Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 47: Master (Part 2)

The moonlight shot down, it was silent, but it completely eroded the void, and the Lord of the Ancient Swords was directly swallowed.

"Where is the human?" A severely wounded Lord of God turned quickly, but did not find the whereabouts of the human race before, did he not come to kill himself?

How could it suddenly disappear?

Is it just a trick?

When thinking of the word "Xiu Zhao", the Lord's eyes suddenly stared, his eyes almost bursting, and he even roared loudly.

In another place, tens of thousands of meters apart, there is another **** lord, this **** lord is the **** lord who only performed the eclipse magic.

Even if it is the Lord, it is not easy to perform divine magic. Besides, it is necessary to deal with a powerful and top-level ancestor.

Divine magic is the most powerful mystery of the gods and demon. When the **** level and the spirit **** level are cast, they will exhaust their strength. When the **** master level is not only faster, it can also freely adjust the power consumption. Of course, self The more power is consumed, the stronger the magic power is, but no matter how adjusted and reduced, at least 50% of the power must be consumed to make the magic power successful.

And in order to achieve merit, killing the top ancestor, this God Lord naturally consumes 10% of his power completely, and exhibits the most arrogant divine magic. Although his speed of recovery is very fast, but the time is short, and it has not been recovered yet. Half.

From the formation of divine magic to shooting down, but only a few breaths, it can recover a few minutes to repair strength in such a short time, this speed is very amazing.

We must know that the full use of divine magic consumes not only its own cultivation power, but also spiritual strength. Therefore, this God is now in a weakest state.

The body flashed, Jianguang bloomed, it was Chen Zong, a sword swept across.

Triple God Xiaoxiao!

The extremely fast sword reached the extreme, like aurora, struck through the void like lightning, and was very close, but several meters apart.

The distance of a few meters is very short and short for top powerhouses, which means there is no distance, not to mention that it is still under the outbreak of deliberate calculation and unconsciousness, but the God is at the weakest because of the full force of the outburst. In the state.

The attack of Chen Zong, even in the heyday of the Lord ’s Lord, was difficult to avoid completely without precaution, not to mention being in a weak state. In the face of this sword, it was impossible to evade.

This is Chen Zong's real goal.

Previously, I shot the scarred Lord of God with two intentions. The first intention was to kill directly. If possible, but Chen Zong found that the Lord of God had power to fight and wanted to kill him immediately. It's difficult. Once caught in the battle, it's unclear whether or not you can kill, but you will be dragged in, which is not consistent with your original purpose.

Then, give up and execute the second plan. The second plan is to assassinate another **** master who is performing a terrible mystery. In Chen Zong's perception, the **** master's breath is extremely weak, and he is also an excellent target for assassination.

When the decision was made, Chen Zong was absolutely decisive.

This sword burst out with all its strength, and it was unavoidable and even more irresistible.

A sword runs through the tyrannical body of the demon and stabs directly into it, but it still cannot be killed, after all, the body of the demon of the **** level is very tyrannical.

Realm of Zhenhai!

The power of Zhenhai Zhu was urged again, and he immediately swept away. At the same time, other god-lords also reacted, and in the roar, they bombarded Chen Zong to rescue that god-lord.

At the same time, the swordless master and another

An outer ancestor also responded in time, and at the same time shot, blocking other gods, so that Chen Zong could not be distracted.

What a crazy move a Great Swordmaster would have to kill a Lord of God, but it is not impossible for the Lord of God to be in a weak state, even if it is only 1 in 10,000, it is worth a try.

When other gods are intercepted, Chen Zong will have more chances to kill the weak god, triple the sword of Shenxiao. Although he was not able to kill him, he was also hit hard.

With one heart sword art outbreak, fourteen sword lights followed different trajectories, and the speed of the sword was unavoidable, and they hit the body of the Lord.

First, he exhausted his cultivation of strength and spirit to perform divine magic, but it only recovered a few points. Now he has tripled the sword of Shenxiao. He is severely injured and oppressed by the realm of Zhenhai. It is difficult to move for an instant, and he was immediately lighted by 14 swords Hit all parts of the body, hands and feet.

Each sword is in Chen Zong's calculations.

Another sword broke out, too.

The black true sun struck to the ground, and directly bombarded the body of the Lord God. Then, Chen Zong once again cast a sword of one mind, and fourteen swords came in a row.

Do your best!

In order to kill this divine master, Chen Zong did his utmost, even if the speed of recovery of mixed mental strength was astonishing, it could not keep up with Chen Zong's outbreak at this moment.

As if to overdraw the general consumption.

The last sword, Shen Xiao.

This sword penetrated the lord's eyebrow, broke his spirit, and defeated his fire.

Under this sword, Chen Zong was powerless to do anything else, because his mental strength was completely exhausted.

Fortunately, Xunyuan's mental strength recovered at an astonishing speed, extremely fast, but after a short breath, he recovered a few points and asked Chen Zong to take another shot.


The gods forcibly grasped the divinity of the Lord, but the Lord still did not die completely, and was still resisting.

However, the consecutive swords were severely wounded, and their power was completely exhausted. The eyebrows were penetrated, the spirits were destroyed, and they were groggy, and eventually lost all resistance.

That divinity was also forcibly taken up by Chen Zong, and the powerful power was contained in it, constantly fluctuating, making Chen Zong feel that what he was holding seemed to be a real dragon.

Although the divinity is not only the thickness of the little finger, but the length of a few fingers is amazing.

"Okay." Chen Zong couldn't help but show joy, on the contrary, the look of those **** masters changed greatly, but the two sword masters were very happy.


Great Swordmaster killed God, it was incredible, but it happened in front of him.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately absorbed that divinity into the inner universe, and a terrible scene suddenly appeared.

This divinity is the divinity of the divine master, the essence of the divine master ’s power, the concentration of the divine spirit, and the imposing power is very amazing, terrible and very majestic. Once in the inner universe The skyrocketing, turning into a dragon across thousands of miles, roaring endlessly, releasing amazing power, the waves in all directions seem to collapse Chen Zong's inner universe.


However, this divinity is constantly struggling and is unwilling to be refined.

When refining spirit-level deities, the inner universe encounters more resistance, but it is not strong, so it can be refining within twenty or thirty breaths. However, the **** master level and the spirit **** level are very different, and their deities are different. Ten times more, so arrogant, Chen Zong did not want to refine it so easily.

For a while, the inner universe shook endlessly. The godlike fury raged in all directions, and it seemed to smash everything, but was suppressed by the inner universe, opposed each other, and refined a little bit.

Chen Zong quickly pulled back and quickly left the battlefield.

In this state, it is difficult for him to use as much mixed power as possible, and his strength has dropped drastically. At most, he can only contend with the normal god-level demon, unless he gives up refining the divinity and dispels it.

At the same time, the moonlight also dissipated, revealing a figure standing in the heavens and the earth, it is the master of the ancient sword.

Hard to resist divine magic lunar eclipse, the ancient sword master is also uncomfortable, there are several broken on the robe, that was directly eroded and disappeared, directly into nothingness.

Chen Zong and others also felt keenly that the breath of the ancient sword master was much weaker than before, at least by more than 50%.

Sure enough, the divine art was very arrogant and terrible. Even the peak ancestor of the ancient sword master was unable to fully resist and was still wounded.

However, the damage did not seem to be very heavy, at least there is still the power to fight again.

"It's truly a divine skill, it's really powerful." The ancient sword master sighed softly, and there was no lack of praise for the divine skill in his words: "But it's not enough to deal with me."

The latter sentence is full of amazing hegemony and sword power.

He also realized that a **** had been killed, and he couldn't help showing a smile.

Kill well.

In this way, there are only three **** lords remaining, one of them is still injured and has not healed himself. Then, with the powerful strength of the eternal sword master, even if it is slightly hurt by the divine moon eclipse, the impact is not particularly special. Big.


Eternal sword strikes to the air, and directly kills the scarred Lord.

Can't escape!

The Lord Lord wanted to erupt with his proud speed dodge, but found that he was completely locked by that sword. The time and space in front of him were oppressed under that sword, and he was constantly oppressed from all directions, making himself unable. dodge.

The eruption erupted with all the powers of the eternal sword attack of the eternal sword master, but to no avail, it was like a praying arm as a vehicle, it was directly broken through all the defenses, and there was a harsh rattling sound between the arms, which was the arms The sound of the bones being broken and shattered, the whole body of the Lord of God, directly flew out thousands of meters.

Hard hit!

Wounded again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ More serious injuries.


The appearance of the other two God Lords has changed dramatically. The strength of the ancient sword masters is really too strong and completely beyond their level. It is estimated that their two **** masters joined forces and may not be the opponents of the ancient sword masters. In addition, there are two saint ancestors who continue to fight, and the consequence is to be killed.

Now, a **** has fallen and another is seriously injured. It is certain to continue to be killed.

Losing a God is not a trivial matter.

Nothing can be done, retreat immediately.

At the end of the day, the two gods burst into full force, and the power poured out like a torrent, but they themselves hurried back and rushed towards the gate of the demon.

It is safe as long as you step into the gate of the demon, and the master of the ancient sword will not dare to rush into the gate of the demon, otherwise it will break into the realm of the demon. Once it breaks into the realm of the demon, it is the place of the demon. In the demon world, their speed of recovery will be doubled, and it will be easier to cast divine magic.

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