Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 63: 1 sword smashes 0 million troops (middle)

"Beware!" Tian Guangfeng's look changed suddenly, and he shouted immediately, reminding Chen Zong.

Chen Zong left, and now returns, perhaps his strength is more powerful, but that is the holy order enchantment, equal to the holy order strong man, can Chen Zong be able to stop it?

When Tian Guangfeng shouted, he saw Chen Zong's gaze staring at him. After smiling at him, his body flickered and disappeared. When he appeared again, he was already in the second patriarch.

As for Yu Nianxin, she was immobile, facing a sacred step with a horrible and fierce impact on her face, a faint smile on her face, and then a sword.

On the Huanghuang Sword, there is a phoenix chanting in all directions, endless and endless, the surrounding voids are bursting, cracks are spreading out, countless spaces pouring out, seemingly to destroy everything.


The red sword light broke through the air, and a touch of golden light appeared, like a golden river. Immediately, the sword light turned into a tens of meters of red flame sky phoenix, striking directly in the sky, and the space where it passed was directly broken. Innumerable turbulences of space poured out like the torrent of a dyke, and directly bombarded the black and red enchanting.


Then the black-and-red enchanting flew out, and the whole body was trembling, and it was even cut by the sword.

It ’s just a sword, nothing more than that. The sacred stratum is so strong that even if it is a small sacred place, it is difficult to destroy the enchanting, but it was shot directly hundreds of meters away. When it landed, it fell down and was covered with cloth Full of sword marks, criss-crossing and shocking, the body is constantly burning red flames, as if never extinguished.


Everyone was stunned!

What kind of strength is this? It is just a sword, and it repels such a holy order enchantment, and it causes such terrible damage.

But the enchanting came again.

Enchanting, there is no so-called key point, and there is no feeling. Unless it is completely defeated, it will have fighting power.

Yu Nianxin frowned slightly, then immediately stretched, waving her sword again.

Holy Phoenix Sword Art ...

This sword is a trick.

Hundreds of meters of Chiyan Tianhuang condensed and killed again in the air. The power of this sword became more and more terrifying. It directly bombarded the holy-order enchanter, and the enchanter retreated back and forth, bearing the phoenix while backing After a few kilometers, the stupid enchanted body was broken, and it was gradually burnt black under the burning of the fiery phoenix fire.

Struggling to get up, the impact came again, but the speed dropped significantly more than doubled. When impacted in front of Yu Nianxin, he went straight down and was burned into coke under the burning of that violent phoenix flame. The flame did not go out, and continued to burn, burning to ashes.

This scene stunned countless people.

Holy Order!

That is the enchantment of the holy order, and it is invincible for the non-holy order. It is very difficult to kill the same holy order, unless the strength is absolutely suppressed.

But now, he was killed by two swords that he had never seen before, and was burned to ashes directly under the terrible fire.

What strength?

It is unimaginable.

The Purgatory Demon Gate originally broke through the protection of the large array and entered Taihao Mountain. It was murderous to destroy Taihao Mountain. Now this scene made them feel thrilled and extremely thrilled. Although the monsters were wild and innocent, they also had instincts. Where I feel bad, thriller, weakness for no reason.

That kind of breath is the breath that is directly suppressed from the blood, as if the beggar was facing the king and the nobility.

The raven is silent!

Suddenly, a loud laugh sounded, and the laugh was subtle and somewhat weak at first, but then became strong and strong, and burst into the sky with a mighty sword power.

Chen Zong, has rescued the second veteran, and restored it with the powerful elixir brought from the inner universe, and at the same time gave the second veteran the divine spirit. //

On the same day, many gods were killed, and the positive deities were transferred to Yu Nianxin's refining and absorption, while the spiritual deities were absorbed by Chen Zong's own refining, but also left some sub-level deities, not many, added up. But there are only a dozen of them. The remaining sub-gods are given to the sages of Wanjian Ancient Realm, so that they have the hope of re-impacting the sacred order, and part of them are given to the more excellent celestial orders. , Increasing their chance of impacting the Holy Order.

Under the deity of Taoist level, the second veteran not only completely recovered, but his breath continued to rise, becoming more and more arrogant, and the mighty sword stirred the situation and was magnificent.

The enlightenment of the sword that was originally used to sublime the sublime sword became clearer and clearer, as if it really broke through the puppet, and the road became clearly visible.


Over the sky, dark clouds converged, and a dazzling thunder shuttled through them, as if the thunder dragon roared, each thunder exuded a terrible breath and wanted to destroy everything.

That thunderous light turned into a sea of ​​thunder, the thunder roared the world, deafening, countless fissures spread, and the space was pouring wildly.


This is truly a calamity, also called a sacred calamity. It is precisely the calamity that the outer universe must go through to impact the sacred order.

If you cross the sky disaster, you will achieve the holy order, but if you do n’t pass the sky disaster, you will die. There is no luck. In the ancient and modern times, the universe should be under the sky. I do n’t know how many semi-sacred gods fall under the sky.

Now, the second veteran is going to cross the sacred calamity. Once he crosses over, he can achieve the sacred step. Taihao Mountain has an extra sacred step strongman.

However, sacred calamity is irreplaceable and cannot help, and it is up to you to go through it.

"Don't let him cross the robbery." A strong man at Purgatory Demon Gate roared immediately.

It would not be a good thing for them to have one more holy order.

Disturb, interrupt, and in doing so, the robbery will fail.

But with Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin here, how could the Purgatory Demon Gate meet.


Chen Zong's body flashed, holding a sword across the sky, one sword cut out 10,000 meters, and killed directly, killing thousands of people and monsters in the purgatory demon gate.

The sword light broke through and the swords were connected. The last sword ran across 100,000 meters and smashed countless people and monsters who killed the Purgatory Demon Gate have died. None of them can withstand Chen Zong's sword strength. .

Chen Zong did not even use his full strength, but only urged a small part of his strength. Just because he used his full strength, Tai Haoshan could not bear it.

This is the case. The purgatory demon gate was also killed by Chen Zongyi sword, causing countless deaths.

In this scene, the sword repairers of Taihao Mountain were extremely deflated and shocked, and the sacred calamity also landed. The thunder broke the heaven and earth like a shocking sword, and blasted the second veteran.

The second veteran held the broken sword, his eyes shot out of unparalleled sword light, his sword skyrocketed, and the sword was cut out directly across the sky to meet the thunder.

The robbery begins!

While crossing the robbery, Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin waved their swords to kill the Purgatory Demon Gate again and again. Under the two men, the Purgatory Demon Gate could no longer cause the slightest damage to Taihao Mountain, but was frightened. Crack, one by one fled to flee and want to escape away.

"You all have to die." Chen Zong's voice was full of extreme killing. The purgatory demon gate caused such damage and casualties to Tai Haoshan. When you want to kill them all, leave no one behind, and no one wants to escape.

With a flash of body shape, Chen Zong directly transformed into hundreds of figures, scattered all around, each figure seemed to be real, with a sword across the air, and he was invincible.

This is not a superb masterpiece, but it is formed by Chen Zong's instantaneous burst of speed and some small tricks. In the inner universe, this technique is difficult to perform, but it is different in the outer universe, as if all of a sudden Break free of **** and become easy.

Not long after, the people of the Purgatory Demon Gate died under the swords of Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin, most of them died under Chen Zongjian, and a few have already rushed out of the mountain guard and headed towards the universe in the distance.

Chen Zong smiled coldly, his body was still, but it was cut out with a sword. The sword light directly penetrated into the void and penetrated more than 100,000 meters.

At this point, all the invaders and the monster army of Purgatory Demon Gate were destroyed.

Tai Haoshan's disciples cheered first, but when they saw the corpses around the same door, they couldn't help quieting down, sadness came from their hearts, and they burst into tears. It was too miserable.

On the other side, the second veteran is still crossing the robbery. Although the sword is broken, it still has terrible power. This experience of life and death has made the second veteran thoroughly enlightened, Kendo breakthrough, and the divine-level deity. With the help of his power, his sword shattered the thunder.

"You are waiting for me here." Chen Zong said to Yu Nianxin, and then turned into a sword light soaring into the sky, because the battle has not ended, in the sky, it is the first generation of Taihao who met the two purgatory demon gates with one sword. The Great Holy Realm Demon God resisted with arrogant swordsmanship, but could not reinforce Taihao Mountain.

Otherwise, there is too Hao, and it is not so.

But Chen Zong also wondered ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Why didn't he see the first veteran? He is a holy order, even if it is a small holy realm, it is also a great power in the outer universe.

If there is the first veteran here, Tai Haoshan will not fall to this place, and the casualties will be severe.

Now is not the time to ask about this, it is necessary to go first to reinforce the first generation Taihao.

The first generation of Taihao had a sword in his hands, and he exhibited arrogant swordsmanship to meet the two demon gods, but the power of the two demon gods was extremely powerful. For a time, the first generation of Taihao fainted in the downwind, because the two demon gods not only Power is overwhelming, his body is extremely terrible, extremely strong, and healing ability is amazing. Even if it is hit by the first generation of Tai Hao, it will not be damaged, but it will heal in a short time.

In this way, Tai Hao was caught in a hard fight, and his power continued to be consumed, and he continued, as long as the power of the first generation Tai Hao was exhausted.

The two demon gods also kept talking to disturb the mind of the first generation Taihao. The tragic scene below, the first generation Taihao also noticed.

Suddenly, a mighty Jianguang soared into the sky, with an unparalleled astonishing sword power, bursting into the air, and immediately killed a demon **** without hesitation. to.

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