Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 62: 1 sword slammed 0 million troops (on)

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The blood-red body, like the **** of gold, was indestructible. The second elder's extreme transcendental sublimation sword did not perform at all, but broke apart and turned into countless light spots.

This is a human, but not a human, because his appearance is human, but black and red. The film on his body is like a layer of **** gold armor, indestructible, but his eyes are very dull, and there is a bit of delay between actions. The breath emitted does not belong to the vitality that humans should have. Instead, it has a stagnant dullness like stone and metal, but it is undeniable that the breath is very strong and violent.

"Wow!" The second veteran looked so dignified, and even found that this was not a normal wren, but a holy order.

In other words, it's not called 傀儡, but it's called Enchanting. It's that the Purgatory Demon Gate sacrifices the corpse of the strong with a unique secret technique. Among them, they are called Deities.

But whether it is enchanting or demon, it is a kind of appellation. Its essence is demon. It is the sacrifice of the purgatory demon gate using the corpse of the strong as the main material. The body is as hard as a god. The force is amazing, and the force is terrible.

The second veteran even recognized from this enchanting face that this person was the deputy deity of the Great Sky Teacher.

The Great Sect of the Sky is a powerful sacred place on the same level as Mount Taihao. There is a great sacred place and a small sacred place. The Associate Dean is a strong sacred place.

Today, the priest of the Great Holy Land is dead and his bones are missing, but the deputy priest is suppressed and captured, refined into enchantment, and turned into the help of the purgatory demon gate.


This holy order enchantment once again blasted a punch, this punch, once again hit the array, the click sound sounded, the more cracks appeared.

Third punch!

Fourth punch!

Fifth punch!

Each punch carried the terrifying power of destroying the mountains and destroying the broken stars, and continuously bombarded the mountain guard array. The sword gas was violently blasted on the holy-order enchanted body, but they were broken and could not damage the slightest. .

Too tough, that enchanting body.

Five consecutive boxing shots fell, and more and more cracks appeared, too late to repair, and hundreds of disciples of Tai Haoshan were shocked to death, and thousands of disciples suffered more than vomiting blood.

These disciples maintain the operation of the mountain front with their own strength. The more deaths and injuries the more, the slower and slower the power supply of the large front, and the protection ability is gradually weakened.

Sixth punch!

With a punch like a comet, it repels the sky and crushes all directions. Its power is horrible. Immediately punching the array of punches into a punch hole, the arm suddenly trembles, and a vigorous force bursts out, centering on the punch hole, immediately broken. Drive away, as if the sky is falling down.

A few meters of hollows appeared immediately.

"Kill!" The people in Purgatory Demon Gate saw this scene and yelled, and rushed towards the hollow immediately, and the holy step enchanter shot again, expanding the hollow, from a few meters to a dozen meters, the entire body He also rushed into it and entered Taihao Mountain.

Be invincible!

It was just a face-to-face, the second elder was smashed by the sharp sword in his hand, and the whole person flew upside down. His chest collapsed and the sternum was broken. The internal organs burst directly. The whole body was covered with cracks. Numerous blood burst out. Into a palace, and finally inlaid on the wall of a palace, the whole body was broken, and the whole body was directly torn.

If it is not repaired with superb vitality, the second veteran may be dead.

Rao is so, but also dying soon.

Opening a fairly intact eye, the vision also became blurred. The second veteran vaguely saw the holy order enchantress slaying into Taihao Mountain, as if the devil had smashed into the rabbit group. Then they took away the lives of hundreds of disciples of Taihao Mountain, and the monster army of the Purgatory Demon Gate began to drive straight into the broken position.

I want to move, but I ca n’t move. I lose my strength and my vitality is passing away. My whole consciousness has begun to sink into the darkness, and I must continue to sink and sink into the abyss and never wake up.

Not willing!

The second veteran's heart was full of unwillingness, extremely unwilling, as if to rise to the sky to break the sky, but filled with helpless sorrow.

I could only watch the disciples being continuously slaughtered. The feeling of powerlessness made the second veteran hopeless, and the whole person fell into the abyss of despair.

It seems that there is a buzzing sound, it seems so grand and magnificent, but in fact it is very subtle, only the second veteran heard it, because now he wants to fall into the abyss of despair, the whole person is in a state of silence. Unconsciously, the perception of the surroundings has been raised to the extreme.

Mysterious and mysterious!

Lifting one eye hard to look, in the blurred vision, the second veteran seemed to see a crack appear, as if the cloth was cut by a sharp sword, there seemed to be a glimmer of sword light.

Did another powerful enemy invade?

Immediately, the second veteran thought a little more, and felt a sense of sudden realization.

It was Jianguang, it was the sword that split the space, and Purgatory Demon Gate was not proficient in Kendo.

So who is it?

Is it reinforcements?

A hint of hope quietly breeds in the heart of the second patriarch who is about to fall completely into the bottomless abyss of despair. As soon as he appears, he grows frantically, with a hint of hope, and pulls the mind that is about to fall into the abyss of despair .

It seemed that the blurred vision was clear for a few minutes, and then they saw two figures stepping out of the fissure in the space of several meters at the same time, standing in the middle of Taihao Mountain.

One of the figures, a little familiar between them, seemed to be seen somewhere.

These two people are Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin.

After a small pause in the Undead World but a small grudge that year, Chen Zong took Yu Nianxin and immediately left the Undead World and headed towards the outer universe.

At that time, Chen Zong once entered the world of the undead from Taihao Mountain, so he was impressed. Now he is cultivated to the highest level of prosperity. Following the impression of that year, he will directly look for Taihao Mountain's air engine through the void and return directly.

It is precisely because of this that it took a little time, but it is possible to return directly, but it also saves a lot of time than appearing again in other places.

However, Chen Zongwan never expected that what he saw when he returned was such a scene, a scene like the end of the world, a huge monster beasts rammed, and Tai Haoshan's disciples were continuously killed, even though they tried to fight back. , Can only kill part of the monster, such a counterattack is very limited.

Chen Zong also saw a black-red figure, and he was invincible. Any attack on him could not cause the slightest damage.

I also saw the distant second veteran dilapidated, as if it were a broken pool of flesh and blood inlaid on the wall, and was about to die.

Seeing the Lord Tianguangfeng and his elder disciples wield swords to slash and resist the attack of the monster army,

It was extremely difficult, and its master Tianguangfeng had a broken arm and was in danger.

I also saw that Taihao Mountain was the most overhead. The third generation Taihao was one person and one sword, and he was fighting fiercely with two demon sacred monsters, unable to reinforce Taihao Mountain.

Taihao Mountain is completely in a state of despair and in the turmoil, just like a broken flat boat on a raging stormy sea, and it will be broken at any time, and it will be broken into pieces and powder.

Chen Zong couldn't help but be glad to return in time. If he appeared in another place and rushed back, it would take some time. At that time, the second veteran would really be alive and dead, and the Lord Tianguangfeng would be killed. Many disciples in Taihao Mountain Will be slaughtered.


The miserable scenes that flooded into the depths of Chen Zong's eyes also inspired Chen Zong's inner anger and murder.

Purgatory Demon Gate!

If Chen Zong was against the Purgatory Demon Gate in the past, he is not an opponent and needs to be extremely jealous, but now, what is the Purgatory Demon Gate.


Instantly draw a sword, one sword breaks through the air, and it is directly divided into hundreds of swords and killed in the air. Each sword locks a monster, a monster of hundreds of meters, or even a monster of tens of meters. , Directly penetrated and torn.

These mighty monsters have a semi-holy level, which is equal to the level of the heavens and polar layers of the ancient universe in the inner universe. It may be nothing if placed in the inner universe, but it is very scary in this outer universe. Be invincible.

However, in the face of the sword qi issued by Chen Zongyi sword, he had no resistance and was killed as many times as possible. Taihao Mountain sword repairers who had been struggling hardly felt that the sword flashed in front of them, as if from nothing. It seemed that the tyrannical monster fell to the ground and died.

This sword directly rescued thousands of Taihao Mountain sword repairs.

However, it is not enough.

Yu Nianxin also pulled out the Huanghuang Sword. A sword swept across the sky, and an extremely high-pitched scream suddenly sounded. Then he cut out a stunning sword light. Then, the sword light was divided into hundreds of palm-sized flame birds. Sparrows blasted into the sky, killing one after another, killing hundreds of monsters again and burning to ashes.

These two swords directly shocked the monster army.

After all, it was not a trivial matter to die more than a thousand powerful monsters all at once. Only from the launch of the attack to the number of monsters killed by the battlefield, was it less than a thousand, but it was death in many days, and now It's just a short period of time and it has killed more than a thousand ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ how heavy the loss is.

Suddenly, all eyes looked completely at the two figures waving the sword.

The Purgatory Demon Gate was surprised and horrified, while the Taihao Mountain side was shocked. Some of them were stunned, and then they showed ecstasy, such as Tianguangfeng Lord and others.

It was a familiar face and a familiar figure. After leaving for many years, he returned.

At the same time, the holy order enchantment of the purgatory demon gate also erupted with an extremely terrible speed, as if smashing the impact of the stars, and directly turned into a black and red streamer like a violent thunder and destruction, where it passed, the void broke The ground is broken by shocking cracks.


The sacred step enchanter burst out with all his strength and shot them all in one shot, to kill the two people in a single shot, to slam the slag, to deter Taihao Mountain, completely sever all hope of Taihao Mountain, and repair Taihao Mountain sword The mind to the body was completely broken and shattered.

In the face of this incredibly powerful and condensing black and red thunderous light, Chen Zong's mouth hung a coldness.

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