Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 50: Time and Space Exile (below)

The sword light is like a long river flowing like a river flowing eastward. Each wave is set off, reflecting a picture, spreading like a scroll, carrying the sun and the moon, the four seasons, and the sea. Change.

That Jianguang is like a mirror, reflecting the various beings.

This sword light is a masterful trick of the ancient sword master. When it was just cast, it killed one **** master and damaged two **** masters. Now, it is against the gods of time and space.

The look of the Lord of Time and Space remains unchanged, the entire body is still in the vague, within the distortion of time and space, as if it is difficult to touch the space and time.


The Lord of Time and Space once again shot out a space-time fingerprint. At this time, the empty fingerprint was several times the size of the previous, and the vortex turned fiercely. When he appeared, the surrounding space-time was completely turbulent and distorted, and he was bombarded by the sword of the ancient sword master Then, between the collisions, it was the silent horror of Jianguang that devoured.

The handprint vortex in space and time is turning endlessly, to wipe out that sword light, but it is constantly bombarded by the sword light, and it is more than just competing.

The method of God of Time and Space seems to be very single. From the moment of his shot to the present, it is all the fingerprints of time and space, but this time and time fingerprint is a collection of the master of time and space to control the way of time and space. It is a masterpiece. Sleepy enemies and all other effects, endless use.

At this time, the empty fingerprints are a sublimation from Bo to Jing, which contains Bo, which can be called a model of broadness and profoundness.

Similarly, the master of the ancient sword has a sword in his hand, the sword skill is superb, and the force is boundless. It is a masterpiece that he has lived for more than 100,000 years.

Such an impertinent sword is devoured by the time and space fingerprints of the Lord of Time and Space, and eventually collapses to invisible.

This scene made the look of the ancient sword master dignified, but it was more and more exhilarating.

Strong enemy!

At this time, God is the real enemy.

The dart finger sword, the sound of Jianming is melodious and majestic, as if the bells of the ancient bells are spreading in all directions. They have been imprinted in the void for a long time.

"God of time and space, come and try the sword of this deity." Wan Gu sword master bends his sword, laughs suddenly, laughter moves the world, and immediately, the supreme sword intention and the world-famous Jianwei condensed in an instant, even with the same body as strength, Immediately poured into the ancient sword.

"Everything ... Do everything ..."

In the mouth of the Lord of Ancient Swords, there seems to be a chanting sound. If the avenue is spread around the world, it can run through the ages and linger on the earth.

Before the sound of chanting had completely fallen, the owner of the ancient sword had already waved the ancient sword in his hand.

This sword does not seem to have any rules at all. It looks so simple, like graffiti, but it has an indescribable charm. It is condensed to the extreme.

When the sword waved, it brought an incomparable light, this light, condensing the indescribable red dust rhyme, seems to grind from the rolling red dust for a century, and finally realized and transcended, as if the finch became a phoenix Yes, the power was not obvious in the beginning, but when he killed the Lord of Time and Space, he issued an incomparable sword power.

This sword ... peerless, unmatched!

An unparalleled sword, a mighty sword, a sword of supremacy, a sword that is invincible.

This sword came out, which directly attracted countless eyes, as far as they were brought into the world of red dust, and experienced hardships. At that time, the distortion of the God ’s entire body shook, as if it was about to collapse and disintegrate.


For such a sword, even if it is such an overbearing existence of the Lord of Time and Space, he does not dare to endure it, but the Lord of Time and Space still makes a fingerprint of time and space, but this time the fingerprint of the time and space swallows the red dust sword light that seems to be from all ages. After annihilating the shocking power in it, it suddenly collapsed, and Jian Guang hit it again.

The Lord of Time and Space was immediately hit by that Jianguang, and the whole body's twists and waves were endless, resisting the Jianguang's slash.

This distortion is a unique method of the Lord of Time and Space, which twists the entire time and space of the whole body, while covering itself, it also firmly protects itself against all external attacks.

The eternal power of the sword is extremely powerful, and the power is extremely terrifying. The bombardment on the time warp is constantly broken, but it is very slow. At that time, the warp warp seems to be separated by time and space. Shi Jianguang couldn't touch the main body of time and space god.

In the end, the distortion of time and space was broken by the sword of all ages, but the Lord of Time and Space did his best to block the sword and was not really attacked.

The look of the eternal sword master became more dignified.

It ’s all over the world, but it took him thousands of years to comprehend and perfect the lore, but he could n’t really hurt the empty **** at that time. It ’s almost, it ’s still worse. Trauma time and space God.


The Lord of Time and Space retreated in an instant and did not immediately counterattack the Lord of Swords.

In an instant, the Lord of Time and Space flashed, separated from the Lord of Ancient Swords by tens of thousands of meters.

For the Lord of Time and Space, shuttle of time and space is just a trivial thing, and it is a breeze.

The Lord of Ancient Swords did not pause at all. Although he could not travel in time and space, he was extremely fast.

However, the purpose of the Lord of Time and Space has been achieved. He just wants to widen the distance, strive for a short rest, and perform the magic.

Divine magic is overbearing, but it is not easy to cast. Even ordinary god-level gods and powerful men who want to perform divine magic need three or four breaths to prepare. During this period, they cannot be interrupted by interference, otherwise they will suffer backwash.

Even if it is a top-level **** and demon strong like the Lord of Time and Space to perform the magic, it is not instantaneous, and it takes a little time to prepare, that is, a dying time.

Breathing time seems to be fast, and one breath will pass, but for the strong, the breathing time can also be very long, enough to shoot many times, enough to reverse victory and reverse life and death.

At this time, the Lord of Time and Space has seized it, and has performed divine magic.

The mighty power of time and space erupted and turned into a stream of torrents, as if coming from endless places, everything that passed away was lonely, the kind of breath that made everyone feel like they were far away. Cold, there is a great terror that will fall into the endless abyss forever.

It ’s still so far apart, so what about the primary sword masters?

The Lord of the Ancient Swords bears the strongest, the look is extremely dignified, and his body seems to be affected. The whole body fluctuates slightly, which is a sign that the power of time and space is distorted again.


The magic word of God sounded from the mouth of the Lord of Time and Space. For a short time, the Lord of Time and Space pointed out and pointed at the Lord of Swords. The horrible power of time and space erupted into a torrent of time and space, as if the sea was pouring down into the water of Tianhe. The rushing sky, all blasted towards the sword master of all ages.

Can't escape!

The time and space of Wan Gujian ’s whole body is completely locked. Even with his shocking sword power, he cannot escape, only because of this day

The time and space of the earth are in it, unless you can transcend the heaven and earth in this moment, otherwise, you are in it.

It was as if the fish were in the sea, and they could not escape the sea anyway, unless they were out of the sea.

This world is like the sea, and the eternal sword master is like the fish in it. Even though it is powerful, like a whale shark, it is also a fish. It exists in this world.

It is not impossible to escape from the sea and detached from the world, but it is not so simple, especially under such a fight.

The torrent of time and space turned into a torrent that instantly struck and smashed into the Master of the Ancient Sword, and the Master of the Ancient Sword slashed and cut out the shocking sword light to destroy the time and space.

The power of time and space is endless, but it is also broken a little under the sword of the ancient sword master, but it can only be broken a little, time is supreme and the space is infinite. Impact, that is the power of heaven and earth.

Even though the eternal sword master is overwhelming, it is not enough to compete with the might of heaven and earth.

Unless, the ancient sword master can break this side of the world, but this is the inner universe. If in the outer universe, with the amazing strength of the ancient sword master, it is not difficult to break the stars and one world with one sword. It is only the inner layer. The universe is much stronger than the outer universe.

Even so, the owner of Wangu Sword continued to wield the sword and continuously cut off the power of time and space, so he had to step out.

The power of the Lord of Time and Space poured out, as if the torrents and waves generally continued to impact, the more powerful and the more amazing, the divine magic also truly showed the amazing power.


Time and space exile!

Under the impact of the torrent of air at that time, the counterattack of the ancient sword master gradually became weak, and the whole person was directly drowned and devoured by the power of the air at that time, and then fell into the endless space and time and disappeared into this world.

At that time, when the torrent of torrents rushed, it gradually shrank, as if rushing into nothingness, and took away the master of the ancient sword together, like falling endless abyss.

Eventually, the torrent of time and space disappeared, and the Lord of the Ancient Swords disappeared. This scene immediately made the demons excited and excited, but on the human side, they all changed dramatically and were horrified.

Even the arrogant eternal sword master has been suppressed and disappeared. Then, who else can counter this time and space **** in this world?

No, right?

Even if there is a stronger existence than the Lord of Ancient Swords, it is not necessarily the opponent of God of Time and Space, right?

How to do?

For a moment, the mindless sword master and another saint ancestor turned their thoughts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ in an instant, thinking, what to do?

Is it war or retreat?

War, how to fight?

A **** of time and space is enough to crush them.

How do I back?

How could you escape under such a top powerhouse as the Lord of Time and Space? In the end, I do n’t know how many will be killed, or even all of them will be killed.


For a moment, the eyes of Wusheng Jian and the ancestor converged, and they saw each other's determination.


There is no way to retreat. There is only one battle. Even if it is the last battle to die, you must die well. Fight against the demon here, and weaken the power of the demon as much as possible, so that other strong men in the ancient mysterious world can better resist the invasion of the demon.

The owner of the dead sword is also preparing to burst out the dead sword, even if it is exhausting his life.

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