Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 51: This battle is won

The no-birth mystic sword is the highest mystic sword without sword valley, the most powerful mystic sword. Once it is cast, it can exert its own strength to the extreme, surpass the limit, and cut a formidable blow several times its own limit.

Such a sword, when it is possible to reverse victory or loss of life or death.

For example, there are two great holy realms with poor strength. The weaker one can only resist the attack of the stronger one and support it hard. However, if you cast the mysterious sword, you can defeat the opponent and even kill the other. This is The terrible place of the mysterious sword.

However, there is a great price to cast the mysterious sword, and the price of despair is Shou Yuan.

One is the pursuit of great power, the other is long-term life.

However, the Sword of Lifelessness is at the cost of Shou Yuan's consumption. Such a price is difficult to accept. Only one cast of the Sword of Lifelessness costs Shou Yuan for 1,000 years.

For the Great Holy Land, one thousand years is actually not very long. After all, the longevity of the Great Holy Land will not be less than 100,000 years.

However, the consumption of the thousand years of life without a secret sword is not a slow consumption, but a momentary consumption. It is a forced outburst of overdraft consumption. It is like a pond filled with water and there is one The water pipe communicates with the outside, and the water in the pond slowly flows out until it runs dry.

It's like Shou Yuan's natural consumption.

However, the instant burst of overdraft consumption of the mysterious sword is equivalent to forcibly breaking a crack in the pond, causing the water in it to pour out thousands of times more than usual, as if the torrent of a **** is generally impacting .

Perhaps the water flushed out at a moment is only a small part of the water in the pond, but the focus is on the damage to the pond, even if it is repaired again, it is destroyed after all, and cannot be repaired as it was before it was destroyed. .

The metaphor of flowing water in the pond is very simple, but it is not appropriate enough. It still ca n’t really point out the disadvantages of the consumption of the lifeless sword Shouyuan. It is not only the destruction of instantaneous consumption, but also a more profound impact, which will affect Future Shouyuan and potential.

Whenever the Sword of Lifelessness is cast, Shou Yuan's consumption speed will be faster than before. He could have lived for 100,000 years. As a result, Shou Yuan may have spent 90,000 years before he was exhausted.

If you cast the Mystic Sword more and more times, the greater the damage to yourself, the faster the consumption of Shou Yuan will eventually die earlier.

This is why the Great Sword Masters who have mastered the Mysterious Sword do not easily cast, the sequelae are too serious, although it is not irreparable, but too difficult, too difficult, too difficult.

Although the master of the no-birth sword has improved the no-birth mystery sword and reduced the consumption of Shouyuan, it still consumes the same, which will affect his own potential.

In this way, he is unwilling to cast, but now, he has to cast it. Only when the power of the mysterious sword explodes, can he hope to fight against the Lord of the Sky at that time.

At the moment when the Swordless Master was preparing to make a sacrifice, the void of the Swordless Master suddenly swayed between heaven and earth, and a terrible sword power appeared as if revealed from nothingness. It seems like a tiger that is about to break free from its cage, fierce and ruthless.

That kind of sword power is exactly the ancient sword power. It is the shocking sword power of the ancient sword master. Even if exiled by time and space, it must break the boundaries of time and space and return to the world.

This scene was shocked by the Lord of Time and Space, and the twisting force of time and space around him shook with fluctuations.

Such a magical technique could not really exile that ancient sword master, and the strength was so terrible.

As a last resort, the Lord of Time and Space can only release his own power and stabilize the space and time, so that the ancient sword master cannot truly break the boundaries of time and space and return again. Otherwise, once again, with his mighty power, the Lord of Time and Space wants to exile him again. It's not that easy.


For a moment, a tug of war was formed, and the stalemate persisted. The vanguard sword mainly broke the boundaries of time and space and returned, but the **** of time and space was unwilling. In this way, the vanguard of time and sword was difficult to return, and the **** of time and space was also dragged and unable to deal with other people.

This is undoubtedly a great event.

The Swordless Master does n’t have to forcibly consume Shouyuan to cast the Swordless Sword. This battle, when it can resist the attack of the demon, as long as there is no more powerful Sovereign Lord coming across the border.


In an instant, everyone saw hope, and when they looked excited, their morale rose.

On the contrary, the spirits and demons had high morale, but now they are falling.

Chen Zong couldn't help but smile.

The inner universe has grown and its strength has increased greatly. Now facing another god, Chen Zong is also confident that he can fight better.

You should know that with the cultivation of the inner universe now, the power of Zhenhai Zhu is no longer just a quarter of an hour, nor is it a double quarter of a doubling. It can be directly half an hour, which is equal to four quarters of an hour. time.

Half an hour, coupled with the doubling of its own strength, the power of swordsmanship became more and more terrible. As long as you master the rhythm, you can drag a god, and even cooperate with the ancestor to suppress a **** or even hurt.

What's more, the two **** masters were not badly damaged, and they were wounded by the skill of the ancient sword master, and their strength was not as good as in the heyday.

That divine mastery of divinity was finally refined, and the Xunyuan Xinli Nebula in the inner universe increased to thirty-three miles.

Thirty miles is the peak of the inner universe. A breakthrough of thirty miles is the inner universe. Now thirty-three miles, naturally, is also the level of the inner universe, which is a little stronger than when it just broke through.

However, Chen Zong also felt that the gap between Dacheng and consummation is even greater. It seems that it is not forty miles to reach the peak of Dacheng, which should be even larger.

However, I still have a God-level deity. If I absorb and refine it, will it rise to the peak of Dacheng and even break through to the full state?

If Xiu had reached the perfect state of the inner universe, his strength would be doubled again. By then, with Zhenhai Zhu, he should be able to truly fight against a god.

It's exciting to think about it.

So, continue to refine.

That god-level deity was absorbed by Chen Zong into the inner universe and turned into a dragon roaring endlessly, as if to collapse Chen Zong's inner universe. However, the Dacheng inner universe is more than the small Cheng inner universe. It's huge, it's stronger, it's hard to shake.

Originally, Xiaocheng's inner universe was turbulent under the scourge of that god-level deity, but now it is still shaking, but it is completely resisted.

This god-level deity has also been rapidly refined and absorbed by the hybrid heart, which makes the nebula vortex of the hybrid heart expand again and again, and advances into thirty-four miles. It is cultivated to rise at an amazing speed. The strength, Together with continuous improvement.

The gods and demons were unable to retreat.

Just because the **** of time and space mainly suppresses the owner of the eternal sword, leaving him without

The return of the Fa, in this way, the Lord of Time and Space cannot deal with other practitioners.

The other two gods were not badly damaged, and their strength was not as good as during the heyday.

Just a good opportunity.

Under the eyes of the Lordless Sword Lord and the Saint Ancestor, immediately, the Lordless Sword Lord killed the Lord of Time and Space with a sword, and the Saint Ancestor rushed directly to the two Lord Lords, holding the two with one's own strength. The Great God Lord made them unable to reinforce the Lord of Time and Space. In this way, the Lord of Time and Space must face the attack of the Lord of Swordless.

When it comes to strength, the Lord of the Unborn Sword is not the opponent of the Lord of Time and Space, but at this moment, the Lord of the Time and Space must suppress the Elder Sword Master, which is difficult to deal with the attack of the Lord of the Unborn Sword, let alone take the initiative to deal with the Lord of the Unborn Sword.

As long as the Lord of Ancient Swords returns, with his strength, it is enough to fight against the Lord of Time and Space. At that time, he and Xuanyuan Shengzu will join forces to fight against the other two gods, which can completely hold the demon's top combat power.

On the human race side, there is still a pair of Sword Masters.

Killing a dozen swords, and even killing more than a dozen gods and powerful men, is a successful assault on a weak god. Such a record, amazing, so combat power, and very terrible. As long as it is not the master of God, it is estimated that it is not Wushuang sword. Saint's opponents are enough for one person, one sword, and one overpowering god-level and even spirit-level **** and demon power.

In this way, this battle can be won.

As long as this time repels the invasion of the demon again, the next time the demon wants to invade, it will be more difficult.

Xuanyuan Shengzu alone resisted the two main gods, both of which were injured by the ancient sword masters, and the injuries were not mild. Even their gods and monsters recovered at an alarming rate, and it was difficult to heal for a time, only because of ancient times. The sword qi of the sword master is really overbearing, beyond their level.

The injury was difficult to heal, and the strength could not be fully exerted. It was obviously limited, and was immediately dragged down by Xuanyuan Shengzu.

Xuanyuan Shengzu also doesn't need to kill them, just drag and hold, so that the swordless master can release his hands and feet from attacking the **** of time and space without interference, thereby saving the eternal sword master.

In the face of the attack of the Swordless Lord, the time and space of the Lord of Time and Space is still distorted. On the one hand, it suppresses the return of the Eternal Sword Lord, and on the other hand, it makes time and space fingerprints to resist the attack of the Swordless Lord.

At this time, the Lord of Space and Time was really terrible.

As everyone knows ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If the Lord of Time and Space is in the demon world, its strength will be stronger, at least several percent stronger than it is now.

The top gods are 10% more powerful, which is very amazing, not to mention 20% or 30%.

The reason for this is because the difference between the ancient and the mysterious world has more or less an impact on the gods and demons, and repression will form in the form of the invisible, unless it is truly rooted in the ancient and mysterious world, such as the development of belief to a certain degree, can be in All the strength that broke out in the ancient mysterious realm is not affected.

It is also at this point that this battle can be delayed until the arrival of the ancient sword master, otherwise, these cross-border gods and demons will release their full strength, and it is estimated that the human race side has been defeated long ago.

Fighting broke out again.

Chen Zong refined God's main divinity, making Xiu Wei a constant improvement, while also wielding a sword to kill.

The inner universe is big enough to withstand the riot of the god-level deity. For better refining, Chen Zong will be able to fight. Although he cannot play all the cultivation, he can play 50% of the cultivation. The strength that bursts out is more arrogant than the strength of the inner universe. It is enough to deal with the gods and even the gods.

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