Sword God

Vol 44 Chapter 93: A crisis that transcends time and space

Wanjian Mountain, the first sacred place of Wanjian ancient domain, is located in the middle of the mountain. At the place where Wanjian breaks the large formation, there are more cracks on the gray broken sword over the center of the array, and each crack is healed. The hair is obvious, deeper and deeper, and it will break at any time.

"Can't hold it up." Optimus Sage Saint's eyes were condensed, staring at the broken sword that was going to be completely cracked, and seeing that no one had come out, he couldn't help feeling nervous.

Once it does n’t come out, and the broken sword is broken again, then the entrance will be closed. At that time, those sword repairs will be trapped in the unknowable place. You know, that ’s twenty-five small holy juggernauts and one hundred powerful Ah Ah, what a loss it would be if left in an unknowable place.

It is an incalculable loss.

Finally, a figure emerged, and someone stepped out of the portal, telling Optimus Sword Saint to sigh of relief, but still not enough.

Later, another figure stepped out of the portal.

The clicking sound sounded very subtle, but very terrifying, one by one staring away, and saw that the crack on the broken sword was one more.

I'm in danger!

Even the portals with the entrances and exits fluctuated slightly. They were unstable and seemed to collapse at any time.

Every subsequent breath was spent in a thrilling thriller. In the end, the power of the broken sword was completely exhausted. Fortunately, the entrance and exit portal did not directly collapse because the broken sword was completely broken. The force barely maintained it, but the fluctuations became more and more obvious, and it felt unsustainable at any time.

Chen Zong and Thunder Swordmaster also stepped out of the portal one after another, turning around and seeing that it was difficult to calm their hearts.

This portal is even more difficult to maintain, but it still hasn't come out completely, at least the number of people coming out has not reached the number of people coming in.

In the end, the power of Wan Jian's large-scale battle was still unable to maintain the portal, and it collapsed.

A strong stream of air rushed around and rolled up a storm raging in all directions, sweeping everything.

The people present were silent in the face of the blow and impact of the breath.

Not all came out.

When entering, there are twenty-five sword sages and one hundred Asian sages, and the total is one hundred and twenty-five powerful sword repairs. However, although the sword repairs are now out, although they have not been counted, they can be sure at a glance. , Less than a hundred.

Chen Zong glanced at it and felt the breath. Of the twenty-five sword sages, only twenty-two came out. The remaining three never came out, and only one of the one hundred sages came out. The total number was less than one hundred. Each.

Is it too late to die, or is it dead in the hands of the gods?

Chen Zong was surprised by the appearance of gods and powerfuls in an unknown place. He also knew that many swords would die under the hands of gods and powerfuls. It was inevitable. After all, he had killed two gods and powerfuls. By.

However, one hundred and twenty-five when entering, but less than one hundred when coming out, such losses are not significant.

Whatever the reason, since the broken sword has been broken and the portal has collapsed and disappeared, it means that since then, Wan Jianshan can no longer find the unknowable place, can't open the gap of time and space, and then travels to the unknowable place and seeks in it. It's opportunity.

This opportunity is a must.


But the losses are also great, making it difficult to be happy.

Chen Zong had other questions, but encountered them in an unknown place.

The gods and strong are not trivial matters, but major events that must be valued.

Not only Chen Zong and Thunder Juggernaut, but also Izumo Juggernaut, and many other Juggernauts encountered and met each other in the unknown.

Wan Jianshan attached great importance to this matter, and immediately brought together the sword repairers who encountered the gods and demons, gathered together to understand the matter in detail, and passed the news to the other three-party holy places.

All in all, it's a matter of demon, no matter how important it is.


The demon world is a powerful world that is older than the ancient mysterious world.

The composition of the demon world is also different from that of the ancient mysterious world. The three main veins are distinct, and the godliness within the three main veins are also numerous, large and small.

But at this moment, the extremely arrogant gods among the three main veins are gathered in one place, which is the center of a secret place and forbidden land in the demon world.

A ball of approximately Momish diameter is slowly turning, and the ball is filled with a faint light, which is composed of mysterious runes, which look more than the characters Ancient, complicated and mysterious.

If Chen Zong were here, he would be surprised to find that the appearance of those runes resembled the ancient gods.

A mysterious and indescribable feeling was brewing in the ball. The gods of the three main veins looked dignified, staring at the ball constructed by countless ancient gods.

As the ball rotates, it keeps running, interpreting the mystery that is beyond words.

Suddenly, the ball swelled, and then it spread out, turning into chains like a strip of cocoons, spreading out in all directions.

Each of the gods was encased in it, feeling the wonderful power of it, one after another looking excited.

These forces completely surpassed them, and were no longer a level of strength.

The mysterious chains constructed by the ancient divine words are spreading continuously, as if the true dragon dance practiced in the sky. Its posture seems simple, but it also contains an indescribable mystery.

The gods standing at the top of the demon world, at this moment, all showed a very excited look, even shaking slightly with excitement.

"Finally cracked."

"The mystery of the Supreme Artifact has finally been cracked, and we hope to cross the border directly."

"Ancient Xuanjie will eventually belong to us."

"It's not just the ancient mystery, the entire universe will belong to us."

All the gods were excited and roared again and again, as if they were fanatics. If people were to see the gods standing at the peak of the demon world, they would be so disoriented, I do n’t know what they would be shocked.

"It's not the time for excitement." A figure was illusive, as if the Lord of God existed between the presence and absence. He was not as excited as the other Lords. Although he had fluctuations in his heart, he appeared very calm, only because he was in the demon world. Enough to be among the top three powerful Lords, Lords of time and space.

"Only to open up the gap between time and space to go to the ancient mysterious realm and truly turn the ancient mysterious realm into our place of faith is the time to cheer." The words of the Lord of Time and Space immediately made other gods calm down.

Just because the words spoken by the Lord of Time and Space are authoritative and reasonable.


The world of gods and demons has gradually penetrated into the outer universe, developed beliefs, and continued to grow in worship, which has really affected the distribution of forces in the outer universe.

As for the undead world in the interstellar universe, it has not yet entered, only because the beliefs of the undead are not well developed, so it is still being planned, and the ancient mysterious world is the most difficult. I hope to enter the ancient Xuan Realm, but the strength of the Ancient Xuan Realm is very strong. It is only from the boundary market, it is difficult to invade it. It has been in the past, but it has finally failed.

For the demon world, the ancient Xuan world is the most difficult world to deal with.

But at the same time, the ancient mysterious world is also the world that the demon world wants to conquer most.

The ambition of the gods and demons is very big, that is to unify the universe and be fully under the control of the gods and demons. At that time, we will take the power of the universe and move towards the core universe and truly become a god.


When the Supreme Artifact evolved to the extreme, a core point was also revealed. It was an illusion of smoke as if it existed with a few strands of electric light. It was about the size of a fist, slightly fluctuating, and all the dark golden electric lights were in the smoke. Rushing endlessly.

The lords of the gods stared at the core of the group, the core of the Supreme Artifact, with a very dignified look, because they could feel the power contained in it, which was very amazing. Even at that level of power, even if they were the pinnacle of the demon world The Lord of God cannot be compared.

In front of that power, they felt how small they were, as small as dust.

And this Supreme Artifact was a coincidence that floated from the core universe and was fortunately obtained by them. They spent countless years cracking this Supreme Artifact, and today they finally cracked it. It's time to use the power of this artifact.

Open up the gap between time and space, connect the ancient mysterious realm, thus cross the boundary market, and directly enter the ancient mysterious realm. In this way, there is hope to truly occupy the ancient mysterious realm and make it a place of faith for the demon world. Harvest more Faith has become stronger.

"God of time and space, ready."

"God of time and space, let's go."

All the gods said one after another, and the tone was a little more excited.

Open the space-time gap to the ancient mysterious realm, and build a stable portal of time and space, then the demon world can enter the ancient mysterious realm through that portal ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ cannibalize the ancient mysterious realm.

"Let's get started." The erratic figure, like the imaginary God of Time and Space, also said solemnly. This action is very important. Failure is not allowed, so you can't be too dignified.

I saw the Lord of Time and Space step by step towards that core, and between walking around, his illusionary figure was gradually condensed, as if stepping from a different time and space, step by step, there was an illusion of smoke behind, Makes his entire body look more and more mysterious, with an incomparable sense of wonder.

When I walked to the core of the Supreme Artifact, the body of the Lord of Time and Space was completely condensed, as if from illusory to substantive. I saw that he looked extremely diligently and stretched out his hands, approaching the core of the group, separated by an inch Pause.

Immediately, the overwhelming power poured out from the Lord of Time and Space, pouring down his arms like the water of a river and river, and then rushed into the core of the Supreme Artifact through his palms, and his power was immediately excited. The arcs seemed to explode, and the power that erupted made the Lord of Time and Space and other gods look more dignified.

So terrible breath, so terrible power, there is a feeling of destroying them.

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