become brand-like, like a title or something.

Especially after reaching the level of the Supreme Realm, the effect is directly the same as the title.

If it does not match, it will eventually lead to bad consequences and cause you to regret it. In addition, even if you let others know some of the mysteries of the martial arts by name, what about it?

Know, can you resist it?

Strong is strong, weak is weak, and will not change due to some small tricks.

The sword technique of Izumo Swordmaster ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is extraordinary, which is characterized by thousands of changes, more changes, it is more difficult to distinguish, plus clouds, clouds cover the mist, the sword gasified into Clouds surround the surrounding, with the ever-changing characteristics, it becomes more difficult and more difficult to deal with.

However, the word “God killing” has a sense of murderousness, which makes Chen Zong feel that this sword is not only focused on change and confusion, but also has amazing lethality.

There are several explanations for killing gods, one is that they can kill gods, which means that the killing power is extremely amazing, and the other is that they can kill gods and souls, which is also very scary.

I just don't know what aspects of the sword killing of Izumo Swordmaster refers to.

Chen Zong did not mean to shoot, but stood watching in the distance, especially looking at the thirty-three types of the ever-changing fantasy cloud and mist killing **** of the sword cloud saint, this sword skill is very exquisite, extremely exquisite, called Chen Zong has a kind of With an eye-opening feeling, Chen Zong analyzed the mystery while watching, but unfortunately because the cultivation disappeared, and other aspects were also affected, the efficiency of the analysis was not high.


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