Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 30: The demon must die (1)

Moon Sword City, the night recedes, the rising sun rises, and the light reflects the eastern sky, symbolizing the arrival of a new day.

In a small town, there are many practitioners, but there are more ordinary people, and ordinary people need to live, so they must get up early to work in exchange for a meager salary to maintain their own livelihood and even the entire family. (Starter, domain name (remember _3

The shop opened its doors and began to accept Quartet guests. Farmers walked out of the city gates with their hoees in their heads, and the caravans of the stars and moons entered. The whole city seemed to wake up all at once.

At this time, scattered people were constantly walking towards the city gate, out of the city gate, and hurried toward the valley not far away. These people are obviously not ordinary people, and they are fast. .

When they approached the valley, their bodies were filled with a small amount of energy, the green energy, sweeping like a wind, but not detached from the body, but surrounded the body, making them faster. to make.

Uh ...

Two figures are walking on the not-so-wide street of Yuejian City. One man and one woman are handsome, but the main thing is not handsome, but an indescribable temperament, like the vastness of the sea, like the abyss. The depth is as high as the sky, and it seems to contain everything like heaven and earth.

The woman is not only beautiful, but also very unique in temperament. There is a bright feeling in her movements. Between the flowing waves of her eyes, Ming Yan does not flow in the fireworks, but she has a super-dust feeling.

This man and a woman, it is Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin, arrived at the Moon Sword City as quickly as possible, because the disciples of the Star Sword Palace found some strange signs in the Moon Sword City. From this report, Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin They quickly came to investigate.

Upon arriving at Yuejian City, Yu Nianxin didn't feel anything, but Chen Zong felt it immediately, and felt that the atmosphere here was a bit abnormal. This is because Chen Zong's own cultivation is superb and his astonishment coupled with Chen Zong's killing of some demon A relationship that is quite familiar to the demon.

Yes, there is a "taste" of gods.

The disciples of the Star Sword Palace did not make any mistakes. The Moon Sword City did have traces of gods and demons, but this **** and demon did not stay directly in the Moon Sword City, but it should not be too far, even in the Moon Sword City. Believer.

He went on to find out that demon.

It is just that if the demon is lurking, it is not easy to find it. Perhaps, it can be a relatively simple thing to find a believer from the believer, and then the believer will find the place of the devil.

Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin walking on the street, it seems that they are shopping, but Chen Zong's mental strength has quietly permeated.

Blended Yuan mental strength combines all the powers of Chen Zong's spirit, spirit, mind, mind, and so on, but it is a very sophisticated mysterious power. This power can be used not only to attack, but also to defend, and also to use Probing is very versatile, and it won't fall into mediocrity as a result.

The mixed mentality of the Yuan Dynasty does not belong to the cultivation practice in this world, but is the strength of Chen Zong's unique cultivation practice, so it is even more difficult to detect.

Taking Chen Zongnei's introduction to the universe as an example, as soon as Xunyuan ’s mental strength emanates, it seems as if an invisible large net covers all directions, and in just three breaths of time, it covers the entire Moon Sword City. Everything is all Under the shroud of Chen Zong's mental strength, countless messages have emerged, gathered from all directions like a torrent, and poured into Chen Zong's mind.

However, Chen Zong's expression remained the same, as if the flood of information that could overwhelm the sub-sacred spirit was like a faint breeze, and could not have the slightest impact on his own soul. Chen Zong also quickly distinguished at an amazing speed. All kinds of information, looking for believers in gods and demons.

感知 As she perceives and distinguishes, Chen Zong also chats with Yu Nianxin. The look of a couple is very pleasant.

Immediately, Yu Nianxin bought two candied gourds, one was handed to Chen Zong, and the other was left to himself, with a smile on his face as if he were a carefree little girl. This feeling was very wonderful, and Chen Zongqing couldn't help himself I remember a short period of time many years ago when I was still in the void.

I ate the sweet gourd, feeling the sweetness permeating in my mouth, and a slight smile appeared on Chen Zong's face, smiling at Yu Nianxin, as if overlapping with hundreds of years ago.

Suddenly, there was a cold light in the depths of Chen Zong's eyes, and he directly glanced at Yu Nianxin. Yu Nianxin immediately understood it. The two slightly adjusted their directions and headed towards the gate. An air flight that landed directly somewhere on Moon Sword City was not easy to discover based on their ability, but it was a very simple matter.

When the two of them mentioned the speed, they silently did not attract the attention of others. They soon reached the gate and stepped out of the gate immediately.

Chen Zong's eyes were frozen again, and it seemed to see a trace of traces spreading outward. This is clearly a trace of the power of the demon. Although it is very weak, it may be difficult to detect when it is replaced by other sacred step strong men However, Chen Zong's perception ability is too strong, especially for the subtle perception of the power of the demon, even compared to the ancestor level can be better than some.

Such a super strong and subtle sensation, and he has fought many times with the gods and demons. The understanding of the gods and demons is better than many sacred steps.

Of course, others don't know that Chen Zong's ability to perceive the power of gods and demons is so strong, it is just the traces of some believers. Then, the faint breath that is difficult to feel even the most subtle sacred steps can be captured and traced by Chen Zong.

Silently, the two quickly approached the valley. Yu Nianxin didn't know about the gods and demons, and he hadn't faced them, so he didn't know it, but Chen Zong felt it more and more clearly.

The sacred gods are there, lurking in this valley, converging their strength, developing their beliefs, gaining a foothold, and waiting for the right moment to erupt.

But, it was discovered, and Chen Zong was found.

The mixed energy of the Yuanyuan swept through like a breeze, and the entire valley was filled in an instant, and everything was in the air.

Soon, Chen Zong locked the place where the demon was located, which was located deep in the valley and inside a cave. The demon was hidden by a ten-meter-high statue, and the statue was kneeling in front of him. Hundreds are worshipping.

Hundreds of people are actually nothing to Yuejian City. Although Yuejian City is just a small city, its population is as high as 200,000. Hundreds are only a small part of it.

A faint scent of breath permeated the bodies of these hundreds of people, and they were thrown into the statue. The statue seemed to be shimmering with luster, hard to see with the naked eye.

The power of faith!

Jain is the power of faith.

With Yu Nianxin, Chen Zong stepped directly into the cave under the ground, and the sword force was directly locked to the statue.

The arrival of Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin, the hundreds of people were unaware of it, but the demon knew it.

break out!

Suddenly, the demon erupted, the ten-meter-high statue was directly broken, and turned into countless pieces of lasing. Each piece carried an amazing power and ruthlessly blasted away. Some believers were hit immediately. He was penetrated and broken without any resistance, and died instantly.

神 This demon has not been softened because the other party is a believer, like killing a chicken.

But more fragments carry the terrible demon power, blasting towards Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin one after another, breaking the void, the power is terrible.

Chen Zong did not pull out the sword, because it was just a god-level demon. For himself, there was no threat at all. The master shook his robe with a shudder and waved out a gust of wind. The sword inside the gust of wind Vigorous, immediately shattered all the fragments from the laser.

This hand immediately called the **** and devil's complexion to change, rolled up a black light without hesitation, and rushed away in the other direction of the cave. The black spear in his hand spun violently, like a drill, and directly drilled into the mountain wall. Within, break into the ground.

"Mind your mind, and let you practice your hands." Chen Zong smiled.

"Okay." Yu Nianxin immediately responded and pulled the sword directly. The blue sword suddenly burned, filled with a fiery breath, and flickered, as if the fire and phoenix swept away, and the sword pierced. 33 novel updates fastest computer side: https: //

A piercing chirping sounded suddenly, and the fire and phoenix slammed into the air. The sword tip resembled the mouth of a phoenix and easily pierced the void.

This sword, the mystery of swordsmanship is fully presented.

This sword skill is a very strong sword skill of the ancient Huangshan Mountain. It is called Holy Phoenix sword skill. Of course, it is not as good as the Supreme Secret Sword Technique of the Great Star Wan Epee, but it is also the second only to the Supreme Secret. , It can be regarded as amazing power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yu Nianxin shot to deal with that god-level demon, Chen Zong defended her law on the side to prevent accidents.

This time, since I was going to kill the demon, I also wanted Yu Nianxin to fight the demon himself and see the power of the demon in person, so as to avoid being deprived of the life and death battle with the demon when he actually encountered the demon later. Caught off guard.

The righteous gods and demons are equal to the small sanctuary, but they will be stronger than the small ones, but this is not absolute. Some powerful small sanctuaries can still compete with the positive gods and demons or even suppress them.

Yu Nianxin's sword skill is good, and with the guidance of Chen Zong's strength, the Holy Phoenix sword has been practiced to a very high level, coupled with a good practice and the blessing of the power of the Holy Blood, it is not at the level of the small sacred realm. The weak. 33 novels first https: // https: //

In the ancient Xuanjie continent, the blood veins are dominant. Although some strong men without blood vessels have appeared, after all, they are still the world of blood vessels, and not all of the holy order strong men have holy blood vessels. Generally speaking, as long as Heavenly blood is expected to impact the Holy Order. If there is no great chance for blood vessels below Heaven, there is no hope for Holy Order.

With the sacred steps of the sacred blood, the strength will naturally be stronger, especially after the power of the bleeding blood is stimulated.


Squinting to see that he couldn't escape, the demon exploded immediately, turned back to fight back, a black war spear broke through, and directly blasted the void to Yu Nianxin, extremely brutal, causing Yu Nian's mood to change dramatically.

Her life and death fighting experience is relatively small.

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