Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 45: Vanguard sword power (below)

Shocking sword light, if you penetrate the barriers of all ages and reverse the advent of time and space, this sword will break all the power of the Lord and swallow it directly.

In the face of this sword-like light like the pillar of the sky, everything is as vain as nothing, and it will easily be defeated, even if it is space-time.

Chen Zong involuntarily developed a feeling, even if he was traveling through time and space, he could not escape the bombardment of such lights.

I don't know if the Lord of God will be directly bombarded?

If you want to use the lordly body of the Lord, it should not be so easy to be killed.

When the sword light is gone, the ground below is not broken in the slightest, as if the sword light is just an illusion, but Chen Zong can be sure that it is the actual sword light, which can smash the horrible sword light that breaks the mountains and heavens. However, At the moment when the sword light hit the ground, it disappeared, as if immersed in nothingness.

Suddenly wanting to reveal the mystery, Chen Zong could not help breathing down.

Amazing power control skills have reached the level of the avenue, unpredictable, better than yourself.

This is the first time that Chen Zong encountered his own existence in power control, and suddenly felt very interested in this mysterious sword master who had not appeared before but broke out of the world.

The sword light dispersed, a body standing in the sky, arms crossed above the head to resist the bombardment of the horrible sword light.

It is the Lord God, under the bombardment of this horrible sword light, this Lord Lord did not die, which shows the arrogance of the body of the god-level **** and demon, replaced by the god-level **** and is directly blasted into **** like powder Nothing like that is gone.

Although blocking the bombardment of this sword light, the Lord of God is not good. His body was broken around, leaving a trail of sword marks and scars. The scar seemed to want to heal, but was attacked by a terrible sword gas. , In the middle of healing tears, not so easy.

"I can't bear my sword to die, the Lord of God really has some patience." A mighty voice accompanied by the sound of Jianming, came from the sky, like a thunderous billowing, rippling with incredible power.

In a hurry, a sword of light came across, as if penetrating through time and space.

"Who is that?" Chen Zong couldn't help narrowing his eyes and staring away, but he could only vaguely see a tall figure in Jianguang, which was very blurred and difficult to see clearly.

There is no doubt that it is a sword master, a sword master with very strong power.

"Who are you?" This deity's body is covered with sword marks and difficult to heal, bearing the scourge of the sword, and roaring violently, but he roared out the demon words, but the holy steps present were all dedicated to learning the demon Language, so immediately understand the meaning of the other party's roar.

"Wan Jianshan ... Master of all ancient swords." The sword was so brilliant that it fell like an ancient sun, accompanied by a voice that traverses all ages.

Eternal Sword Master!

Chen Zong could not help but startled.

This is a very old sword master. It is one of the two sword masters of Wan Jianshan. It is also the most powerful sword master and the first sword master in Wan Jianshan. It is also the oldest and strongest sword master in the ancient domain of Wan Jian. .

Not only that, it is rumored that the Lord of Ancient Swords ranks among the top three among the ancestors of the entire ancient mysterious land.

Such a sword master, according to Chen Zong's knowledge, has not appeared for tens of thousands of years. Few people know whether he was in retreat or where he went. However, he did not expect to come here today. It has already released such a terrible blow that will hurt a god.

With the advent of the ancient sword master, the monstrous sword power became more and more horrible, and it was everywhere. The first and foremost was the wounded **** master.

This mighty sword is powerful and terrible, sweeping the whole world, but this God Lord is traumatized and difficult to heal in a short time, even if it is the imperiousness of the body of the demon, in the face of such a sword Very uncomfortable, can only continue to release the mighty confrontation.

But apparently, the Lord is falling behind.

The Lord of God is equal to the level of the ancestor. The level of the ancestor and the level of the lord of God are collectively referred to as strong and weak.

The most direct is that the Heavenly Wind ancestor and the Star Sword ancestor are both sacred ancestors, but the Heavenly Wind ancestor can not beat the Star Sword Master, there is a gap in strength, this gap is not absolute, at least the Star Sword ancestor can suppress the sky Feng Shengzu couldn't kill it.

However, the star sword master is not as good as the ancient sword master. He is the first sword master and the strongest man in the ancient sword domain of Wanjian.

With such amazing strength, it has such terrible sword power.

"Junior, you are very good." The Lord of the Ancient Swords came, hovering like a sword, standing up to a thousand meters in the sky, and the wind roared, but the hair of the Lord of the Swords did not move, as if frozen in the sky, suppressing the ancients Jianwei, row of mountains.

If someone else is so affirmed by the eternal sword master, the heart is dark, clear, and even excited, but Chen Zong will not, the other person affirms himself, it means that the other person's eyesight is very high, and he is very accurate. Now, he is indeed inferior to the other person However, you must know that your cultivation path is only in the middle.

You can also continue to ascend to the extreme, and your strength is definitely not inferior to the level of the Lord. The inner universe ’s cultivation level planned by Chen Zong is only equivalent to the holy order, so what about the holy order?

If you have big ambitions, you won't be complacent because of some small achievements.

Chen Zong's attitude also fell into the eyes of the ancient sword master. Not only did he have no dissatisfaction, he seemed to appreciate it more.

Sword repair, when there is Xeon belief, not to mention how talented people ultimately achieve, without such belief, it is doomed to achieve much.

The abrupt change suddenly occurred, and a **** siege besieged the dead sword master immediately burst into the air and rushed towards the eternal sword master. The silver long sword in his hand suddenly chopped the sky, as if a round moon had struck the sky, and that sword cut across the world.

This smashing is so abrupt, the power of the demon is extremely condensed, and the power is even more powerful.

For another ancestor, facing this sudden knife, I was afraid to react in an instant and panic, but the look of the master of the ancient sword remained unchanged, but there was a flash of joke in his eyes.

Such a knife is really strong, but that's all.

I didn't see his sword, but there was a brilliant sword light that burst into the air in an instant and bombarded it directly. It hit the silver sword light. After a slight pause, the sword light was immediately broken. The sword light seemed to pass through without any damage. Killed, as invincible as possible, hit the Lord of God directly.

The Lord of God also reacted in an instant. The long sword lay in front of him, and the blade trembled, bringing endless phantoms. The silver phantoms overlapped like a streamer, blocking the bombardment of the sword light.

The sword light is extremely sharp, and it seems to carry the power of the God of Eternal God. After an instant meal, he broke the knife light in an extremely overbearing posture and bombarded the sword of the Lord, pressing it to bend and directly hit the blade. There was a faint click in his chest, and the Lord's entire body suddenly burst out hundreds of meters.

The corners of his mouth were bleeding and his chest seemed to collapse slightly.

With this sword, once again, a **** lord was wounded. If the body of the devil was extremely strong, and the adult body was replaced, it would be impossible to resist, and it would be directly damaged or even blasted.

This kind of sword power has attracted a lot of attention, and it has also greatly boosted the morale of the human race. The morale has been greatly stimulated, and one by one has been injected with new power, and a more powerful atmosphere has erupted. It was shocked and morale fell.

Four great gods, three great ancestors.

The number of strong gods is obviously more than human race, but before, it was dragged by a **** lord because of a non-sacred ancestor, which has made them feel very uncomfortable. That one's strength is extremely horrible, and it will easily hurt the two gods.

Such strength, see the top.

"Hold him, I will perform the magic." The injured Lord with the silver long sword immediately said to the other injured Lord, using the method of sound transmission, which was not heard by others.

This God Lord responded directly with action, erupted in an instant, transformed into nine figures, and immediately smashed from all directions to the Lord of Ancient Swords. Each figure was as if it were real, with fingers or curved like hooks, or pointed like swords, or With a straight palm like a sword, or a fist into a hammer, he constantly attacks the owner of the ancient sword.

"Eagle insect tricks ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Every sword master gently spit out four words, each of which contained the shocking sword power. As soon as he appeared, he slammed in all directions to make the nine figures tremble slightly, and instantly In one instant, Jianguang shone again and struck the sky.

Chen Zong has tried his best to see it, but he still didn't see exactly how the ancient sword master pulled his sword. It was too fast, reaching the extreme, to the point where even Chen Zong's amazing eyesight was difficult to capture.

How could this be?

Chen Zong secretly horrified, and further estimated the strength of this ancient sword master.

The nine swords of light broke through, and they were light-hearted, but the nine figures of the Lord could not escape, and they were hit and broken apart.

However, in the distance, eighteen figures reappeared, and they attacked from all directions again. At the beginning of the sword, they were directly turned into eighteen, and they were shot through the air. Each sword was extremely light, as if There is no such thing as horror.


Eighteen figures were shattered again, and next breath, twenty-seven figures reunited and came again.

But it was useless, and the 27 figures were also broken.

No figure appeared again, the Lord God seemed to emerge from nothingness, quickly retreated, his face was pale and extremely weak, apparently only erupted continuously, and a series of figures besieged the ancient sword master but was defeated by the ancient sword master Wounded him very strongly, and his strength dropped sharply.

However, his purpose was only to delay time, and a cruel sneer suddenly appeared on his face, because he felt that the divine art was ready to be completed and burst out.

The sky suddenly changed, as if turned into night, and then a bright moon emerged from nothing, quickly condensing and hanging above the night sky, emitting a faint white light.

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