Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 43: Cross Sword Strike God

Divine power can suppress and work in the same way as the realm of the avenue, but there are also differences, that is, deception and persecution.

Deceive the world, confuse their minds, shake their minds, and then believe in that demon. If the mind is very tough and difficult to be deceived, then the coercion in the might of God will continue to persecute the shock. The more you resist the oppression, So much so that I finally had to give in.

As soon as the thought of surrender occurs, it will be further invaded by Divine Power, and then surrendered to produce faith. At that time, Divine Power will not only oppress the slightest, but will also make believers like a spring breeze, deepening the faith invisibly.

This is also the means by which gods and demons develop believers.

However, Chen Zong's mixed-mind mental strength is extremely tyrannical, which is the combined power of the spirit of vitality and the power of the mind. Even though the divine power of the God-level is very strong, he cannot be subdued by Chen Zong.

"What is God?" Chen Zong's eyes flashed endlessly. The last time he fought against the Heavenly Father, he was defeated, and Chen Zong realized the gap between him and his father.

So what now?

The introduction of the inner universe has broken into the inner universe, and its strength has doubled. Can it compete with the Lord?

Even if it ca n’t, then you should be able to compete a little?

For no apparent reason, Chen Zong's mood was stirred up involuntarily, a little bit of warfare permeated quietly, and his blood was boiling.


What about God?

The Lord is overbearing, the Lord is powerful, and I would like to strike it with a sword.

The sword was rushing into the sky, and the supreme sword power broke out, rushing towards the **** power beyond the limit, and the **** power was like sky, then I broke the sky with a sword.

The astonishing sword power rose up into the sky, rushed straight to Jiuxiao, and broke through the sky. The mixed energy of the inner universe turned to the extreme. Zhenhaizhu's last step of refining was completed.

After Zhenhai Zhu was thoroughly refined by Chen Zong, Chen Zong immediately felt different.

Zhenhai Zhu and other huge and extremely powerful powers can be fully demonstrated and controlled and controlled by himself.


What is Supreme?

It is a tyrannical existence that surpasses the top sacred artifacts. Each of the powers contained in the treasures has reached the level of the ancestor. If it is fully excited, it will be equivalent to mastering the power of the ancestor.

An ancestor, how amazing it is to master a piece of treasure to fully exert its power.

Moreover, different treasures have different effects.

Thoroughly refining Zhenhaizhu means that Chen Zong can truly bring out this precious power of Zhenhaizhu, which means that Chen Zong can master the power of the ancestor.

In this way, it is more certain to fight against a God.

Confidence strengthened in an instant, Chen Zong immediately urged Zhen Haizhu's power and released it directly.

As soon as Zhenhai Zhu's power was spurred, Chen Zong's look changed slightly, because urging Zhenhai zhu would consume his own cultivation as strength. I did not expect to urge his power after smelting Zhenhai zhu completely. Intensified, several times more than before the complete refining.

Such a waste, Rao is the majestic and magnificent recovery speed of Chen Zong's mental strength, and it can not last.

A quarter of an hour!

Chen Zong made a rough estimate instantly. The power of Zhenhai Zhu to be motivated by his own mixed power can only last for about a quarter of an hour. This time is not long, it can be considered to be short, but it is not short. Sometimes a battle ends without a quarter of an hour.

Zhenhai Zhu

Being urged, the realm of Zhenhai suddenly permeated and truly showed its due power.

Chen Zong found that Zhenhai Zhu's mighty power after being thoroughly refined and completely surpassed his own level. Such a powerful power cannot be integrated into the inner universe and the outside world. , Not as powerful as Zhenhai Zhu.

Before and after thorough refining, the gap is like the gap between the Great Sacred Realm and the Sacred Ancestor. Chen Zong now talks about cultivation, in fact, it can only be regarded as the level of the small Holy Realm, but because of the cultivation The Tao is special and its comprehensive strength is enough to counter the great sanctuary.

But there is still a clear gap between the strength of the ancestors.

The strength of Zhenhai Zhu Shengzu, which can't bear the external universe, will be directly exploded.

However, even if it is not integrated into the inner universe and placed outside, the power of Zhenhai Zhu alone reaches the level of ancestral ancestors, which is equal to the general level of God and is not weak. Moreover, it is under the control of Chen Zong.

The realm of Zhenhai covers all directions, and immediately hits the divine power, directly covering the divine master.

The face of the Lord suddenly changed, and this power directly reached the level of the ancestral ancestor. It was very powerful. It was in the Zhenhai area of ​​Zhenhaizhu, and it seemed to have fallen into the deep sea and was oppressed from all directions. It seems as if it is endless, one after another, endless shocks, and growls.

And, a hint of amazing sword meaning is contained in it, and it is constantly forced to go away.

The Lord ’s brow frowned slightly, and Wei An ’s body suddenly erupted into a more powerful and mighty divine power, resisting the oppression of Zhenhai, and immediately shot.

This Lord God did not use any weapons, because his hands are his best weapons.

A pair of huge fists, burning a terrible flame, directly blasted into the void and blasted Chen Zong fiercely, as if to smash Chen Zong directly.

The power contained in that fist was terrible and could easily smash the mountains.

Chen Zong's dignified look did not lead him to arrogance because he thoroughly refined and inspired Zhenhai Zhu's power, thinking that he would definitely be able to compete with God's master.

After all, the power of Zhenhaizhu is Zhenhaizhu, not his own cultivation, and aside from the power of Zhenhaizhu, his own strength is only a great sacred level.

One Heart Sword Art!

One sword after another, the sword light is endless, one sword is faster than one sword, one sword is stronger than one sword, each sword light is continuous, directly forming a straight line, and continuously killing.

The further back, the stronger and stronger the sword might be.

Sword one is the beginning, sword fourteen is the end, the power of the fourteenth sword is more powerful than the first sword, and it is more and more terrifying.

However, the fourteenth sword is not the real end, but the end of one-hearted swordsmanship, but the prelude to killing.


A sword of extreme speed, a sword of extreme sharpness, and when this sword comes out, it will run through everything.

Such a sword is still under the premise of the fourteen swords in one-heart swordsmanship, and its power is pushed to a higher level, becoming more and more terrible. The positive **** level is killed immediately, the spiritual **** level is hit, and it is directly damaged. It was even killed directly.

This sword also changed the look of the Lord Lord slightly.

The sword of Shenxiao tore the heavens and the earth, and also tore the might of God. He ruthlessly killed him without mercy, collided with the punch of the Lord Lord, slightly stunned, and then exploded, turning into countless rays of light, but the Lord Lord This fist also followed, and the strength gathered on the fist was even weakened.

However, under the pause of that punch, he continued to bombard and kill.

After all, the Lord of God is the Lord of God, and its power is very arrogant. Chen Zong's sword is indeed very strong.

But that meal also gave Chen Zong a little chance.

Three times too much!

A sword was swept across the sky, and the golden red sun suddenly rose into the air, burning in all directions, as if everything around him was turned into ashes, and the void was completely distorted.

As the sword was killed, the golden red true sun smashed, the color quickly faded and dimmed, and it turned into black in the blink of an eye.

It was a round of black true sun, and all the hot breath and terror power were completely restrained, the black true sun was even more amazing and arrogant.

The black true sun smashed into it, and once again collided with the fist of the Lord, but this time, it was not directly defeated. The power of the black true sun was stronger than that of Shen Xiao. It was still under three times the explosion. Its power is becoming more and more terrifying.

The look of the Lord suddenly changed, the power on the fist was burned madly, and it was burned directly, and then no longer supported, the fist was also burned, and the whole arm was burned with the violent impact of the black true sun. Can make this God Lord secretly startled.


The power broke out, like a raging surge, and rushed into the arm immediately, bursting the burning black true sun.

Chen Zong immediately pulled back.

Three times the sword of Tai Hao is already a full blow of his own, but he still can't really get the God Lord, and the gap is obvious.

In fact, if the triple Tahoe sword is a single argument, it is enough, except that the power of God's master is more pure and the power is even more amazing.

Since even three times the sword of Taihao ca n’t really get the Lord of God ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong knows that the gap between him and the Lord of God is obvious now, so there is no need to continue the fight, just because of Zhenhai Zhu ’s Mighty, he can indeed compete with God, but that's all.

not enough!

It's not enough!

Zhenhai Zhu himself could only last a quarter of an hour.


When the decision was made, Chen Zong immediately contracted the realm of Zhenhai, erupting at an extreme speed and retreating at a rapid speed. However, the Lord's expression was cold, and Wei An's body was pressed in the air. He never let Chen Zong's intentions go.

This human race is very powerful, not only killing some of the gods and powerfuls, but also mastering the treasure, and being able to compete against them in a short time. Such strength is terrible. If they grow up, they may become a big enemy.

Although there is nothing extra in front of the interface of the demon, but it can be killed now and some obstacles can be cleared.

After all, when the opponent ’s strength has increased greatly after breaking through to the level of the ancestor, if you want to kill, the difficulty will increase a lot. It ’s better to kill directly now to avoid future troubles.

Chen Zong immediately retreated, and the Lord immediately chased him. He never let go of Chen Zong's intentions in this regard, but was extremely determined. Those eyes burst into a terrible cold, and the amazing power of the gods locked Chen Zongyao away, such as the sacrum.蛆 like.


Chen Zong looked dignified and broke out of the battlefield at an extremely fast speed. After all, it is still not enough, and the strength is still insufficient. If the strength of the inner universe can be achieved and the strength is doubled again, then the sword power displayed will be stronger. Of course, Whether Chen Zong can compete with the Lord, Chen Zong still does not know.

However, if the inner universe is successfully cultivated and its strength is doubled again, it should be able to compete with the Lord of God in cooperation with the power of the town of Haizhu.

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