Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 55: Jian Lin Ancient Phoenix Mountain (2)

The world-famous Jianwei is oppressed in the air, as if a giant sword breaks the sky, a sword is swept across a hundred miles, smashes the mountains and the ocean, and impacts the Chiyan Heavenly Phoenix condensed into a general substance. Unparalleled terror and fierce anger, sweeping all directions.

This is a sign of the full operation of the Chiyan Tianhuang Burning Array, which is enough to counteract the great sanctuary, and even the general great sanctuary can hardly gain the upper hand in the face of such a Chiyan phoenix.

An extremely high-pitched, sharp tweet sounded suddenly, blasting a heavy sound wave in all directions, detonating everything like, amazing.

The entire ancient Huangshan Mountain was also completely shocked.

"what happened?"

怎么 "Why does the Hushan array work at full capacity?"

The Red Flame Sky Phoenix Burning Array is usually open, but it has some special mechanisms. When it encounters a mighty impact, it will react in the first time and directly rise from the semi-open state to Fully opened state, and the power will burst to the extreme, resisting the invasion of strong enemies.

Compared with other mountain holy warriors in other sacred places, Zhichiyan Tianhuang Burning Array is excellent. Only a few holy warriors can win.

The maggots are now erupting to the extreme, and the Chiyan Tianhuang is condensed into substance, and all signs indicate that a strong enemy is coming.

Who is He?

Such boldness, daring to attack the Holy Land Guhuang Mountain?

Jaina ’s shocking sword power was resisted by the mountain guards, so the people in Guhuangshan did not feel it.

A golden fire suddenly rose from the depths of the ancient Huangshan Mountain, turned into a huge golden fire bird, struck across the sky, appeared in the large mountain guard, and the thousands of red flames Juxtaposed, although it is not as good as Chi Yantianhuang when it comes to form, it doesn't differ much when it comes to arrogance of breath.

Golden Phoenix!

The golden phoenix saint stared at him with an angry expression, his eyes radiated terrible and extremely brilliant, with an indescribable blazing heat, it seemed to burn everything and turn to ashes, only when the golden phoenix saint's eyes stared at When he saw the two figures standing erect as swords, his complexion suddenly changed.

How could it be him?

无双 剑圣 陈宗!

当中 Among the Suzaku holy places, this son left with a mighty sword and swept the Suzaku holy places, causing the Lord of the Suzaku to burst out. Even the Suzaku Tianyan, the inherited treasure of the Suzaku shrine, could not help the other party and was suppressed.

But then a strange ancestor came to his door and went directly to Chen Zong. He shot against Chen Zong, and Chen Zong was able to compete with it, showing an extremely terrible strength.

Although eventually defeated, the Star Sword Master of the Star Sword Palace came forward to this end, personally came to the sky with a sword, defeated the strange ancestor, rescued Chen Zong, and you can immediately see that the Star Sword Palace He attaches great importance to Chen Zong and is no longer alone.

The mighty strength and the back of the Star Sword Palace depended on it. Ancient Huangshan had to pay attention to it, and even the Suzaku Shrine did not have revenge.

Wu Wusheng Swordmaster took the ancient Phoenix goddess, and the Golden Phoenix Grand Saint knew that one day they would look for the ancient Phoenix Mountain, but they did not expect to be separated by this period of time.

Now, it's finally here. At this moment, Wushuang Sword Master, named Jinhuang Dasheng, is even more surprised.

Only because of the invasion of the Demon Realm of the Wanjian Ancient Realm not long ago, the Lord of God raged, and the Wushuang Sword Master made great power.

Killed many gods and powerfuls in succession, and even killed a weak god-level strong. Even though he was weak, he was also the god-level and not the ancestor. How could he deal with it.

之后 After the news of this battle spread, the world-famous sword master's world-renowned reputation reappeared, and the reputation of Wushuang Sword Master also spread far and wide, spread throughout the ancient mysterious land.

The ancient Huangshan Mountain is a sacred place and naturally received the news. The first reaction was not to believe it, but then it had to be believed. After all, the news is true and false. You can know it after verification.

What's more, that war also involved the ancient sword master, the first Kendo power in the world, and the entire ancient mysterious land ranked among the top three peerless powers.

I am so powerful and overwhelming. How can the Golden Phoenix Dasheng not be surprised? After all, when I first met, my attitude was very bad and full of hostility.

"Wushuang Sword Master came to my ancient Huangshan Mountain, why?" The situation is stronger than others. Even if the phoenix of the Golden Phoenix is ​​not so bad-tempered, he knows deeply that the strong must not be taken lightly, but she is also pretending to be stupid. It is clear why Chen Zong came.

"Where's the ancestor of the ancient Phoenix?" Chen Zong asked softly, his voice was not loud or strong, but it contained an astonishing sword and mighty sky. There was an unspeakable pressure in the voice.

As if the sky sword is coming!


Wu Jinhuang Dasheng further felt Chen Zong's horror.

Words and deeds of the stubborn will arouse the magic of the heavens, even if they do not take action, only eyes or words will be enough to suppress some weak enemies.

"Golden Phoenix King, my ancestors sealed my memory at that time, and I am here now to ask my ancestors to lift my memory seal." Yu Nianxin said softly.

It is reasonable to request to lift the memory seal.

But the golden phoenix looks more and more ugly, but it is helpless.

"The ancestors are in the mountains. If you want to see them, then come by yourself." After a few moments of silence, Jin Huang Dasheng suddenly showed a sneer, and immediately fell into shape and fell into the flames of Chiyan Tianhuang. At the center of this, host this large array.

At this time, if there is a strong host, it will burst into even more mighty might.

The purpose of the Golden Phoenix Grand Saint is very simple, that is, to control the Chiyan Heavenly Phoenix Burning Array with its own power, to urge the power of this array to the extreme, beyond the limit, so as to resist Chen Zong's attack. Chen Zong was even suppressed here.

As for the killing, she did not dare, because the Star Sword Palace attached great importance to Chen Zong. Once he was killed here, the Star Sword Master was afraid that he would come to the door, and his ancestors might not be able to stop him at that time. .

However, as long as it is suppressed, suppress the opponent's arrogance, so that the other party would not dare to come to the ancient Phoenix Mountain to find a problem, but also to leave the ancient Phoenix goddess again, no longer let her leave.

The Golden Abacus's abacus sounded loud, but can she really do it?

"Finally, we still have to fight." Chen Zong smiled, but he was not surprised. The sacred place on one side was not so easy to yield. This battle is imperative and I like it. After more than a hundred days, He and the master of the ancient swords always confronted each other, the sword skill is so advanced, even with a strength, also quickly improved, reaching an amazing point.

The confrontation between and the ancient sword master is only a pure sword skill confrontation, not a confrontation of real strength. After all, his strength is far worse than that of the ancient sword master. Pure swordsmanship can also be compared. If the true strength erupts,

I myself will be directly suppressed, it is estimated that even the sword of the eternal sword can not resist.

But with the improvement of sword skills, Chen Zong is still eager to make his own shot.

Then, the war is on.

When the thoughts moved, the mighty sword erupted again, and the sky and the moon were oppressed away. The thousands of wings of the Chiyan Tianhuang flapped, the screams reached the extreme, the towering Shengwei erupted, and the fiery red energy burst into the sky. It continued to spread at high altitudes, covering tens of thousands of meters.

Amazing coercion traversed, and as many as poured down, Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin felt that they seemed to be in a fiery oven, being constantly shocked, as if to be burned to ashes.

However, Yu Nianxin has the ancient Phoenix bloodline, which is the powerful sacred bloodline that controls the power of the fire. In addition, her cultivation has reached the peak of the small holy realm. Therefore, facing such a sacred power, she can still resist it. As for Chen Zong, although there is no blood, but the cultivation method of the inner universe is unique, combined with strong cultivation and towering swordsmanship, this sacred power can not really affect Chen Zong at all.

Chen Jianwei broke out, countering the suppression of Shengwei, Chen Zong then drew his sword.

Attention to the moment when the sky sword came out of the sheath, it brought a touch of autumn-like sword light flowing through the void, seemingly slow and gentle, but quickly breaking through the sky like a cold and lightning, breaking directly into the sky for dozens of miles, A sword and stone shook the sky.

Sword One!

This is the sword one with one-hearted swordplay, but it is not the sword one in the past, but the sword one that blends some of the mysteries of the ancient swordsmanship. It has risen from the original foundation, deeper and more mysterious, and it is also powerful. Improve again.

The ancient sword art consists of the red dust artistic conception and the ancient sword power. The red dust artistic concept is only inspiration to Chen Zong. After all, the single-minded sword art has its own artistic concept. The artistic concept is the core. If it is pure, if it is impure, it will affect the foundation of sword art.

Among the ancient swordsmanships that are really useful to Chen Zong is the ancient swordsmanship ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ that is a kind of powerful operation application skills, very superb skills.

The eternal sword power is superb. The sword is like a landslide and a rock breaking in the sky. The power is uncast and unmatched. Chen Zong has seen it with his own eyes. The power of the eternal sword attacked by him is extremely horrible, and breaking the void is just leisure.

With the help of Chen Zong's understanding and sword skill, and one-hearted blending, he could not realize the mystery of eternal sword power in a short time. He still fought sword art with the elder sword master every day and experienced it for hundreds of times before he finally realized and mastered it. This has never happened before.

Even if it is the great star epee, Chen Zong is also enlightened by his own ability, but the eternal sword art, if not for the guidance of the elder sword master, Chen Zong is not very sure, even if he can finally realize it, It takes more than a hundred times longer.

The magical power of Wangu sword skill is integrated into the one-heart sword skill. Although it cannot be completely integrated, but only part of it, it is also called the power of one-heart sword skill.

As soon as the sword was waved, the extremely condensed sword light swept through the air to the large array, and killed the thousands of Chiyan Tianhuang, even if it was only the first sword of swordsmanship, the weakest sword, but incorporated After a little mystery of eternal swordsmanship, the power was improved again, and Chen Zong's cultivation has reached a level near the completion of the inner universe.

He is so powerful and terrifying that he belongs to a more formidable level in the Great Sacred Realm.

The sky couldn't bear the slightest, and it was directly cracked into an astonishing dark crack, exuding a terrible sense of destruction.

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