Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 21: 1 invincible

Gold-red rays of light penetrated the void with extremely hot holes. Wherever they passed, the void was distorted by its terrible high temperature, as if the contents were completely melted. Chen Zong could even "see" the floating dust in the void clearly. The particles, the original dust particles, were incinerated into nothingness under the terrible golden red light.

Chen Zong's body shifted, waving his sword again and again, while avoiding the golden red rays, the sword light rushed away, resisting the golden red rays, and then the speed broke out, stepping into the air, and the ripples under his feet were bursting out. The next breath, Chen Zong's body disappeared.

The Suzaku Lord's face changed suddenly, and the terror power broke out immediately, turning into a stream of flames and flying to the side, at the same time, a light of sword light penetrated through the void-like assassination, and with the emergence of sword light, it was Chen Figure of Zong.

The attack was avoided by the Lord Suzaku, the look of Chen Zong was unchanged, and the second sword was immediately reached. The swords continued one after another, like a continuous line, as if condensed into a straight line, completely locking the Lord Suzaku.

The Suzaku Lord repeatedly dodges, and his body is superb and mysterious, but under the lock of Chen Zong's sword light, there is still a feeling that is difficult to avoid.

When he died, the Suzaku tianyan in his hand melted in an instant and turned into water. It melted into the body of the Lord Suzaku, burning a layer of golden red flame directly. It seemed difficult to feel the temperature, but he The surrounding void is completely distorted and the light is refracted, making the body of Suzaku Lord seem like a dream.

For a while, Chen Zong was wrongly judged.

Immediately, the golden-red flame gathered and stretched in the right hand of the Lord Suzaku, forming a long sword, and a golden-red sword. This is a powerful secret of the Suzaku Holy Land: Suzaku God Sword.

The Lord Suzaku's Sword of the Suzaku is even more domineering than the Suzaku of the Suzaku. At least, the breath is many times stronger.

With one sword in hand, the sacred Lord of Suzaku's body became more and more condensed, suddenly cut out, and the sword was swept across the sky, tearing the void directly, with unparalleled terror power and murderous power, directly cut to Chen Zong, no Show mercy.

The heart of Suzaku is full of anger. The arrival of anger Chen Zong disturbs the meeting of the Suzaku and the ancient Phoenix goddess, and directly hits the face of the Suzaku Holy Land. No matter what the result is today, the Suzaku Holy Land has become After laughing, after preaching, the prestige dropped.

Thinking of this, the Lord Suzaku became more angry, and the killing rate became more and more high. When each sword was cut, it seemed to be inspired by anger and became more arrogant.

The Lord Suzaku has lived for a long time, at least 10,000 years, and the time for soaking in the Suzaku God Sword is also very long. He majored in sword surgery and was very exquisite. He was evenly matched with Chen Zong for a while.

But gradually, the mystery of his sword technique was also analyzed by Chen Zong, and then targeted, began to fall behind.

"How is it possible!" The Suzaku Shrine and the sacred step strong men of the ancient Huangshan Mountain had their eyes widened, their faces were incredible and shocked.

The Suzaku Lord used the power of the Suzaku Holy Land's inherited treasure, Suzaku Tianyan, to display his superb sword skills, but he couldn't help each other, and even fell a little bit into the wind, it was shocking and inexplicable.

Chen Zong was also shocked by the strength of the Lord Suzaku. If it was a month ago, he was really not his opponent, but after a month of retreat, his strength has at least doubled. The sword skill has become more superb, and Zhenhaizhu is not used. Suzaku The Lord is not his opponent.

"Take me down." The Lord Suzaku drunk immediately. At this time, he didn't care about any face or face. The urgent task was to suppress Chen Zong first.

Hearing the words of Lord Suzaku, all of a sudden, a great sanctuary in Suzaku Shrine erupted.

The elders and two elders immediately released the realm of the avenue to directly oppress Chen Zong.

They cultivated the inheritance of the Suzaku Holy Land, so the avenues were similar, so they could be superimposed on each other to a certain extent, so that the power surged, and combined with the avenue of the Suzaku Lord, the power increased again.

Under the superimposed avenues of avenues, it turned into a large piece of fiery red, suppressing towards Chen Zong, and immediately caused Chen Zong to feel great pressure and oppression.

The inner universe and the outer universe can barely resist it.

Chen Zong's inner universe was released outside, but combined with the mystery of the great star epee, it is more powerful than the avenue of the avenue. For this reason, it can only resist the avenue of the avenue released by the three great holy realms. Domain crackdown.

Jinhuang Dasheng wanted to make a shot, but did not have a chance to make a shot, he could only stare at Chen Zong fiercely.

Under the impact of the avenues of the three great holy realms, Chen Zong was under pressure, and he also faced a joint siege by the three great holy realms.

Suzaku magic sword!

This is a very high inheritance secret method of the Suzaku Holy Land. The three great holy realms are mastered. The sword skill is superb and presents siege to Chen Zong in three directions. It directly increases the pressure on Chen Zong. Or resist the three men's long-bladed slash, looking for opportunities to fight back.

Among them, the Suzaku Holy Lord brought the most pressure, and the Suzaku Holy Land II elders brought the weakest pressure. It seems that it didn't take long for the Great Holy Land to break through, it is estimated to be hundreds of years.

Hundreds of years may sound like a long time, but it is actually not long for the Great Sacred Land. Sometimes a retreat lasts for hundreds of years, and it does not necessarily increase much.

It can be said that the higher the revision, the more difficult it is to improve, and the longer the time required.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed a hint of coldness, turning like a nebula. In a moment, the nebula vortex of the inner universe stirred up at an instant, the speed of its rotation reached the extreme, and it contracted and swelled in an instant, bursting into a powerful force can.



The outburst mystery learned during the realm of the heavens and the earth was cast in an instant, and a sword broke directly to the weakest elder.

The face of the second elder suddenly changed, and the terrible sword was completely unavoidable. It was too fast. Even the sword was too late to be attacked. The body was penetrated directly. The sword gas raged in its body and was instantly wounded.

However, the second elder did not die. The big holy realm is more difficult to be killed than the small holy realm. Even if Chen Zong is more powerful than the second elder, it is not easy to kill him. In addition, Chen Zong There is no intention to kill the other party, after all, the purpose of this trip is to take away the ancient Phoenix goddess, not to kill.

However, this sword still wounded and repelled the second elder. For a time, he could only retreat from the raging sword spirit and was unable to fight again.

Chen Zong exploded again, and it was twice as fast. The elder could not stop the sword and was directly wounded, leaving only Suzaku Lord.

The Lord Suzaku looked extremely dignified, but in an instant, it was too fast for him to react. The first elder followed by the elder, who was wounded in succession, was unable to fight for a while.

Cold sweat, unconsciously seeping from the forehead of the Lord Suzaku, and was evaporated by high temperature roasting.

In the face of Chen Zong, the Lord Suzaku felt great pressure, but the Suzaku almost broke his teeth.

"Suzaku's sword ... Burning the stars!" The Lord of Suzaku completely broke out, and Suzaku's sword's lore was also shown at once. The sword was cut out, and the fiery golden red seemed to burn the stars directly to ashes.

This move is the strongest move of Suzaku's Sword. The small sacred realm cannot be cast, and only the large sacred realm can erupt, but each outbreak almost exhausts its own power, so it is not easy to cast it.

Chen Zong's expression changed suddenly. The horrible sword light struck, as if to annihilate himself. The void was completely broken under that sword. The palace below it collapsed directly under the horrible sword pressure. It was amazing. The high temperature even burned the collapsed palace into darkness.

Three times too much!

Chen Zongyi sword was chopped out, and the mighty power that erupted was even more arrogant. The round of Zhenyang was oppressed by the air. It collided with the incinerator instantaneously, and stopped slightly. Then, it crushed the incinerator and crushed it. To Lord Suzaku.

Unable to resist, Lord Suzaku was immediately hit and flew out. Suzaku Tianyan on his body protected him and was not hurt, but he was shocked when he was repelled.

"Suzaku Lord, I am not going to be against the Suzaku Holy Land. My purpose is to take away my aides." Chen Zong said without a chase.

"How could the ancient Phoenix goddess be your companion?" Lord Suzaku said angrily, but he never shot again, because the sword just made him know that he was not the opponent of the Supreme Swordmaster at all.

The strength of this unparalleled swordsman is, at the level of the Great Sacred Realm, afraid that it is also the top level.

It is not wise to be hostile to such a strong person. Despite being very angry, the Lord Suzaku must consider the Suzaku Holy Land more. This is necessary to teach the Supreme Master. For the development of the Holy Land, otherwise it would not qualify for the position of Lord.

Even if the Suzaku Son breaks through to the Great Sacred Land to inherit the position of the Lord, there is also an assessment period, and if something is done that is not conducive to the Suzaku Holy Land, he will be dismissed.

"The ancient goddess of the ancient goddess Yu Nianxin is my concubine. I have checked it with Taixuantianjian several times." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said, but his tone was very certain: "I just do n’t know why , She has become the goddess of the ancient Phoenix Mountain and has lost her memories. "

Immediately, Chen Zong looked at the Golden Phoenix, with sharp eyes, as if to pierce it: "Perhaps, what should you know?"

Suddenly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ looked at the Golden Phoenix with all eyes.

"Qinghuang is my ancient Phoenix Mountain Goddess. It used to be, it is now, and it will be the same afterwards."

"What do you really know." Chen Zong's words suddenly changed the look of Jinhuang Dasheng, but he recovered as usual in an instant.

The Lord Suzaku and others suddenly sank, one by one who had lived for many years. They had a lot of knowledge and experience, and immediately saw that there was a problem.

In fact, Suzaku Shrine is in fact not aware of some of them, so complicated.

"Golden Phoenix, what is the truth?" Lord Suzaku looked cold: "Please tell me."

If what is really concealed has led to this situation today, then Gu Huangshan should bear no small mistake.

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