Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 39: Mystic Sword

The roaring sound was terrifying, and the endless evil spirit seemed to be endlessly turbulent, turning into waves one after another.

Chop Chop!

The four swordsmen wield their swords in succession, chopping out all the sword lights in the world, and continuously slaying and killing Warcraft, blood and rain flying, dyeing the earth, and the terrible death evil breath became richer and more amazing. The red is diffused, and the wind cannot pass away, just like seaweed swaying in the water.

Ya Sheng-level cricket Warcraft struck and was still easily killed.

Immediately, the terrible roar rang through the heavens and earth, and the holy warcraft of the holy order appeared. Although it was only a small holy level, it was also called the four swordsman complexions.

The holy warriors of the sacred class are no longer easy for them to kill, even if it is the Great Swordmaster of Light Swordmaster.

Moreover, there are more than one small holy warrior, five as many.

The three small sacred realms of Warcraft kill the three Swordmasters, the two small sacred realms of Warcraft kill the Light Swordmaster, and the other sacred Warcrafts are crazy impact formations.

The matrix method works, and between the flashes of light, the colors are dazzling, and the brilliance of the light shines into the sky, so gorgeous.

Under the twinkling of light, between the operation of the formation method, all the smashing Warcrafts that were impacted were resisted, and then they were crushed by the force of the formation method, flesh and blood scattered in all directions, and a trace of fierce evil also spread. .

In just a short period of time, there were thousands of 傀儡 Warcraft deaths, and the four sword sages were fighting fiercely with the 头 Warcraft of five small holy places.

Killing the Light Sword Saint is the Great Sword Saint, with great strength, but in the face of two small sacred realms that are not afraid of death, Warcraft, they cannot be killed for a while. As for the other three sword lords, one by one, Can only be flat, there is no power to take into account the formation.

As for reinforcements, they have not yet arrived.

Too hasty!

The metamorphosis is abrupt, and as the number of deadly maggots grows, the endless evil spirit permeates, and it seems to be gathered under the pull of a magical force.

Gradually, a hundred-meter-high virtual image appeared quietly, and the virtual image appeared, and the endless evil spirit around it seemed to find the target, as if the birds were coming home, as if the rivers were returning to the sea. , The momentum is extremely violent.


The 100-meter figure quickly condensed, and finally condensed into a huge demon. This demon's body is extremely strong, like a mountain-like majesty exuding an endless and overbearing breath, fierce and unbelievable.


I saw this dark mountain-like body surrounded by endless horror horror demon raising a thick right arm, like a strong bow pulled to the extreme, a huge black fist burst out from the huge fist, as if the flames were burning. .

One punch!

With such a violent punch, he suddenly blasted at the colorful and flashing array of formations, as if to punch it with a punch.

There was a roar, a big earthquake, and a sky riot. The array trembled, and the hundred-meter-long giant demon's violent punch punched on it, centered on the huge fist surface. The power of the array dents toward the inside, Ripples continue to spread, impacting the entire array.

Such a punch is extremely forceful.

The sudden change in the appearance of the lightsaber stunner shocked him.

It turns out that this is the purpose of the demon?

These slayers of Warcraft drove over to die, and directly forged and condensed that terrible demon giant. With the strength of the demon giant, the matrix was forcibly broken.

Those who can enter the ancient mysterious realm again.

For this moment, the gods and devil planned for ten years and lost a lot.

On the other side of the demon world, the army of demon and demon had already assembled, waiting for the battle, and waiting for the formation to be broken.


Killing Lightsaber suddenly understood it, broke out!

At this moment, the sword light saint broke out with the most arrogant sword, the long sword stabbed, and suddenly turned into a smashing swordless sword light, extinct everything.

Kill light!

This trick is a lore.

However, it is very expensive to cast.

Under normal circumstances, the Light Swordmaster is unwilling to cast, and because he did not realize the true intentions of the gods and demons before, he did not wake up until that giant demon giant condensed and attacked the formation.


That sword turned directly into a killing sacred light, invincible, only one sword directly consumed most of the cultivation of the Light Swordmaster, but in exchange for the lore.

One sword was killed, and the two holy warriors of the sacred realm were immediately killed, and the remaining sword light was radiated out. Wherever they passed, one of the warriors was also killed and died.

In the end, that terrible sword light killed the huge demon without mercy.

However, this giant demon was so powerful that even when the sword light was killed, it also stabbed into its body, but also exhausted its power and could not really destroy it. On the contrary, the slain Warcraft blasted into the air, Poured into the giant demon one after another, making the giant demon more solid.

In particular, getting the evil spirits of the two small sacred realms and World of Warcraft is better than the collection of evil spirits of the hundreds of thousands of levels of extreme realm and World of Warcraft, which is even more amazing.

If a sword fails, the light sword sacred look becomes more and more dignified, immediately take out the elixir and swallow it in the mouth, quickly refining and recovering the repaired consumption.

Holding the sword in front of her, her long hair fluttered endlessly, her eyes flickered with endless light, and the terrible and supreme sword's intentions stirred up, soaring into the sky, a wisp of arrogant power continued to spread, and the sword was like a streamer Around, the shuttle is indeterminate and invincible.

Furthermore, all the forces were thrown into the sword, and a ray of divine light bloomed between the quivering of the sword body.

Do your best to kill the sword.

Kill light!

For example, the sword was even more arrogant. A sword stabbed and the world broke.

The most powerful sword immediately killed the huge demon and immediately penetrated it, but the sword failed to defeat the demon. This demon was formed by the endless evil condensed by some mystery of the demon. There is no flesh, no bones, and no soul. Unless it is directly defeated, it is difficult to destroy it only by partial destruction.

Breaking a hole, soon more anger will come, and it will be completely replenished.

傀儡 Warcraft constantly impacted the formation, and was constantly counterattacked by the force of the formation to die, and endless evil spirits poured into the giant demon, making the body of the giant demon more condensed and the power more powerful.

Boom boom!

This giant demon blasted out with one punch after another, seemingly slow but fast, and each punch contained the terrible power of destroying mountains and mountains, which could easily crush everything.

This is the power that has directly reached the level of the Great Saint.

How to do?

For a split second, the Light Swordmaster did not know what to do?

Slaughter 傀儡 Warcraft?

The consequence is to help this giant demon become more condensed and stronger and attack the devil?

The effect is minimal, and it cannot be defeated at all.

break out!

An incomparable breath suddenly erupted from the body of the Light Swordmaster, and his eyes became pale, as if it contained some kind of horrible death, which destroyed all vitality.

Long hair fluttered, as if a ray of paleness spread across the ends.

The left hand points like a sword on the sword's spine, and a horrible strand of vitality that seems to be endless but transformed into endless silence falls on the sword's spine and spreads quickly.


Fully burst out with a sword.

Xeon Secret Sword without Sword Valley: No Life!

With a sword, there is no life.

This is a sword of horror that slaughters all vitality, a sword of extreme killing, a sword of utter cruelty, and only the sacred order is qualified to practice the terrible sword, but it is not easy to cast because it is cast. , Will also destroy some of their vitality at the same time, at the expense of some life.

This kind of loss is permanent. Although it is said that the sacred Yuan of the Great Holy Realm is very long, more than 100,000 years, and can even live for hundreds of thousands of years, that is the theoretically ideal Shou Yuan.

After fighting, etc., after going through life and death, it will affect Shou Yuan more or less.

And casting the mysterious sword is a direct loss of Shou Yuan. It has consumed thousands of milliseconds in a flash, and this loss is irreversible. If it is only cast once or twice, the impact on itself is not great, but if it is cast three times Even more than three times, the impact begins to become apparent.

Consumption of Shou Yuan is often with the passage of time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ One minute, one hour, one day, one month, one quarter, one year ...

It is like flowing water, slowly passing by, so natural, as if the sun rises and falls, as if flowers bloom, and as if the seasons rotate.

However, the mysterious sword is burning for thousands of years in a flash. The kind of instantaneous burning is just burning within a short period of time. It has reached a very terrible level for its own load.

Even a small sanctuary can't bear it completely.

Why can't the Lifeless Sword be cultivated only at the Holy Order?

It is because the load caused by the consumption of thousands of years of life in one instant is too strong. Even if it is Yasheng, when the sword is cast, it will be drained directly. The body is damaged and broken, and immortality is equivalent to waste.

Once the small sacred realm is cast, it will take a long time to rest. The large sacred realm can be displayed several times in a row, but the load after a few times is enough to destroy it.

Consumption of the thousand years of life, the Sword of Light Sword displayed the Sword of the Sword of the Valley of No Return, and only one sword was killed. The sword turned pale and filled with endless silence, born to death, changed from life to death, The power that erupted at that moment was terrifying.

After the sword was cut out, a glimmer of tiredness appeared in the eyes of the Swordmaster, and the gray hair was unknowingly pervaded by the flying hair tips, and it was slightly broken.

The horrible sword, silently and silently, directly struck the hundred-meter-high demon **** that was as solid as a bamboo, as if it was a sharp blade that cut over tofu. The demon's huge body was immediately cut, Was cut off directly, two swords.

More than that, between the outbreak of the terrible power, the sword gas raged endlessly, and the two bodies of this demon **** were strangled madly and raged, and they were chopped up.

The hundred-meter-high demon giant was immediately under the sword, was torn apart, and then shattered, turning into endless darkness.

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