Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 32: The demon must die (3)

A positive divine ascension has weakened me. "

Above the sky, two sword lights flew by, and Chen Zong frowned slightly, thinking secretly.

When in the heavens and the earth, a positive deity can lift oneself from the beginning of the heavens and the earth to a small success or even a great success. The effect is very amazing, but now, the inner universe of Chen Zong has refined that true **** in just three breaths. After refining, the cultivation of the inner universe has indeed improved, and the mixed mental strength has become stronger, but it is very limited.

If you want to make a comparison, it is probably equal to your own one-year cultivation results.

The improvement after the absorption of a positive divine refining is equal to one year's cultivation results, is it more or less?

The improvement when comparing the realm of the heavens and the earth is naturally small and very little. The improvement is too small, but if you compare it with your own cultivation, it is a lot.

The absorption of one deity and two flowers is equal to one year's cultivation results, and the ten deities are equal to ten years' cultivation results. If one hundred deities are one hundred years of cultivation results.

If you can get dozens of positive divine refining and absorption, you may be able to cross the inner universe to improve to Xiaocheng in one fell swoop, and your strength will be significantly improved in a short time.

However, it is not easy to get dozens of orthodox deities in a short time, but this invasion of gods and demons may be a good opportunity.

A positive deity is equal to the results of one year's cultivation. If you think about it, Chen Zong still feels good.

Get in touch with the Star Sword Palace with special treasures and inform the moon and sword city that the gods and demons have been slaughtered. Chen Zong asked if any other anomalies were detected. Unfortunately, the gods and lurks deep, even if it is the Star Sword Palace. Many disciples searched around and couldn't find much.

Moon Sword City is one place, and there are several other places, which have been verified and processed by other Holy Order Powers in the Star Sword Palace.

Then, next, Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin did not return to the Sword Palace of the Stars, nor did they go to the Ancient Phoenix Mountain. Instead, they explored the news while practicing, looking for signs of gods and demons, maybe they were lucky, and they could really find God. Where is the demon?

It is a pity that even if Chen Zongyuan Yuan is super strong, but without a clear goal, it is difficult to find the whereabouts of gods and demons. Perhaps the gods and demons also know that the practitioners of the ancient mystery are constantly looking for them, so Lurking deeper.

Now, it is the incubation period of the gods and demons. Once the incubation period has passed, the gods and demons will really come forward, launch an offensive, and occupy the ancient mysterious realm.

Therefore, while the gods and monsters are in the lurking period, they should be searched out as far as possible, and then killed, weakening the power of the gods and monsters camp, and delaying the outbreak of the gods and monsters at the same time. Strength is further enhanced.

When I am strong and weak, even if the real world is a real invasion, it will be resisted.

Time flies, and three months later, Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin wandered around and searched in the ancient realm of Wanjian, but there was no sign of a demon.

But within three months, the swordsmanship of the two also further enhanced, and their strength improved to some extent.

Suddenly, Chen Zong received the message from the Star Sword Palace, and when he looked, he immediately turned with Yu Nian's heart and flew away.

The message from the Star Sword Palace showed that the trace of the demon was found, and it was 100% affirmative, because a swordsman-level strong was lost.

The process of finding and killing the demon is also to let

In the process of putting yourself in danger, the demon is not a small animal such as a rabbit and a pheasant and can be easily killed. On the contrary, it is more powerful than a practitioner, and the same level of demon is often stronger than the practitioner.

Therefore, while the practitioner wants to kill the demon, he also has to endure the danger of being killed.

Now, the Star Sword Palace has lost a swordsman-level strong, the loss is not small, but this is also helpless.

The good news is that at the current position, the Star Sword Palace has killed two orthodox gods and wounded one of the gods and gods, but the injured gods and gods have lurked and do not know where to go Where is it.

The death of a swordsman, when the swordsman class is to be dispatched, but the swordsman class of the star sword palace is very limited. At least two guards must be left to guard the swords house to prevent being attacked. Chen Zong happened to be looking for the demon and let him Most suitable.

Chen Zong accepted it without hesitation, and set off.

The death place of the Sword Sword of the Star Sword Palace is outside the Wanjian Ancient Realm, which is adjacent to the Wanjian Ancient Realm. It is a small domain called Linjian Realm, which is quite close to Wanjian. The meaning of ancient domain.

Linjian Realm is just a small realm, but it is affected by Wanjian Ancient Realm. Most of this area is sword repair, and Kendo is quite prosperous. Of course, it is far from being comparable to Wanjian Ancient Realm.

In the entire Linjian domain, there is only one sword repair in a small sacred realm, and that is the strongest in Linjian domain.

Chen Zong was extremely fast and quickly leap over Wanjian Ancient Realm to arrive at Linjian Realm. Immediately, he felt the kendo breath of Linjian Realm and fell directly to a large level, which was completely incomparable with Wanjian Ancient Realm.

Of course, if the kendo breath in the Linjian Realm can be compared with the Wanjian Ancient Realm, then the strength of the Linjian Realm will become more powerful, but it will not just be a small realm level, it will become a large realm directly.

In fact, the trace of the demon was not found by the disciples of the Star Sword Palace, but by the only sword sage-level strong Lei Guang Sword Master in the Sword Realm, and it was explored with the sword sage of the Star Sword Palace. , Shot a battle, and eventually died and injured.

The one who died was the sword sage of the Star Sword Palace, the one that hurt Leiguang Swordsman, and the mystery erupted. In addition, the demon worried that he might be found by other strong men, so he gave up the pursuit and lurked.

After Chen Zong arrived in Linjian Realm, he went directly to Lei Guangjian. Lei Guangjian was not alone, but the leader of Lei Jianmen, the first-day force of Lin Jianyu.

When Chen Zong arrived, the Thunder Swordmaster greeted him immediately. His face was pale and his breath was a little weak, apparently healed.

Immediately, Lei Guang Jian Sheng explained the matter in detail. Chen Zong listened carefully, and there seemed to be a brilliant flicker in his eyes.

Later, Lei Guangjian took his own body and took Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin to the place where the demon was found. It was a mountain and a black mountain named Heijian Mountain.

Deep into the Black Sword Mountain, Chen Zong perceives carefully, and sure enough, he feels that there is a fluctuation of the residual breath of the power of the demon, and indeed the demon has appeared here.

Finally, the three reached the deepest point of the Black Sword Mountain.

"This is the place," said Lei Guangjian, filled with sword marks and other broken marks. The sword marks are filled with the breath of Star Kendo and Thunder Light Kendo, and what remains in those broken marks is the magic power. Fluctuations.

Sure enough, here is where the two sword masters and the demon meet.

In this way, it can be determined that this demon is a demon at the level of the true god, a true deity

Even if his strength is even stronger, Chen Zong can deal with it. It is entirely possible for Yu Nianxin to take a shot and to sharpen Yu Nianxin's strength and experience of life and death.

If it is not the case at that time, try again.

Look for!

Chen Zong began to release the hybrid Yuan mentality, and constantly searched for it, the unusualness of the mixed Yuan mentality was most suitable for finding clues.

Not long after, Chen Zong found the traces left by the demon. Although he was very subtle and subtle to other great holy realms, he was still found by Chen Zong.


Without hesitation, Chen Zong came first, followed by Yu Nianxin and Lei Guangjian, followed immediately by Chen Zong.

Although Lei Guangjian's injuries are unhealed, he is also a sword master, and his strength is still good.

The demon lurked, but lurking does not mean disappearance.

However, under the careful search of Chen Zong, he finally lost his goal and could no longer feel the breath fluctuations left by the power of the demon.

what happened?

Chen Zong's eyes froze slightly, and he looked around suddenly, but found nothing.

"Wushuang Swordmaster, does this **** have any unusual means to hide himself?" Lei Guangjian said with thoughts, "such as some unique treasures in different space?"

Treasures in different spaces are to create a different space, hidden in this world, it is difficult to find, and it will also isolate all breath fluctuations ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If the gods have such treasures, it is normal to be difficult to find of.

However, the treasures in different spaces are relatively rare. It is difficult to say whether the gods have them.

Even if there are treasures in different spaces, it is not easy to find them.

After careful searching, the three men, Chen Zong, Yu Nianxin, and Lei Guangjian, immediately dispersed and searched around.

They are all sacred ranks. Even if they encounter any danger, they will not be killed at once. It is enough to burst out of strength and wait for the other two sacred ranks to come quickly to support them. Besides, Chen Zong is not an ordinary sword The holy level is the level of the great sword. In the level of the great sword, it also belongs to a more powerful level.

Even if he encounters a spirit-level demon, Chen Zong can fight a battle, and under the power of Zhenhai Zhu, the general spirit-level demon is not Chen Zong's opponent.

Keep searching, digging three feet in average.

"I found it." The sound of Lei Guangjian's voice sounded quickly and came quickly. Chen Zong and Yu Nian's heart reacted extremely quickly, but an extreme speed broke out in an instant, rushing towards Lei Guangjian.

Chen Zong's speed was fast, and he approached immediately. This speed was suddenly surprised by Lei Guangjian, even faster than himself, and much faster. You know, he is Lei Guangjian, majoring in Lightning Kendo. In terms of speed, Very good at it.

This swordsman without swordsmen is indeed a swordsman, otherwise it would not be so fast.

Immediately, Yu Nianxin flew in.

"The Sword Master of Wushuang Sword, the Blue Sword Master, is here." Lei Guang Sword Master immediately pointed at an empty space in front of him, and glanced at it without any abnormality. Strange feeling. "

The Qinghuang Sword Master was taken by Yu Nianxin himself. In the past few months, he was considered to have some reputation. The reason why he chose the Qinghuang Sword Master is the Qinghuang Sword that Chen Zong gave her.

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