Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 40: Burst

There is no secret sword, a sword is dead, and with its own vitality loss, it turns into dead silence, and then hurts the powerful enemy.

Killing a thousand horror mysterious swords with a loss of eight hundred will not be used easily, and the use will bring death.

The swordless swordsmanship without sword valleys is an extremely fierce killing swordsmanship. What pays attention to is that the sword has no blood and does not return to the sheath. That is a fierce sword sword that is extremely fierce.

Based on non-return swordsmanship, many sword moves of Wuhui Sword Valley are also full of terrible killings. Even the killing moves created by Jianxiu of Wuhui Sword Valley are affected by it. The **** is extremely heavy, the killing power is extremely terrible and very extreme.

After damaging for a thousand years, the Light Sword Saint finally defeated the hundred-meter demon giant with an inanimate sword and turned it into an endless evil spirit.

Once the 100-meter demon is defeated, it can no longer impact the formation, and the formation is thus stabilized.

However, the crisis has not really been lifted, because the Warcraft continued to surge, continue to impact the formation, and was automatically broken back by the force of the formation, and the evil spirit continued to pour into the thick and dark evil spirit. It seems to be gestating, and seems to be condensing again, terrible.

In this scene, the appearance of the Sword of Light Sword was suddenly changed, and the sword was swung again to chop down all the sword qi, and the surging qi that seemed to converge in the slicing was continuously broken.

But doing so is just a delay.

A terrible laughter sounded suddenly, and from a distance, like a thunderous billow, three figures also appeared, and the extreme speed flew to kill.


Amazingly three demon powers, and also the equivalent of the great divine power of the spirit level.

Just one spirit-level demon power is enough to fight against himself. Three of them appear at once. The light sword master knows that he is not an opponent. Under the cooperation of three spirit-level demon powers, he It is difficult to seek any benefit, and it will even be suppressed quickly, even if it releases the sword area of ​​Dadao.

Once you are restrained, the evil spirit will re-condense into the demon giant, continue to destroy the formation, and may break the formation before the reinforcement arrives, when the might of the demon army may come.

Once the army of gods and demons arrives, even if reinforcements arrive, it will be too late.

Then, delaying time, doing everything you can, delaying time, even at the cost of life.

However, how can we fight against the three spirits and gods with our own strength, and also stop the evil spirits from condensing back into a demon giant impact formation?

The eyes of the Light Swordmaster are full of decisiveness, and then covered with a touch of paleness, a ray of breath sprays out from within the body, as if the pale flame of fire burns, rendering the Light Sword Master as a whole It was pale, and the pale color kept releasing the breath of death.

Secret: Lifeless!

This mystery method is to continuously burn your own life. Although it is not astonishingly consumed in a thousand years, every breath also burns your own life for one year, in exchange for a powerful increase in strength.


Under the lifeless secret method, one breath consumes one year of life, ten breaths consumes ten years, and one hundred breaths consumes one hundred years. In theory, it can last until the life is exhausted, but there is no way to do it. The time of a thousand breaths must be suspended, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.

The power exchanged for burning Shouyuan's secret method is also extremely terrible. The sword light was cut out, pale, lingering in a strand of deadly power, and immediately cut to the three spirit god-level demon, and called them directly. God

The color changed greatly, and he was so dignified that he did not dare to strike his edge.

In a hurry, the Swordmaster of the Light actually blocked the three spirit and god-level demon powers by his own strength, so that they could not threaten the formation, and even occasionally cut out a sword gas to hit the evil spirit and interrupt its cohesion. Process, further delaying time.

But doing so is only a temporary delay, and it cannot be sustained at all.

The time is too short and too hasty. Even if a message has been sent, the reinforcements cannot arrive immediately.


All that the Lightsaber Sage has to do is try its best to delay the time until the reinforcements arrive.

Of course, he can cast the Inanimate Sword, but this sword can only attack one spirit-god-level demon, and this sword, at most, he can cast it again, at most twice, and he cannot cast three spirit-god-level gods. The demons are killed.

At that time, he will be powerless, and then killed, and the formation will be broken. He can only use the inanimate mysterious method to burn Shouyuan in exchange for more powerful power to delay the cohesion of the three spirit gods and the evil spirit demon.

The metamorphosis regenerates, a figure flies from a distance, carrying the breath terrifying and earth-shattering, which is the breath of gods and demons, but more arrogant and outrageous than these three spirits and gods.


There was a Lord of God.

The Blademaster's face was suddenly filled with ashes.


Can't stop God.

The **** lord ignored the killing of the Lightsaber, but instead broke out a terrible blow directly. The stone shook a terrible flame, which broke out instantly, hit the air, and blasted directly to the formation.

With one blow, you will break the formation.


No one can stop this attack, but the formation is blocked, but under this attack, the entire formation is oscillating, crazy, violent, endless, and endless light flashes crazy, Endless power is constantly permeating, sweeping, and erupting.

Blocked, the formation method blocked this blow from the Lord.

When this array was re-arranged, the Lord ’s attack was considered. Therefore, it took a lot of effort of the Master and the precious materials, and finally laid a large array enough to resist the Lord ’s attack.

However, it can only resist for a while, and the strength of the ancestors and gods is ultimately overbearing.

The second blow erupted again, and the outbreak of mighty power became more powerful and more horrifying. It bombarded the large array again, and there seemed to be a slight clicking sound between the vaguely.

However, the second hit was blocked.

The third blow came again.

With this shot down, the large array will not be able to carry it, and it will be truly broken. The face of the Light Swordmaster ca n’t help but more gray failures can not help but appear.

"Hugh is going to be crazy!" An angry drink burst out suddenly, like a thunderous roar resounding through the world like a roar of thunder, reverberating endlessly, like the endless frenzy of turbulence.

Accompanying that drunk sound, it was a terrifying sword exploding and descending, as if coming from an endless sky, the sky burst, and the dazzling light poured down like a torrent of torrents, destroying the sky. of.

A huge sword light was shot down from within the torrent, shot down from the sky, and the sword of the sky was smashing down.

The third shot of the Lord of God was immediately hit by the sword light that fell from the sky, and both collapsed. After the shocking sword light, a figure landed, and between the swords,

Take control of thousands of swords and gods, shine the heavens and earth, and hit the Lord as many as possible.

The sword master is coming!

There was a smile on the face of the Blademaster.

Reinforcement finally came, even if it was just one person, but that was a sword master, the heavenly sword master of Juejian Villa.

A sword master arrived first, and he could drag that **** master, and he could no longer attack the large array.

The critical situation has been alleviated, but the crisis of the Light Swordmaster himself has not been alleviated. He continues to burn Shouyuan in exchange for powerful strength to fight the three spirit gods.

break out!

Three spirit god-level demon exploded one after another, the strength surged increasingly powerful, the breath of terror seemed like a storm sweeping endlessly.

The pressure of the Light Swordmaster surged, but there was no alternative but to resist it, being suppressed by the downwind, and no longer being able to interfere with the cohesion of the evil spirit.

Without restraint, the evil spirit demon gathers again, and the endless evil spirit rolls away, making the evil spirit more solid and exploded again. Both fists burst out, and each punch can destroy the mountain and destroy Yue's bombardment on the large array. .

One punch, two punches, three punches ...

Under the violent bombardment of the evil spirit demon, the entire array suddenly shook endlessly. It had been bombarded twice by the Lord of the Lord, and there was a slight damage, but it was too late to be repaired, and it was continuously bombarded by the evil spirit demon.

This evil spirit is created by the gods and demons specifically to destroy the formation, and it has a more obvious destructive effect on the formation.

The Lord of Heavenly Sword is fighting fiercely with that Lord of God, restraining each other ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ unable to take care of the large array, the purpose of that Lord of God is not to kill the Lord of Heavenly Sword, but to hold him instantly, making the Lord of Heavenly Sword fundamental You can't smash that evil spirit demon.

Kacha suddenly sounded, and cracks suddenly appeared in the large array.

The eyes of the evil spirit demon became more and more red, and suddenly issued a terrifying roar, shattering the world, the whole body suddenly burned, all the power, all merged into that blow.

The last blow, a full blow.

The roar of the roar rang through the world, and numerous cracks appeared on the ground. They were broken apart, and the cracks in the array became more dense, as if mirrors were hit by stones.

The evil spirit demon completely disintegrated, and could no longer reunite again, and the large array was broken.

As soon as the large array was broken, the horrific and dark atmosphere that was originally enclosed in the large array also erupted, just like the torrent of a dyke, an instant burst poured out, rolling and violent, endless waves, every weight can destroy everything.

That is the breath of the demon world.

Is the demon sacred?

This may be true in the minds of believers, but it is essentially nothing to do with sacredness.

In the darkness, the 100-meter-high gate of the demon flashed a burst of light, and then, a figure stepped out of the gate of the demon, and as soon as it appeared, a terrible violent atmosphere erupted and covered the sky. Sweep all directions and poles.

The Lord of Heavenly Sword first felt this breath, and his expression changed suddenly.


Another Lord is coming.

And not only that, he can also feel that after the Lord of God, a more arrogant breath continues to emerge at the gate of the demon, that is, more gods and powerfuls will come across the border.

Disaster is here.

The continuous efforts of the ancient Xuanjie are to delay this day, but it is inevitable.

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