Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 31: The demon must die (2)


In the underground cave, Yu Nianxin fought fiercely with the **** and demon. Over the next few months, he developed hundreds of believers. Although the power of faith is not much, it is enough to maintain the demon in the ancient mysterious world without being weakened.

Yu Nianxin performed the holy phoenix sword to the extreme. When he was discussing with Chen Zong, he would be constantly instructed by Chen Zong to improve and further improve. A more intelligent level.

However, when Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin fought, they were really just studying and not fighting for life and death.

Whether in the original void, in the outer universe, or by chance, he came to the inner universe to become the goddess of the ancient Phoenix Mountain. He has experienced fewer deaths in life and death. Chen Zong is far apart.

She needs more sharpening, and now is an excellent opportunity, and Yu Nianxin knows this very well.

It was just that she was an ancient goddess of the ancient Phoenix Mountain and had a very high status. Whenever a battle broke out, she often did not need her own hands.

Either she was afraid of the strength of Gu Huangshan and did not dare to offend her, so that there were few opportunities for battle.

Under the fierce battle of life and death of this demon, Yu Nian's full concentration, the vitality and concentration of the spirit, the extremely concentrated concentration, the power of the Holy Phoenix Sword has been continuously inspired, each sword becomes more and more concise, its power Can be more arrogant.

In the beginning, Yu Nianxin fell into the downwind, and that demon had the upper hand. A black war spear was extremely powerful. His power was terrible. Yu Nian's heart was surging, but Chen Zong still did not shoot. Fall into a crisis of life and death.

If it is only for the downwind that he will make his own shot, the sharpening of Yu Nianxin will have no benefit at all.

Now, Yu Nianxin inspired the powerful power of the Holy Phoenix Sword Art, each sword became more concise and arrogant, gradually reversed the unfavorable situation, began to level with this demon, and kept fighting fiercely.

As for those believers, they were killed and wounded in full of vitality, but some of them escaped. They escaped, and Chen Zong had no intention of intercepting them, but only a group of blind and ignorant generations.

This demon shot more and more fiercely, lethal strokes, but Yu Nianxin did not have the slightest anxiety, and continued to use the holy Phoenix sword skill to counteract the opponent's all offensives, each sword became more arrogant, and Feng Mingzhi brought The sound became more pleasant and fierce, and the sound echoed in all directions.

This battle was extremely fierce, but Chen Zong was always standing on the side, and he put even more pressure on the demon invisibly.

"The phoenix!" Seizing the fleeting opportunity, Yu Nianxin exploded to perform the sacred skill of the holy phoenix sword, the blue sword trembled, as if turning into a cyan burning flame of the phoenix, and struck across the sky in an instant. Then, the terrible high temperature directly boiled the air in the cave, and even the surrounding cave walls began to melt.

Under the blazing high temperature, there is also immense violent power and destruction, and the demon dare not dare to take this strike, even if his body is extremely strong, once he resists, he will be injured.

There is another person who doesn't know the strength is watching from the side, once injured, it will be very unfavorable to himself.

I have to say that this demon went wrong in the beginning and developed his faith in this underground cave, but there was only one entrance. Now he ca n’t leave from the entrance. If he wants to blast a road, it ’s not impossible, but he needs a little Time, that little time can't be grasped at all.

Of course, if he knew Chen Zong's strength, he wouldn't have such a thought.

The strength of the Great Sword Master is not something he can compete with.

If it wasn't for Yu Nianxin to sharpen himself with the gods and demons, Chen Zong would take a shot. This positive god-level demons would not be able to carry even a sword, and he would have to kneel, and even be able to kill with one sword.

The body of the demon is really strong, but it is still worse than the same level.

Outbreak, ancient Phoenix bloodline!

For a while, Yu Nianxin's brows bloomed a little red, condensing a mark of the phoenix bath fire, and the whole body was filled with astonishing red vitality, dancing like a stream of red ribbons, immediately in Yu Nianxin's Converging behind, turned into red wings, making Yu Nianxin faster.

At the same time as the speed doubled, the fiery power contained in each sword also directly improved by several percent, and the strength soared.

Fire Phoenix!


Burn out!

One trick after another, a trick that erupted more powerfully than a trick, terrible to the extreme, all the sand and stones in the entire cave melted, and the bodies of those believers were also burnt black. This is done both inside and out, directly into coke.


Very strong!

Inspired by the blood of the ancient Phoenix, Yu Nianxin's strength became more and more amazing. The three major tricks broke out in succession, directly suppressing the demon and bombarding it back and forth, it was difficult to parry it. The terrible power exploded into his body. , Wanton incineration and destruction, if not the body of the gods and demons is extremely powerful, I'm afraid that they can't carry it and will be burned.

This is so. This demon couldn't help vomiting blood. The blood that was spit out was amazingly hot, as if it was not spitting blood but a magma. It fell on the ground and immediately burned the ground out of a pothole, crystallizing around.

The fourth sword ...

This is the strongest sword of the holy phoenix sword. It gathers all the strength of Yu Nianxin's horror sword, and shoots it directly into the sky, turning it into a golden red phoenix. The power of horror is as horrifying as if it could break the heavens and the earth and burn everything.

This sword is unreserved and merciless.

The face of the demon changed greatly, the war spear broke out, the black light was raging like the tide of the sea, and there was no evasion, and it was difficult to avoid in this cave, but to fight hard.

With a bang, the black light is like the impact of a raging mountain, and the momentum of smashing the mountains is extremely amazing. With the determination of this demon, with the determination that is dead, even if it is dead, it is necessary to pull a back.

Chen Zong's expression changed a little, and Hunyuan's energy was shrouded in all his energies.

Although it was to sharpen Yu Nianxin, it would not allow her to be injured. A minor injury would be fine. If she was seriously injured, it would be very troublesome.

But at that moment, the golden red phoenix of tens of meters suddenly turned, and it turned up at an amazing speed, and the speed of falling also increased sharply. The power became more terrible, as if all the power was integrated into the shot down mouth. The void was completely torn.

The golden red and the black light contacted in an instant, then collided, and an instant of horrible power burst out. In a flash, it seemed to freeze the void. At the next breath, the tsunami broke out and swept across all directions.


The wall of the cave was bombarded once again, and numerous cracks appeared, falling down.

The golden red shattered, Yu Nian's heart flew up, the black light was gone, the fissures were covered with cracks, blood flowed, and he knelt down directly, his breath was weak, and he seemed to have lost his resistance.

But at the same time, the advent of the Holy Phoenix also exhausted Yu Nianxin's self-cultivation, and he could not shoot at all in a short time.

This demon is still alive. The toughness of the demon's body is really terrible. Chen Zong also noticed that although the demon was seriously injured, he recovered quickly at an alarming rate.

In addition to the arrogance of the demon body itself, the power of faith also plays a large role.

The power of faith can allow the gods and demons to take root in the ancient mysterious realm. When the power of faith is strong and powerful, it can also enhance the power of the gods and demons, and it has the effect of restoring injuries.

Yu Nianxin also found that the injury of the demon was quickly recovered, and his breath was rapidly growing. His appearance changed slightly. Relatively speaking, his recovery speed was completely inferior to that of the demon.

This makes Yu Nianxin see the intricacies of the demon.

"Come on," Chen Zong said to Yu Nianxin with a smile, and then drew his sword.

Since Yu Nianxin has exhausted his cultivation, it is not appropriate to take another shot. Of course, if there is only one person who has to be alone, he has to take a shot. He can only burn the blood in exchange for instant power to make a blow, but that will hurt his own. Bloodline is very unfavorable to himself.

Now that Chen Zong is on the side, he definitely won't let Yu Nianxin do this.

At the moment when the sword of the mind is out of the sheath ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it directly crossed the void, but silently opened a sword mark, pointing directly at the demon.


This sword is not only subtle, but also extremely fast. It is a sword with one heart, like a meteor, like a cold electricity. It looks straight, but it has a slight trajectory. , But there is no escape.

Suffering from severe injuries, his injuries are rapidly recovering, but it is difficult to fully recover in a short time. Chen Zongnai is the strength of the Great Sword Master, and he is extremely powerful. When he takes a shot, he has no intention to stay.

Kill with one sword!

This demon cannot escape, nor can he resist, but at the moment, the eyebrows are directly pierced, and the terrible sword intention is directly blasted into his mind to destroy it. When Chen Zong pulled out the sword, he also extracted his divinity. Is the most deadly.

If the divinity is in existence, then the devil has the possibility of resurrection. It only needs to get faith. Resurrection is easy, but if he loses the divinity, he will undoubtedly die.

With a single sword, Chen Zong looked at Yu Nianxin with his divinity: "Mind, this divinity first refines me, and when my strength rises to the extreme, enough to compete with the ancestors, I will take you to the ancient Huangshan Mountain to unlock the seal Restore memory. "

"Okay." Yu Nianxin didn't hesitate.

The deities of gods are very useful, and one of them is to promote cultivation.

When Chen Zong was in the realm of the heavens and earth, he had used divinity to quickly improve the introduction of the heavens and earth to the completion of the heavens and earth. The time it took was not long. If he cultivated by himself, it would take a long time. Row.

At present, the realm of the inner universe is much better than the realm of the inner world. In half a year, it is difficult to improve. Chen Zong estimates that the introduction of the inner universe must be improved to Xiaocheng. It will not work in decades.

However, divinity may shorten this time, and shorten it substantially, so divinity is vital.

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