Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 54: Jian Lin Ancient Huangshan (Part 1)

At the gate of the gods and demons, a group of mages and masters joined forces to continuously build new large arrays, block the gate of the gods and demons, and prevent the gods and demons from coming across the border again.

This time, there are two sword masters guarded by the ancient sword masters, and two Taixuan great holy guardian guards. In addition, there are more swords and swords of the unparalleled sword master here, as solid as gold soup, in a short time, there are two sword masters who can reinforce , Even if you come to a few gods, you can resist.

The Masters of the Array Arrays formed the Array, while the Masters of the Ancient Swords and Chen Zong and others practiced in a temporary cave house not far away.

Suddenly, a shocking sword power broke out and shook the sky like a sky. Within the sword light, countless figures emerged, all beings, reincarnation of life and death, and it seemed to represent a brilliant world, also a ruin. desolate.

All the mysteries of the red dust, manifested in full number, become more and more clear, the sword power spreads out across the sky, suppresses the octagonal four poles, directly impacts the world.

惊 This shocking sword power did not last long, only about three breaths, it quickly weakened, faded, and eventually disappeared. However, the shocking power, but remained in the heavens and earth for a long time.

That scene, called imprint, is engraved into everyone's heart, and it is immortal.

"Hahahaha, thank you for performing swordsmanship." The ancient sword master smiled at Chen Zongxing and surprised Chen Zong.

In Kendo, the Vanguard Sword Master is a forerunner compared to himself, and he is a junior learner. Performing a ritual on the Vanguard Sword Master is the gift of junior kendo learning, but the Vanguard Sword Master does not need to. The same sword master level, the ancestor level, is worthy of the eternal sword master line sword ceremony.

I can even say that the existence of top sword masters such as the ancient sword masters, even ordinary ancestors, does not have that qualification.

现在 But now, the owner of Wangu Sword has been surprised by Chen Zongxing's sword ceremony.

However, the owner of Wangu Sword is very natural, only because he communicated with Chen Zong's swordsmanship, he was inspired and found an opportunity. He instantly realized, and realized the enlightenment of a few days and nights, which was better than his thousand-year retreat. On the basis, a little more refined, and his strength has also been improved by a few points.

The existence of the Master of the Ancient Swords is extremely high, and it is very obvious to improve it by a few points.

If so, he regarded Chen Zong as the same level.

Exchange, and then, again, to discuss each other with the ancient swordsmanship and Yixin swordsmanship, to prove the mystery of each other's swordsmanship.

When Chen Jian was unable to take the initiative when he was the first sword, he was directly passive, constantly resisting the sword attacks of the ancient sword masters, and only felt that each sword was carrying an extremely powerful force.

The second, third, fourth ...

Time and time again, the more and more confrontations, the more the future, Chen Zong will be able to resist the pure swordsmanship of the ancient sword master, by the tenth time, they can really counterattack, but still can not defeat the ancient sword Lord, although Chen Zong is making progress, the Lord of Ancient Swords is not standing still.

The two confronted each other almost once a day, and each time the confrontation improved.

The 100th confrontation, between the two figures staggered, Jianguang is in all directions, one of which is to represent all living beings, the sea is vicissitudes, and the other is to return to perfection, to the pure and perfect, and they are attacking each other endlessly, time and time again. The collision caused a lot of sword power, with a radius of hundreds of meters.

This is the sword sword blade between the ancient sword master and Chen Zong. It is a pure sword sword battle.

At this point, Chen Zong can finally compete with the Master of Eternal Swords to a certain extent, but it is still a bit behind to be truly equal.

It's just the limit.

I really reached the limit, it is difficult to go further in a short time, so Chen Zong made a resignation.

For this trip, go to Guhuangshan.

Chen Zong also looked at the owner of Wangu Sword. After reading it, he said that he could not lift the seal of Yu Nianxin's memory, because the memory seal was related to the blood of Yu Nianxin. If he shot it, If it is lifted, it will damage Yu Nianxin's blood source.

Nowadays, I can only find the ancient Phoenix Mountain and find the old ancestor of the ancient Phoenix.

As for why to go now, it is because Chen Zong is stronger. Although he has not yet reached the inner universe, but after refining two god-level deities and several spirit deities, the Xunyuan Xinli Nebula swirls. It also surged to a forty-mile radius, and became more and more domineering. Communicating and confronting the sword masters of the ancient swords for hundreds of days not only raised the sword to a new level, but also pushed the sword to a very terrible state. To the point.

配合 With the current strength and the power of Shangzhen Haizhu, Chen Zong has 100% confidence to fight against the ancestral class. That day, when the wind ancestors came back, Chen Zong also had the confidence to fight against it without falling behind.

Of course, if there is no Zhenhai Zhu, his strength is still worse than that of the ancestral class, but it is the pinnacle and invincible in the Great Holy Land.

If you promote Xiu Wei to the full level of the inner universe, Chen Zong pays for himself, even if there is no Zhenhai Zhu, he is enough to contend with the ordinary ancestral ancestor, at most it is just a little behind the wind.

Unfortunately, Chen Zong feels that if he wants to improve Xiu to the inner universe, it is estimated that he needs to raise the Xunyuan Xinli Nebula Vortex to fifty miles.

Ten miles is the peak of entry, twenty miles is the peak of small Cheng, and thirty miles is the peak of Dacheng, but it takes fifty miles to complete, which directly increases twenty miles. Not only that, but the more the Nebula Vortex expands outwards, every week day The bigger and the longer, the real length and depth from the peak of Dacheng to the full twenty miles, I am afraid that it is more than ten times ten miles when I start.

This means that the more difficult it is to improve in the future, but also, the increase in the strength of the Xunyuan Nebula One Mile in the future will bring Chen Zong's increase in strength even more significantly and amazingly.

Strong strength gives Chen Zong a stronger confidence, and he thinks he has the strength to face the ancient ancestors.

As for Yu Nianxin, he has also refined some orthodox-level deities. Now, Xiu Xiu has reached the peak of the small sacred realm, which is a distance away from the great sacred realm. This line can not be improved by refining the divine deities. It is the checkpoint, the bottleneck and the trance, that is to understand and condense out of the realm of the avenue.

At this step, Chen Zong could not provide any help to Yu Nianxin. She could only rely on her to enlighten herself. In this way, she might find an opportunity in a short period of time and then realize and successfully break through, but it may take a long time. In short, everything Not necessarily.

However, although I cannot provide help directly, there are some methods that I can try to make Yu Nianxin find a breakthrough opportunity. For example, go to Gu Huangshan and ask his ancestor to lift Yu Nianxin's memory seal. Maybe when the seal is lifted, Yu Nianxin can find an opportunity to see the breakthrough.

Regardless of the 100% guarantee, it is worth a try.

The seal of memory will be lifted sooner or later.

To improve, Chen Zong's speed has also become faster. He quickly rushed out of the Wanjian Ancient Realm and headed towards the Ancient Phoenix Realm.

As far as the Lord of the Gods walked away, now I do n’t know where to go, I ca n’t find it at all.

If the top God Lord like him hides intently, the existence of the Lord of the Ancient Swords is helpless, but this does not mean giving up. The threat of the Lord of Space and Time is too great, not only the Wanjian Ancient Realm is working, The same is true of other realms, trying to find the whereabouts of the demon, whether it is the Lord of Time and Space or other demon.

As long as you find the whereabouts of the demon and report it to the strongholds built by the major holy sites, and verify it, once you confirm that it is true, you can get great rewards. Even people who are not holy sites can become holy site disciples and enjoy the heritage of the holy site. And resources and much more.

The interest is touching. In the face of such heavy interest, no one is interested.

The ancient Xuanjie land area also boiled from this.

In such an atmosphere, Chen Zong also stepped into the ancient phoenix with Yu Nianxin, without any pause, flew directly to the ancient phoenix mountain.

Ancient Phoenix Mountain is the master of the ancient phoenix domain, but it is the Holy Land Supreme. There are ancient ancestors of the ancient ancestor class, there are also golden phoenixes, and there are several small sacred places. In addition, there are also some sacred places. The polar world is not in the minority, for many non-holy land forces, it is a very terrible existence, which requires the super existence that they look up to.

The two sword lights traverse the sky, and the speed is extremely fast. It seems to be rushing to the ancient Huangshan beyond all others. After a meal outside the ancient Huangshan, the speed from the speed to the stop is as if it violates some rules. There is no inertia at all. The slightest reluctance, so natural.

Following this, Chen Zong permeated Jianwei, as if an invisible storm and intangible tide stormed directly into the ancient Phoenix Mountain, shocked the ancient mountain guardian array, and immediately trembled, faintly between Inspired by it, there was a ray of red light as if the lights were lit, blooming, the flames diffused, and quickly outlined in the void, forming a virtual shadow.

The Phantom of the Flame Phoenix ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The Phantom of the Flame Phoenix is ​​a bit fuzzy, but it is a few kilometers in size. It is flared above the gate of the Ancient Phoenix Mountain, and the wings are slightly fanned. The incredibly powerful and fiery atmosphere seems to be able to incinerate everything in the world.

"This is the Red Phoenix Tianhuang Burning Array of Ancient Phoenix Mountains." Yu Nianxin said that she is the goddess of Ancient Phoenix Mountains, and she knows everything about Ancient Phoenix Mountains: "This large array is the guardian of the Ancient Phoenix Mountains. The battlefield, with full force, will have the combat power of the Great Holy Land. "

The formation method of the Great Holy Realm level is almost the top formation in the ancient mysterious realm. Of course, the large mountain guards such as Wan Jianshan will be stronger, reaching the level of barely resisting the ancestor level, than the ancient Phoenix. The mountain's Chiyan Tianhuang burned the virtual array was even higher.

"What is the great sacred realm?" There was a playful smile on the corner of Chen Zong's mouth. Such a formation is indeed very strong, but it is impossible to block himself now. It is nothing more than a few swords. Not to mention that it's only half-open now.

break out!

Jian Wei became more and more powerful, Chen Zong's sword rose into the sky, smashing the sky, as if an invisible giant sword rushed out of the sky, carrying the horrifying Jian Wei who was rock-shattered, and blasted directly to the Chiyan Heavenly Phoenix. The thousands of flames of the phoenix phoenix condensed from the sky, which is the phoenix of Chiyan Tianhuang.

It seemed that I was shocked by the shock of the sky. The red flame of the sky flame suddenly shouted, the sound was extremely sharp, and countless crimson rays emerged from all over the ancient Huangshan Mountain, and bursts of crimson light burst into the red. Yan Tianhuang's ghost image quickly solidified, as if to turn into substance.

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