Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 20: Tian Yan

Jianguang cuts the ground, there is nothing to resist. Whether it is a huge fire dragon or a huge firebird, they are all killed under the sword light.

The inner universe and the outer world are just like the inner world, but their power is even more arrogant. They directly defend the avenues of Yanlong Dasheng and Suzaku Holy Land. Of course, this is also the avenue of Yanlong Dasheng and Suzaku Holy Land The realm cannot truly merge.

One by one was very surprised. What kind of avenue was that?

There are galaxies, nebula swirls, a streamer, 10,000-point starbursts, and an independent blue star that rotates endlessly. It feels very strange and gorgeous, at first glance, it looks like a small, simple universe. of.

The avenues of different great sacred powers are often different, but they are more reflected in power. As for foreign ministers, there is generally not much difference. Of course, there are still some unique avenues. Relatively rare.

In the eyes of everyone, Chen Zong's internal universe is a very unique avenue, but in fact this is not the avenue. Chen Zong's cultivation is different from them. He is unique and unique.

But the power released from the inner universe and the outer universe is not inferior to the avenue domain, and even better than some.

Taihao is Zhenyang, and the planets surrounding Taihao have also changed from eight to ten, which means that Chen Zong has promoted the sword of one heart from eight swords to ten swords.

Although it is only the improvement of the two swords, the power of the sword nine is more than that of the sword 80%, and the power of the sword ten is more than that of the sword 90%. The improvement is very significant, and the power has become more and more terrible.

Seeing that the two elders, the elder and the Yanlong saint, couldn't take down Chen Zong, the face of the Lord Suzaku was extremely ugly. As for the Suzaku, the son had already receded to the side, his face seemed to be bloodied A pair of eyes blinked cold and irritated, but there was a deep sense of weakness.

how come?

How could people who have been fleeing themselves only recently and had to flee, have such powerful strength now?

The indescribable jealous resounded in the heart of Suzaku. As for the ancient Phoenix goddess, she was standing on the platform of Bird Phoenix, seemingly unaware of everything that happened. Her two maids were big-looking. Change, panic-like look.

However, the fighting did not affect them, and they avoided it intentionally.

"Who the **** are you?" Lord Suzaku looked somber, but he couldn't help feeling shocked, apparently shocked by Chen Zong's strength.

Although his strength is stronger than the elders, it is difficult to defeat the elders without using the Suzaku Holy Land to inherit the treasures. If the two great sacred places joined forces without the power of the treasures, he would be defeated.

But this son is one person, one sword. The combination of the elders who resisted and the dragon emperor Yan Long did not fall behind in the slightest, so he could not carelessly.

"My name is Chen Zong." Chen Zong stood in front of the ancient goddess of Huang, and responded with no worries, but her eyes were very cold, cutting everything like a sword: "Wushuang Sword Master."

There are relatively few people who know the words Chen Zong. After all, there are many people with the same name and same name, but when it comes to the title or title of Wushuang Sword Master, many people know it.

At least, a hundred years ago, the first inventor of the Demon Realm was Wushuang Swordmaster.

In addition, the Star Sword Palace has also announced that Wushuang Sword Master is its honorary elder.

However, isn't Wushuang Swordmaster the strength of the Little Sacred Realm?


When did you break through to the Great Holy Land?

There was no news or sign at all.

For a time, the minds of the saint-class powerhouses turned endlessly.

The four sword masters of Wan Jianshan, Xing Chen Sword Palace, Wuhui Sword Valley, and Juejian Villa all stared at Chen Zong, especially Wan Jianshan's three Sword Masters and Fei Xing Sword Master of Xing Chen Sword House.

When the Three Sword Masters sent a piece of eternal sword to Chen Zong, his attitude was very rude, because he thought that Chen Zong was only Ya Sheng, but he did not expect it to be a Sword Master. Now it is a big sword. Holy level, it is almost impossible to imagine, and it is unavoidable.

As for Fei Xing Sword Master belongs to Xing Chen Sword Palace, and Chen Zong is the honorary elder of Xing Chen Sword Palace, to some extent it is considered the same door.

"His Sword Master, today is a great day for my sacred son of Suzaku Shrine to become an ancestor with the ancient Phoenix Mountain Goddess. Please retreat first, after this matter, any grievances will be resolved." Said.

Chen Zong couldn't help but smile.

The word of Lord Suzaku sounds normal. After all, today is indeed a great event. After handling this great event, is it normal to have something like grievances resolved?

If Chen Zong agrees, he will miss the other party's plan, because Chen Zong came to block the meeting of couples. If the other party finishes the event first, then it will be very troublesome.

"Goddess of the Ancient Phoenix is ​​my companion." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said, but the content of the words suddenly shocked everyone.

"Presumptuously, Qinghuang is the goddess of my ancient Huangshan, not your lover."

The other sacred step strong men presenting a thoughtful look one after another, Bai Fu Shengzi even showed a playful smile on his face, as if he had discovered something interesting.

However, Chen Zong ignored the wrath of Jinhuang Dasheng, and seemed to hear nothing.

Lord Suzaku frowned, he didn't know something, so when he heard Chen Zong's words, he was angry first, and then he thought a little, if the other party is lying, is it necessary?

Is it necessary to lie such a lie in a great sanctuary?

The ancient Phoenix goddess is good, but the ancient mysterious realm is so large, there is more than one holy land, there are still more excellent nuns than the ancient Phoenix goddess, there are other great holy places, both in status, status and strength, so why? ?

"It seems that I have only suppressed you." The Lord Suzaku exhaled a long breath and immediately made a decision. In any case, today is the meeting of the spouse of the Suzaku and the ancient Phoenix goddess, which cannot be destroyed. No matter what the reason is, then the only way to suppress this Wushuang Sword Master is to say, "Dear everyone, please leave the Suzaku Shrine first."

Next, it will be a fierce battle. Others may be affected here, and it is normal for them to leave.

Although some people really want to stay and watch the fun, the Lord Suzaku speaks like this, so it is better to leave.

Not long after, all the irrelevant people left in the entire Suzaku Shrine, and the ancient Phoenix goddess was also taken away. Chen Zong did not stop, because in the next battle, when it will be shot at full strength, any reservation will not work at that time, otherwise it may cause Bad consequences.

As long as you defeat the people of Suzaku Shrine, you can't stop the ancient Phoenix goddess from taking it away.

When others left the Suzaku Shrine, what remained were the sacred step strengths of Chen Zong and Suzaku Shrine,

Even those small sanctuaries have stepped aside, leaving only the great sanctuary.

"Wushuang Sword Master, you leave now, and that's all there is to it." Lord Suzaku spoke again, his voice more solemn.

"I can go." Chen Zong seemed to speak well and responded immediately, but the next sentence called the Suzaku Holy Land and the faces of the ancient Huangshan changed greatly: "But the ancient Phoenix goddess will leave with me."

"That's impossible." Jin Huang Dasheng reprimanded.

"It looks like you are really going to fight against my Suzaku Holy Land." The Lord of Suzaku's eyes grew more gloomy, but his breath continued to spread, and the air temperature rose rapidly at an alarming rate, as if everything was burnt. The void has become distorted.

The Suzaku Lord snorted, his arms suddenly opened up, and behind him a huge Suzaku imagination emerged, his wings spread out with the arms of the Suzaku Lord, as if rising to the sky, Accompanied by a high-pitched tweet.

The terrible breath erupted instantly, and Chen Zong's eyes were slightly condensed. The breath erupted by the Lord Suzaku was really strong. It is indeed the Lord of a Holy Land. It is also a more powerful level in the Great Holy Land.

"Tianyan!" The lord of Suzaku, who burst into a domineering atmosphere, screamed again, and the sacred step strong men of Suzaku Shrine changed their looks, as if the two words contained some magic.

Chen Zong felt that as the Suzaku Lord screamed loudly, a terrible breath erupted in the depths of the Suzaku Shrine, rising like a volcanic eruption into the sky, and the astonishing mighty power went straight to the sky, arrogant Extremely, accompanied by bursts of crimson golden mansions, it seemed that they would crush the sky into incineration.

The arrogance of that breath called Chen Zong to Zhenhai Zhu.

Is it the treasure?

Chen Zong's eyes could not help but squint. If the Lord of the Suzaku also mastered the treasure, this time it was not easy to deal with it.

Because, Chen Zong, who masters Haizhu in Zhibao Town, knows the amazingness of Zhibao.

Immediately, I saw a golden red light piercing the sky into the depths of the Suzaku Shrine, turning into a golden red bird, flying at an extreme speed, and the breath emitted was more shaken than heaven and earth.

Everyone's eyes fell on the golden red firebird, with an indescribable awe and envy.

The golden red flamingo rushed into the air, and finally fell into the hands of the Lord Suzaku, wandering endlessly.

Suzaku Tianyan!

It is the heritage treasures of the Suzaku Holy Land that barely counts as the highest treasure, which is between the top sacred artifact and the true jewel, and is more powerful than the top sacred artifact.

The Lord Suzaku inspired the power of Suzaku Tianyan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, when the terrible breath erupted, a golden red light burst through the sky and flew directly to Chen Zong.


Extremely fast, the void was directly burned through, and the extremely hot atmosphere immediately made Chen Zong feel threatened, as if to be burned to ashes.

Chen Zong directly wielded the sword, sword five, a sword light tore through the sky and instantly killed him, and directly collided with that golden red flame ray. Only in a moment, the sword light was broken, and the golden red ray seemed to Unaffected, kill again.

Through the contact of Jianguang, Chen Zong can feel the terrible power contained in this golden red rays, and the terrible power that burns everything into ashes is amazing.

However, it is not enough to call Zhenhai Zhu himself.

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