Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 48: Time and Space Exile (on)

Run away!

When he came, he was domineering, like a tide, and boundless, as if it was going to drown everything and devour everything. A fierce battle even gained the upper hand, causing the human race to lose no small amount.

A powerful demon desperately desperately broke out, bursting out of his full strength, and rushed towards the door of the demon. As for those Warcrafts, they were even more violent attacks, as if doing everything.

The Lord of the Ancient Swords smiled slightly, and his body stretched out to control the wind, erupting and flying forward at an astonishing speed. The sword of the Ancients reappeared, killing him in the air, breaking through the torrent that erupted from the power of the demon, and fled towards that God killed.

An understatement of eternal swordsmanship, but carrying terrible power, is extremely easy.

The dead sword master and that saint ancestor also immediately slain to kill. When and when such an eyebrow was raised and exhaled, it had been suppressed and supported hard, but did not dare to escape. Once they escaped, everyone else would be killed and lost. It is heavy and can only be sustained, hoping that reinforcements will come.

I did not expect the reinforcements to come so strong.

Eternal Sword Master!

Thousands of years ago, the peerless powerhouse, the first sword master of Wanjian Ancient Realm.

Chen Zong did not move, because now, Chen Zong is constantly refining that God-level deity, which is too difficult to refining. The power contained in that divinity is very tyrannical, and it is violent and unwilling to be Chen Zong's inner universe. Refining and fighting against it.

Rao is so, the inner universe is also very powerful, refine it a little bit, the more you refine it, the faster it will be.

It is certain that even the great sacred powers want to refine the divinity of this divine master, which is extremely difficult, at least several times more difficult than Chen Zong's.

With continuous refining, Chen Zong's mental strength has also increased. The more it increases, the faster the refining speed and a little increase.

Wan Gujian presided over the sword violently into the sky, as if rolled up an endless storm, were thrown behind him, and quickly approached the fleeing God Lord, waving the sword again.

His swordsmanship seemed very simple and straightforward, but when Chen Zong stared, he saw a kind of returning to the truth from all kinds of hammers.

That's Dacheng's swordplay. It's a superb swordplay that has been practiced and raised to a very high level. It is better than one's own swordplay.

The power of each sword is horrible.


A **** lord could not escape, and was directly hit, flying faster, but spit out blood, and the breath disorder was directly wounded.


Suddenly, the ancient sword master cut out three swords in succession, killing three different **** masters respectively, all of them were hit. Two of them shivered, and escaped with a faster speed with the power of the hit. The original injury was very bad. The heavy God, however, is difficult to escape, and the injury is getting worse. The whole body is cut with a terrible scar by that sword.

Can't escape!

Since he could n’t escape, the Lord of God stayed very decisively. He used the remains to fight against the Lord of Ancient Swords, and won the opportunity to escape for the other two Lords of God. Otherwise, they may all be left behind. And the owner of the dead sword and another strong saint ancestor killed, then they may be killed at that time.

"Dead!" There was a chuckle in the mouth of the Lord of the Ancient Swords, approaching the severely damaged Lord, and it seemed to ignore the other person's desperate actions.

Originally this God has already

Agitate the remaining power and prepare to explode. With the power of self-detonation, Lavangu sword is backed by the master.

How terrible the power of God's self-destruction.

But the ancient sword master has seen through the opponent's purpose. Under the rapid increase of speed, he approached before the opponent's self-explosion.

That sword was shot, and within Jianguang, it seemed that the mysteries of alternation of dynasties, change of years, and vicissitudes of the sea, if the red dusty, the evolution of the world, are all in it.

This is the sword of the polar world, but also the sword of sublimation. It suddenly called Chen Zongton to live, and the whole person's mind seemed to be completely attracted.

This sword seems to change over the years.

This sword seems to carry the vicissitudes of all ages.

This sword seems to be an invincible sword in the world.

Unable to escape or stop, this Lord of God was also instantly lost, just because the mystery contained in this sword was so superb and profound that he was lost in the moment.

That seems to be a world, an ancient world, which has changed through countless years.

With the flash of the sword light, the Lord of God was immediately cut and directly cut off, and then his divinity was also ingested by the Lord of Ancient Swords instantly, and the self-explosion completely failed.

The other two Lord Lords turned wild, and it was terrible to die another Lord Lord.

Originally planned for ten years, although the preparation was not enough and some hastily launched the attack, but also made a part of the preparation, which is much better than that one time more than a hundred years ago. In theory, it should be enough in the ancient mysterious world. Occupy one area, take root, then gradually occupy the ancient mysterious realm, and eventually turn the ancient mysterious realm into its own.

Unexpectedly, there have been changes. First, a great holy sword sword repair, the strength is very amazing, and then a top holy ancestor sword repair, each is extremely terrible, invincible.

This kind of strength can only be countered by the top lord, but this time for some reasons, the top lord has not come across the border.

If there is a top lord, then they will not be so embarrassed. In the final analysis, they still underestimate the practitioners of the ancient Xuanjie human race, thinking that due to their innate power, they can overwhelm the ancient Xuanjie.

Next time, let's learn the lessons from this time and go all out.

However, after this time, the human race will undoubtedly pay more attention. The difficulty of the invasion of the demon world will increase many times.

The elder sword master took out that god-level deity, but after just glancing at it, he did not refine it and absorbed it. Instead, he shook his hand. The god-likeness flew out of the air and directly shot to Chen Zong. .

"Have a good promotion." At the same time, a voice passed into Chen Zong's ears, and the divinity of the Lord's Master fell into the palm of Chen Zong, shocking Chen Zong.

The second divine master deity!

Just before, he did his best to burst out, and finally killed a weak God Lord to get a deity. Now, he has got a second God Lord deity, which is incredible.

The power of this god-level divine power is amazing, and its value is also extremely amazing, but the ancient sword master gave it to himself so easily, giving it to himself, Chen Zong could not help but give a grateful.

As long as these two gods have been refined one after another, I believe that my cultivation will be greatly improved, and my strength will surge to a whole new level.

Chen Zong is still refining the first god-level deity. This second god-level deity can only be retained first, until the first god-level

After the second level of divinity is completely refined, the second level of refining is possible. After all, the divine level of the divine master is much stronger than the divine level of the divine.

Why did the ancient sword master give this god-level deity to Chen Zong?

One is that he ca n’t use it himself, he has reached the peak of the sacred ancestor level, and it is not a cultivation practice to want to improve further. The other is that he is very optimistic about Chen Zong. In fact, it was also perceived by the owner of the ancient sword.

Such human evils should be valued.


The owner of the ancient sword continued to chase away. Between the swords, the god-level demon was killed directly, and the spirit-god level couldn't bear a sword. The strength of the peak ancestor was really terrible, especially he was very good at it The sword repair of combat killing is even more amazing.

The two **** lords were successively wounded, and they fled to the gate of the demon, and the ancient sword master also pursued and killed, and immediately, a sword was stabbed again. The ancient scenes of change and vicissitudes of the sea make people unconsciously attracted, and it is difficult to extricate themselves unconsciously.

The lower the state of cultivation, the lower the level, the more susceptible they are. The two gods are also affected a bit, and the speed is unknowingly reduced by a few points. The sword light hits the air, as if from an ancient age, and they are called. Can't dodge.

This sword is a lore.

When the sword light instantly came to an end, a weird sound suddenly sounded, and then, an indescribable horror pours out from the gate of the demon like a torrent of a dyke. The breath has a twist of time and space. Supreme power, immediately, was a vortex condensing and blasting towards that sword.

Jian Guang hits it, and submerges directly into the vortex. This vortex has a sense of nothingness, as if there is no existence. Everything inside the vortex is distorted, especially time and space, which is completely distorted to the extreme.

Jian Guang submerged into the vortex, was suddenly absorbed, devoured, and disappeared without any trace. The look of the master of the ancient sword couldn't help changing, and there was a dip in his eyes.

The strength of the person who took the shot was horrible.

But in the next breath, there were cracks in the vortex immediately, like cracks in the ceramic, which spread quickly and then collapsed.

After all, the sword master of Wangu is the sword master of Wangu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ its powerful strength is not so easy to resist.

However, the vortex containing the power of time and space also eased the crisis of the two gods. Then, a great shore body appeared in the gate of the demon. It looked a bit distorted and very unreal. Stepped directly into the gate of the gods and demons, and descended on the ancient realm of the ancient mystery Wanjian.

The two main gods saw this vague figure that seemed to be in the distortion of time and space, and their expressions suddenly changed, which was ecstatic.

"God of time and space!" The two gods exclaimed together.

Even the Lord of Time and Space has personally come, so good, this battle should be reversed.

Well, but the top three powerful God Lords in the world of gods and demons, their strength is very terrible, the means to scare the gods is incomparable, and the ordinary **** masters face nothing but the gods of time and space, and they will easily be suppressed by them. Even kill.

The Lord of Time and Space is also the leader of the invasion of the ancient mystery this time. It is he who cooperated with the supreme artifact to open up the fissures of time and space. Eventually, a gate of the demon was created in the inner part of the ancient mystery. Get up, so that the gods and demons of the demon world can enter the ancient mysterious world through this door master.

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