Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 44: Eternal Jianwei (Part 1)

Run away!

In the previous breath, Chen Zong was still attacking the Lord with a crossblade, but in the latter breath he was quickly walking away.

If you are not your opponent, why do you have to fight to the end?

That's not Chen Zong's temperament. He will persecute himself and fight at all costs unless there is no way to escape, but now, it is not a situation where there is no way to escape. If he still wants to fight here, Somewhat stupid.

However, the Lord of God focused on Chen Zong, and was determined to kill Chen Zong to prevent future troubles. He did not relax at all. It was extremely fast and kept approaching. Although Chen Zong was also fast, according to this situation It is estimated that it will be pursued after tens of interest.

Time and Space Shuttle!

Chen Zong's body flickered into the void and appeared again ten thousand meters away.

It ’s not that you ca n’t perform a stronger time and space shuttle, but just one, you ca n’t control where you are going, but Yu Nianxin is still here, Chen Zong still ca n’t really stay away, he can only distance himself from the Lord and deal with it. , Restore the mixed Yuan mentality, after the mixed Yuan mental energy is restored, and then fight again.

The power of the Lord is indeed more than that of Chen Zong, but it is not absolute. When Chen Zong excites Zhenhai's prestige and releases the realm of Zhenhai, he can compete with him to a certain extent. After half an hour, Chen Zong will Evacuate in a timely manner, use space-time shuttle to open up the distance, take this opportunity to restore the mental strength of the hybrid, so repeatedly.

As if flying a kite, the Lord of God was immediately furious, and this scene fell into the eyes of other practitioners and demons.


It is extremely terrible that a non-holy ancestor can deal with such a Lord in this way.

The God Lord, who was extremely furious, was not good at speed and could not chase Chen Zong in a short period of time. His inner anger kept accumulating and almost exploded.

Immediately, the Lord Lord turned around, rushed towards the battlefield, and blasted directly towards that ancestor.

And the Lord of God who fought with that ancestor also staggered at an instant, erupting in a terrible speed, and flew towards Chen Zongfei. This speed was twice as fast as the previous Lord of God.

This speed is much faster than Chen Zong.

If there was no time and space shuttle, Chen Zong would not be able to get away at all, even if it was sometimes a time and space shuttle, unless he started a large time and space shuttle directly away from this place, it would be very reluctant.

Realm of Zhenhai!

The mixed energy of Zhenyuan recovered, Zhenhai Zhu regained his power, and the dark blue water swept across all directions, suppressing all around instantly.

The four swords of Yixin Sword Art are performed in an instant, but the fourteen different trajectories carry the power of horror. At the same time, the power of each sword is very terrible.

break out!

Triple God Xiaoxiao!

This God Master is extremely fast, twice as fast as the previous God Master. At such a speed, it is difficult for Ethereum to hit with a sword. Only the speed of Shen Xiao's tricks and sharp edge can have hope.

Under the outbreak of the triple Shenxiao, this sword is almost to an extreme, an incomparable extreme, the ultimate invincible, even if this God is good at speed, but first was attacked by the sword of one heart, and then facing the triple Shenxiao All trajectories of the attack were under the control of Chen Zong.

Can't escape!

But do you need to hide?

A smirk of Mori's cold smile hangs at the corner of this god's mouth, and his eyes also burst into endless dark cold light at any time. Between the changes of one hand, as if a beast ran on the ground, and as if flying birds spread their wings soaring into the sky. At last, his hands were moved forward, all the strength was concentrated The top makes those fingers extremely tough and arrogant.

Void, pierced directly under those fingers.

Three times the **** Xiao is arrogant, but the finger of the Lord is very arrogant, crushing everything.

The collision, the sword light, and then broken, but the power of the **** of the Lord of God was also crushed, the sword slammed, the power of the top sacred weapon broke out, and the force was amazing, and the mind Tianjian was originally cast by the core of a large world It is so strong that God's Lord cannot destroy the slightest.

Even if the Mind Heavenly Sword has not completely restored its original power, it cannot be destroyed by the power of the Lord God's ancestors.

On the contrary, although the triple sword of Shenxiao was broken, the Lord of God was also a meal, and then flew back a few meters, and the end of his finger was pierced.

Injured, even minor injuries, but also injured.

This sword is also known to Chen Zong. The **** is good at speed. He is inferior to the former **** in power and power.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's heart was fiery, so that the Lord of God cannot resist.

Of course, complete confrontation cannot be achieved unless the cultivation of the inner universe can be reluctant to do so, but it is possible to do some work.

On the battlefield, the number of gods and demons is more than the human holy order, and the human holy order must even resist the attack of the demon and the devil. It is very dangerous, but it can only be maintained. Once defeated, the consequences will be very serious.

Fortunately, Chen Zong killed twelve orthodox gods and three spirit gods in a row, causing a great loss to the gods and demons, which greatly relieved the pressure of the strong human race. Now, Chen Zong was Pursuing and killing a **** lord also amounts to restraining a **** lord, so that the pressure on the holy ancestors of the human race is reduced.

Even though there are not many gods and gods in the **** and demon world, they are like the ancestors of the ancient Xuan world.

Of course, if we talk about quantity, there are indeed more gods and gods than gods in the demon world, and not all of them come across.

If all the gods come across the boundary, under the impact of a brain, this ancient mysterious world is estimated to have fallen.

Why did n’t all the gods or so many gods come across the border?

There is fighting where there are people, or fighting where there are living beings. The beasts still have territorial consciousness, not to mention intelligent life.

The gods and monsters are powerful and invaded the ancient mysterious realm, also for the purpose of developing beliefs. This ancient mysterious realm has long been fancy by some gods and demons.

Fortunately, otherwise, in the face of the powerful demon world, the ancient Xuan world really has little resistance.

Chen Zong is like a variable, dragging a **** lord, which greatly relieves the pressure on the human race side.

Now it is waiting for reinforcements, waiting for reinforcements from other ancestors.

Reinforcement arrived, Huanghuang Jianwei erupted from the sky in the distance, the impact came instantly, the world roared endlessly, like thousands of thunderous riots.

The gale screamed, and every gale contained terrible power that swept the world.


Astonishing sword power!

Sword mighty!

Overwhelmingly poured down, as if the sea was flowing across the river, like the star river hanging upside down.

This sword power immediately caused the human race side to show their joy, but it also called the gods and demons side's look changed drastically, just because such a sword power is extremely arrogant, but it is the ancestral sword power.

The sword master is coming!

There were two great ancestors on the side of the original tribe, one was the sword master of the sword valley without return, and one was too mysterious.

Saint ancestors, the two ancestors are fighting against the three **** lords, originally the four **** lords, but now because of the relationship between Chen Zong, dragged a **** lord, which greatly relieved their pressure.

But it ’s just alleviating the pressure. Continue to lose. It ’s a matter of time before defeat. Now, when a sword master arrives and reinforcements arrive, they can further ease their pressure.

The Wusheng Sword Master, who did not return to the Sword Valley, felt the advent of the sword power, and then he was shocked by the joy and then changed. It seemed that something had come to mind and turned into a touch of excitement.

"After a long time, has it finally appeared again?" Wusheng sword master thought secretly.

He is the sword master of Wuhui Sword Valley. He cultivates the sword of Wusheng to the extreme, and deduces it to a new level. It consumes less and has more power. But besides him, Wuhui Sword Valley has no The two were able to practice it only because this new inanimate secret sword was improved based on his own characteristics, which was only suitable for him.

Such an overbearing strength allows the no-sword master to temporarily resist the siege of the two gods with one enemy and two.

Any sword master has a terrible fighting ability.


A new sword master had arrived, but had not yet appeared, but Jianwei had already swept the world, and Chen Zong was shocked.

Good sword power!

This kind of sword power is more terrible and arrogant than the sword power of the no-sword master.

The sword power of the no-sword master is a life-threatening sword power, full of the breath of death, as if all vitality is to be extinct, very extreme.

The Jianwei coming now, without any dead silence or extremes, has an indescribable majestic trend, like the Foshan Yue, carrying the sword's edge.


That Jianwei came down like an ancient and tall majestic kendo **** mountain ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Under this overbearing and mighty sword might, everything between the heavens and the earth seems so small.


Between heaven and earth, it seems that the sound of everlasting swordsman sounds constantly, as if it came from distant time and space.

In a hurry, a ray of light bloomed in the sky and became fiery, like a round of true sun shining across the sky, and the light continued to expand at an alarming rate, falling towards the bottom, as if the real sun was hitting the ground in the air.

Again, it was a sword light, a huge sword light that filled the sky through the sky. The sword light was shot down, and the **** master who chased Chen Zong was locked away. Under the terrible sword power, it was impossible. Avoid.

Unable to avoid, the Lord ’s face was dignified, and he could only explode. He exploded in an instant, bombarding the most outrageous blow, terrible, directly blasting into the sky, toward the sword light, as if the sky was to be broken. Light fades.

Jianguang shot down, slightly, seemed to be blocked by the Lord ’s full blow, but he also broke the Lord ’s tyrannical blow in an instant, and blasted down like a bamboo again, crushing everything.

The speed of this God Lord is very fast, but it is relatively general in strength, but it is also the level of God Lord. Rao is so under this sword light, but there is an irresistible feeling. Light hit directly.

In front of that sword light, the body of the god's mighty shore seemed so small and subtle, as if an ant faced a leg-like body, which was so different that it was directly bombarded and drowned.

In this scene, Chen Zong's eyes widened, and he felt the terrible sword power up close, and the whole body trembled unconsciously. This was an amazing tremor and an exciting tremor.


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