Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 42: Inner Universe


The extremely fierce battle, however, is the continuous suppression of the human race side, which can only explode and continue to fight, it seems that it can only delay the time of defeat.

Although from time to time some people of the sacred ranks come to reinforce, but on the side of the gods and demons, there are also the gods and demons coming from the gates of the gods and demons, so that although the camp of the practitioners is reinforced, it can't reverse the disadvantage for a while.

When Chen Zong arrived, he stared directly at Zhengshen level. With Chen Zong's strength, killing Zhengshen level was actually very simple, especially Chen Zong's one-hearted swordsmanship was very arrogant, although there was no killing extreme like that without sword valley. But there is another arrogant power.

The damage caused by the mixed Yuanxin power to the demon is more obvious than the strength of the practitioner.

Kill kill!

Chen Zongyi sword entered the battlefield and turned to the Quartet, while Yu Nianxin sought for a deity-level demon and wielded his sword to fight.

Generally speaking, as long as you do not go deep into the battlefield and are not besieged by multiple demonic powers or targeted by higher demonic powers, the danger is not great. Although one-to-one, the demonic powers under the same level are more terrible. But Terran practitioners are not vegetarian, they are not so easy to be defeated, and they really have to separate the winners and losers. In addition to the significant difference in strength, it often takes a bit of hard work to tell.

This is why the Fei Xing Swordmaster is besieged by two positive god-level gods and demon, but it can still support it for a period of time.

If the same level of gods and demons really dominate the human race a lot, then how can this battle be fought, it will be directly defeated, and the ancient mysterious world will be directly occupied.

Not long after, ten orthodox gods have died under Chen Zongjian. Chen Zong has also received ten orthodox deities, and has been upgraded for another ten years. The peak of the universe's entry point is getting closer.

"Maybe, with ten more positive deities, I can reach the peak of the introduction of the inner universe." Chen Zong secretly said.

In a short period of time, Chen Zong killed ten orthodox gods in a row, and caught the attention of other gods and powerfuls. A **** and **** was killed immediately. This demon held a black gold axe and slashed into the sky. Broken under the giant axe, a terrible torrent of destruction erupted.

If there is a spirit-god-level deity, not only can it reach the peak of the introduction of the inner universe, it can even break through to the inner universe.

The huge axe slashed into the air, and the force was extremely violent, destroying the mountains and destroying Yue, and immediately called Chen Zong's dignified look.

The human holy realm condenses out of the avenue domain, which can suppress all directions, but the gods and demons are not so. The spirit and god-level gods and demons further condense themselves, making the body of the demon more and more terrible, and can naturally The release of Shenwei.

That divine power, with the power of the avenue, is enough to counter the avenue, and the more condensed body of the demon is also more terrible, making the strength of the spirit and **** class demon stronger even more terrible.

Chen Zong erupted instantly.

The inner universe is put out, the star sword field is suppressed, and the sea pearl shock!

Immediately, the spirit-god-level demon power was suppressed, and the axe that fell off became very slow and very heavy, and the tyrannical power condensed in it seemed to be continuously weakened in this suppression.

The huge axe that originally broke out was hit by 10%, and only 50% was left.

"Jianwei!" Chen Zong sighed, his eyes flashed suddenly, and there was a flash of sword light in the sky, and then shot down, carrying Wupi Jianwei directly impacting the spirit god-level demon power.

Repression and Jianwei's shock, Chen Zong directly broke out of tyrannical means, ready to kill this spirit-god-level demon power.

This is the battlefield. It is best to have a quick battle. Moreover, you also need a god-level deity, which you just brought to your door.


Triple God Xiaoxiao!

Chen Zong broke out with all his strength and broke his sword. It was a dazzling silver streamer. It seemed like a thunderbolt in the early days to split the darkness and chaos to open up the universe and evolve the universe.

Can't escape!


The outbreak of this sword is directly lore.

The power of Zhenhai Zhu is too strong, especially when it is superimposed on the inner universe and the outside, it becomes more and more terrible. You must know that Zhenhai Zhu is the most precious thing.


Seize the divinity, completely cut off the vitality of this spirit god-level demon power, and make him powerless to return to heaven.

Starting with the spirit-level deity, Chen Zong immediately absorbed into the inner universe and quickly refined it. The nebula vortex transformed by the mixed power of the Yuanyuan immediately spun up, refining that divinity at an amazing speed, Refined into pure and incomparable strength, and then absorbed.

The entire nebula vortex expands at an alarming rate, constantly expanding, and finally reaches a twenty-mile radius. This is the peak level of the introduction of the inner universe.

But that spiritual deity has not been refined and absorbed.

At the same time as the refining absorption, Chen Zong did not stop, holding a sword to kill another god-level demon.

Pick the persimmon softly?

These Chen Zong are not jealous and not so pedantic. This is the battlefield. On the battlefield, it is mainly to kill the enemy. All means can be used. Although he is a sword repair, he only uses the sword in his hand to kill the enemy, but he also does not. I am so stupid that I have to find a strong one at the level of the spirit **** or even the master of the god.

You know, killing a deity-level demon can alleviate the pressure on the human race side, and killing ten will relieve the pressure even more. Why not do it?

Face is important?

It depends on what kind of face, this kind of unnecessary face, don't bother.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a breath of excitement on Chen Zong's body, and then it broke out, but it broke out in an instant, and was instantly restrained. It didn't spread, but the power of the moment was very terrible.


After Chen Zong thoroughly refined that spirit and god-level deity, he was able to break through as he wished.

The inner universe is small!

Although it is only a small realm improvement from entry to Xiaocheng, Chen Zong can clearly feel that his strength is very obvious. We must know that the mental strength of the hybrid Yuan is a combination of various strengths. Internal force, mental power, and so on, if only a single ascension, naturally nothing, but this ascension is all-round and very amazing.

Even with the sword, it has been further enhanced, and it is still being continuously enhanced to match Xiu.

This is an all-round promotion, rather than a single promotion, which is even more rare.

Except for Chen Zong himself, no one knows that Chen Zong's cultivation has been enhanced to further enhance his strength.


When Chen Zong was out of the sword, he immediately felt that his strength had doubled directly. This improvement was really amazing.

"It takes about three to four spiritual deities to break through from the introduction of the inner universe to Xiaocheng, but to upgrade from small to big, I am afraid that more spiritual deities are needed." Chen Zong secretly said, his eyes glowed with a stream of light Sweeping past, directly locking each one of the spirit and god-level gods and demons: "Then, let you become the food for me to break through."

This time, Chen Zong did not intend to specifically target the god-level demon. After all, killing a god-level demon is better than killing a god-level demon. Of course, if it is smooth, the god-level Gods and monsters also want to kill, chat is better than nothing.

Another demon came across the gate of the demon and killed immediately.


Chen Zongyi sword is too hospitable, and turned into a black true sun. The terrible power and blazing are completely restrained, and it is difficult to feel the slightest breath leaking, but the more so, the more terrifying his power is .

The black true sun bombarded without a sound, and wherever it passed, there was only a dark trace, which was the trace of the void being burned through by the horrific high temperature, and it remained forever.

Especially after the inner universe broke into Xiaocheng, the power of this sword doubled on the original basis, and it became more and more terrible.

Fight fight!

The second spirit-level demon strong died under Chen Zongjian, and the spirit and deity were also ingested by Chen Zong, and quickly absorbed and refined.

This time, the refining process was completed in just 20 minutes.

"Well, it takes almost six spirits and deities to be able to impact the inner universe." Chen Zong felt the cultivation he had added, and then inferred.

The six spirits and gods are to kill six spirits and gods.

It seems that it is very fast to kill the spirit-level gods and demons themselves, but in fact, some powerful spirit-level gods and demons are not so easy to kill.

What's more, Chen Zong can kill the spirit god-level demon power, but also has Zhenhai Zhu to help. Without the powerful power of Zhenhai Zhu, it is not so easy to kill the spirit god-level demon power. It takes a bitter battle. Only hope, if you encounter a powerful spirit-level demon, it is difficult to kill.

The fighting grew fiercer.

Regardless of whether it is a sacred step powerhouse or a demon powerhouse, the strength of the pulse is long ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The speed of recovery of power is also fast. Under the rhythm of the battle, fierce fighting for days and nights is not a big deal.

The speed of Chen Zong's mental recovery is simply astonishing. Coupled with that overwhelming physique, as long as he has a little grasp of the power consumption, he can be in an endless state of power.

break out!


The third spirit-god-level demon power was killed by Chen Zong, and the spirit and deity fell into Chen Zong's hands again, was quickly absorbed by refining, and was further improved.

However, this kind of improvement is relatively insignificant. Only the improvement when breaking through the small realm is very significant.

Killing twelve orthodox gods and three deities and gods, Chen Zong has attracted much attention. Compared to the current battlefield, there are only a hundred or more gods and gods. Killing more than a dozen was very obvious.

The pressure of the saints has been greatly relieved, while secretly grateful to Chen Zong, they are also shocked.

The strength of Wushuang Swordmaster is really terrible.

Sword to turn the tide!

In the rumors, he once resisted one ancestor from the sea with one sword and one sword. Although he was defeated and captured, he also resisted for a period of time. You must know that most of the great holy realms face the ancestors. There is no defense. ,

This alone shows Chen Zong's amazing strength, and now it seems that it is well-deserved.

At the same time, Chen Zong was also followed by a god.

This **** slayed to the ground, and the figure of the mighty shore was filled with mighty divine power. This divine power was extremely horrible, and it was better than the spirit god-level demon power. Covering the impact, there seemed to be countless sounds of chanting, growling, and then growling.

"Submit me ..."

"Believe in me ..."

The voice was full of confusion and persecution, as if intimidating and tempting.

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