Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 49: Time and Space Exile (Chinese)

The Lord of Time and Space Comes!

The twisted figure seemed to devour all the power of time and space. The mighty shore was extremely inundated, and the heavens and swords of the ancient sword master looked instantly dignified.

This is a strong enemy.

But not only did the ancient sword masters not have the slightest fear, their eyes became brighter and sharper, and their warfare burst out.

Opponents are hard to find. Regardless of race or camp, to Jian Xiu, fighting is like life. Every sword Xiu breaks out from countless lives and deaths. The bones under his feet are like mountains and blood.

The more excellent the sword repair, the more they like to confront the strong enemy, that will make their swords sharper.

And those who only like to use strong bullying to fight against people who are inferior to their own strength, their swords will sooner or later become dull.

Jianyi became more condensed, and Jianwei became more tyrannical, running in all directions.

The ancestral level no longer has the realm of avenues, or in other words, the realm of avenues has been thoroughly condensed, integrated with its own Tao, and spread all over the world.

Sword power swept away, and the divine power of the Lord of Time and Space also permeated. This is an invisible power that cannot be seen or heard, but can be felt when released.

The collision of Supreme Master Jianwei and the mighty divine power seemed to tremble in heaven and earth. There was a feeling of raging and raging like an invisible raging wave, as if it was going to be turned upside down. Everyone in the distance also had a feeling of reversing. The violent waves were hit constantly.

Jianwei and Shenwei continue to impact. Although they can not see the touch, they are filled with terrible power and suffocating. Even strong men like the dead sword master have stopped their bodies and dare not approach, because when they approach, Feel the depression immediately.

The same ancestral class, the difference is so obvious.

I have n’t done it yet, it ’s just the confrontation between Jianwei and Shenwei, it ’s already so horrible, it ’s the same, if the battle breaks out, how terrible.

Chen Zong retreated without hesitation!

Although this distance is far away, it still feels inadequate. It is still necessary to retreat farther, otherwise it is very likely that it will be affected. Once it is affected, the consequences will be very serious. I guess I can't withstand the impact of the aftermath of power.

The divine mastery of the divinity continued to refine, and the mixed vortex of mind power continued to grow.

Twenty-two miles!

Twenty-three miles!

The more refining and refining, the higher Chen Zong's cultivation, the stronger and stronger the mixed vortex, and the faster the refining and refining of the god-level deity, the higher the efficiency.

Continuous refining, crazy refining, and cultivation have also been continuously improved.

In Chen Zong's calculations, the 30-mile mixed-element mental force nebula vortex is the cultivation of the inner universe. Ten to twenty miles and twenty to thirty miles seem to differ by ten miles, but the entry is small. The ten-mile gap between Cheng and the ten-mile gap between Xiaocheng and Dacheng is huge.

The latter is directly more than double the former, because the mixed element's heart force is vortex-like, and some irregularly rounded, the more it expands, the longer the diameter of each weekday.

Xiu is constantly improving, but Chen Zong does not need to fight, he only needs to retreat. By the way, he also retreats quickly with Yu Nianxin.

When others saw Chen Zong so retreating, they seemed to understand something and followed suit.


Between the earth and the earth, the roar of terror suddenly exploded, and it rang through the sky, and the rumors spread all over the place, all the people's bodies trembled as if standing on the invisible drum, It was trembling with the vibration of the drum head. Between that trembling, there was a terrible force constantly attacking and impacting their bodies.

Qi and blood surged, and the spirits fluctuated endlessly. Fortunately, they retreated farther in time in a timely manner, otherwise they would be hurt by such invisible shocks.

As for the Warcraft army below, under the shock of this terrible shock, the bodies have ruptured, exuding a large amount of black-red blood, and vitality quickly passes, not only those Warcraft and sub-gods, but even further away. All of the Terran Orders of the Terrans and the Asian Saints also suffered wounds and vomited blood, causing severe direct blood collapse and death.


The appearance of these heavenly steps and the Yashengs changed dramatically, and they were terrified. They desperately retreated at an extreme speed and retreated quickly, because they would be finished and shattered if the vibrations would come again.

The confrontation between the sword master and the **** master between the sword master and the **** master is really too strong and too strong, to be astonishing to the extreme, terrifying.

The fight began.

The Elder Sword Master struck to kill, and then the Lord of the Gods also shot, and made a vortex handprint. Inside the handprint vortex, there was the supreme power of time and space.

Compared with human race practitioners, gods and demons have some advantages. One is that the body of the demon is very tyrannical and terrible, and the other is that the demon is born with a certain avenue power.

The reason why the Lord of Time and Space is so arrogant among the Lord of God is that what he has mastered is the power of the most powerful avenue of time and space. The combination of the two makes him so horrible and invincible.

Everlasting sword strike!

Time and space fingerprints!

The battle between the two top powerhouses erupted, and when it erupted, it was extremely horrifying, astonishing, and overwhelming.

But the trajectory is that the battle between the two top powerhouses did not burst out with amazing light, not so gorgeous, the strength of each blow was completely restrained, restrained to the extreme, and there was no leakage or slightness. Waste, this extreme restraint, but it makes Chen Zong's eyes and pupils shrink like a needle, becoming more and more frightened.

Such a powerful ability to control and control is truly amazing, beyond imagination, and completely beyond the current self.

Really worthy of being the top powerhouse, the power is infinite.

The battle between the two powerful men broke out with a subtle voice. It seemed to be performing a silent drama, but every time there was a confrontation and a collision, the terror power broke out. The invisible, colorless, and quality power made the world famous. Vibrating and shaking.

The feeling is like turning the world into a huge drum head, and the confrontation between the two powerful men is like a huge drum stick, and they hit the drum head with fierce effort to make the drum head bomb The turbulence is endless, the mighty power is astonishingly immense, so where the aftermath passes, whenever life is affected, it is often the first meal, and then it bursts and collapses, the bones do not exist, and even the soul cannot escape, directly here Under the impact of the invisible and horrific mighty power, it turned into powder, and the soul flew away and died.

Fight fight fight fight!

Endless fierce battles and fierce battles, for a time, no one can help others. God of space and time masters the power of time and space, supreme power, extremely powerful, subverting time and space, but the ancient sword master of the ancient sword master is also extremely condensed, transcending eternity. Immortality is also overwhelming. Both sides use their own means, but they do not distinguish Xuanyuan.

The vanguard of the ancient sword has the sword in his hand, he is invincible, and constantly attacks. He has never defended. Chen Zong noticed this. In the vanguard of the ancient sword, the sword was purely offensive, without any defense.

No, to be precise, the defense of Eternal Sword Master is offense, and offense is the best defense.

In fact, Jian Xiu is best at offense and constant attack, but there are also a few Jian Xiu who are good at defense. In the defense, he defends the offense and constantly defends the opponent ’s offense. After finding an opportunity, he fights back and builds strength, defeating the opponent and even Kill, but it is undeniable that most sword repairs only advocate attack.

The elder sword in the hand of the elder sword is not a treasure, but it also surpasses the holy weapon. It belongs to the same level as Suzaku Tianyan in the Suzaku shrine, which is equal to the half-step treasure. The biggest feature of this sword is its weight. However, the person who holds it after refining will not carry its amazing weight, but can play it out and bombard each other.

The ancient sword, in fact, is a sword owner of Wan Jianshan a long time ago with great means and perseverance in a world between the inner universe and the core universe, using a metal mine up to 10,000 meters, it took thousands of years Continuous compression and condensing finally formed, and carved into a lot of Kendo **** pattern, extremely strong.

When it first took shape, the erupting sword qi broke the sky of the world directly.

This ancient sword is in hand, achieving the supreme prestige of the ancient sword master, also called his strength can be exerted to the extreme, reaching a very terrible situation, each sword blasts out, as if an ancient sword mountain erupted The ultimate mighty bombardment came in the air, crushing everything.

In particular, these forces were condensed together with the self-cultivation and sword intentions of thousands of ancient sword masters, and when they exhibited the superb sword skills, they multiplied several times and became more and more terrifying.

The sword comes out, crushes the vacuum, destroys the sky and destroys the earth, and is invincible.

Under such an overwhelming eternal sword, the Lord of Time and Space did not retreat, and the time and space handprints were shot in succession. Each time and space handprint contained the supreme power of time and space, absorbing and devouring the horrible power of the eternal sword. It was defeated, but it was impossible to hurt the Lord of Time and Space. At the same time, the two top peaks were evenly matched.

Endless battles, time flies ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At the same time, Chen Zong has finally refined most of that god-level divinity, and the Nebula vortex of mixed heart strength has grown to thirty miles, and continues to grow. In the process of expansion, if we continue to do so, we will soon be able to break through, because that divinity has not been fully refined.


A turbulent burst of horrible power suddenly burst out, sweeping in all directions, impacting everything, Chen Zong's whole body, a series of cracks also appeared, that is the void that can't bear the instant power burst, each crack It was so shocking.

But the crack healed in an instant, as if it had never appeared. Chen Zong converged, his face unconsciously showing a smile.

If it breaks through, the inner universe will break through to the inner universe, and the surge will increase, and Jianyi will start to follow suit. Once the breakthrough is completed, its strength can be doubled again.

It is doubled in strength, and with the power of Shanghai Zhu, you can better fight against the general god-level demon power.

What's more, there is still less than half of that god-level deity, and it has not been fully refined yet, but after Chen Zong broke through to the inner universe, its refining speed also increased sharply.

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